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Employee Connect

24/7 Medical Help Line

(reach out if you need any medical assistance)

For any other query, reach out to site HR/ER

Update your health status:

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

Purpose of Document

MD’s Message

General Awareness – COVID 19

Restart Management Committee Framework

Table of How will we Restart ?

Content Know how we are keeping Workplace Safe: #RestartCountdown

Keeping the Workplace Safe after Restart: #SafeTML

Factory Restart - Broad Measures: #SafeTML

General Guidelines for Employees: #TheNewNormal

COVID 19 : General Information

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited
Purpose of Document

The entire country is in lockdown because of COVID 19 and life after lockdown will not be
same. We all will have to undertake preventive measures at all level so that we all remain
safe from this unprecedented threat. Our way of working will have to undergo change to
maintain social distancing which is the best way to stay safe.

With this document, we intend to highlight the measures which will be undertaken in
all Offices & Plants to make our workplace safe and secure.

The document serves as a base and has to be read along with detailed protocols to be
followed while reopening the operations on a day to day basis.

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

At the outset, thank you for your support and commitment in these challenging
times. In an effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus, the Honourable Prime
Minister announced a lockdown last month which again got extended on 14
April, 2020. The lock down directives were crucial to break the chain of the
virus and the situation has come under control in certain states.

Given the Government directive to slowly start operations, we have started

taking steps in this direction. A detailed plan has been carefully crafted to
ensure we do not compromise the heath of anyone who is a part of this restart
program. Guenter Butschek
As you resume your duty, I urge all of you to continue to stay safe and adhere to
the safety precautions shared by your respective location leader / HR team.

Wishing you the best of health.

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

General Awareness: COVID 19

COVID 19 is an infectious disease caused by a new virus.

Coronavirus disease spreads primarily through contact with an infected
person when they cough or sneeze. It also spreads when a person touches a
surface or object that has the virus on it, then touches their eyes, nose, or
Exhibit: Preventive Measures

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

Restart Management Committee Framework

TML Leadership Team

Develop and communicate Central

guidelines, support local teams,

review preparedness, share best

Medical Team to support

practices, support in execution Committee

Strategies & operationalize the

“restart” in respective Unit Plants Offices Warehouses

Operationalize the procedure in Department Department

their respective area 1 2

Each Plant / Office / Warehouse has core team who is responsible for preparing the workplace for restart – laying down safety protocols /
procedures, identifying teams to handle safe management of all the areas like transport, canteen, medical facilities, social distancing etc.

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

How will we Restart ?

Once Lockdown is over and economic activity starts as per state / central government guidelines,
TML Leadership team will decide on reopening of TML facilities for business.

The restart will be in a phased manner to maintain social

distancing i.e. a certain percentage of workforce will report
for duty initially.

Employees who are required to be present in the plant /

office will be intimated directly by the respective plant /
office / warehouse.

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

Know how we are keeping Workplace Safe:

Employee Health Status:

Collection of Health Status of all employees through SMS

Information Dissemination: Disinfection & Sanitization:

Employee Awareness Of entire TML premises
campaigns, Information display
on Notice Boards etc.

Transport Readiness: Stocking of PPEs:

Sanitization of transport Like Masks, Digital Thermometer,
vehicles Sanitization Material etc.

Maintenance & Checking: Medical Readiness:

Of all plant equipment Creation of Quarantine facility,
Earmarking Ambulance etc.
c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited
Keeping the Workplace Safe after Restart: #SafeTML

1. Screening at Entry Points

• Hand Sanitizer to be kept at all places.

• Thermal scanning of all entrants ( Employee,

Visitor, Drivers) at all gates (Main & Material).

• Everyone visiting to compulsorily cover face (

wear mask ).

• Any person found sick/unfit to be taken to

separate zone by Medical team.

• Monitoring health of all Canteen / Security

personnel at increased frequency.

• No visitors allowed till further notice.

