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fe AEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ‘This MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made and entered into this _-day of __. 2016 by and between: DEPARTMENT OF — INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY’, a government ue entity organized and existing in accordance with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with principal office located at DICT Building, CP. Garcia Avenue, UP Diliman, Quezon City, represented by ils Secretary, KODOLFO A. SALALIMA, hereinafter referred to as "DICT"; MUNICIPALITY OF 6ycANeh, DAVAO oRENIML , @ local government unit duly organized and existing wader the laws of the Republic of she Philippines, with principal office address at BACANGA, DAVID ORIEL, represented by its moon. HON AeTURO_C. tHOWAY, hereinafter referred to as the “LGU”. WITNES! WHEREAS, the national government through the DICL’ is undertaking the Bree Wi-Fi Internet Access in Public Pinces Project, across the Philippine’ to accelerate eeonom Divide under e-Filipino Program of the Government; social and educational oppoctunil and reduce the Digital WHEREAS, the Project is euvisioned to provide free Wi in public places nationwide, will initially cover selected citi and public places such as Public Schools, Libraries, Hospitals, Rural Heatly Units, Police Stations, Slate Universities and Colleges, Public ‘Transport Internet access il municipalitive ermine, Seaports and Airports; WHEREAS, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (ILG), together with the League of Municipalities of the Uhilippines (LMP) and the DICT, have agreed to cooperate anu jointly commit in promoting community development through the use of information and communications technology for effective and efficient national and local governance in the country. Towards this tend, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated July 24, 2015 was entered by the tluee Parties. 4 copy of the MOU ig attached herewith as Annex "A"; Vy vinive of See, EFT KA, No. HH, the Informations aul Com CTO) wie abolished and iis powers an fonctions, applicable funds an! appropriations, nications Techwology Citlce WHERRAE — rsuant to the MOU, and to accelerate “government's ; efforts it enhancing Internet accessibility for Filipinos, it Is deemed imperative that this MOA be entered into by the parties herein, NOW, THEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the parties hereby agree as follows: 4. POLICIES In consonance with the promotion of the use of ICT to improve delivery of critical function of government services effective ICT infrastructure and informs following polices are adopted: and provide efficient and n systems to the public, the a, Exjoin all barangay units and LGU offices or departments to provide support and implement the Project without delay; b. Work together in expanding site coverage for free Wi-Fi Internet access at public places w c. Provide free Wisi Internet access in public places without interruption except in certain circumstances such as force majeure, technical issues and similar situations which are beyond the control of the service provider oF DICT; d. Abide by DICT issuances an well as existing laws and public policies in the posting of content and broadcasts at the captive portal; e. Provide equal tise and s many as possible; seuted access to the Internet and serving as 5. Pursue, monitor and evaluate digital literacy and Internet adoption; g & Maintain sustainability and viability of the free Wi-k# Internet access service; h. Promote responsible use of the Internet 2. DERINITION OF TERMS ‘A. Wi-Fi Internet access ~ for the purpose of the Project shall be defined as conuectivity to the Internet B, ICT infrastructure capacity building ~ Planning component with the responsibility of the Local Government Units to integrate ICT Programs in their respective development plans on publ works, C: Projet. ~ refers to the Pree Wi-Fi Internet Access Public Places Project. D. Public places ~ are social places that would be open and accessible to the general public. Public areas such as parks, plazas, schoolyards, libraries, public space in government hospitals and rural heath units, transportation terminals, seaports and airports, te, will typically be considered public places, Also inchided would bbe spaces open to. the public in focal and itational goyernment olfices, barangay centers, etc. E, User registration and log-in ~ refers to a multi-level registration system lo access the Free Wi-Fi Internet Service. i Level This shall be the lowest level of registration and will only require the machine IL) (MAC address) of a device for