Food Around The World L6 (Activities Book) PDF

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Activities to accompany the Oxford Read and Discover nonfiction reader Sl (Oxford Read and Discover provides interesting and ‘educational content, with activities and project work ‘The Activity Books provide addtional, chapter-tinked readin, writing, and grammar practice, as well as consolidation Activities, They also use the non-fiction content in the reader to support and develop the students’ critical thinking skis Series Editor: Hazel Geatches @ Wvel3 Level 5 @ isohrrdnons GH Seorexdvoes @ level's @ rer herdvort SNM! 50 HGNCO. OXFORD. ‘ermal arb ena {oer pie werent ne pep WislotieStnehontietenome tne depres Oe ‘optus napa econ {ots ot oy a ae on oS Introduction €)Pae3) 1 Circle the correct words. 1 Whereis ice popular? Greece / Australia (Thailand) 2 What does pizza have on top? cheese and tomato /chicken /chocolate 3. What ae French res made from? peanuts / potatoes /rice 4 Which food is very good for you? potato chips /ice cream /frut 5 Where was chocolate invented? Europe /South Asia Central America 6 Where do people often make drinks from yogurt? India /Canada / Vietnam 2. Write about a popular food from your country. Name of food: 1 What is it made off 2 What do people eat with it? 3 In which other countries is this food popular? 4 Do you like it? Why /Why not? ©) Food for Life €)rase47 1. Write the words. Then number the pictures. she S 3 1 This vegetable gives us iron, _ broccoli 2 This isa source of sugar. 3 These have lots of Vitamin 4 These give us protein, 5 These have lots of Vitamin A, 6 This is a good source of carbohydrates. 2 Complete the sentences. £1. 5 help to build muscles. sive your body energy. —help you grow well and stay healthy. ___ help your body fight diseases. helps build strong bones and teeth. _ keeps your blood healthy, 3 Order the words. Then write true or false. 1. source /good/ of / Yogurt /a/calcium./is Yogurt is a good source of calcium, rue 2 Vitamin A./tots /Spinach / of /has 3 of / Vegetables /lots/fats./have 4 You, get/products./ proteins / plant /from /can 5 body /slowly./ Your /sugar digests 6 ssalt/Your /diseases./to//needs /fight /body 4 Complete the sentences. 1 Your body digests grain products slowly _. (slow) 2 Your body digests sugar __. (quick 3 You need some fats to grow _. (good) 4 You need to eat right nutrients. (careful) 5 Youcan ‘get more vitamins by eating more fruit and vegetables. easy) to make sure that you get the 6 Don't eat too much candy. Eat foods that are —___ sweet. (natural) (2) Food Producers (€)asaai) 1 Complete the sentences. 1 Arable farmers grow —__ 2. Farmers grow rice in 3 Livestock farmers produce 4 Fishermen catch 5 On fish farms, fish tive in 2 Order the words. Then write true or false. 1 fields./crops /in/Some/ grow 2 grown /are /orchards./ trees /in / Apple 3. produce / Livestock /food./raise / animals /farmers /to 4 need /don’t/ Rice /water./plants /much 5 nets./often / Deep-sea /use/fishermen /big 6 are/farms./Tuna/on/fish /raised 3 Answer the questions. 1 What do arable farmers do before they plant their crops? 2 Where do they take their crops when they are ready? 3. What types of animals do livestock farmers raise? 4 Why do livestock farmers raise chickens in closed yards? 5. Where do fishermen catch trout? 6 Where are oysters raised? 4 Complete the sentences. Then write sentences with the extra words. artificial machines saltwater coops harvest paddy fields 1. Some farmers use modem to plow thelr fields, 2 When the crops are ready, farmers them, 3. Farmers grow rice in 4 Farmers sometimes bulld houses called for their chickens. Food Origins €)Fassi25i8) 3 Correct the sentences. 1 Complete the chart. Then write sentences. 1 People started growing com for food 800 years ago. People started growing cor years ago 1 A 0) Ce ople starled growing corn for food 8,000 years a native people of Central America Native Americans 2. George Crum was a cook in a school in New York. ee ee ees Ce 3 People in China made desserts with ice and water. invented | 2out 5.500 ] [wees 4. Native ar Le enjoyed eating h casi | itive American people enjoyed eating hot rice. By J - cs = 5 In 2007, a chocolate candy made with milk was invented. 2 Complete the sentences. 