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Malaysian Institute of Aviation Technology

ASSIGNMENT 2: Topic 5-12


ID: 53104118185 CLASS: 4AVM2

1. Why do we need to protect electrical & electronics system in aircraft from HIRF? (2 marks)

We need to protect electrical and electronics system in aircraft from HIRF because HIRF will
causes a greater dependence on electrical and electronic systems to perform functions required
for continued safe flight and landing of aircraft. Moreover, it reduced electromagnetic shielding
afforded by some composite materials used in various applications and designs. Furthermore,
an increased susceptibility of electrical and electronic systems to HIRF due to increased data
BUS or processor operating speeds, higher-density integrated circuits and cards, and a general
greater sensitivity of electronic equipment.

2. Explain 3 method to minimize HIRF effect (3 marks)

3 methods to minimize HIRF effect are by using protection of critical electronics system residing
the same area by the use of metal boxes which can prevent the entry of EMI waves to interface
with system components. Next, use proper shielding of wiring system to prevent interference
caused by stray electromagnetic energy. And lastly, use fiber optic data buses which are not
subjected to interference such as EMI.

3. What is the frequency range of ACARS system? What is the frequency for Malaysia? (1 mark)

The frequency range of ACARS system is from range 129 MHz to 137 MHz. The frequency of
ACARS system in Malaysia is 131.55 MHz which provided by SITA (Société Internationale de
Télécommunications Aéronautiques).

4. What are the purpose of ACARS system in the aircraft? (2 marks)

The purposes of ACARS system in aircraft is to provide means of data exchange between the
aircraft operators with an aircraft without human intervention. It is also use to reduces flight
crew work-load from routine reporting through message or voice communications.

5. Explain 2 modes available in ACARS system. (3 marks)

The 2 modes available in ACARS system are the demand mode and the polled mode. In demand
mode, it allows the flight crew of airborne equipment to initiate communications. Meanwhile in
polled mode, ACARS only operates when interrogated by the ground facility.The facility routinely
uplinks “questions” to the aircraft equipment and when a channel is free the MU responds with a
transmitted message.
6. In a table, explain the automatic selected mode of ECAM (3 marks)
Type of automatic selected mode of ECAM Explanation

Normal mode (flight phase) The automatic flight related phase is used and in
this case the displays are appropriate to the
current phase of aircraft operation.Example:
Pre-flight, engine start, take off, climb, cruise,
descent, approach touch down, after landing.

Advisory Advisory mode has priority over the manual and

normal modes. Will automatically engaged when a
parameter drifts out of its normal operating range
for longer than 2.5 seconds. To draw the crew’s
attention to the abnormal parameter, the
parameter and the system page title will flash.

Failure related Has priority over all the other modes, but can be
over-ridden by calling a system page manually. It
can be disengaged when the warning message/s
have been cleared (by the use of the CLR push
button) or if the failure conditions have returned
to normal.

7. Compare the 3 Level of failure between ECAM & EICAS system (6marks)


Level 1 failure are failures and faults that lead to a Level A are warning requiring immediate action.
loss of system redundancy, they require monitoring Display in RED and with it the master illuminates
but present no hazard. Level 1 failures are and the aural warning from the central warning
enunciated by a caution (amber) ECAM message only system
(no aural warning).

Level 2 failure are Failures that require crew Level B are cautions requiring immediate crew
attention but not immediate action. They have no awareness and possible action. Display in
direct consequence to flight safety and are shown to AMBER and with messages caution light, the
the crew through an amber master caution light, a aural warning repeated twice
caution (amber) ECAM message and a single chime.

Level 3 failure are situations that require immediate Level C are advisory messages requiring crew
crew action and that place the flight in danger. They awareness. Displayed in AMBER but no caution
are enunciated with a red master warning light, a or aural tones
warning (red) ECAM message and a continuous
repetitive chime or a specific sound or a synthetic
voice. The chime can be silenced by pressing the
master warning push button.
8. Elaborate what is the difference of Fly-by-Wire system between A320 & B777 aircraft? (4 marks)

The difference of Fly-by-Wire system between A320 & B777 aircraft are A320 flight control is
hydraulically actuated an electrically/ mechanically(backup) controlled but unlike the A320,
B777 uses conventional flight deck controls. In A320, it uses 5 computers, which comprises two
“Elevator and Aileron Computers” known as ELAC and three “Spoiler and Elevator Computers”
known as SEC meanwhile, two types of electronic computers used in the B777 Primary Flight
Control System are(PFCS) and the Actuator and Control Electronics (ACE).

9. Explain the three segment of GPS system (3 marks)

The three segment of GPS are the user segment, satellite (space) segment and control segment.

10. What is the function gyro & accelerometer and how many of it been install in an aircraft? (3

The function of gyro is to sense angular rate about the roll, pitch and yaw axes. Accelerometer
used to calculates velocity and distance travelled.Gyro and accelerometer output are
compensated for sensor bias, misalignment and thermal changes. The compensated signals are
used in computing aircraftc pitch, roll and heading relative to local nav coordination. An aircraft
consist of three laser gyro and three accelerometer.One accelerometer and one gyro for each of
the aircraft X(pitch), Y(roll) and Z(yaw) axis.

Total Marks

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