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Chapter 14  Preparation of Abutment Teeth

Preparation of Abutment Teeth

Chapter Outline After surgery, periodontal treatment, endodontic treatment,
and tissue conditioning of the arch involved, the abutment
Classification of Abutment Teeth
teeth may be prepared to provide support, stabilization,
Sequence of Abutment Preparations on Sound Enamel or
reciprocation, and retention for the removable partial
Existing Restorations
denture. Rarely, if ever, is the situation encountered in which
Abutment Preparations Using Conservative Restorations
alterations of the abutment are not indicated because teeth
Abutment Preparations Using Crowns
do not develop with guiding planes, rests, and contours to
Ledges on abutment crowns
accommodate clasp assemblies.
Spark erosion
A favorable response to any deep restorations, endodon-
Veneer crowns for support of clasp arms
tic therapy, and the results of periodontal treatment should
Splinting of Abutment Teeth
be established before the removable partial denture is
Use of Isolated Teeth as Abutments
fabricated. If the prognosis of a tooth under treatment
Missing Anterior Teeth
becomes unfavorable, its loss can be compensated for by a
Temporary Crowns When a Removable Partial Denture Is
change in the removable partial denture design. If teeth are
Being Worn
lost after the removable partial denture is fabricated, then
Cementation of temporary crowns
the removable partial denture must be added to or replaced.
Fabricating Restorations to Fit Existing Denture
Most removable partial denture designs do not lend them-
selves well to later additions, although this possibility should
be considered in the original design of a denture. Every
diagnostic aid should be used to determine which teeth are
to be used as abutments or are potential abutments for
future designs. When an original abutment is lost, it is
extremely difficult to effectively modify the removable
partial denture to use the next adjacent tooth as a retaining
It is sometimes possible to design a removable partial
denture so that a single posterior abutment that is question-
able can be retained and used to support one end of a tooth-
supported base. Then, if that posterior abutment was lost,
it could be replaced with a distal extension base (see Figure
12-25). Such a design must include provision for future
indirect retention, flexible clasping on the remaining termi-
nal abutment, and provision for establishing tissue support
by a secondary impression. Anterior abutments, which are
considered poor risks, may not be so freely used because of
the problems involved in adding a new abutment retainer
when the original one is lost. Such questionable teeth should
be treatment planned for extraction in favor of a better abut-
ment in the original treatment plan.

206 Part II  Clinical and Laboratory

the occlusal surface, preferably at the junction of the

Classification of Abutment Teeth
middle and gingival thirds; (b) retentive clasp terminals
The subject of abutment preparations may be grouped as may be placed in the gingival third of the crown for better
follows: (1) those abutment teeth that require only minor esthetics and better mechanical advantage; and (c) recip-
modifications to their coronal portions, (2) those that are to rocal clasp arms may be placed on and above a height of
have restorations other than complete coverage crowns, and contour that is no higher than the cervical portion of the
(3) those that are to have crowns (complete coverage). middle third of the crown of the abutment tooth.
Abutment teeth that require only minor modifications 3. After alterations of axial contours are accomplished and
include teeth with sound enamel, those with small restora- before rest seat preparations are instituted, an impression
tions not involved in the removable partial denture design, of the arch should be made in irreversible hydrocolloid
those with acceptable restorations that will be involved in and a cast formed in a fast-setting stone. This cast can be
the removable partial denture design, and those that have returned to the surveyor to determine the adequacy of
existing crown restorations requiring minor modification axial alterations before proceeding with rest seat prepara-
that will not jeopardize the integrity of the crown. The latter tions. If axial surfaces require additional axial recontour-
may exist as an individual crown or as the abutment of a ing, this can be performed during the same appointment
fixed partial denture. and without compromise.
The use of unprotected abutments has been discussed 4. Occlusal rest areas should be prepared that will direct
previously. Although complete coverage of all abutments occlusal forces along the long axis of the abutment tooth
may be desirable, it is not always possible or practical. The (Figure 14-1D). Mouth preparation should follow the
decision to use unprotected abutments involves certain risks removable partial denture design that was outlined on
of which the patient must be advised and includes responsi- the diagnostic cast at the time the cast was surveyed and
bility for maintaining oral hygiene and caries control. the treatment plan confirmed. Proposed changes to abut-
Making crown restorations fit existing denture clasps is a ment teeth should be made on the diagnostic cast and
difficult task; however, the fact that it is possible to do may outlined in colored pencil to indicate the area, amount,
influence the decision to use uncrowned but otherwise and angulation of the modification to be done (see
sound teeth as abutments. Chapter 12). Although occlusal rest seats may also be
Complete coverage restorations provide the best possible prepared on the diagnostic cast, indication of their loca-
support for occlusal rests. If the patient’s economic status or tion in colored pencil is usually sufficient for the experi-
other factors beyond the control of the dentist prevent the enced dentist because rest preparations follow a definite
use of complete coverage restorations, then an amalgam pattern (see Chapter 6).
alloy restoration, if properly condensed, is capable of sup-
porting an occlusal rest without appreciable flow for a long
Abutment Preparations Using
period. Any existing silver amalgam alloy restoration about
Conservative Restorations
which there is any doubt should be replaced with new
amalgam restorations. This should be done before guiding Conventional inlay preparations are permissible on the
planes and occlusal rest seats are prepared, to allow the res- proximal surface of a tooth not to be contacted by a minor
toration to reach maximum strength and be polished. connector of the removable partial denture. On the other
Continued improvement in dimensional stability, hand, proximal and occlusal surfaces that support minor
strength, and wear resistance of composite resin restorations connectors and occlusal rests require somewhat different
will add another dimension to the preparation and modifi- treatment. The extent of occlusal coverage (i.e., whether
cation of abutment teeth for removable partial dentures that cusps are covered) will be governed by the usual factors, such
should be less invasive than placement of complete coverage as the extent of caries, the presence of unsupported enamel
restorations and more economical. walls, and the extent of occlusal abrasion and attrition.
When an inlay is the restoration of choice for an abut-
ment tooth, certain modifications of the outline form are
Sequence of Abutment
necessary. To prevent the buccal and lingual proximal
Preparations on Sound Enamel
margins from lying at or near the minor connector or the
or Existing Restorations
occlusal rest, these margins must be extended well beyond
Abutment preparations on sound enamel or on existing res- the line angles of the tooth. This additional extension may
torations that have been judged as acceptable should be done be accomplished by widening the conventional box prepara-
in the following order: tion. However, the margin of a cast restoration produced for
1. Proximal surfaces parallel to the path of placement should such a preparation may be quite thin and may be damaged
be prepared to provide guiding planes (Figure 14-1A). by the clasp during placement or removal of the removable
2. Tooth contours should be modified (Figure 14-1B and partial denture. This hazard may be avoided by extending
C), lowering the height of contour so that (a) the origin the outline of the box beyond the line angle, thus producing
of circumferential clasp arms may be placed well below a strong restoration-to-tooth junction.
Chapter 14  Preparation of Abutment Teeth 207


