Use Cases: Version 1.0 Approved

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Use Cases


Online Fashion Shop Management

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by Karl Wiegers

Process Impact

Feb 22, 2020

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel

Revision History

Name Date Reason For Changes Version

Group 01 2/22/20 initial draft 1.0 draft 1

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel

Use Cases for Online Fashion Shop Management System Page 1

The various user classes identified the following primary actors and use cases for the Cafeteria Ordering

Primary Actor Use Cases

Customer 1. Order a Product
2. Change Products
3. Cancel Products Order
4. View Products
5. See order information
6. Select a paymment method
7. Manage Products Subscription
Shop Manager 8. Add new Product
9. Update a Produc
10. Delete a Product
11. View Products
12. Define a Products Special
Staff 13. Confirm the customer’s order
14. Request Products Delivery
15. Generate System Usage Reports
Deliverer 16. Record Products Delivery
17. Print Delivery Instructions
Use Cases for Online Fashion Shop Management System Page 2

ID and Name: UC-1 Order Product

Created By: Le Nhat Quang Date Created: 22/02/20
Primary Actor: Customer Secondary Actors: Fashion Inventory System
Description: Customers access the Fashion system through the website or application, view
fashion products and choose items to order, the items will be confirmed and
delivered to the specified location by the staff at the earliest.
Trigger: Customers want to order a fashionable item
Preconditions: PRE-1. Customers log in to websites or applications.
PRE-2. Customer adds product to cart.
Postconditions: POST-1. Order cart status is updated to "In Transit"
POST-2. Available quantity of items is updated.
Normal Flow: 1.0 Order a product
1. Customer search for products to buy
2. Application or website showing available products.
3. Customer chooses 1 or more items with quantity to buy (See 1.1).
4. Customer click on the purchase button in the shopping cart
5. The website or app displays ordered products, individual prices and total
prices, including taxes and shipping.
6. Customer confirms the order (continues normal flow) or cancel the request
(go back to step 2).
7. Customer fill out the delivery information. (See 1.0.E1)
8. Customer specified payment method.
9. Online Fashion Shop Management System confirms acceptance of the order.
10. Online Fashion Shop Management System sends customers an email
notification confirming order details, prices and delivery instructions.
11. Online Fashion Shop Management System stores orders, process and update
the quantity information of the products..
Alternative Flows: 1.1 Order multiple identical product
1. Customer requests a specified number of identical products. (See 1.1.E1)
2. Return to step 4 of normal flow.
1.2 Order multiple product
1. Customer asks to order another product.
2. Return to step 1 of normal flow.
Exceptions: 1.0.E1 Some field are empty
1. The system notifying customer must fill out the position and telephone numbers.
2a. If customer cancels the product ordering process, then Online Fashion Shop
Management System terminates use case.
2b. Else if the customer fills in the information, then Online Fashion Shop
Management System restarts the use case.
1.1.E1 Insufficient inventory to fulfill multiple product order
1. Online Fashion Shop Management System show message of the maximum
number of identical product customer can order, based on current available
2a. If customer modifies number of product ordered, then Return to step 4 of
normal flow.
Use Cases for Online Fashion Shop Management System Page 3

2b. Else if customer cancels the product ordering process, then Fashion systerm
terminates use case.
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: Approximately 1000 users, average of one usage per day. Peak usage load for this
use case is between 7.00 P.M. and 12:00 A.M. local time.
Business Rules: BR-1, BR-2, BR-3, BR-4
Other Information: 1. Customers can cancel the order process at any time before the order is
2. Customers can view the history of orders that he has placed, the system will
save payment methods so that customers can easily pay on the next order.
Assumptions: Assume that 30 percent of customers will keep placing orders next time

ID and Name: UC-4 View Products

Created By: Bui Nguyen Nhat Tam Date Created: 22/02/2020
Primary Actor: Customer Secondary Actors: Fashion shop system
Description: A Customer accesses the Fashion Shop System from the corporate intranet or from
home. Click on the product list to see all available products. You can view the list
of new products, best sellers or discounted products.
Trigger: A Customer indicates that he wants to see a product.
Preconditions: PRE. Customers must access the system.
Postconditions: POST-1. Products is stored in System with a status of “Available”.
POST-2. Inventory of available Products items is updated to reflect items in this
Flow: See list of products
1. Customer access to the system.
2. Customers click on the product list button.
3. The system displays available products sorted in alphabetical order.
4. Customers see each product and click on the product to see detailed
information such as name, price, size, color ...
5. Customers can turn the page to see more products..
Exceptions: 1. Product is out of stock but still displayed.
2. Product information does not match the image of the product.
3. Product posted on overlap.
4. The error system cannot display the product to the customer.
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: None
Business Rules: None
Other Information: 1. Customers can choose to view by selling products, new products and discount
2. Some items that are about to be imported will be displayed in the list.
Assumptions: New products are updated regularly will help attract 15% more new customers.
Use Cases for Online Fashion Shop Management System Page 4

ID and Name: UC-8 Create Product

Created By: Vu Van Hoang Date Created: 22/02/20
Primary Actor: Shop Manage Secondary Actors:
Description: This details the item-adding process for the system to access it. The
user should be able to add items to the cart and view information about the item.
Trigger: A Shop Manage indicates that he wants to create new product.
Preconditions: PRE-1.Run the application
PRE-2.The user has a registered account in the system and has logged on to the
website and has placed items in their website online shopping .
Postconditions: POST-1. The user has then created product their website online shopping and then
has the options to continue shopping or proceed to checkout.
POST-2. Inventory of available product items is updated to reflect items in this
Flow: 1.0 Create a product
1. User visits website and wants to add product their items.
2. Browse the categories.
3. User login into the website.
4. View the home page.
5. Select a category.
6. Browse through the items.
7. User chooses a button 'Create a Product'.
8. Add product to list product.
Alternative Flow Ở đây dùng giải quyết việc nhập nhiều sản phẩm bắt buộc phải quay lại
Normal Flow.

Exceptions: 1. Product names cannot be the same

2. Basic data of product in incomplete.
3. Datetime invalid
4. Text field is too long to save in database.
5. Invalid data type
6. System notify user that an error has occurred
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: None
Business Rules: None
Other Information: 1. The manager may cancel create product before confirming.
2. The default date of create product is the current date if the Manage is using the
system before the cut-off date today.
Assumptions: The Shop Manage is aware of the steps required to use the System.
Use Cases for Online Fashion Shop Management System Page 5

ID and Name: UC-13 Prepare Product

Created By: Nguyen Duy Thanh Date Created: 22/02/20
Primary Actor: Staff Secondary Actors: Prepare product
Description: The staff will check the order product from the customer, call to confirm the order
product, pack the order product and then delivery to the customer.
Trigger: Staff must check customer orders product.
Preconditions: PRE-1. Staff is log in system.
Postconditions: POST-1. Staff must check orders regularly.
POST-2. Staff need to update the number of products in the shop.
Normal Flow: 1.0 Prepare Product
1. Log into the website to check orders.
2. Update orders information.
a. Date orders.
b. Information of customer.
c. Orders detail.
d. Notes.
e. Orders status (No packages, packages are waiting to be sent, sent,
customers have received the goods and canceled the order.).
3. Call to confirm order.
4. Packing, choose the appropriate shipping partner.
5. Check, handle problems during delivery.
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 1.0. E1 Employees could not check orders without logging into the system.
1.0. E2 Must ensure the source of the shop.
Priority: High
Business Rules: None
Other Information: Shipping partners will return the goods to the shop if the customer does not receive
the goods.

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