Preterism Equity and Trust! BORN IN EQUITY

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Preterism, Equity, and Trust!

Posted: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 in Born Without Money

Preterism + Equity + Trust = THESE THREE ARE ONE! Trust is the only
way to express that which Equity ful�lled completely; thus, taking away all the
heavy burdens of mankind nevermore having to be under rules of bankruptcy
as incompetent-decedents. For such a thing is the result (Resulting Trust) for
being without the necessary knowledge and understanding of what the
Parousia accomplished for them. For such knowledge can lead one to the,
“…gate at the end of the strait and narrow path…” and from there as a
“bondservant” involved directly in putting and end to the war (commerce –
buying and selling of LEGAL TITLE just like the moneychangers were doing in
the Temple) that resulted in mankind being kicked from the Garden of the First
and Highest Estate that is still in perpetual abundance, and shall always be in
perpetuity. Nothing can change that, for it is the same yesterday, today, and
forever. Yes, that does mean that very Kingdom is present, right here, right
now, at this very moment, but only for those with, “Eyes to see and ears to

When one agrees that the Word of Promise as given, has been kept, (“…has
given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge
of Him who called us…”) and ful�lled accordingly leaving NOTHING undone.
Then one knows not only who the appointed Heir of ALL things is of a New
and Better “Trust” called a Covenant and/or Covenant of Trust, but also and
especially who is rightfully and righteously the one and only bene�ciary… as,
“Equity regards the bene�ciary as the true owner.” To quote a certain motion
picture, “There can only be one!” Who claims to be bene�ciary and attempts
to make a pro�t o� of that claim in and of the statutory commercial world
under the rules of bankruptcy?

In other words, who dares to trespass on the appointment of the Heir and
Bene�ciary of All things for their-own personal private pro�t and gain? If this
be the case, then how does such an act and deed reveal that one is trustworthy
of the full return of one’s God-given birthright inheritance and Estate? If one is
engaged in such deeds, does one truly, “Know thyself,” and thus also know
who they are in relation to thee appointed Heir of all things, who redeemed
them WITHOUT money, as well as why and how that DEED connects them to
their God-given Estate? IF one is engaged in deeds/notes/securities/bonds of a
bankrupt nature appointing themselves as bene�ciary, then how does that
show that one knows and understands what Kingdom Banking is all about, and
what it accomplishes? One here can only hope that so-so many in the many-
many patriot-sovereignty and/or freeman groups are NOT making claims of
this very kind of outlandish nature which, in-turn glori�es only themselves,
and not the one who redeemed them WITHOUT money. What is interesting to
note is the fact that none-of-those who have engaged in such DEEDS have had
their God-given Estate returned them. For a DEED is not of Kingdom Banking.
Now, at the risk of sounding redundant, why is that?

So then, let this Author make one heck of a very-very bold, and even dogmatic
statement… there is ONLY one way one will ever experience the return of
one’s God-given birthright inheritance and estate, and be granted and
recognized to be the source of money, no longer needing to use and/or borrow
it from any other source, and end up becoming a surety for that very ill-
advised debt, as a volunteer slave of men, and even worse literally electing a
man as their king and god. I should not have to expound on the depth of this
trespass and violation. For this very unconscionable act and deed is what is at
the core of the war against the Will and Way of the Creator-God and Father as
Grantor and Testator of a New and BETTER Covenant of Trust. For, “…narrow
is the gate and di�cult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who
�nd it.”

Consider for a moment the underlying message of the motion picture, “The
Ultimate Gift.” The Estate is given and gifted through the Will of a Testator.
The Grandfather, one, Howard “Red” Stevens as Testator, bequeaths to his
appointed heir and Grandson (Maxim: “Heir of one of law, Son is one of
nature), Jason Stevens as Bene�ciary, the bulk of the Estate over and above
Howard “Red” Stevens �rst born, and second born sons. There is a catch. Jason
Stevens had to complete 12 tests/trials/gifts to the satisfaction of the Executor
of the Testators Will/Trust, a one MR. HAMILTON, Esq. (That’s Attorney-AT-
Law for those of you in LARGO, FL, ROFLOL!) Does that thought make you
sick to your stomach? Does that curl your toenails? Why?! It really should not!
WHY?! Because, it actually reveals a clue for what one might need to consider
doing, or not. (But, I do not know what I am talking about either… so go
away!) Hm, lets see… could the Executor of one’s God-given birthright
inheritance and Estate actually be a government o�cial(s) who occupies an
O�ce within said government? —– Nah! Never mind! That is not even
possible. So, just forget I even mentioned it, and go about your business in
commerce.  NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLK! By the way, there is a supersized
happy meal waiting for you at McDonalds!

