African American People: Gun Control

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I’ve chosen the notion of myths and heroes. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or
heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure,
a person who is admired for his or her achievements. For instance it could be a sportsman, a
politician or a human rights defender… That implies that they have a large influence on us.

So in relation to this notion, my presentation will deal with this question : do heroes make
people’s rights progress or, in fact, regress? To properly answer that question, I’ll focus on 2
examples : first, African American people and then, gun control. Okay so let’s begin.


The notion I’m going to speak about is the notion of Places and forms of power. Power is the
ability to influence people. Of course, a society needs laws and rules so people can live together,
this is going to create social harmony, social cohesion. But sometime people can disagree and you
will find social tension. So I’m going to take a closer look at people’s rights

So in relation to this notion, my presentation will deal with this question : Has power been
used to make people’s rights progress or, in fact, regress? To properly answer that question,
I’ll focus on the United States and I’ll take 2 examples : first, racial segregation, and then, gun
control. Okay, so let’s begin.

The notion I’m going to speak about is the notion of IDEA OF PROGRESS. It’s a very
important notion in the western world, many people understand what this word means because in
our everyday life we know that progress is something crucial. Progress could be change it’s always
change for a better world, a better life. So, I’m going to take a closer look at people’s rights.

So in relation to this notion, my presentation will deal with this question : for the sake of
progress, are people’s rights progressing or, in fact, regressing? To demonstrate my point, I’ll
focus on the United States and I’ll take 2 examples : first, racial segregation, and then, gun
control. Okay, so let’s begin.


The notion I’m going to speak about is the notion of Spaces and exchanges. This notion deals
with the different movements in the different geographical areas. But it seems to me that spaces
can be virtual like the Internet. And the exchanges also concern ideas. So I’m going to take a closer
look at people’s rights

So in relation to this notion, my presentation will deal with this question : are people’s rights
progressing or, in fact, regressing because of spaces and exchanges? To properly answer
that question, I’ll focus on 2 examples : first, African American people and then, guns in America.
Okay so let’s begin.
First of all, I would like to point out that history shows that the United States have been a
highly segregated country. Although the emancipation proclamation led to the freedom of some 4
million enslaved black people, their rights were limited and some laws ensured their availability as
a cheap labor force. Here is some examples of things that have helped make a difference :

First, Rosa parks was the spark that led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott. So African
Americans refused to ride city buses in Montgomery (Alabama) to protest segregated seating.

Then, after segregation in public schools was declared unconstitutional and despite the
opposition, nine students registered to be the first African Americans to attend Central High School.
They are better known as the little rock nine.

And there’s also the black panthers. They fight for equality. As a black panther said in the
movie Forest Gump : “we are against any war where black soldiers are sent to the front line to die
for a country that hates them”.

And more recently, the hashtag BlackLivesMatter is a way to fight against violence and
systemic racism towards black people.

So, step by step, inequalities are reduced and African American people tend to have the
same chances as whites.

That brings us to the second part : gun control in the United States. The fact is that there are
more guns than people in the United States. So it represents important exchanges since the 2nd
Amendment was passed. On top of that these guns are not always declared so the exchanges on
the black market are important too.

But let’s start from the beginning : The Second Amendment in 1791 says that “the right of
the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. So it's something deeply rooted in the
history of this country... The problem is that mass shootings are becoming increasingly frequent in

To take a recent example : 17 were killed during the Parkland Shooting in 2018. Emma
Gonzales was one of the survivors and she became an activist for gun control. As she say : The
people in the government who are voted into power are lying to us… And us kids are prepared to
call B.S.

So pro gun control people don’t agree with the fact that “The only thing that stops a bad guy
with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.” as the vice president of the NRA said.

To conclude, in some case, heroes/power/SE make people’s right progress, think of African
American people. In other case, heroes tend to make people right’s regress, like when it comes to
gun control.

(To conclude, in some case, for the sake of progress, people’s right are progressing, think of African
American people. In other case, people’s rights are regressing, like when it comes to gun control.)

I’d say that to move things forward, sometimes you have to move them backward. I absolutely
think that it’s something that we should all keep in mind.

This also raises some important issues. For example, it's hard to admit something's wrong
and then go back, it’s hard to deny the past, in fact it’s just hard to change… I think we have to learn
to question ourselves, and to avoid all cognitive biases when it comes to making the world a better

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