1 Native Americans made popcom by cooking corn over, 6 The first ice cream factory opened in Spain. ‘They used it for food and to make = 4 Write complete sentences with these words. 2 The native people of Central America used — . archaeologists spley Ancient Romans seeds to make a drink, Their hot chocolate drink wasnt a cs sweet. It was 3 Many years ago making ice cream was hard work because people had to_____the cream by hand. Then Nancy Johnson invented the ice cream _ 4 In 1853, the cook George Crum played a____ona ‘customer. He made some French fries that were thin ike They were the first potato chips. Typical Dishes €)Fasesi659) 4 Order the words. Then answer the questions. 1 n/the /ypial/most/dsh/ What aly? is 1. Write the words. is What is the most typical dish in aly? 1 Pizzaand_—___ aretrom tay hai a is cooked very slowly ina special pot. on wae 3 Koreans eat some ____ every day. 4 Mexican _ isa type of thin flat bread. 5 ___. is one of the most typical foods in 3 stollini/shape / What /pasta?/is Morocco oo { a healthy Korean food with lots of vitamins. 2. Answer the questions. 4. are/Mexican /with? /What/ tortillas /made 1 What is couscous? II's typical food in Morocco. _ 2 What is mote poblano? 7 — 3 What is sikiryer 5 Match. Then write complete sentences, A Whetle lest pasta is com flour or wheat flour 5 What Is tajne? : pizza ismade from many different shapes sikiye {smade rom | wheat lou, tomato and cheese torilas are made from vegetable and meat or seafood 3 Write about atypical dish from another country ‘ajine comes in sweet ik Rasta comes in many different shapes, 6 What is kimehi? Name of dish: 1 11 Where does it come from? 2 2 What is it made from? 3 4 5 3 What do people eat with it? (5) Cool Drinks (€)Psse20i3) 3. Write L (lassi or (tamarind juice). Then write the sentences in order. 1. Complete the chart. Then write sentences. pa ane : ‘Then add pepper and other spices. To make the sweet drink, mix some yogurt with ice and sugar in a blender. ‘Then take out the pulp and cook it in hot water. { ‘Sudan Spain Name of drink:| gual Wes made with: | baobab fruit 1 Gubdi is a drink from Sudan, I's made with baobab fruit To make the savory drink, mix the yogurt with salt. a Finally, add cold water, ice, and spices. [enn ene Put the seed pods in water for two to three hours. 2 Complete the sentences. Then write sentences with the ‘Then add some fresh fut. ‘extra words. Lass recipe ~ To make the swel rin, mix some yogurt wih savory Vitamin € miishake fresh refreshing and sugar in a blender Jeeand sugar in a blender, — squeeze seed pods summer 1 Lassiis a cool drink, so many people drink it mn __ It can be sweet or 2 The __from the tamarind tree are large and Tamarind julce recipe - _ brown, People eat them —__or use them to make tamarind juice. 4 Write a recipe for a drink from your country. 3. Farmers from Sudan drink gubat in the summer because it's : «Its healthy because it has a lot of '6) Street Food (€)Pases2iiz7) 1 Complete the chart. Write the street foods. (Thailand | Belgium | Turkey Brazil } | fishcakes 2 Complete the sentences. 1 In Brazil, popular street foods. Sweet Is one of the most ee are popular for desert. 2 Some of the most typical street foods in Thailand are {and sticky rice with — are pieces of meat which spicy. people barbecue on sticks. — ate a popular street food in Belgium. For dessert, you can eat _ with ice cream, chocolate or fruit. 4 In Turkey, many people eat a special bread called _—for breakfast. For lunch, they can eat flat bread with meat and different vegetables, called 3. Order the words. Then write true or false. 1 drink / Acai/in /poputar/Is/Thalland./a 2 can/Belgian /chocolate./ wattles /eat /with/You 3 chili Simit/on/with /is /top./ring /bread /a 4 popular /Popcom /in/is/Brazll/snack/a 5 can/vendors//in/see/on /Thailand./ You / motorbikes 6 lke/thelr/to//French /fries./ ugar / Belgian /to/add/ people 7 In/You/Thalland./ can /fishcakes / watch / ry / vendors 4. Write complete sentences with these words. tapioca flour carts curry sauce barbecue cherries Special Desserts (€)Pages 28-31) 1 Match. Then write complete sentences. cstrd dink canada alpokat_ 7 dessert Peru rape sup dessert the United Kingdom ‘mazamora morada yup Indonesia 1 Casstard isa dessert from the United Kingdom. a 3 se 2 Order the words. Then answer the questions. 