Figure 14-1    Abutment contours should be altered during mouth preparations in the following sequence. A, The proximal surface is
prepared parallel to the path of placement to create a guiding plane. B, Height of contour on the buccal and lingual surfaces is lowered
when necessary to permit the retentive clasp terminus to be located within the gingival third of the crown, bracing part of the retentive
arm at the junction of the middle and gingival thirds of the crown, and the reciprocal clasp arm on the opposite side of tooth to be
placed no higher than the cervical portion of the middle third of the crown. C, The area of the tooth at which the retentive clasp arm
originates should be altered if necessary to permit a more direct approach to the gingival third of the tooth: (1) incorrect position of
retentive clasp arm; (2) area of tooth modified to accommodate better position of retentive clasp arm; (3) more ideal position of reten-
tive clasp arm. D, Occlusal rest preparation that will direct occlusal forces along the long axis of the tooth should be the final step in
mouth preparations.

In this type of preparation, the pulp is particularly vulner- Every effort should be made to provide the restoration with
able unless the axial wall is curved to conform to the external maximum resistance and retention, as well as with clinically
proximal curvature of the tooth. When caries is of minimal imperceptible margins. The first requisite can be satisfied by
depth, the gingival seat should have an axial depth at all preparing opposing cavity walls 5 degrees or less from paral-
points about the width of a No. 559 fissure bur. It is of lel and producing flat floors and sharp, clean line angles.
utmost importance that the gingival seat be placed where it It is sometimes necessary to use an inlay on a mandibular
can be easily accessed to maintain good oral hygiene. The first premolar for the support of an indirect retainer. The
proximal contour necessary to produce the proper guiding narrow occlusal width bucco-lingually and the lingual incli-
plane surface and the close proximity of the minor connec- nation of the occlusal surface of such a tooth often compli-
tor render this area particularly vulnerable to future caries. cate the two-surface inlay preparation. Even the most
208 Part II  Clinical and Laboratory

exacting occlusal cavity preparation often leaves a thin and surveyor for proximal surface refinement. This can be done
weak lingual cusp remaining. accurately with the aid of a handpiece holder attached to the
vertical spindle of the surveyor or some similar machining
Abutment Preparations Using Crowns
One of the advantages of making cast restorations for
When multiple crowns are to be restored as removable abutment teeth is that mouth preparations that would oth-
partial denture abutments, it is best that all wax patterns be erwise have to be done in the mouth may be done on the
made at the same time. A cast of the arch with removable surveyor with far greater accuracy. It is generally impossible
dies may be used if they are stable and sufficiently keyed for to make several proximal surfaces parallel to one another
accuracy. If preferred, contouring wax patterns and making when preparing them intraorally. The opportunity for con-
them parallel may be done on a solid cast of the arch (Figure touring wax patterns and making them parallel on the sur-
14-2), with individual dies used to refine margins. Modern veyor in relation to a path of placement should be used to
impression materials and indirect techniques make either its full advantage whenever cast restorations are being made.
method equally satisfactory. The ideal crown restoration for a removable partial
The same sequence for preparing teeth in the mouth denture abutment is the complete coverage crown, which
applies to the contouring of wax patterns. After the cast has can be carved, cast, and finished to ideally satisfy all require-
been placed on the surveyor to conform to the selected path ments for support, stabilization, and retention without com-
of placement and after the wax patterns have been prelimi- promise for cosmetic reasons (Figure 14-3). Porcelain veneer
narily carved for occlusion and contact, proximal surfaces crowns can be made equally satisfactory but only by the
that are to act as guiding planes are carved parallel to the added step of contouring the veneered surface on the sur-
path of placement with a surveyor blade. Guiding planes are veyor before the final glaze. If this is not done, retentive
extended from the marginal ridge to the junction of the contours may be excessive or inadequate.
middle and gingival thirds of the tooth surface involved. One The three-quarter crown does not permit creation of
must be careful not to extend the guiding plane to the gin- retentive areas as does the complete coverage crown.
gival margin because the minor connector must be relieved However, if buccal or labial surfaces are sound and retentive
when it crosses the gingivae. A guiding plane that includes areas are acceptable or can be made so by slight modification
the occlusal two thirds or even one third of the proximal area of tooth surfaces, the three-quarter crown is a conservative
is usually adequate without endangering gingival tissues. restoration of merit. The same criteria apply in the decision
After the guiding planes are parallel and any other con- to leave a portion of an abutment unprotected, as in the
touring to accommodate the removable partial denture decision to leave any tooth unprotected that is to serve as a
design is accomplished, occlusal rest seats are carved in the removable partial denture abutment.
wax pattern. This method has been outlined in Chapter 6. Regardless of the type of crown used, preparation should
It should be emphasized that critical areas prepared in be made to provide the appropriate depth for the occlusal
wax should not be destroyed by careless spruing or polish- rest seat. This is best accomplished by altering the axial con-
ing. The wax pattern should be sprued to preserve paralleled tours of the tooth to the ideal before preparing the tooth and
surfaces and rest areas. Polishing should consist of little
more than burnishing. Rest seat areas should need only
refining with round finishing burs. If some interference by
spruing is unavoidable, the casting must be returned to the

