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Where Do I Start?

Basic Chart Interpretation

It can be overwhelming to know where to start when you first see a chart; be methodical.

1. What “jumps out” at you? Pay attention to what is the first thing your eyes go to. Most
likely it will be at the planets sitting in the Kendras (the houses of action), why? Because
we spend most of our time every day:
A. 1st House - As soon as you wake up, you have to tend to your body: combing your
hair, brushing your teeth, eating, exercising, eliminating, making sure your body is
cared for
B. 4th House - You can spend up to ⅓ of your day at home: sleeping, cooking, or
spending time with your family
C. 7th House - It is rare that there aren’t any other people surrounding you during the
course of a typical day
D. 10th House - You can spend up to ⅓ of your day at work, or simply ‘doing’ something
2. Immediately access the BACKSTORY (found in Part 2 of this Series). This should only
take you 1 - 2 minutes maximum. After lots of practice, this step should be ‘second-
nature’. This is where all of the astronomy you are learning here will come into place.
3. Do a quick PURUSHARTHA analysis (you learned here in Part 1). Add up how many
planets are in Dharma, Artha, Kama, or Moksha houses. Pay attention within those
houses, in which of the ELEMENTS ‘dominate’?
4. Access the YOGAS in the chart. This is a very time consuming portion of chart analysis,
yet this is what will tell you the how much preeminence the person will be able to reach.
This you won’t be able to learn until you finish (and learn) Part 1 & Part 2 of this series.


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