41. made/is/with? / custard / What 2 from? /Where /trifle/is 3. Is/What/ mazamorra morada? / color 4 popular/ What/a/in milkshake /is/ Indonesia? 3. Write C (custard) or A (alpokat). Then write the sentences in order. Mix all the ingredients together. = Eat it warm or cold Mix the avocado and milk ina blender. Pour it into a glass. You need eggs, milk, sugar, and vanilla, ‘You need avocado, milk, and chocolate milk ‘Add the chocolate mitk ‘Then cook them very slowly. Custard recipe - You need eggs, mil sugar, and vanilla, Alpokat recipe — Giving Thanks (€)Paves32235) 4. Complete the chart. Write the festival foods. E Baisakhi | Thanksgiving | Homowo 2 Complete. Then write an extra sentence for each festival. spices seasonal harvest typical ancestors. Celebrate cold salads family tombs parades bright clothes songpyeon Ameriear-footbatl 1 In the USA, people ‘Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday of November. The __ foods are turkey, potatoes, and vegetables, Is traditional to watch American football on Thanksgiving Day, oe 2 The Homowo festival happens at the beginning of the _ season in Ghana. People prepare yams and other __ vegetables. 3 In Korea, Chuseok is a day for people to remember their In the morning, they visit 4 The Indian festival of Baisaks in April. Popular foods are and cakes made with sesame seeds and __. 3. Order the words. Then write true or false. 1 In/Thanksgiving Day /May,/is 2 Chuseok/a/festival./harvest /is 3 for/ Songpyeon/ Chuseok./a/ traditional /is/food 4 one/ Ghana's /crops./ Potatoes /main /are /of /the 4 Complete the questions. Then write answers. Who Why What Which How How long 1 __Which___ sport do Americans watch on Thanksgiving Day? American football, 2 des a ctle dance at Chuseok? 3 _______ is April important for many people in India? 4 is your favorit festival? 5 oes the festival last? 6 _______ do you celebrate it? : Q After Reading (€)Pasei335)) 1 Check your answers to Activity 1, page 3. 1=Thailand 2 = cheese and tomato 3 = potatoes 4= fruit 5=Central America 6 = India 2 Complete the puzzle. 2¥ 3) 0 ay 64 n 5 {GbTP aT pe 1 These ae pices of met that Tha people barbecue on sticks. 2 It’san Indonesian drink wth avocado ang chocolate milk 43 sa sweet Korean dike 4415 the main ingredient in ass 5 It's Turkish bread tht people eat fr breakfast 6 7 8 Egyptians make tamarind juice with these. Ws. typical Moroccan ish. Isa Sudanese dink 9. Its typical fod for Thanksgiving Day. 410 You wil get fat i you eat too meh a ths 11 This the colour of mazamorra mora, 42 Canadian people put this on thelr pancakes. 413 This isthe name for nutrients such as on and calcium. 3. Write the answers. Then find and write the page. 1 2 5 6 7 9 10 rt What is another name for the baobab tree? “The upside-down tree, page 22 Where can you find square pizzas? What color is lucuma frit? Which British dessert is made with custard? ‘Why can’t you eat durian fruit on public transportation? \Where can you see food vendors in boats? How much of yur body is water? What do Belgian people put on French fries? What ate potato chips called inthe UK? ‘What is Mexican horchata made with? Where does kiwi fruit get its name from? 4. Write complete sentences. 1 Alot of pizza___is tain ___intaly. eat) 2 Apples and cherries in orchards. (grow) 3 Maple sap in spring. collect) 4 Homowo in Ghana. (celebrate) 5 Some fish __ on fish farms. raise) 6 Custard with eggs, milk, and sugar (made) 5 Match. Then answer the questions, ‘Vitamins are good for you, don't you? Rice is popular in Korea, can't you? ‘You make lassi with yogurt, isnt it? Duran fruit doesn't sme nice, does it? You can buy acaiin Brazil, aren’ they? People celebrate Baisakh in May, don't they? 1 Nilaming are good for you, aren't they? Yes, they are, 6 Choose three more foods. Complete the diagrams. snack “Name ptt chi Coming USA Made from: potatoes Nun: carbebydeats eae chips ae a papular nace ‘ey were iver ne USA “nye wade from pons, “Th se gr bay be he of ris book Nome oftne author 1 what new word ct you lan rm is Book? (We sc wos) 2 ncn enaptor was mod mloosing? Why? 4 Wich oo book do you wanton? | | | | | | | | | | 2 rear food our county inh boot | '5 Wie counter nine book do you wan ov? Ineesing toot OOO — iesing cover OOO inewsingnictues QOO Antoros OOO || Which book do you want fe read next? j PO eeu) Around the World Activity Book

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