Figure 14-2    Solid cast of multiple abutment crowns for a Figure 14-3    Metal ceramic crowns for teeth #4 and #5 dem-
removable partial denture. Wax patterns for crown #21, #28, onstrating occlusal rests in metal and evidence of palatal finish-
#30, and #31 can be completed at the same time using the identi- ing procedures. The distal surface of #4 provides a guide-plane
cal cast orientation. This allows control of the path of insertion surface that is continued onto a portion of the lingual surface for
features on all fitting surfaces of the removable prostheses. maximum stabilization.
Chapter 14  Preparation of Abutment Teeth 209

Path of placement

Height Height
of contour of contour


Figure 14-5    A, Incorrect relationship of retentive and recipro-

cal clasp arms to each other when the removable partial denture
framework is fully seated. As the retentive clasp arm flexes over
the height of contour during placement and removal, the recipro-
Figure 14-4    Metal-ceramic crown preparation on tooth #21 cal clasp arm cannot be effective because it is not in contact with
shows mesial-occlusal (MO) rest space provided in the crown the tooth until the denture framework is fully seated. B, Horizon-
preparation at the mesial. Inset picture gives a perspective of the tal forces applied to the abutment tooth as the retentive clasp
vertical height this provides for the rest to be prepared in the wax flexes over the height of contour during placement and removal.
pattern. Open circles at the top and bottom illustrate that the retentive
clasp is passive only at its first contact with the tooth during
placement and when in its terminal position with the denture
creating a depression in the prepared tooth at the occlusal fully seated. During placement and removal, a rigid clasp arm
rest area (Figure 14-4). Because the location of occlusal rests placed on the opposite side of the tooth cannot provide resis-
is established during treatment planning, this information tance against these horizontal forces. See Figure 14-6 for a
will be known in advance of any tooth preparations. If, for method to ensure true reciprocation.
example, double occlusal rests are to be used, this will be
known so that the tooth can be prepared to accommodate
the depth of both rests. It is inexcusable when waxing a
retentive clasp produces an active orthodontic force
pattern to find that a rest seat has to be made shallower than
because of accidental distortion or improper design.
is desirable because of post-treatment planning. It can also
Reciprocation, to prevent transient horizontal forces that
create serious problems when a rest seat has to be made
may be detrimental to abutment stability, is most needed
shallow in an existing crown or inlay because its thickness is
when the restoration is placed or when a dislodging force
not known. The opportunity for creating an ideal rest seat
is applied. Perhaps the term orthodontic force is incorrect,
(if it has been properly treatment planned) depends only on
because the term signifies a slight but continuous influ-
the few seconds it takes to create a space for it.
ence that would logically reach equilibrium when the
tooth is orthodontically moved. Instead, the transient
Ledges on Abutment Crowns forces of placement and removal are intermittent but
In addition to providing abutment protection, more ideal forceful, which can lead to periodontal destruction
retentive contours, definite guiding planes, and optimum and eventual instability rather than to orthodontic
occlusal rest support, complete coverage restorations on movement.
teeth used as removable partial denture abutments offer True reciprocation is not possible with a clasp arm that
still another advantage not obtainable on natural teeth. is placed on an occlusally inclined tooth surface because
This is the crown ledge or shoulder, which provides effec- it does not become effective until the prosthesis is fully
tive stabilization and reciprocation. seated. When a dislodging force is applied, the reciprocal
The functions of the reciprocal clasp arm have been clasp arm, along with the occlusal rest, breaks contact
stated in Chapter 6. Briefly, these are reciprocation, with the supporting tooth surfaces, and they are no longer
stabilization, and auxiliary indirect retention. Any rigid effective. Thus, as the retentive clasp flexes over the height
reciprocal arm may provide horizontal stabilization if it of contour and exerts a horizontal force on the abutment,
is located on axial surfaces parallel to the path of place- reciprocation is nonexistent just when it is needed most
ment. To a large extent, because it is placed at the height (Figure 14-5).
of convexity, a rigid reciprocal arm may also act as an True reciprocation can be obtained only by creating a
auxiliary indirect retainer. However, its function as a path of placement for the reciprocal clasp arm that is
reciprocating arm against the action of the retentive clasp parallel to other guiding planes. In this manner, the infe-
arm is limited to stabilization against possible orthodon- rior border of the reciprocal clasp makes contact with its
tic movement when the denture framework is in its ter- guiding surface before the retentive clasp on the other
minal position. Such reciprocation is needed when the side of the tooth begins to flex (Figure 14-6). Thus
210 Part II  Clinical and Laboratory