Consider the rami�cations of Jason Stevens appointment as Heir over and

above his two Uncles. How do you think they liked that? They are the �rst and
second born sons of Howard “Red” Stevens. Nonetheless, even though they
received a “little” something from Dad, they were PASSedOVER for the more
desirable Grandson… IF the Grandson would undertake the lessons/gifts/trials
that the Grandfather desired for him to learn and thus prove himself
TRUSTWORTHY of the bulk of the inheritance.
Now, how many times is there record in The Holy Bible wherein the �rstborn
son was passed over in favor of the second born son as the desired Heir? Does,
“That He pleases, that He does,” come to mind? If such a thing does not inspire
one to consider the return of one’s Estate and how it is accomplished very
seriously, as well as what is necessary to comply with in accordance with the
Will of the Testator who gives and gifts the inheritance in the �rst place, then
why would one even think that they could accomplish the great and
tremendous deed of its return? No-matter-what, agree with this or not, like this
or not, the Testator of a Will is the One who Grants and Estate to His
appointed Heir and Bene�ciary, and is with the authority, power and right not
only to demand of the Heir, but also to require of the Heir, and well as the Co-
Heirs, what they will comply with to be found to be “Trustworthy” (pleasing)
BEFORE receiving the full inheritance through the appointed Heir of ALL

So then, to be bold and even dogmatic again, it is required for One to

recognize, acknowledge and accept the appointed Heir of all things as their
Redeemer, or one can absolutely forget being a co-heir WITH the appointed
Heir of all things. For it is the duty of the One and Only appointed Heir of all
things (The �rst of the �rstfruits) to distribute the inheritance to all of the rest
of the Co-Heirs. Now, who would be so stupid to contest the Will of the
Testator and claim to be the Bene�ciary? By the way, how shall one prove

IF one claims to be the Heir and Bene�ciary to their God-given Estate then how
is one going to righteously express eschatological ful�llment of all the law and
the prophets via TRUST without lying, as well as for the sake of gratitude, as
well as for the honor to pledge one’s, “Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness,”
for being found to be worthy of such a gift in the �rst place, even though the
rebellion resulting from playing in commerce (Trading, Buying, Selling LEGAL
TITLES) deserves death, which is why all who are playing in commerce are
doing so through DEAD ENTITIES/CORPS. (The World of the Dead… the
“THIS WORLD“ that is spoken of in, “If my Kingdom were of THIS WORLD
my people would �ght.” THIS WORLD = a world of the dead, a world of
the LIVING-DEAD, who are under rules of bankruptcy and administrated
by an outside source, thereby experiencing lack and limitation due to the
curse of remaining in ignorance as a belligerent hostile playing
commercial games with the rest of the DEAD. Is that blunt enough? Far to
many people think that “THIS WORLD” applies to Terra-Fir-ma/Planet Earth.
Well, to be blunt… NO! It does not! Why would The Master teach one to pray,
“Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done ON EARTH as it is in Heaven?
Because, it was fun to do?! Come on! He did not literally mean this Earth did
he? Okay, so then, why would it be written that, “Heaven is my Throne, and
the Earth my footstool,” if Earth is not to be converted and transformed from
its current debtor-surety traditions, customs and rituals in to, “Paradise
Restore,” right here, right now, at this very moment?

