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Petroleum engineering report



Aim………………………………….……. 1


Equipment and materials …………….……2


Data and calculation……………….………4

Result and discussion……………….……..5,6

Conclusion ………………………..……….7

The purpose of this experiment is to use viscometer so as to fine (dynamic and Kinematic
viscosities) and effect of temperature on them.


Viscosity, resistance of a fluid (liquid or gas) to a change in shape, or movement of neighboring

portions relative to one another. Viscosity denotes opposition to flow. The reciprocal of the
viscosity is called the fluidity. Two types of viscosity are (Dynamic and Kinematic viscosities)
Dynamic viscosity is measure of fluid’s resistance to shear flow when some external force is
applied.  Kinematic viscosity is the measure of the inherent resistance of a fluid to flow when no
external force is exerted, except gravity. It is the ratio of the dynamic viscosity to its density, a
force independent quantity. Kinematic viscosity can be obtained by dividing the absolute
viscosity of a fluid with the fluid mass density. (Denton, 2004). Ostwald viscometer, also known
as U-tube viscometer or capillary viscometer is a device used to measure the viscosity of the
liquid with a known density. The method of determining viscosity with this instrument consists
of measuring the time for a known volume of the liquid (the volume contained between the
marks A and B) to flow through the capillary under the influence of gravity. Ostwald
viscometers named after the German chemist Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932). The instrument
must first be calibrated with materials of known viscosity such as pure (deionized) water.
Knowing the value of viscosity of one liquid, one can calculate the viscosity of other liquid.
Kinematic and dynamic viscosities will change with the change of temperature. It means any
change in the temperature will effect viscosity.

Equipment and materials

1. Thermometer

2. Pipette

3. Rubber

4. Heater

5. Ostwald viscometer

6. Beaker

7. Water

8. Gasoline

9. Suction

10. Stopwatch

Figure 2 pipette filler

Figure 1 Ostwald viscometer

Figure 3 pipette

1. At the first the constant water must be found at temperature 20 C to do so bring a beaker and
fill it with water and use thermometer to make sure the temperature is 20 C.

2. Then use pipette filler press air and simultaneously squeeze air out of the bulb place pipette
into beaker and press suction to withdraw water into the pipette. Put the pipette on the arm 1
of viscometer and press empty to drain water and water goes to the capillary tube which is
in arm 2 until it reaches the lower mark. Remove the pipette filler (suction) from the pipette
and put it on the arm 2 of viscometer then press the suction until water reaches the upper

3. Prepare stopwatch and press empty to drain water, draining water and starting stop watch
must be together the time of draining water from upper mark to lower mark must be
recorded. Which was (25.65 s ) and the constant of water was (0.0389)

4. Then use gasoline at temperature 22 C again drain gasoline into beaker and use thermometer
to know the temperature of gasoline which was below 22 C so that increase temperature
until 22 C by using heater then put pipette into beaker and press suction again to withdraw
gasoline into the pipette then put pipette into the arm 1 of the viscometer until gasoline
reaches the end of the caliper, put the suction on the arm 2 of viscometer to withdraw
gasoline up to the upper mark then use stop watch and press empty together to drain
gasoline until reach the lower mark and record the time which was ( 76.69s) at temperature
22 C

5. Again use a beaker and fill with gasoline and use heater to increase the temperature to 30 C
use thermometer to know the temperature after 30 C is achieved put pipette into beaker and
press suction again to withdraw gasoline into the pipette ,then put pipette into the arm 1 of
the viscometer until gasoline reaches the end of the caliper, put the pipette filler on the arm
2 of viscometer to withdraw gasoline up to the upper mark then use stop watch and press
empty together to drain gasoline until reach the lower mark and record the time which

6. Do this steps again two more times for gasoline but at the temperature 35 C and 46 C at
which the time was (79.375 s) and (82.395s) respectively.


Temperature =20c

Time=25.65 s

Kinematic viscosity of water=1mm2/s

C= 0.0389 mm2/s2

Temprature1=22 C

Time1=1:16:69min  76.69 s


V=c*time=0.0389*76.69= 2.983241 mm2/s

V=2.983241*0.01= 0.02983241 cm2/s

Dynamic viscosity=density*v= 0.82*0.02983241 = 0.02446 g/cm.s

Temperature2 =30 C

Time2= 1:21:56min 81.565 s


V=c*time= 0.0389*81.565= 3.1728785 mm2/s

V=3.1728785 *0.01= 0.031728785 cm2/s

Dynamic viscosity=density*v=0.816*0.031728785 =0.02589 g/cm.s

Temperature 3=35c

Time3=1:9.37 min 79.375 s


V=c*time=0.0389*79.375 =3.0876875 mm2/s

V=3.0876875 *0.01= 0.030876875 cm2/s

Dynamic viscosity=density*v=0.813*0.030876875 =0.025101 g/cm.s

Temperature4 =46c

Time4=1:22.37min 82.395s


V=c*time=0.0389*82.395 =3.20497 mm2/s

V=3.20497*0.01= 0.0320497 cm2/s

Dynamic viscosity=density*v=0.81*0.0320497 =0.02596 g/cm.s

Result and discussion

Temperature 20 C

Time 25.65 s

Kinematic Viscosity of water 1 mm2/s

Constant of viscometer 0.0389 mm2/s2

Table 1

Temperature C 22 30 35 46

Time S 76.69 81.565 79.375 82.395

Kinematic viscosity 0.02983241 0.031728785 0.030876875 0.0320497

Dynamic viscosity 0.02446 0.02589 0.025101 0.02596

Table 2








22 30 35 46
temperature C

Kinematic viscosity Dynamic viscosity

Chart 1

As it is shown in the table at temperature 20 C the constant of viscometer was (0.0389 mm2/s2)
but for the gasoline at the temperature 22 C the kinematic viscosity and dynamic viscosity was
(0.02983241 cm2/s and 0.02446 g/cm.s) respectively and at the temperature 30 C kinematic and
dynamic viscosities are (0.031728785cm2/s and 0.02589 g/cm.s) so compare to the previous one
it is increased, in fact it has to be decreased so it indicate that in the experiment there was errors.
While at temperature 35 C the kinematic viscosity was (0.030876875 cm2/s) and the dynamic
viscosity was (0.025101 g/cm.s) both of the viscosities are decreased compare to the previous
one the errors occurred in the experiment was may be because of temperature may gasoline gets
cool during the experiment or may be the recording of time was not exact may be the stopwatch
and pressing empty part of pipette filler (suction) was not exactly at the same time. Another error
may occurred was at the time when the gasoline was at the capillary tube of viscometer because
may be bubble was in it.


To sum up the two types of viscosities kinematics and dynamic was found at each temperature
by recording time, temperature effects viscosity (kinematic and dynamics).in which by
increasing temperature the viscosity will decrease.


1. Hildebrand, J, H, 1977, Viscosity and Diffusivity. S.L: ISBN

2. Egelstaff, P., 1992. An introduction to liquid state. (2nd ed) ed. S.I.: Oxford University press,

3. Symon, K., 1971. Mechanics. Third ed. S.I.: Addison-Wesley.


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