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Toronto Torah Beit Midrash Zichron Dov

Parshat Bo 3 Shevat 5771/January 8, 2011 Vol.2 Num. 19

In The Middle of the Night R’ Meir Lipschitz

‫ויאמר משה כה אמר ה' כחצות הלילה אני יוצא בתוך‬ (Bereishit Rabbah 8) on the words ‫נעשה‬ R’ Chaim ibn Attar, in his Ohr haChaim,
...‫ ומת כל בכור בארץ מצרים‬.‫מצרים‬ ‫אדם‬, “Let us make man,” from the creation interprets the verse entirely differently.
And Moshe said: So has HaShem spoken! story. HaShem used language which could He claims that the kaf of ‫ כחצות‬and hei of
provide ammunition to heretics to question ‫ הלילה‬should not be rendered as “about
At about midnight I will go out into the the one-ness of G-d, in an attempt to the middle of the night,” but rather as
midst of Egypt. And all of the first-born in demonstrate humility. We see that in “Like the middle of that night,” referring
Egypt shall die… Creation, G-d was unconcerned with the to some past midnight event. The
Noting the difficulty with the word mistaken misreading of His words - so why midrash (Bereishit Rabbah 43) tells us
kechatzot, “about midnight,” Rashi asks was Moshe concerned about the that the night that Avraham attacked and
why Moshe, speaking for HaShem, would astrologers?! defeated the four kings in order to save
not use the more definitive bechatzot, “at Rabbeinu Bechaye answers his own his nephew Lot was the fifteenth of Nisan,
midnight?” Why would he, or G-d, have question by suggesting that Moshe was the same night about which Moshe was
chosen to speak of an approximate time, concerned that with the final plague, the now speaking, and that midrash also
rather than a definite one? indicates that the defining moment of
proverbial nail in the coffin, the victory was midnight. Avraham’s fight
Rashi, based on Berachot 4a, answers that astrologers’ error would unravel with the four kings was a widely known
HaShem had said bechatzot “at exactly everything he had accomplished until event—these kings were the world’s
midnight” because He does know and then. Those who had finally declared the superpowers at the time, having defeated
can of course calculate the exact time; plagues to be “the hand of G-d” would five larger armies, and Avraham with his
Moshe changed it lest the astrologers of now retroactively question all of the small band of supporters defeated
Egypt err and then accuse Moshe of plagues anew. G-d could choose to cause them—and it left an indelible impression
lying. Moshe went out of his way to such doubts, but Moshe did not feel he upon the world’s kings and leaders.
account for their error, saying “around was licensed to do this. HaShem informed Pharaoh and his
midnight” instead of “at midnight,” since Inherent in Rashi’s idea and R’ Bechaye’s government: “As I did in the middle of
the latter phrase could possibly have additional insight, then, is a deep lesson that night, which is known by everyone,
caused them to question his veracity. about the care and effort which we must rescuing the ancestor of the Jews, so I will
Rabbeinu Bechaye, following Rashi’s line invest when trying to sanctify, or avoid go out in the midst of Egypt…”
of reasoning, asks why the foolish desecrating, G-d’s name. It is not enough
In the Ohr HaChaim’s reading, HaShem’s
mistake of the astrologers should be that our words and actions are right and words had little to do with time, and had
impetus enough for Moshe to alter true, but they must also seem that way to everything to do with reminding the
HaShem’s words. His question may be everyone who perceives them, from the Egyptians just Whose people they had
strengthened by the classic midrash most critical to the most casual observers. subjugated and before Whom they would
be held accountable. A war of such
renown surely hadn’t been forgotten, but
Parshah Questions R’ Meir Lipschitz perhaps it had been ignored, and so
HaShem reminded them of His presence
Answers are provided on page two. in the world. Man tends to ignore critical
 Whose locusts were harsher: Moshe’s or Yoel’s? information when it conflicts with his own
(Rashi to Shemot 10:14 and Yoel 2:2; Ramban to Shemot 10:14; Abarbanel to Shemot plans, and so HaShem is reminding us,
10:14) and the Egyptians, that His power is not
 What is the meaning and lesson of the words kula, keshalcho, “completely, as he sends to be ignored. Events which have
you out,” in the description of how Pharaoh would send the Jews out of Egypt? happened and are happening all around
(Rashi, Rashbam, Seforno, and Kli Yakar to Shemot 11:1) us should call our attention to HaShem
 What doubt did Moshe express to Pharaoh regarding the sacrifices, when he said that and inspire us to live life in accordance
they “did not know” how they would serve G-d? with His laws, unlike the Egyptians who
(Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Ohr Hachaim, Maharal, Mizrachi and Tiferet Shlomo to Shemot 10:25-26) had ignored the past and needed to be
 For children: Why does Moshe say that Makkat Bechorot will take place kechatzot reminded of G-d’s might and control in
halaylah, which seems to mean “at about midnight”? the harshest of ways.
(Rashi Shemot 11:4)
This Toronto Torah is sponsored by Brenda & Moshe Bessin, commemorating the upcoming Yahrzeit of Claire Fromer on 5 Shvat, wife of Ralph
Fromer and mother of Brenda Bessin & Beverley Fromer.
Parshah Answers Dovid Zirkind

