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Copernican, Darwinian, Freudian

Copernican Revolution

Claudius Ptolemy
• Following Aristotle, he proposed that the
Earth is the center of the universe.
• Geocentric Theory (Geocentrism)
• The Almagest
Copernican Revolution

Nicolaus Copernicus
• 1473 – 1543
• Polish mathematician,
astronomer, physician, jurist,
diplomat, cleric, artist, poet,
economist, and linguist (translated
ancient Greek texts into Latin).
• Catholic believer
• De Revolutionibus Orbium
Caelestium (On The Revolutions of
the Heavenly Spheres)
Copernican Revolution

Nicolaus Copernicus
• He suggested that the center
of the Solar System is the SUN
and not the EARTH.
• This theory is known as the
Heliocentric Theory
• Marked the birth of modern
Copernican Revolution
Copernican Revolution

Galileo Galilei Johannes Kepler Isaac Newton

(1609) (1609-1619) (1687)
Darwinian Revolution

Charles Darwin
• An English naturalist, biologist, and
• On the Origin of Species, 1859
• Introduced the Theory of Evolution
– “populations pass through a
process of natural selection in
which only the fittest would
• His belief was contradictory to the
teachings of the church.
Darwinian Revolution

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

• Evolution, or change over

time, is the process by
which modern organisms
have descended from
ancient organisms.
Darwinian Revolution

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

The Struggle for Existence-

members of each species
have to compete for food,
shelter, other life necessities

Survival of the Fittest - some

individuals better suited for
the environment.
Darwinian Revolution

Galapagos Island and the
Galapagos Finches

These finches are

considered to be the
world’s fastest-evolving
vertebrates because their
appearance and behavior
quickly adapted to this
closed and rapidly
changing environment.
Darwinian Revolution

Evolution (Evidences)
Homologous Structures

Physical features shared due to

evolutionary history
Darwinian Revolution

Evolution (Evidences)
Analogous Structures

physical similarities
which evolved
independently in
different organisms
because the organisms
lived in similar
environments or
experienced similar
selective pressures.
Darwinian Revolution

Evolution (Evidences)
Molecular Biology

At the most basic level, all living

organisms share:
-The same genetic material
-The same, or highly similar,
genetic codes
-The same basic process of
gene expression (transcription
and translation)
-The same molecular building
blocks, such as amino acids
Darwinian Revolution

Evolution (Evidences)
Geographic Distribution

The geographic
distribution of organisms
on Earth follows patterns
that are best explained
by evolution, in
combination with the
movement of tectonic
plates over geological
Freudian Revolution

Sigmund Freud
• PSYCHOANALYSIS – the study that
explains human behavior.
• he explained that there are many
conscious and unconscious
factors that can influence
behavior and emotions.
• Personality is a product of three
conflicting elements: ID, EGO, and
Freudian Revolution

ID, Ego, and Superego

• According to Freud's model of
the psyche, the id is the
primitive and instinctual part of
the mind that contains sexual
and aggressive drives and
hidden memories, the super-
ego operates as a moral
conscience, and the ego is the
realistic part that mediates
between the desires of the id
and the super-ego.
Freudian Revolution

Sigmund Freud
Five Stages
• Oral stage
• Anal stage
• Phallic stage
• Latency stage
• Genital stage

*erogenous zones

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