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Victoria Vidal Rodríguez

Seville, Spain
+34 660928459–

University of Seville SEVILLE, SPAIN
Combined bachelors and masters’ degree in Industrial Engineering
Currently studying PGCE in Secondary and doing internship at the International School of Seville - San Francisco de Paula
• Save the children (Seville 2016).Volunteering as a support teacher in schools with at risk youth from loweconomic communities.
• CIEE Council on International Educational Exchange (Seville 2013 - 2015). Guide to foreign students (mainly of USA nationality).
• Accenture Volunteering (Madrid 2018). Volunteering as a teacher in a logistics grade at the Javerianaschool.

Fujitsu Global S.A. SEVILLE, SPAIN

Microservices Architecture e-Ecommerce 01/2019– Currently
• Worked as a Scrum Master in a Microservices Architecture e-Ecommerce project where the client are one of the
World's largest oil company. Managing a team of 6 developers and 1 Architect.
Accenture S.A. MADRID, SPAIN
Business Analyst 06/2017– 01/2019
Microservices Architecture e-Ecommerce
• Worked as a Scrum Master in a Microservices Architecture e-Ecommerce project where the client is one of the World's
Largest Fashion Retailers and doing Functional test. Managing a team of 5 developers and 1 Architect.
Financial Services Platform
• Worked as a Scrum Master in a Financial Services Platform project where the client is a global leader and the reference in
food retail. Managing a team of 17 developers and 3 architects.
Intern 06/2016 – 09/2016
• Gave support and aided the analysis of Labor Risk Management in two Power Generating Plants of the Balearic Islands.
Reference: Francisco Vidal Rámirez (Área de Prevención Técnica,Endesa S.A.) +34656601405
Spanish (Native language);
English Fluent (First Certificate in English – University of Cambridge).
Foreign language experience: Headfort Dublin 2005 / TECS Middleton Cork 2006 / St Raphaela Maria Dublin 2007 / TECS Bournemouth
(UK) 2009.
Other information:
TIC tools for education:
• Audacity • GIMP
• Padlet • Kahoot
• FluidSIM •
• Socrative • Scratch
• GraphicalAnalysi • FluidSim
• BlendSpace • Crocodile s™ GW • Sketchup
Project Management:
• Experience in eCommerce projects using • Communication and writing Skills
Agile Methodologies (Scrum, SAFe,Kanban) • Process design and Digital ransformation Management

IT skills:
• MATLAB & Simulink • Autocad & Catia
• Data Management (NoSQL (Cochbase,Mongo), • C
SQL(IBMWesphere) • Office
• Atlassian products (JIRA, Confluence, Bamboo, • Collaboration tools (Teams, Slack)
Bitbucket) & Postman & Sourcetree & Jenkins
& JSON &DevOps(ALM)

Achievements: • The organization and coordination of University of

• CAS. Attended the Agile Conference Spain2018 Seville workshops
• Scrum Master Accenture Certificate • Scrum Certification (Accenture,
• The organization and coordination of University
of Seville workshops

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