Lingual view



Figure 14-6    A, Preparation of the ledge in a wax pattern with a surveyor blade parallel to the path of placement. B, Refinement of
the ledge on casting, using a suitable stone or milling device in a handpiece attached to the dental surveyor or a specialized drill press
for the same purpose. C, Approximate width and depth of the ledge formed on the abutment crown, which will permit the reciprocal
clasp arm to be inlaid within the normal contours of the tooth. D, True reciprocation throughout the full path of placement and removal
is possible when the reciprocal clasp arm is inlaid onto the ledge on the abutment crown. E, Direct retainer assembly is fully seated.
The reciprocal arm restores the lingual contour of the abutment.

reciprocation exists during the entire path of placement because of the excessive display of metal, but it may be
and removal. A ledge on the abutment crown acts as a used just as effectively on posterior abutments when
terminal stop for the reciprocal clasp arm. It also aug- esthetics is not a factor.
ments the occlusal rest and provides indirect retention for The fact that a crown ledge is to be used should be
a distal extension removable partial denture. known in advance of crown preparation to ensure suffi-
A ledge on an abutment crown has still another advan- cient removal of tooth structure in this area. Although a
tage. The usual reciprocal clasp arm is half-round, and shoulder or ledge is not included in the preparation itself,
therefore convex, and is superimposed on and increases adequate space must be provided so that the ledge may
the bulk of an already convex surface. A reciprocal clasp be made sufficiently wide and the surface above it made
arm built on a crown ledge is actually inlayed into the parallel to the path of placement. The ledge should be
crown and reproduces more normal crown contours (see placed at the junction of the gingival and middle thirds
Figure 14-6). The patient’s tongue then contacts a con- of the tooth, curving slightly to follow the curvature of
tinuously convex surface rather than the projection of a the gingival tissues. On the side of the tooth where the
clasp arm. Unfortunately, the enamel is not thick enough clasp arm will originate, the ledge must be kept low
nor the tooth so shaped that an effective ledge can be enough to allow the origin of the clasp arm to be wide
created on an unrestored tooth. Narrow enamel shoul- enough for sufficient strength and rigidity.
ders are sometimes used as rest seats on anterior teeth, In forming the crown ledge, which is usually located
but these do not provide the parallelism that is essential on the lingual surface, the wax pattern of the crown is
to reciprocation during placement and removal. completed except for refinement of the margins before
The crown ledge may be used on any complete or the ledge is carved. After the proximal guiding planes and
three-quarter crown restored surface that is opposite the the occlusal rests and retentive contours are formed, the
retentive side of an abutment tooth. It is used most fre- ledge is carved with the surveyor blade so that the surface
quently on premolars and molars but also may be used above is parallel to the path of placement. Thus a con-
on canine restorations. It is not ordinarily used on buccal tinuous guiding plane surface will exist from the proxi-
surfaces for reciprocation against lingual retention mal surface around the lingual surface.
Chapter 14  Preparation of Abutment Teeth 211

The full effectiveness of the crown ledge can be inferiorly and contoured superiorly to restore the crown
achieved only when the crown is returned to the surveyor contour, including the tip of the cusp. It is obvious that
for refinement after casting. To afford true reciprocation, polishing must be controlled so as not to destroy the form
the crown casting must have a surface above the ledge of the shoulder that was prepared in wax or the parallel-
that is parallel to the path of placement. This can be ism of the guiding plane surface. It is equally vital that the
accomplished with precision only by machining the removable partial denture casting be finished with great
casting parallel to the path of placement with a handpiece care so that the accuracy of the counterpart is not
holder in the surveyor or some other suitable machining destroyed. Modern investments, casting alloys, and pol-
device (Figure 14-7). ishing techniques make this degree of accuracy possible.
Similarly, the parallelism of proximal guiding planes
needs to be perfected after casting and polishing. Although Spark Erosion
it is possible to approximate parallelism and, at the same Spark erosion technology is a highly advanced system for
time, form the crown ledge on the wax pattern with a producing the ultimate in precision fit of the reciprocal
surveyor blade, some of its accuracy is lost in casting and arm to the ledge on the casting. This technology uses a
polishing. The use of suitable burs such as No. 557, 558, tool system that permits repositioning of the casting with
and 559 fissure burs and true cylindrical carborundum great accuracy and an electric discharge machine that is
stones in the handpiece holder permits the paralleling of programmed to erode minute metal particles through
all guiding planes on the finished casting with the accu- periodic spark intervals.
racy necessary for the effectiveness of those guiding plane Regardless of the method or technique used, it is
surfaces. imperative that the predetermined cast orientation be
The reciprocal clasp arm is ultimately waxed on the maintained to ensure that ledges and proximal guide
investment cast so that it is continuous with the ledge planes remain parallel.