What exactly is the, “Dominion” that the Creator-God gave to mankind but
passed-over to the Son-of-Man? Could Man be the �rstborn son that was passed
over in lieu of the 2nd born Son-of-man? Is that why the Son-of-man, the 2nd
Adam is the appointed Heir of ALL things, and not the �rst man ADAM? Is that
why, “All in ADAM DIE,” but, “ALL in Christ are made alive?” Is that the
di�erence between the world of the dead (THIS WORLD) and the world of the

Is one paying attention to right here, right now, at this very moment….. on this
Earth… or, is one distracted by potential events so they do not focus on what
one needs to be doing right now? How well is the conversion of all things on
Earth from bankruptcy and into abundance working out? Is there something
wrong with Earth? Or, is there something wrong with those who dwell on the
Earth? Have those on Earth gotten the message for why one needs to complete
the delivery of the ultimate gift? How come so many Estates still appear to be
in need of having its abandonment cured and thus prove that they know and
understand what, “Equity will not complete an imperfect gift,” requires of
them to DO?! Yes, the gift has been given AS PROMISED. However, how can
its delivery be complete if there isn’t an expression that recognizes,
acknowledges and accepts it? Have you ever given a gift that you were not
thanked for at the very least? Is it not considered to be rude at the least to not
acknowledge a gift given to one? So then, how can there be any Trust between
the Creator and Grantor of the gift, as well as with the Heir and Bene�ciary
who gave himself AS The Ultimate Gift, and the Bondservant/Trustee’s/Co-
Heirs of the gift, if there isn’t a deed of acceptance made by one’s own hand
that completes the gift, thus making it PERFECT? How much more plain does
one have to be in expounding upon this? How else is one going move on with
the gift of redemption resulting in them being found to be worthy of being
redeemed WITHOUT money, even though they were, “…born of a woman,
born under the law?” How else is one going to ascend and trans�guring from
being found “worthy” and  into being found to be “trustworthy,” if one does
not know and understand why and how one needs to express their Trust? Is
one beginning to see why, “That which is expressed extinguishes that which is
implied?” Is not silence acquiescence? From such silence, is that not one way
for how an implied/constructive Trust is formed? Is this not how men are
deemed to be available to be under the rule and administration of other men,
under rules of bankruptcy?

Is not, “That which is expressed extinguishes that which is implied,” how

one seeks to be found to be trustworthy of self-governance? How else is one
going to prove that they have returned to competency and are no longer in
need of being governed by an outside source? Who shall express the trust? No
one else can do this “deed” for anyone else. Such a “deed” is strictly a soloist
act. For each one has been given the Ultimate Gift directly for their own folly.
So, one can can either correct the mistake that caused them to experience
death and, “Make their call and election sure,” or not and continue in,
“Equity will not complete an imperfect (abandoned) gift.” IF so, then one
can only be under the law, and thus, subject of another man as their king,
administrated under rules of bankruptcy. For all laws governing and
administrating commerce are ALL absent of equity. There are NO
EXCEPTIONS! Yes, even the famed, and in some cases desired, common law, is
of bankruptcy as it is absent of equity. Equity is the key component that ful�lls
law and where one who was formally under the law ascends too that displaces
the need and requirement of law to govern over one.

The only way that one leaves the administration and rule of men over men
under law absent of equity, justice, fairness and mercy, which constitutes all of
the rules of bankruptcy is through an expression of Trust. (In whom do you
trust and serve with your Life?) Make no mistake about this. Trust requires an
expression of Trust if one is going to dissolve an implied and/or constructive
trust to correct the mistake of allowing an implied/constructive trust to be
formed because of one failure to express the Trust in the �rst place. Moreover,
and IF one is without an expression of where one has lodged their trust, then
one is deemed to be without knowledge and understanding of this very
important fact-of-life, and thus is also known to be without a King and Master.
This means that one is �t to be a slave. As a slave, one shall endure all of the
heavy burdens of other men who were intended to be, and were naturally
created to be, their equal. In other words, ruled over by another man, and the
man is not even the appointed Heir. Just how easy do you think that will be? If
one does not know what that would be like, then read 1 Samuel chapter 8.
That chapter show exactly how it will be.