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

Keeping the Workplace Safe after Restart: #SafeTML

2. Transportation: Cleaning & Social Distancing

• All employees to sit one seat apart ….
observe social distance of 1 metre while
boarding/de-boarding bus.

• Number of passengers in bus should be

around 50% of total capacity of bus.

• No AC….. Windows to be open.

• Temperature screening of all drivers at

plant/office premises daily before the
start of bus service.

• Buses and parking premises to be

disinfected after each round…… washed
with soap/ water first & then with 1.5%
sodium hypochlorite solution.
c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited
Keeping the Workplace Safe after Restart: #SafeTML

3. Attendance through Card Swiping, No Biometric Attendance

 Select employees who are communicated to come to office will only be able to swipe.

 Employees will be called in staggered shifts to avoid crowding.

 All employees to show swipe card for attendance….. No Biometric.

 All employees to observe social distance of 1 metre while swiping attendance at

start/end of shifts.

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

Keeping the Workplace Safe after Restart: #SafeTML

4A. Canteen: Social Distancing

 Staggered Lunch/dinner time to ensure smaller groups of

employees at one time in the dining hall.

 Employees should sanitize / wash their hands before entering


 Ensuring a liner flow where ever possible to reduce contacts.

 Employees to observe social distance of 1 meter while taking


 No self-service, canteen staff to give plates and serve food.

 No uncooked food….. Limited items.

 Encourage employees to bring tiffin, water bottle from home …..

Have food at workplace to avoid overcrowding in canteens.

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

Keeping the Workplace Safe after Restart: #SafeTML

4B. Canteen: Staff Hygiene & Cleaning

 Temperature screening of all employees

deployed in canteen three times daily.

 Daily examination of Hands and Personal

Hygiene as per checklist by canteen supervisor.

 Daily health feedback from employees.

 Use of headgear, gloves & masks mandatory

for food handlers.

 Canteen Staff only to serve food in canteen.

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

Keeping the Workplace Safe after Restart: #SafeTML

4B. Canteen: Staff Hygiene & Cleaning

 All utensils must be treated with hot water

(>80 degree Celsius) after wash for minimum
10 minutes.

 All kitchen/ dining surfaces & floor should be

disinfected: First with soap/ water & then with
1.5% Sodium hypochlorite. Frequency: After
breakfast. Lunch & dinner.

 Disinfect Tea Vending Machines, Water

Dispenser Twice every day.

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

Keeping the Workplace Safe after Restart: #SafeTML

5A. Disinfection & Cleaning

 Sanitizing whole office / plant with disinfectants

to ensure safe workplace of all …. with 1.5%
sodium hypochlorite solution.

 Spraying of disinfectants to be carried out at

regular intervals.

 Ensure disinfection of frequent contact points

such as handrails, door handles etc.

 Follow disinfection protocol shared from Central


 Hand Sanitizers to be placed at specific locations

and employees to follow sanitization protocol.

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

Keeping the Workplace Safe after Restart: #SafeTML

5B. Office / Shop Floor: Disinfection & Precautions

 Cleaning of all office areas / shop floor, conference

rooms with disinfectants twice a day.

 Disinfecting office tables and chairs twice a day.

 ACs to be switched off wherever ventilation

options available.

 Lifts should be cleaned thrice everyday and usage

should be discouraged whenever possible.

 Employees should face towards wall in lift to avoid

face to face contact.

 Cleaning of all doors, knobs, railings every half an

hour/ hour in office/ shop floor.

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

Keeping the Workplace Safe after Restart: #SafeTML

6. Awareness on COVID 19

 Continuous communication with employees through Mailers, Notice Boards at offices etc.

 COVID-19 DO’s & DON’Ts displayed at all notice boards. The same to be read and shared in every
meeting at the start of the shift in plants.

 Audio message of DO’s & DON’Ts in respective language to be played in all shop floors at regular

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

Factory Restart - Broad Measures: #SafeTML

All the plants have detailed guideline which are to be followed by all the employees.

