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Humanitarian Logistics: A Thematic Analysis

1. A Roadmap for Higher Research Quality in Humanitarian Operations: A Methodological Perspective – [CITATION Kov19 \l
1033 ]

Key Themes Description of Key Theme Dominant Concepts References
Research in the field of Humanitarian Operation is (Kovas & Moshtari,
growing 2018)

Identifying the real problems and priorities in the [ CITATION laT12 \l 1033
humanitarian aid sector and considering the ]; [ CITATION Ped16 \l
Research in changes in the operational routines of humanitarian 1033 ]
1 Humanitarian organizations and advancements in new
Operations technologies are critical in conducting rigorous and
useful research; otherwise, the solutions offered to
humanitarian organizations will not be related to
their needs, and the models will not be applied by
practitioners in the end
The humanitarian setting differs from a commercial The first key difference is the objective of disaster [ CITATION Gup16 \l
setting in several aspects, which have to be incorporated management, which is not profit making but saving 1033 ]
in theory and in modelling research projects. lives and reducing human suffering.

The second main difference is that humanitarian

Humanitarian VS organizations operate under high levels of [ CITATION Lib13 \l 1033
2 Commercial uncertainty with respect to, inter alia, the timing, ]; [ CITATION Hoy15 \l
Setting place, and quantity of demand; availability of 1033 ]
international and local supplies and funding,
destabilization of infrastructure, the number of
other organizations responding to the same
disaster; and the reaction of beneficiaries.

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Humanitarian Logistics: A Thematic Analysis

Key Themes Description of Key Theme Dominant Concepts References
3 Identifying the I. Problem definition and research design  Understanding the problem characteristics [ CITATION Gal13 \l
issues and areas to  Understanding the real needs of humanitarian 1033 ]; [ CITATION
emphasize in organizations Ana14 \l 1033 ]
order to improve  Considering the previous and on-going solutions [ CITATION Gup16 \l
HO research  Collecting field and real data 1033 ]; [ CITATION
Ped161 \l 1033 ]

II. Understanding contextual factors  Different characteristics of each disaster [ CITATION Alt06 \l 1033
 Different characteristics of each HO ]; [ CITATION Whi11 \l
 HO’s decision-making structure 1033 ]; [ CITATION laT12
 Number of actors and their diverse perspectives \l 1033 ]; [ CITATION
 Dynamic context Gup16 \l 1033 ]
III. Acknowledging the uncertainties in HO  Beneficiaries’ needs [ CITATION laT12 \l 1033
 Supplied commodities ]; [ CITATION Ana14 \l
 Funding uncertainty 1033 ];
 Limited or damaged infrastructure
 Beneficiaries’ behaviour
IV. Choosing appropriate methods  Data [ CITATION Alt06 \l 1033
 Research methods ]; [ CITATION Whi11 \l
1033 ]; [ CITATION laT12
\l 1033 ]; [ CITATION
Gup16 \l 1033 ][ CITATI
ON Gal13 \l 1033 ];
[ CITATION Hoy15 \l
1033 ]
V. Incorporating uncertainty in the modelling  Correct assumptions [ CITATION Cau12 \l
 Objective functions 1033 ]; [ CITATION laT12
 Integrated models \l 1033 ]; [ CITATION
Gal13 \l 1033 ];
[ CITATION Ana14 \l
1033 ]; [ CITATION
Gup16 \l 1033 ]
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Humanitarian Logistics: A Thematic Analysis

Key Themes Description of Key Theme Dominant Concepts References
VI. Use of enabling technologies for model  Integrating models with information systems [ CITATION Cau12 \l
development and implementation  Decision support systems 1033 ]; [ CITATION laT12
 Suitable solution algorithms \l 1033 ]; [ CITATION
 Real-time information updates Gal13 \l 1033 ];
[ CITATION Ana14 \l
1033 ]; [ CITATION
Gup16 \l 1033 ];
[ CITATION Bal16 \l
1033 ]

Triangulating methods and data from different resources  Findings, recommendations, and theoretical [ CITATION Kov19 \l
allow authors to draw stronger and more acceptable insights offered by studies must be validated in 1033 ]
Mixed Methods conclusions to practical HO issues practice by –
approach in HO o Simulations and experimental studies
Research and the o Testing the theoretical model by a different
importance of (qualitative or quantitative) dataset
Research  When suggesting a new decision-making model
Validation or tool, researchers have to clarify its benefits in
comparison with on-going solutions or routines
in humanitarian organizations.

