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A typical use of DB-FVS is to optionally output the tables outlined in sections 2.1 – 2.4 to form a simple relational
database. When any of these tables are output, the FVS_Cases table is automatically generated. The details of this
table are outlined below.
FVS_Cases contains a list of FVS projections, called cases. Each case is the projection of one stand run with a
specific set of options. A single run of FVS can include several stands, a few stands each run using different
options, or both. Therefore, one run of FVS may generate several cases. The FVS_Cases table identifies a case by
defining the data columns listed in table 2.0.1. This table is automatically generated if any of the other tables in this
section are generated.
Data in the FVS_Cases table can be joined to data in the following tables using the universal variable CaseID as
a key. Information in the other tables can be joined using CaseID and Year as keys.
FVS keywords are used to specify which output tables you want, as is done for other parts of the FVS system.
Joining information between tables depends on you not destroying the relationship between the CaseID values in
the related tables. This version of DB-FVS does not insure the integrity of these relationships.
Table 2.0.1 – The content of Data Type Description
the FVS_Cases table.
Column Name
Excel Access SQL
CaseID Text Text Char(36) Unique FVS case
Stand_CN Text Text Char(40) Stand control
StandID Text Text Char(26) Stand
MgmtID Text Text Char(4) Management
RunTitle Text Text Char(72) Label combining
the StandID and
the title assigned
to the run.
KeywordFile Text Text Char(50) The FVS keyword
file name used to
make the run.
SamplingWt Number Double Real The stand
sampling weight
entered using the
DESIGN keyword
or from the input
Variant Text Text Char(2) The FVS variant
Groups Text Text Char(250) List of grouping
codes assigned to
the stand
RunDateTime Text Text Char(19) The date and time
of the run in the
following format:

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