Figure 14-7    A milling machine used to prepare parallel surfaces, internal rest seats, lingual grooves, and ledges in cast restorations.
Such a device permits more precise milling than is possible with a dental handpiece attached to the dental surveyor. To be effective,
the cast must be positioned on the drill in such a manner that the previously established path of placement is maintained. A movable
stage or base therefore should be adjustable until the relation of the cast to the axis of the drill has been made the same as that obtained
when the cast was on the dental surveyor.
212 Part II  Clinical and Laboratory

porcelain should be used to ensure the future retentiveness

Veneer Crowns for Support of Clasp Arms of the veneered surface. Present-day acrylic-resins, which are
For cosmetic reasons, resin and porcelain veneer crowns are cross-linked copolymers, will withstand abrasion for consid-
used on abutment teeth that would otherwise display an erable time, but not nearly to the same degree as porcelain.
objectionable amount of metal. They may be present in the Therefore acrylic-resin veneers are best used in conjunction
form of porcelain veneers retained by pins and cemented to with metal that supports the half-round clasp terminal.
the crown; porcelain fused directly to a cast metal substruc-
ture; porcelain fused to a machined coping; cast porcelain;
Splinting of Abutment Teeth
pressed ceramic crowns; computer-assisted designed and
machined ceramic restorations; or acrylic-resin processed Often, a tooth is considered too weak to use alone as a
directly to a cast crown. The development of abrasion-resis- removable partial denture abutment because of the short
tant composites offers materials suitable for veneering that length or excessive taper of a single root, or because of bone
can withstand clasp contact, thereby eliminating an undesir- loss resulting in an unfavorable crown-to-root ratio. In such
able display of metal. instances, splinting to the adjacent tooth or teeth can be used
Veneer crowns must be contoured to provide suitable as a means of improving abutment support. Thus, two sin-
retention. This means that the veneer must be slightly over- gle-rooted teeth serve as a multi-rooted abutment.
contoured and then shaped to provide the desired undercut Splinting should not be used to retain a tooth that would
for the location of the retentive clasp arm (Figure 14-8). If otherwise be condemned for periodontal reasons. When the
the veneer is of porcelain, this procedure must precede length of service of a restoration depends on the service-
glazing, and if it is of resin, it must precede final polishing. ability of an abutment, any periodontally questionable tooth
If this important step in making veneered abutments is should be condemned in favor of using an adjacent healthy
neglected or omitted, excessive or inadequate retentive con- tooth as the abutment, even though the span is increased one
tours may result. tooth by doing so.
In limited clinical trials, porcelain laminates demon- The most common application of the use of multiple
strated resistance to wear of 5-year equivalence. The porce- abutments is the splinting of two premolars or a first pre-
lain, however, resulted in slight wear on the clasps. molar and a canine (Figure 14-9). Mandibular premolars
The flat underside of the cast clasp makes sufficient generally have round and tapered roots, which are easily
contact with the surface of the veneer so that abrasion of a loosened by rotational, as well as by tipping, forces. They are
resin veneer may result. Although the underside of the clasp the weakest of the posterior abutments. Maxillary premolars
may be polished (with some loss in accuracy of fit), abrasion also often have tapered roots, which may make them poor
results from the trapping and holding of food debris against risks as abutments, particularly when they will be called on
the tooth surface as the clasp moves during function. There- to resist the leverage of a distal extension base. Such teeth
fore, unless the retentive clasp terminal rests on metal, glazed are best splinted by casting or soldering two crowns together.
When a first premolar to be used as an abutment has poor
root form or support, it is best that it be splinted to the
stronger canine.
Anterior teeth on which lingual rests are to be placed
often must be splinted together to avoid orthodontic move-

Figure 14-8    A porcelain veneer crown is resurveyed following Figure 14-9    First premolars and canines have been splinted
adjustment, glazing, and polishing. It is important to survey in this Class I, modification 1 partially edentulous arch. The splint
crowns returned from the laboratory before cementation. The bar was added to provide cross-arch stabilization for splinted
best time to ensure control of all abutment contours for a remov- abutments and to support and retain the anterior segment of 
able partial denture is when surveyed crowns are used and they the removable restoration. The prospective longevity of the abut-
are resurveyed before permanent placement. ments has been enhanced.
Chapter 14  Preparation of Abutment Teeth 213


Figure 14-10    A, Periodontal disease required removal of #30 distal and #31 mesial roots. B, The first premolar and hemi-sected
roots were splinted using a five-unit fixed partial denture. C, Fixed prosthesis provided cross-arch support, stability, and retention to a
Kennedy Class II removable partial denture.

ment of individual teeth. Mandibular anterior teeth are there may be notable exceptions when a molar abutment
seldom used for support, but if they are, splinting of the would benefit from the effect of splinting, as in a hemi-
teeth involved is advisable. When splinting is impossible, sected molar root (Figure 14-10).
individual lingual rests on cast restorations may be slightly
inclined apically to avoid possible tooth displacement, or
Use of Isolated Teeth as Abutments
lingual rests may be used in conjunction with incisal rests,
slightly engaging the labial surface of the teeth. The average abutment tooth is subjected to some distal
Lingual rests should always be placed as low on the cin- tipping, rotation, torquing, and horizontal movement, all of
gulum as possible, and single anterior teeth, other than which must be held to a minimum by the quality of tissue
canines, should not be used for occlusal support. Where support and the design of the removable partial denture. The
lingual rests are used on central and lateral incisors, as many isolated abutment tooth, however, is subjected also to mesial
teeth as possible should be included to distribute the load, tipping caused by lack of proximal contact. Despite indirect
thereby minimizing the force on any one tooth. Even so, retention, some lifting of the distal extension base is inevi-
some movement of individual teeth is likely to occur, par- table, causing torque to the abutment.
ticularly when they are subjected to the forces of indirect In a tooth-supported prosthesis, an isolated tooth may be
retention or when bone support is compromised. This is best used as an abutment by including a fifth abutment for addi-
avoided by splinting several teeth with united cast restora- tional support. Thus rotational and horizontal forces are
tions. The condition of the teeth and cosmetic consider- resisted by the additional stabilization obtained from the
ations will dictate whether complete crowns, three-quarter fifth abutment. When two such isolated abutments exist,
crowns, pin ledge inlays, resin-bonded retainers, or compos- a sixth abutment should be included for the same reason.
ite restorations will be used for this purpose. Thus the two canines, the two isolated premolars, and two
Splinting of molar teeth for multiple abutment support posterior teeth are used as abutments.
is less frequently used because they are generally multi- In contrast, an isolated anterior abutment adjacent to a
rooted. A two- or three-rooted tooth that is not strong distal extension base usually should be splinted to the nearest
enough alone is probably a poor abutment risk. However, tooth by means of a fixed partial denture. The effect is
214 Part II  Clinical and Laboratory