Whose locusts were harsher: What is the meaning and lesson of painfully, and against the person’s
Moshe’s or Yoel’s? (Rashi to the words kula, keshalcho , wishes.
Shemot 10:14 and Yoel 2:2; “completely, as he sends you out,”
Ramban to S hemo t 10:1 4; in the description of how Pharaoh What doubt did Moshe express to
Abarbanel to Shemot 10:14) would send the Jews out of Egypt? Pharaoh regarding the sacrifices,
 A pasuk in Shemot says that there (Rashi, Rashbam, Seforno, and Kli when he said that they “did not
were never again any locusts as Yakar to Shemot 11:1) know” how they would serve G-d?
great as those in the days of  Rashi and Rashbam say that (Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Ohr Hachaim,
Moshe, but a pasuk in Yoel says Pharaoh will send all of you away: Maharal, Mizrachi and Tiferet
that there had never been greater men, women, children, and even Shlomo to Shemot 10:25-26)
locusts than those he predicted. the livestock will be sent out.  Rashi renders this as a statement
 Rashi explains that the locusts in Maharal clarifies that Rashi was that they did not know how intense
the times of Yoel were the most troubled by the fact that this could the worship service would be;
devastating. When the Torah says not refer to sending the Jews out maybe G-d would ask them to
in this week’s parshah that the completely, meaning forever, since bring more animals. Maharal
locusts sent by Moshe were Pharoah intended that they return to explains that Moshe could not have
unprecedented and would never Egypt after three days. Therefore, been saying that they didn’t know
be repeated, this was in reference Rashi took “completely” to refer to how they would worship, since he
to a plague of locusts made up of the entirety of the nation. had already told Pharaoh that they
only one species. The locusts in  Seforno also understood would worship Hashem through
the time of Yoel were a mixture of “completely” as a reference to the sacrifices.
multiple types of locust, as entire nation, but he also  Ibn Ezra expands the Jews’
evidenced by the four types of emphasized the word “as”. Sforno ignorance, saying that they did not
locusts mentioned by Yoel. explained that this was in reference know what type, as well as how
 Ramban argued that the pesukim to Pharaoh’s initial eviction of many of each animal species G-d
mean to say that no natural plague Moshe and Aharon from before would want them to bring.
of locust could match those of him: As Pharaoh chased the two of  Or HaChaim was not concerned
Moshe’s time, or those of Yoel’s you out, when you demanded the with Rashi’s problem, as identified
time. freedom of the nation, so he will by Maharal. He explained that
 A b a r b an e l a n d R ab b e i n u chase out all of the Jewish people. Moshe said, “We do not know how
Chananel (cited by Ramban)  This is the just way of Hashem: many animals we will need to
suggest that there was never a When a person is stubborn and bring, or the procedure for the
greater plague of locusts in Egypt; does not act in accordance with the service G-d will require of us.”
Yoel’s plague was in Israel. will of G-d, Hashem causes the
actions He had willed to occur, but For children: Why does Moshe say
that Makkat Bechorot will take
place kechatzot halayla, which
613 Mitzvot: Mitzvah 75 seems to mean “at about
midnight”? (Rashi Shemot 11:4)
Testimony by a Jew who sins  Rashi explains that kechatzot can
also mean “at the division of the
night,” without referring to the
Mitzvah 75 instructs a Jewish court to Historically, this law was subject to midpoint at all. Rashi also cites
ignore testimony by a witness who is dispute in times of shmad, when Jews Chazal, saying that Moshe
a “chotei,” meaning one who sins. were compelled to choose between
purposely said “at approximately
The driving principle is evident: One abandoning Judaism and surrendering
midnight” instead of “at midnight.”
who is disrespectful of the Torah’s their lives. Shut Baalei haTosafot 128
Moshe was worried that if he gave
laws cannot be expected to take records a ruling that one who opts to
the exact time that the plague
those laws seriously when they transgress rather than be killed is
impact upon his testimony. This rule ineligible to testify. Rivash, on the
would come, the astrologers of
also has ramifications outside the other hand, ruled several times (#4, Pharaoh might err in calculating
realm of courts, such as in the issue of #11 and #171) that since such a person the time and might think that
kashrut credibility; a person must violates Torah only under compulsion, Moshe (and Hashem) were wrong.
personally observe kashrut if (s)he is he may testify in court once he returns To prevent that desecration of
to be trusted to certify food as to Torah observance. Divine honour, Moshe purposely
kosher. said, “at about midnight.”

