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Minutes of Meeting



NABIHA AMIN 5 Number of members present
JUNAID ABBASI 1 HOUR (times) average hourly rate
ZERYAB GUL 45 Minutes (times) average benefit value
KAINAT IRSHAD 0 (equals) meeting costs
START: Time 11:30 AM Location BBA DEPARTMENT BENCHES Guests All group members
List objectives of This Meeting
Since it was our second minutes of meeting, we were already prepared to make the most of
the time we spend together, learning and discussing minor to big facts and figures related to
the case study. Our main objective was to read the case study individually and then discuss
with other group members so that the rest of us get a proper understanding through question
answer sessions together.
HISTORY: Read and Approve Previous Meeting Minutes YES
List Old Business Discussed
In our previous minutes of meeting, we started our discussion with a detailed introduction
towards the working of UNHCR and its history and then we looked forward to the case study.
We read almost 8 pages which covered 3 topics including:
1: Introduction
2: Repatriation Cash Grant
3: Other Multipurpose Cash Programs in Afghanistan
ACTION: Describe How the Objectives of This Meeting Were Accomplished
After our first meeting, we already had a know how about the working of UNHCR and how it
is contributing to saving people’s lives and helping the refugees. Now in the case study we
were looking towards the working of UNHCR and how the voluntary cash repatriation grant
is contributing towards the wellbeing of refugees. We achieved the objectives by reading
individually first and then one by one by explained our part to our teammates. In this way we
opened room towards maximum discussions and we also asked questions from each other for
proper understanding and evaluation of how much we have learnt. In this way we were able
to make most of our time of the meeting.
RATE: How Do We Feel About This Meeting? We feel that what we learn through
discussions and meetings stays in our mind and makes things easier to understand rather
individual learning. We understood better and learnt better this way.
What Will We Do Different Next Meeting?
In the next meeting we aim to complete our case study since we have already completed more
than half of it.
PLAN: Schedule the Next Meeting, List Objectives, List Assignments
Date: 13-03-2020 Time: 11 AM Location: Library 1 Floor
Our next objectives include completing the case study and having a quick review of the
complete case study so that we get the maximum knowledge that we need to proceed further
for the final presentation.
Assignment Responsible Party Due Date
1. Shelter Zeryab Gul 02 -April-2020
2. Energy and Environment Junaid Abbasi
3. Wash and health Nabiha Amin
4. Education Kainat Irshad Abbro
5. Conclusion Umair Ali

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