a user to gain access, which is implemented at the Captive Portal page. ii, Level 2 Registrations at this level shall require thal a user present a Philippine goveritment Issued 1D, possibly through a web based registration system. iii, Level The highest level of registration shall be where a user will be issued a Citizen's Digital ID subject tv the requirements of the National Public Key Infrastructure that will be used to galtt access lo the Internet as well as full access toe Government services, y 3, ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.4, DICT, a, Serve as the Project owner and lead agency responsible for the overall planning, implementation and project management of the free Wi-tt Tulernet access servive Conduct the appropriate taiting and uriantation to the LGU, ity. tevaluate ancl conduct pesiodie monitoring of the Internet connect Provide the framework fur governance of the free Wisi Internet access Tce nec 3.2, Local Gove, sent Units a. Extend coopération, assistance, and resources to the Project in the course of project establishment, operations, training and implementation. Monitor the participation of barangays and LGU offices and departments in the Project and compliance with this Agreement. Provide space at designated location by the DICT, and pérmit the installation of all public Wis ‘i equiipment. Shoulder the electric power cost of all public Wi-Fi equipment installed in LGU owned facilities. Secure the premises, equipment, oulside plant facilities, and other properties for the continuous delivery of the free Wi-Fi Internet service. Thiis includes the provision of the temporary storage for equipment and other properties needed for the project. Incorporate ICT INFRASTRUCTURE CAPACITY BUILDING in their development plains Perinit the DICT personnel, authorized representatives and service providers to have 24/7 access in public and other pertinent places for carrying out the Project implementation and its service. Provide the appropriate security to DICT persounel and authorized persons and entities involved in the Project. Provide necessary and free administrative support, permits and/or licenses in relation with but not limited to the granting of per in connection with the maintenance, installation and operations of the necessary equipment ancl facilities needed for the project, as well as in the Implementation of any joint pole use agreement that may be entered. into by the DICT with the coucerned electite cooperatives or entities. Cooperate in the testdration of the service during a disaster ancl crisis . Designate skilled personnel {o develop local content and coordinate public information and announcements, such as among others promotion of tourism ancl commercial activities in thelr locality. Securing visibility and information collateral materials for the project onal Direct 2 i i i i z m, Sub-its the list and contact information of respective coordinators for 28 under the purview of the Local Govern. Uni 1. Perform stich other respon time to time by the Parties bilities as may be agreed upon from 4. LIMITATIONS Access may be stopped or interrupted at the discretion of DICT when warranted due to 1 when ordered by appropriate authorities, agons affecting national security, domestic tranquility or 5. DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘The parties shall designate their vespective fepregentatives to coordinate efforts in the implementation of the Project in relation with this Agreement, ‘hey ‘may submit their respective reports and recommend stich action and policies na ay be necessary 6, OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES @. LGU is given content development and updating privileges on the captive portal. It will be given limited discretion over the portal in terme of materials and information that it inay post or upload. DICT shall formulate policies that will help the LGU. carty out its ‘esponsibility for configating the location specific content of the portal b. The LGU shall determine and conutinicate to DICT its needs, wants eats of thelr constituents including these that will effectively facilitated to the internet, anil in iprove the delivery of serv! © DICT shall render administrative and operational services of the Project. Moreover, LGU shall exterid adiinisteative assistance by way of record keeping. anid custodianship over the equipment and facilities that will be stalled in their respective areas, AO LGU shall be secredited, trainetl and equipped to serve asa Registeation Authority for the Level 3-USER REGISTRATION AND LOGAN under such process as may be specified by DICT & LGU shall conuibute to user support given by the service providers