President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt attempted to warn the American people

of the impending results of their folly saying, “…it behooves us to remember
that men can never escape being governed. Either they must govern
themselves or they must submit to being governed by others. (Note: there is
ONLY ONE WAY that one is recognized to be with the ability to Self
Governing) If from lawlessness or �ckleness, from folly or self-indulgence,
they refuse to govern themselves, then most assuredly in the end they will
have to be governed from the outside. They can prevent the need of
government from without only by showing that they possess the power of
government from within.” Wow! He even gives a great big hint of what the
solution to being governed by an outside source, such at the UNITED STATES,
is. Imagine that! What did Teddy Roosevelt know and understand about the
matter? And, what did the American people NOT know and understand about
the matter?

“Men can never escaped being governed.”  This is a fact of life that many will
have a very-very-very di�cult time with. Nevertheless, without an expression
of Trust, by that very inaction one literally abandons themselves out on the
open seas of the commercial world of dead. This is how all have found
themselves to be under the rules and administration of the commercial (dead)
world of commerce buying and selling legal titles, which rightfully belong
ONLY to the appointed Heir and bene�ciary, who by default of His
appointment as Heir of ALL things, is with the One and ONLY Pure Title for
ALL things.

Since one cannot be both dead and with life at the same time, one therefore is
known to not know how they have been redeemed from being in and of the
world of the dead and bankrupt. How else could that be made known if has
never expressed, and has no record of said expression of Trust, in the One that
redeemed them from bankrupt world of the dead? Like this or not, agree with
this or not, the fact is that every single Judge/Magistrate/Justice takes SILENT
JUDICIAL NOTICE of this. For until one learns how to express Trust and thus
knows WHY one needs to express Trust to redeem debt of “property” back into
the “things,” as all property once was originally, which ALL belongs to the
appointed Heir of ALL things… one can only be deemed to be a beligerant
hostile making war with commerce in and under bankruptcy as a debtor,
su�ering from a vain imagination attempt for making personal private pro�t
and gain stealing from the appointed Heir of ALL things, and not making peace
as a meek peacemaker and bondservant to eliminate debt and thus eliminate
commerce as well as the world of the dead.


This Little Drone Is Flying off

Shelves! The Price Will Shock

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royalpriestholynation says:
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 10:05:31, EDT
what if…. people truly desired “equity” as the “choice of law” by which to
be “judged”?  where would they get the “maxims” and “doctrine” for that?
 books written by men?  isn’t the best man can ever do is a counterfeit
“creation” of what already exists?  or generate a commentary on the perfect
example of “righteousness” by the one, singular, example who’s “�nished
work” is the standard by which the world is judged?

      so if people truly desired (i.e. chose) the world judged with

righteousness, and the people with equity (Ps. 98:9) how would they de�ne
the “con�ict” between “law” and “equity” for demanding “complete
justice” from exclusive equity?  what one “doctrine” is proof of such
complete separation (ful�llment) of law that honor’s the maxim “Equity
follows the law” (i.e. follows after law ‘closes’)? …especially when
“common law (is) utterly incapable of doing complete justice”? -see quotes
in postscript

      what about “preterism” as the “new covenant doctrine” as the

source and authority for equity maxims?  — i.e. proof the Old Covenant
Law has been 100% ful�lled by the righteousness of the christ, which
forever closes every “jot and title” of the “law”, making it no longer
governing over those who’ve been “purchased” out of it by a “redeemer”
who “paid” with a higher priority than “money” and the empty/bankrupt
traditions of their forefathers?

what if there’s a community coming together for learning how to apply the
exclusive equity choice in their own lives? would one want to participate?
what if one could no longer be “double-minded”, and must “choose” only
one “choice of law” to live and serve by? would one be willing to “die” to
all beliefs in, ways learned, and defenses developed from the bankrupt
traditions of their beloved “common(er) law”?

what if that was an absolute requirement before one could learn the ways
of a royal priesthood expressed thru private trust(s), and only de�ned
exclusively by an equity made possible by a preterist view of the new
covenant spiritual kingdom that came in 70A.D., now, and is forever?
and, most importantly: could one commit to rising out of all
victimhood & complaining from a lifetime of PTSlaveryD, and
develop the skills and habits to ascend into the liberty of complete
wellness? would one use such a gift, this new spiritual life, by
accepting the “stewardship” of the “special deposit” of this
“paradise”, here on earth, already come … and work to further
same out of a gratitude for, and trust in, the “way” of the promise-
maker / creator?