twofold: (1) the anterior edentulous segment is eliminated, assume responsibility for use of the isolated tooth as an
thereby creating an intact dental arch anterior to the eden- abutment.
tulous space; and (2) the isolated tooth is splinted to the The economic aspect of the use of fixed restorations as
other abutment of the fixed partial denture, thereby provid- part of the mouth preparations for a removable partial
ing multiple abutment support. Splinting should be used denture is essentially the same as that for any other splinting
here only to gain multiple abutment support rather than to procedure: the best design of the fixed partial denture that
support an otherwise weak abutment tooth. will ensure the longevity of its service makes the additional
Although splinting is advocated for abutment teeth that procedure and expense necessary. Although it must be rec-
are considered too weak to risk being used alone, a single ognized that economic considerations, combined with a
abutment standing alone in the dental arch anterior to a particularly favorable prognosis of an isolated tooth, may
distal extension basal seat generally requires the splinting influence the decision to forego the advantages of using a
effect of a fixed partial denture (Figures 14-11 and 14-12). fixed partial denture, the original treatment plan should
Even though the form and length of the root and the sup- include this provision, even though the alternative method
porting bone seem to be adequate for an ordinary abutment, may be accepted for economic reasons.
the fact that the tooth lacks proximal contact endangers the
tooth when it is used to support a distal extension base
Missing Anterior Teeth
removable partial denture.
A second factor that may influence the decision to use an When a removable partial denture is used to replace missing
isolated tooth as an abutment is an esthetic consideration. posterior teeth, especially in the absence of distal abutments,
However, neither esthetics nor economics should deter any additional missing anterior teeth are best replaced by
the dentist from recommending to the patient that an iso- means of fixed restorations rather than included in the
lated tooth to be used as a terminal abutment should be removable partial denture. In any distal extension situation,
given the advantage of splinting by means of a fixed partial some anteroposterior rotational action will result from the
denture. If compromises are necessary, the patient must addition of an anterior segment to the denture. The ideal
treatment plan, which would consider the anterior edentu-
lous space separately, may result in conflict with economic
and esthetic realities. Each situation must be treated accord-
ing to its own merits. Often the best esthetic result can be
obtained by replacing missing anterior teeth and tissues with
the removable partial denture rather than with a fixed res-
toration. From a biomechanical standpoint, however, it is
generally advisable that a removable partial denture should
replace the missing posterior teeth only after the remainder
of the anterior arch has been made intact by fixed
Figure 14-11    Lone-standing premolar should be splinted to Although the need for compromise is recognized, the
the canine with a fixed partial denture. Not only will the design decision to include an anterior segment on the denture
of the removable partial denture be simplified, but the longevity depends largely on the support available for that part of
of abutment service by the premolar will be greatly extended. the removable partial denture. The greater the number of


Figure 14-12    A, Isolated abutments have been splinted using splint bars. B, The removable partial denture is more adequately sup-
ported by the splinting mechanism shown in A than could be realized with isolated abutments.
Chapter 14  Preparation of Abutment Teeth 215