and DICT, as necessarily requested, such as but not limited to froit desk services {PICT shall provide specific guidelines for LGU to distribute this public service by provisioning, connectivity to those areas by providing fiscal supportfineentives 1 local private sector connectivity providers to which the LGU may subseribe to. While it~ be entitely up to the LOU and/or their prow'ders td what fectusologies to use, the use of TV White 5, 2 and other emerging technologies to connect far-flung areas to the internet shall be advocated 7. NET COMMUNITY SEAL. LGU shall be given the NET COMMUNITY SEAL for being connected to the Internet 8, MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 1f any clause, sentence or provision of this Agreement shall be declared! invalid or unconstitutional, its remaining parts shall not be affected thereby. Hither of the parties can propose amendment in any of the provisions, sections of the Memoranduin of Agreement, All orders, rules and regulations issued by any of the pacties herein wh are inconsistent or contrary to the Grovisions of this Agreement, and in relation with the Project, are hereby repeated oF modified accordingly. 9H FECTIVITY ‘This Agreement shall take effect Inunediately upon signing and shall be ant of both parties, (erminated upon mutual e DIPARIMENT OF INFORMATION MUNICITALITY OF @RCAVSA AND COMMUNICATIONS THCHNOLOGY RODOLIO A. SALALIMA Secretary EF) ube Signed in the Presence D LILJRED) L. MRAPAEIES iss) ACKNOWLEDGMENT REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES cITy OF avao ON _) 8. Before me, thi V5 MAY au _ inthe city of___ Davao City Philippines, personally appeared: Name Govt isstied LD. Issued at Issued on Rodolfo A. Salalima Lecol chet cutive BIVBUIST — MT-Bagag, Ol =U7 Known tu me be the same persons who execuled the foregoing instrument, and they acknowledged to me thal the same is their free act and deed. Shis instrument, consisting of {_) pages, including the page ou whiet this acknowledgment is written, has been signed on each and every page thereof by the parties and their witnesses, ahd sealed with miy inotarial seal IN WITNESS WHEREOE, | have liereunto set my hand, the day, year; and place above written, NOTARY KARE DE LEON-PADERNAL , , SE aso Doc. No. conn Si S08 0.2013 PageNo. 82 ane er Baoan, cs ns Sled egeas anasay tok No, wines voxels 9 0, Series of 20FT ‘quinpe Gouterard, Eeokend, Dao Cry Republiv of the Philippines MUNICIPALITY OF Province of __ Sangguniang Bayan Resolution No. RESOLUTION ARISING FROM THE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF _ AND THE DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, AND PROVIDING FOR THE REQUISITE AUTHORIZATION WHEREAS, the national government through the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT)! is undertaking the Free Wi-Fi Interiet Access in Public Places Project, across the Philippines to accelerate economic, social-and gducational opportunities and in reducing the Digital Divide under the e-Filipino Program of the Government, WHEREAS, the Project is envisioned (0 provide free Wi-Fi Internet access in publio places nationwide, but will initially cover Class 3, 4, 5, 6 municipalities, selected major cities and public places such as Public Schools, Libraries, Hospitals, Rural Health Units, Police Stations, State Universities and Colleges, Public Transport Terminals, Seaports, and Airports. WHEREAS, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), together with the League of Municipalities of the Philippines (LMP) and the DICT, have agreed to cooperate and jointly commit in promoting community development through the use of information and conumunications technology for effective and efficient national and local governance in the country, Towards this end, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated July 24, 2013 was entered into by the three Parties. WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Municipality of __ _to fully support, cooperate and commit itself to the implementation and suecess of national programs in as much as the same are intended to achieve development goals that will eventually benefit the people in particular WHEREAS, the Municipality of __ ubseribes to the Free Wi-Fi Internet Access in Public Places Project, and as such it is imperative {o establish a working and institutional relationship with the DICT to ensure the implementation and suécess of the Project in the locality, by entering into the Memorandum of Agteement presented to this Sanggunian, WHEREFORE, in view of the forgoing, on motion of $B Members ‘and co-sponsored by SB Members 3. duly seconded: RESOLVED, that the honorable Municipal Mayor of the Municipality