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Ha’Am V’Ha’Aretz
R’ Azriel Hildesheimer David Teller Gedera:
Moshav of the Biluim
By R’ Mordechai Torczyner
Rabbi Chaim ben Moshe ibn Attar,
Torah in Translation better known as the Ohr HaChaim (the The land of Shevet Yehudah should
name of his monumental peirush on have extended west from Jerusalem
Tefillin on the Weaker Hand the chumash), was born in Sali, all the way to the Mediterranean, but
Morocco in 1696, into a wealthy family. the actual Jewish presence in the
Or Hachaim to Shemot 13:16
He established a yeshiva in his areas near the coast waxed and
hometown, but troubles ranging from waned, subject to the relative
[This is a comment to the Torah’s being falsely accused of crimes and strength of the Jews and the Plishtim.
statement, “It shall be a sign upon your imprisoned by the government, to (See Yehoshua 15 for more
hand ‫ידכה‬.”] experiencing a devastating famine in information.) There were significant
1738, forced him and many of Jewish communities in the region,
Our Rabbis of blessed memory said
Morocco’s remaining Jews to flee. and particularly a settlement known
(Menachot 37a), “’Yadchah (spelled with
an extra hey implies the weaker hand Rav Chaim decided to emigrate to as Qatra which remained in Jewish
(yad kehah), which is the left hand. We Eretz Yisrael. The journey took him hands throughout the period of the
first Beit haMikdash.
need to understand why Hashem did not through Italy, and it was there that he
choose the right hand to perform this published the Ohr haChaim in 1741. In During the early 1880’s, facing
mitzvah, since it is greater. Elul of 1741 he reached the shores of particularly harsh pogroms in
Israel, but a plague in Yerushalayim Russia’s Pale of Settlement, Jews
Our Rabbis say that this is in order that formed the ( ‫בילו‬BILU) movement. ‫בילו‬
prevented him from entering the holy
(the tefillin) be aligned next to the heart, stands for ,‫“בית יעקב לכו ונלכה‬House of
city. Only a year later was he able to
which is towards the left side (of the Jacob, let us arise and go,” the
enter, eventually establishing a small
body), and their words are true. opening words of Yeshayah 2:5. The
yeshiva there before moving to Akko.
However it appears to me that there is an group came to Israel and founded
Unfortunately, Rav Chaim passed away
additional reason, for the Torah itself
shortly after, on the 15th of Tammuz, at several colonies; their only moshav
gives a reason for the matter in saying, the age of 47. He was buried on Har to remain to this day is the town of
“Because with a strong hand.” You need HaZeitim. Gedera, in the vicinity of Qatra. The
to know that HaShem has 2 aspects name “Gedera” belonged to a city
within His attributes. The first is called It’s reported that in 1948, when Har of Yehudah, listed in Yehoshua
“the great hand, yad hagedolah”, and the HaZeitim fell in the hands of the 15:36. Gedera also became known
other is called “the strong hand, yad Jordanians, the invaders began as “The Moshav of the Biluim”.
hachazakah”. building a road through the cemetery.
When the tractor reached the kever of Located about 10 kilometers south of
“The great hand” represents (G-d’s) the Ohr haChaim it broke down and Rechovot and not far from Ashdod,
aspect of kindness and goodness; “the could not start again. Repeated efforts sitting on fertile hilltops from which
strong hand” represents His strength, to clear the path failed, and plans were the hills of Yerushalayim are visible,
which He repays the wicked according altered to build the road higher up on Gedera has been a home for
to their wickedness. In removing Bnei the mountain. The beginning of that transplanted Jewish populations
Yisrael from Egypt, Hashem stretched earlier road is still visible today. arriving home to Israel over the past
out “the strong hand” and struck His century. Yemenite Jews started
enemies with ten plagues. For this Along with his commentary on the arriving there before World War I,
reason G-d said that tefillin, which Torah, Rav Chaim wrote “Chefetz and continued through the “On
contain the written remembrance (of Hashem” compiling his novellae on Wings of Eagles” arrivals in the
these events), should be placed on our gemara, and Pri Toar on the Yoreh early days of the State of Israel.
weak hand (our left hand), which Deah section of Shulchan Aruch. When Operation Moses brought
represents “the strong hand” that Ethiopians to Israel in 1984, they
removed us from Egypt. This is why the {Ed. Note - Thus, despite the term came to Gedera as well.
pasuk here says, “for with the strength of “strong,” the “strong hand” which
a hand.” This is correct. represents justice is, in fact, weaker Today Gedera is a thriving town,
than the “great hand” which known for its beauty and serenity.
Granted that it says in many places represents mercy. To symbolize the There is an older section, and a
(regarding punishment), “the great vengeance that G-d exacted from newer area called “New Gedera.”
hand,” in those instances G-d’s attribute Egypt through His “weaker hand,” we The population is a mix of secular
of mercy concurred with the attribute of don our tefillin, which memorialize and observant Jews, and there are
justice, but the essence of justice is still these events, on our weaker hand.} 50 Orthodox synagogues in the
performed through the “strong hand.” community of nearly 20,000.