natural anterior teeth remaining, the better is the available Acrylic-resin temporary crowns that duplicate the original
support for the edentulous segment. If definite rest seats can form of the abutment teeth must be made.
be prepared on multiple abutments, the anterior segment The technique for making temporary crowns to fit direct
may be treated as any other tooth-bounded modification retainers is similar to that used for other types of acrylic-
space. Sound principles of rest support apply just as much resin temporary crowns. The principal difference is that an
as elsewhere in the arch. Inclined tooth surfaces should impression, made with an elastic impression material, must
not be used for occlusal support, nor should rests be placed be made of the entire arch with the existing removable
on unprepared lingual surfaces. The best possible support partial denture in place. It is necessary that the removable
for an anterior segment is multiple support extending, partial denture remain in the impression when it is removed
if possible, posteriorly across prepared lingual rest seats from the mouth. If it remains in the mouth, it must be
on the canine teeth to mesio-occlusal rest seats on the removed and inserted into the impression in its designated
first premolars. Such support would permit the missing position. The impression with the removable partial denture
anterior teeth to be included in the removable partial in place is disinfected, wrapped in a wet paper towel (if
denture, often with some cosmetic advantages over fixed irreversible hydrocolloid was used as the impression mate-
restorations. rial) or placed in a plastic bag, and set aside while the tooth
In some instances, the replacement of anterior teeth by or teeth are being prepared for new crowns.
means of a removable partial denture cannot be avoided. After the preparations are completed and the impressions
However, without adequate tooth support, any such pros- and jaw relation records have been made, the prepared teeth
thesis will lack the stability that would result from replacing are dried and lubricated. The original impression is trimmed
only the posterior teeth with the removable partial denture to eliminate any excess, undercuts, and interproximal pro-
and the anterior teeth with fixed restorations. When anterior jections that would interfere with the replacement of the
teeth have been lost through accident or have been missing impression in the mouth.
for some time, resorption of the anterior residual ridge may The methyl methacrylate acrylic-resins, composites,
have progressed to the point that neither fixed nor remov- copolymers, and fiber-reinforced resins may serve as excel-
able pontics may be butted to the residual ridge. In such lent materials for temporary crowns in conjunction with
instances, for reasons of esthetics and orofacial tissue removable partial dentures. Making temporary crowns
support, the missing teeth must be replaced with a denture requires a small mixing cup or dappen dish; a cement
base supporting teeth that are more nearly in their original spatula; and a small, disposable, plastic syringe. Autopoly-
position, considerably forward from the residual ridge. merizing acrylic-resin of the appropriate tooth color is
Although such teeth may be positioned to better cosmetic placed in the cup or dappen dish, and monomer is added to
advantage, the contouring and coloring of a denture base to make a slightly viscous mix. The volume should be slightly
be esthetically pleasing require the maximum artistic effort in excess of the amount estimated to fabricate the temporary
of both the dentist and the technician. Such a removable restorations. The mix should be spatulated to a smooth con-
partial denture, both from an esthetic and a biomechanical sistency and the mix immediately poured into the barrel of
standpoint, is one of the most difficult of all prosthetic res- the disposable syringe. A small amount of the mix should be
torations. However, a splint bar, connected by abutments on injected over and around the margins of the prepared teeth.
both sides of the edentulous space, will provide much- The remaining material should be injected into the impres-
needed support and retention to the anterior segment of the sion of the prepared teeth. The impression is seated into the
removable partial denture. Because the splint bar will provide mouth, where the dentist holds it in place until sufficient
vertical support, rest seats on abutments adjacent to the time has elapsed for it to reach a stiff, rubbery stage, or a
edentulous area need not be prepared, thus simplifying an consistency recommended by the manufacturer. This again
anterior restoration to some extent. must be based on experience with the particular resin used.
The concept of a dual path of placement to enhance the At this time, the impression is removed. The crowns may
esthetic replacement of missing anterior teeth with a remov- remain in the impression. If so, they are stripped out of the
able partial denture is recognized. Sources of information on impression, all excess is trimmed away with scissors, and the
this concept are made available in the “Selected Reading crowns are reseated on the prepared abutments. The remov-
Resources” of this text under “Partial Denture Design.” able partial denture is then removed from the impression
and reseated in the mouth onto the temporary crowns,
which should be in a stiff-rubbery state. The patient may
Temporary Crowns When A Removable
bring the teeth into occlusion to reestablish the former posi-
Partial Denture Is Being Worn
tion and occlusal relationship of the existing removable
Occasionally, an existing removable partial denture must partial denture.
remain serviceable while the mouth is being prepared for a After the resin crown or crowns have polymerized, the
new prosthesis. In such situations, temporary crowns must removable partial denture is removed and the crowns remain
be made that will support the old removable partial denture on the teeth. These are then carefully removed, contoured
and will not interfere with its placement and removal. to accommodate oral hygiene access, trimmed, polished,
216 Part II  Clinical and Laboratory

and temporarily cemented. The result is a temporary crown delineated with a pencil, and the die painted with a tinfoil
that restores the original abutment contours and allows the substitute. A separating material, such as a tinfoil substi-
removable partial denture to be placed and removed without tute, should be used and will form a thin film on a cold,
interference, while temporarily providing the same support dry surface. Not all tinfoil substitutes are suitable for this
to the denture that existed before the teeth were prepared. purpose. With autopolymerizing resin powder and liquid
Cementation of Temporary Crowns in separate dappen dishes and a fine brush, a coping of
resin of uniform thickness is painted onto the die. This
Cementation of temporary crowns may require slight relief should extend not quite to the pencil line representing the
of the internal surface of the crowns to accommodate the limit of the crown preparation. After hardening, the resin
temporary cement and to facilitate removal. The temporary coping may be removed, inspected, and trimmed if neces-
cement should be thin and applied only to the inside gingival sary. The thin film of foil substitute should be removed
margin of the crowns to ensure complete seating. As soon as before the coping is reseated onto the die.
the temporary cement has hardened, the occlusion should The wax pattern buildup on the resin coping is usually
be checked and adjusted accordingly. Regardless of the type not begun until the patient returns. A sequence using a
of temporary cement used, any excess that might irritate the functional chew-in technique for occlusion would be
gingivae should be removed. followed establishing proximal contact and contours
appropriate for the clasp assembly as outlined below.
First, the occlusal portion of the wax pattern is estab-
Fabricating Restorations to Fit lished by having the patient close into maximum inter-
Existing Denture Retainers cuspation, followed by excursive movements (Figure
It is often necessary that an abutment tooth be restored 14-13A). The wax pattern is returned to the cast, and
with a complete crown (or other restoration) that will fit additions are made to dull areas as required. The process
the inside of the clasp of an otherwise serviceable remov- is repeated until a smooth occlusal registration has been
able partial denture. One technique for doing so is simple obtained. Except for narrowing of the occlusal surface
enough, but it requires that an indirect-direct pattern be and carving of grooves and spillways, this will be the
made and therefore justifies a fee for service above that occlusal anatomy of the finished restoration.
required for the usual restoration. The second step is the addition of sufficient wax to
The technique for making a crown to fit the inside of establish contact relations with the adjacent tooth. At this
a clasp is as follows: An irreversible hydrocolloid impres- time, the occlusal relation of the marginal ridges also
sion of the mouth is made with the removable partial must be established. Next, wax is added to buccal and
denture in place. This impression, which is used to make lingual surfaces where the clasp arms will contact the
the temporary crown, is wrapped in a wet paper towel or crown, and the wax pattern is again reseated in the mouth.
placed in a plastic bag and set aside while the tooth is The clasp arms, minor connectors, and occlusal rests
being prepared. Even though several abutment teeth are involved in the removable partial denture are carefully
to be restored, it is usually necessary that each temporary warmed with a needlepoint flame, carefully avoiding any
restoration be completed before the next one is begun. adjacent resin, and the removable partial denture is posi-
This is necessary so that the original support and occlusal tioned in the mouth and onto the wax pattern (Figure
relationship of the removable partial denture can be 14-13B). Several attempts may be necessary until the
maintained as each new temporary crown is being made. removable partial denture is fully seated and the compo-
During preparation of the abutment tooth, the removable nents of the clasp are clearly recorded in the wax pattern.
partial denture is replaced frequently to ascertain that Each time the removable partial denture is removed, the
sufficient tooth structure has been removed to allow for pattern will draw with it and must be teased out of the
the thickness of the casting. When the preparation is clasp.
completed, an individual impression of the tooth is When contact with the clasp arms and the occlusal
obtained from which a stone die is made. A temporary relation of the removable partial denture have been estab-
crown is then made in the original irreversible hydrocol- lished satisfactorily, the temporary crown may be replaced
loid impression, as outlined in the preceding paragraphs. and the patient dismissed. The crown pattern is com-
It is trimmed, polished, and temporarily cemented, and pleted on the die by narrowing the occlusal surface
the removable partial denture is returned to the mouth. bucco-lingually, adding grooves and spillways, and refin-
The patient is dismissed after the excess cement has been ing the margins. Any wax ledge remaining below the
removed. reciprocal clasp arm may be left to provide some of the
On the stone die made from the individual impression, advantages of a crown ledge that were described earlier in
a thin, autopolymerizing resin coping will be formed with this chapter. Excess wax remaining below the retentive
a brush technique. The stone die should first be trimmed clasp arm, however, must be removed to permit the
to the finishing line of the preparation, which is then adding of a retentive undercut later (Figure 14-13 C).
Chapter 14  Preparation of Abutment Teeth 217