of __, Province of , ig hereby authorized to represent the Local Government of the Municipality of in the said working and institutional relationship, and to sign, deliver and execute ‘and afforested Memorandum of Agreement and such order doctiments as may be necessary or required under the citeumstances. RESOLVED FINALLY, copies of this resolution be fumished to Olfice of the Municipal Mayor and the DICT, including the Office of the Municipal Officer of the DILG for their information and guidance. APPROVED. Republic of the Philippines TANGGAPAN NG SANGGUNIANG BAYAN Baganga, Davao Oriental EXCERPT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE 29™ REGULAR SESSION OF THE 15™ SANGGUNIANG BAYAN OF BAGANGA, DAVAO ORIENTAL HELD AT THE SESSION HALL, LEGISLATIVE BUILDING ON APRIL 24, 2017 AT TEN FIFTY IN THE MORNING (10:50 A.M). PRESENT: Hon. Ramona B. Olea Vice Mayor/Presiding Officer Regular Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Roy A. Nazareno Hon. Jayffrey A. Manguiob Hon. Norma R. Lanaban Hon. Anthony S. Baja Hon. Modesto V. Layupan Hon. Majencio S. Pasic ABSENT: Hon. Gerry J. Morales Hon. Bobbie A. Calig-onan Ex-Officio Member: ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS: Hon. Andy A. Monday — Liga ng mga Barangay Rep ABSENT: Hon. Santiago M. Morales ~IPMR RESOLUTION NO. 36 Series of 2017 Sponsored by: Hon. Majencio S. Pasic Seconded by: everybody present A RESOLUTION GRANTING AUTHORITY TO THE MUNICIPAL MAYOR ARTURO C. MONDAY TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT IN BEHALF OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (DICT) REPRESENTED BY SECRETARY RODOLFO A. SALALIMA FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF FREE WIFI INTERNET ACCESS IN PUBLIC PLACES PROJECT. WHEREAS, the national government through the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) is undertaking the Free Wi-Fi Internet Access in Public Places Project, across the Philippines to accelerate economic, social and educational opportunities and in reducing the Digital Divide under e-Filipino Program of the Government; WHEREAS, the Project is envisioned to provide free Wi-Fi Internet access in public places nationwide, will initially cover Class 3,4,5,6 municipalities, selected major cities and public places such as Public Schools, Libraries, Hospitals, Rural Health Units, Police Stations, State Universities and Colleges, Public Transport Terminals, Seaports and Airports; Republic of the Philippines TANGGAPAN NG SANGGUNIANG BAYAN Baganga, Davao Oriental Page 2 of Res. No. 36-2017 WHEREAS, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), together with the League of Municipalities of the Philippines (LMP) and the DICT, have agreed to cooperate and jointly commit in promoting community development through the use of information and communications technology for effective and efficient national and local governance in the country. Towards this end, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated July 24, 2015 was entered into by the three parties; WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Municipality of Baganga to fully support, cooperate and commit itself to the implementation and success of national programs in as much as the same are intended to achieve development goals that will eventually benefit the people in particular; WHEREAS, the Municipality of Baganga subscribes to the Free Wi-Fi Internet Access in Public Places Project, and as such it is imperative to establish a working and institutional relationship with the DICT to ensure the implementation and success of the Project in the locality, by entering into the Memorandum of Agreement presented to this Sanggunian; RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, that the Honorable Municipal Mayor of the Municipality of Baganga, Province of Davao Oriental, is hereby authorized to represent the Local Government of the Municipality of Baganga in the said working and Institutional relationship, and to sign, deliver and execute and afforested Memorandum of Agreement and such order documents as may be necessary or required under the circumstances; RESOLVED, FINALLY, that copies of this Resolution be furnished, to Office of the Municipal Mayor and the DICT, including the Office of the Municipal Officer of the DILG and all other concerned agencies/offices for their information and guidance. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. | HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing Resolution. DOPTED: Secretary to the Sanggunian ATTESTED: Aceed RAIMONA B. OLEA Vice Mayor/Presiding Officer APPROVED: ae) inno JONDAY icipal Mayor

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