Set Apart, Way Shower Missions: (de�ned in three


pt. 1 – …greater things you will do… the “royal priesthood”:

pt 2 – without a vision, people perish: but one who listens to instruction

will be happy:

pt 3 – paradise restored: rehabilitation of (PTSD) post-traumatic slavery

disorder thru separation from church & state:

This maxim, “equity follows the law”, unlike equity’s remaining maxims, is
limited in its application and operates within very narrow limits. Adverting
to Pomeroy (1 Pomeroy’s Equity Jurisprudence [4 t h ed], § 427, pp 796,

“The maxim is, in truth, operative only within a very narrow range; to raise
it to the position of a general principle would be a palpable error. Throughout
the great mass of its jurisprudence, equity, instead of following the law, either
ignores or openly disregards and opposes the law . As was shown in that
portion of the introductory chapter which deals with the nature of equity, one
large division of the equity jurisprudence lies completely outside of the law; it
is additional to the law; and while it leaves the law concerning the same
subject matter in full force and e�cacy, its doctrines and rules are
constructed without any reference to the corresponding doctrines and rules of
the law. Another division of equity jurisprudence is directly opposed to the
law which applies to the same subject matter; its doctrines and rules are so
contrary to those of the law, that when they are put into operation the
analogous legal doctrines and rules are displaced and nulli�ed.”

§5. Equity ignores �ctions: The common law was then utterly incapable
of doing complete justice in many cases; and, in not a few cases, it
furnished no remedy or relief whatever. It had certain rigid molds or
formulas, into some one of which every cause of action had to be cast; and
if the cause could not be run into any of these molds, there was no redress;
and if it could be run into one of the molds, only such redress as the
formula gave could be had, regardless of the equities of the case, and the
real rights of the parties. The �ctions, formalisms and arbitrary
technicalities of the common law, and its dialectical re�nements, were
inexplicable and incomprehensible jargon to the public, and often a costly
mockery of justice to the litigants. Those who asked for bread were often
given a stone, and those who applied for a �sh sometimes received a
serpent. Equity, on the other hand, disregarded forms, ignored �ctions,
subordinated technicalities to the requirements of justice, and indulged in
no dialectical re�nements. Its pleadings were simple and natural, and its
doctrines were founded upon the eternal principles of right as interpreted
by a lofty Christian morality. Its great underlying principles, the constant
sources, the never failing roots of it s particular rules, were the principles of
equity, justice, morality and honesty, enforced according to conscience and
good faith, and so adapted to the requirements of each case and the
complications of business a�airs, that the rights and duties of all the parties
were fully determined.

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Onlashuk Shugaharra says:
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 15:32:26, EDT
Please give your most intense and focused attention as you
possibly can to this comment!

For those with eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit says, this
comment will be found to be a blessing.

I do encourage one not to be thin skinned about the matter presented,

but to consider what is presented for encouragement and edi�cation,
keeping in mind that everything presented herein this comment most
certainly is intended to drop bread crumbs along a pathway that to the
best of my knowledge at this moment no patriot-sovereignty guru is
even close to presenting in such a way, shape, or form.

I would be absolutely fantastic if someone would take the time and

actually go through all of these questions and give an answer for each
and every one of the questions posted, FOLLOWING the line of thought
to its natural intended end. Who would dare to take such a journey?
Certainly those that claim to have “faith” will know how, “Worthiness,”
“Trust,” and, “Trustworthiness,” are all connected and how these things
apply resulting in not only the return of the prodigal son to competency,
but will also result in the return of one’s God-given birthright
inheritance and estate. There is in fact a natural, “Order of Things,” that
cannot be avoided, usurped, or manipulated. But, nevertheless, do not
get mad at me for saying this very dogmatically. I am not the Testator of
the Will. Be mad at the Testator; and likewise, take all of your
grievances to Him. Good luck with that, too. Let us all know how that
works out for ya.

What might someone learn from such a journey?

What might someone bene�t from such an exercise?
What might someone DO after carefully considering, and even
pondering where answers to these questions might lead one?

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