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Schedule for the Week of January 8, 3 Shevat
Tuesday, January 11
Shabbat, January 8 1:10PM Russell Levy, Masechet Pesachim (advanced), Wolfond Center Lunch
Following Hashkama R’ Meir Lipschitz: Parshah, Shaarei served, followed by mincha
Shomayim 1:30PM R’ Mordechai Torczyner: Yonah, at Shaarei Shomayim, with Mekorot :
Sunday, January 9 Fleeing from what?
Community Beit Midrash at B’nai Torah: See above 7:15PM R’ Azarya Berzon: Tools for Brisk, BAYT Thornhill
9:15AM Itamar Zolberg:Parshah&Issues b’Ivrit, Zichron 8:00PM Dovid Zirkind: Interactive Parshah Discussion, Westmount Learning Centre
Yisrael: On Hiatus This Week 8:30PM R’ Mordechai Torczyner: Minchat Chinuch at Clanton Park: Destroying
7:30PM R’ Azarya Berzon, Masechet Megila: The Public
8:30PM R’ Azarya Berzon: Moral Dilemnas in Monetary Issues, BAYT Thornhill
Study of Torah, Shaarei Shomayim
Wednesday, January 12
8:30PM R’ Azarya Berzon, Masechet Kiddushin: The Third 9:15AM R’ Mordechai Torczyner: Hosheia, 239 Franklin Women Babysitting provided
Method of Marrying a Woman, Shaarei Shomayim - Jews, Gold and Silver
Monday, January 10 7:15PM R’ Azarya Berzon, Week’s Shiur Highlights, Clanton Park
8:30PM R’ Azarya Berzon, Rambam: The Mitzvah of Kibud Av 8:30PM R’’ Azarya Berzon: Masechet Kiddushin 42b “Ein Shliach LeDvar Aveira”,
Va’em, Clanton Park Shomrei Shabbos Chevra Mishnayos
8:45PM R’ Meir Lipschitz: Gemara Beitzah Chaburah, Thursday, January 13
Shaarei Shomayim 8:00PM R’ Netanel Javasky: Landmark Halachic Responsa, Bnai Torah
9:20PM R’ Azarya Berzon, Ramban: Insights into Parshat 6:00AM R’ Mordechai Torczyner, BAYT, Daf Yomi
Bo,G-d’s Love for the People of Israel, 12 Midvale 8:30PM R’ Azarya Berzon: Situational Ethics and Partnership Law, Clanton Park
Road 10:00PM R’ Azarya Berzon: Rambam Hilchot Talmud Torah, Clanton Park
Monday—Friday 6:00 AM R’ Mordechai Torczyner, BAYT, Daf Yomi

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