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Humanitarian Logistics: A Thematic Analysis

2. Developing and analysing framework to manage resources in humanitarian logistics – [ CITATION Ahm19 \l 1033 ]

No Key Themes Description of Key Theme Dominant Concepts References

Coordination is the essential driver for every humanitarian [ CITATION Ahm19 \l
supply chain administration. 1033 ]
Coordination in
Humanitarian Supply Collaboration can be enhanced through the sharing of
Chain information, mobilization of resources, transportation and [ CITATION Dub18 \l
Administration combined procurement of materials within a humanitarian 1033 ]
supply chain

Generally, humanitarian organizations do not have sufficient [ CITATION Bal10 \l

resources available to immediately cater to any disaster and 1033 ]; [ CITATION
Factors affecting require coordination with other organizations for support Mos16 \l 1033 ];
Resource [ CITATION Sig19 \l 1033
2 Management in Factors affecting the coordination of humanitarian activities
Humanitarian Supply include the commitment of partners, usage of information
Chain technology, the interaction between partners, developing a
trusted environment, etc. [ CITATION Kab15 \l
1033 ]
Temporary networks are often the norm in emergency relief [ CITATION Ahm19 \l
operations, whereby several individual logisticians from a 1033 ]
Temporary variety of organizations must work together.
Networks in
Humanitarian Supply Groups in humanitarian logistics operations are better [ CITATION Maj07 \l
Chain classified as Hastily Formed Networks (HFNs) or emergent 1033 ]
response groups

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Humanitarian Logistics: A Thematic Analysis

No Key Themes Description of Key Theme Dominant Concepts References

Trust is a critical factor for effective coordination in supply [ CITATION Gol03 \l
network management 1033 ]

Swift trust (ST) is a form of trust occurring in temporary [ CITATION LuQ18 \l

Trust in organizational structures, which is assumed by group 1033 ]
4 Humanitarian Supply members initially and is later verified and adjusted
The actors of humanitarian relief supply chains like local
government, armed forces and private sectors have different
[ CITATION Tat10 \l
interests, but for relief operation demands, they rapidly build
trust at the same time and the same place 1033 ]

The exchange of data between the two parties is known as [CITATION Ahm19 \p
Information Sharing. 273 \l 1033 ]
Information Sharing
5 in Humanitarian To achieve the proper outcomes and desired results, the
Supply Chain [ CITATION Loc05 \l
proper collection of information, its sharing and processing 1033 ]
are necessary

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Humanitarian Logistics: A Thematic Analysis

3. Corporate engagement in humanitarian action – [ CITATION Hot19 \l 1033 ]

No Key Themes Description of Key Theme Dominant Concepts References

Traditional drivers are struggling to efficiently and effectively [ CITATION Hot19 \l
respond to humanitarian emergencies, as a result firms and 1033 ]
multinational enterprises have stepped up their role as
potential partners in humanitarian relief efforts
Role of corporations
1 in Humanitarian There has been an increased involvement and reliance upon
Emergencies non-traditional drivers for delivering humanitarian assistance, (Sezgin and Dijkzeul, 2016)
including faith-based organizations, armed groups and local
businesses and multinational enterprises
- Indirect Support (financial aid etc.)
- Direct Support (active participation)

Companies also engage in humanitarian initiatives in  Philanthropic Motives [CITATION Off17 \l 1033
anticipation of long-term benefits  Commercial Opportunities via access to new markets ]
Rationales for  Desire to accrue reputational and motivational
2 Corporate benefits
Engagement  Means to reduce business risks and mitigate losses
 Establishing networks with international organisation
with the aim of future gain
Motivating firms to engage in the delivery of humanitarian Over 90 per cent of firms attach considerable weight to the [ CITATION Off17 \l
assistance and in getting them to sustain their engagement expected returns when deciding whether to pursue 1033 ]
throughout the different phases of a crisis humanitarian partnerships
Challenges in Ensuring the effectiveness of corporate engagement in Often time, effectiveness of corporate engagement in relief [CITATION Hot19 \p 212
Corporate humanitarian action because effective engagement requires efforts is not guaranteed in practice and may even be \l 1033 ]
Engagement in close collaboration between private and humanitarian actors detrimental to relief operations under certain conditions
Humanitarian Crises
Ensuring effective and ethically sound corporate engagement Firms may not adhere to humanitarian principles or be unable [CITATION Hot19 \p 212
in humanitarian action or unwilling to comply with them, especially when these \l 1033 ]
principles conflict with their commercial interests or
4 Avenues for Future Future studies may similarly explore how stakeholders’ Need for positive research agenda [ CITATION Hot19 \l
Research expectations drive and shape the engagement of - Has the potential to generate insights that make a 1033 ]
multinational enterprises in humanitarian action difference to human lives and safety across the globe

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Humanitarian Logistics: A Thematic Analysis

Need for critical research

- The motivations for corporate engagement are often at
least partly utilitarian and multinational enterprises may
prioritize short-term rather than structural engagement
with humanitarian initiatives

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Humanitarian Logistics: A Thematic Analysis

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