Resin coping Inlay wax

Inlay wax
B Resin coping

Lingual ledge

Figure 14-13    Making of the cast crown to fit an existing removable partial denture clasp. A, Thin acrylic-resin coping is made first
on the individual die of a prepared tooth. Inlay wax is then added and coping placed onto the prepared tooth where occlusal surfaces
and contact relations are established directly in the mouth. The clasp assembly is warmed with a needlepoint flame only enough to
soften the inlay wax, and the removable partial denture is placed into the mouth, where it is guided gently into place by the opposing
occlusion. This step must be repeated several times and excess wax removed or wax added until full supporting contact with the under-
side of the clasp assembly has been established, with the denture fully seated. Usually, the wax pattern withdraws with the denture and
must be gently teased out of the clasp each time. B, The wax pattern is then placed back onto the individual die to complete the occlusal
anatomy and refine the margins. Excess wax remaining below the impression of the retentive clasp arm must be removed, but the wax
ledge may be left below the reciprocal clasp arm. C, Finished casting in the mouth. The terminus of the retentive clasp is then readapted
to engage the undercut. It is frequently necessary to remove some interference from casting, as indicated by articulating paper placed
between the clasp and the crown, until the clasp is fully seated.

If a veneer material is to be added, the veneer space sharp instrument. Then the crown may be ground and
must now be carved in the wax pattern. In such situa- polished slightly in this area to create a retentive under-
tions, the contour of the veneer may be recorded by cut. The clasp terminal then may be carefully adapted
making a stone matrix of the buccal surface, which can into this undercut, thereby creating clasp retention on
be repositioned on the completed casting to ensure the the new crown.
proper contour of the composite veneer. An alternate method for making crowns to fit existing
retainers uses mounted casts with the removable prosthe-
sis adapted to the working cast to develop occlusal sur-
The wax pattern must be sprued with care so that essen-
faces for the involved crowns.
tial areas on the pattern are not destroyed. After casting, the
Ideally, all abutment teeth would best be protected
crown should be subjected to a minimum of polishing
with complete crowns before the removable partial
because the exact form of the axial and occlusal surfaces
denture is fabricated. Except for the possibility of recur-
must be maintained.
rent caries caused by defective crown margins or gingival
recession, abutment teeth so protected may be expected
Because it is impossible to withdraw a clasp arm to give many years of satisfactory service in support, sta-
from a retentive undercut on the wax pattern, the bilization, and retention of the removable partial denture.
casting must be made without any provision for clasp Economically, a policy of insisting on complete coverage
retention. After the crown has been tried in the mouth for all abutment teeth may well be justified from the long-
with the denture in place, the location of the retentive term viewpoint. It must be recognized, however, that in
clasp terminal is identified by scoring the crown with a practice, complete coverage of all abutment teeth is not
218 Part II  Clinical and Laboratory

always possible at the time of treatment planning. Many denture maintained. Although not part of the original
factors influence the future health status of an abutment mouth preparations, this service accomplishes much the
tooth, some of which cannot be foreseen. It is necessary same objective by providing support, stability, and reten-
that the dentist be able to treat abutment teeth that later tion, and the dentist must be technically capable of pro-
become defective so that their service as abutments may viding this removable partial denture service when it
be restored and the serviceability of the removable partial becomes necessary.

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