Shop Floor Canteen

Reworked Shift timings Staggered canteen

to ensure social timing with emphasis
distancing and reduce on social distancing
shift overlap. while using canteen.

Modified process /
Seats/ chairs to be
procedures / layout to
rearranged to ensure
ensure safe distance on
social distancing.
shop floors

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

Factory Restart - Broad Measures: #SafeTML

Visitor and
Hygiene Essentials Material

Soap and Water /

No visitors are allowed
Sanitizer will be available
till further notice.
at identified points like
Connect with suppliers /
entry points, canteen,
dealers to educate them
staircase/lift, printer, tea
of new protocols.
/ coffee machines etc.

Material movement
Disinfection /
should follow
Sanitization protocols to
disinfection / sanitization
be strictly followed.
protocol set by plant.

Note: Employees will be communicated directly about their respective joining date by departments.
c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited
General Guidelines for Employees:

Self / Family Health Check:

Conduct health check of yourself /

family daily in the morning. Wear a mask:
In case of cough, fever etc. stay at
home, consult family doctor & inform Always wear a mask covering your
supervisor / site Medical Officer. mouth and nose.
You can use scarfs etc. if mask is not
available to cover your mouth and
nose before stepping out.

Starting from While at

01 Work 03
Travelling to
c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited
General Guidelines for Employees:
Usage of Public Transport:

Avoid using public transport. If you have

to travel, wear mask, gloves and sanitize
your hands at frequent intervals.
Usage of Personal / Company Transport:
Practice Social Distancing:
Use of personal vehicle is encouraged.
Practice social distancing while Social Distancing norms to be followed
commuting. in all Company Transports i.e. Company
Buses, Cars etc.

Starting from While at

01 Work 03
Travelling to
c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited
General Guidelines for Employees:
Avoid physical contact while greeting.
Use verbal greetings like Hello /
Namaste. You may also nod or wave.

Hand Washing / Sanitizing: Practice Social Distancing:

Wash Hands frequently at least for 30 Avoid going to coworker’s seat (
to 40 secs using soap and running communicate through call, virtual
water or frequently sanitize with
platforms like Teams/Skype or Emails).
alcohol based sanitizer.

Starting from While at

01 Work 03
Travelling to
c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited
General Guidelines for Employees:
Use virtual platforms to conduct meetings.
Physical meetings if unavoidable, must follow
social distancing guidelines issued by company.

Usage of Printers / Photocopy:

Avoid Hard Copy Files / Papers / Print Outs etc.
Use virtual methods for approvals.
Sanitize your hands before and after using
printers/ photo copier.

Starting from While at

01 Work 03
Travelling to
c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited
General Guidelines for Employees:

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

General Guidelines for Employees:

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

COVID 19 : General Information

Keep your Surroundings Clean

Disinfect your floor / personal vehicle regularly. Sanitize frequently used
surfaces like door knobs, handles on daily basis.

Sanitization of Electronics
Sanitize your mobiles, laptops, watches etc on daily basis.

Avoid Gatherings
Avoid large gatherings including house parties, clubs, gyms, picnics, social
events etc.

Encourage the Use of Digital Payment Options

Make digital payments as much as possible. Avoid cash transactions.

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

COVID 19: General Information

“Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand cleaning with soap and water or alcohol
based hand rub.”
World Health Organization

Always wash / sanitize your hands before wearing a mask.

Wear the mask covering both your face and mouth. Ensure there is
no gap between your face and mask.

Do not touch the outer surface of mask.

When removing the mask, remove it only with strings behind. Do

not touch outer or any other surface of mask.
After removal, immediately clean your hands with soap and water /
alcohol based hand sanitizer for 40 seconds.

*Please dispose off single use mask immediately after use. Also clean reusable mask immediately as per standard protocols.

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

COVID 19 : General Information – WHO Corner

Click on videos to access.

c Copyright, Confidential, Tata Motors Limited

Prevention is better than cure
# Stay Safe

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