Minotaur Transformation by LionWarrior (Script)

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Minotaur Transformation

adapted and expanded by OxyFemboi

All you need to do right now is listen to me for a little while.

There's nothing else that you need to do.
Simply listen.
Concentrate a little on my words.
That's all there is to it.
You don't have to worry about anything.
You are only going to put yourself in trance.
You are going to do this whether you are aware of it or not.
It's simply a matter of taking you some place that your mind has been.
Perhaps a few times ...
Perhaps many many times before ...
Perhaps never ...
it doesn't really matter.
Trance is simply a state of deep relaxation.
A state where your mind tends to drift off
You listen to only one voice that is telling you something.
Telling you something or making you do something.
It is nothing particularly complex or hard.
It is a very easy state to be in.
It is a very relaxed state.
Now you probably already find my voice fairly relaxing to listen to.
it is easy to let yourself go.
Let yourself relax.
That is pretty much all there is to being in trance.
That is all there really is to it.
What you notice as you start to slip under is that you have a decreased desire to
It feels as if your body simply has no desire to move as much.
All you really want to do is listen to what I am saying.
Do what I suggest that you do.
That is all there really is to what I am doing here.
Even if your conscious mind is resisting this.
You want to do this now.
Your subconscious is still there.
Your subconscious mind is still listening.
It wants this to happen.
It is going to let this happen.
Even if your conscious mind tries to stray from what is happening, you still find
yourself listening.
You still find yourself every so often doing things.
You do things that I have suggested you do.
Every time one of these things happens, you find yourself slipping a little bit.
If you try to resist it, you still find these things happening anyway.
It is almost unconscious.
Your subconscious is working on you.
You may already notice that your body has begun to relax.
You are listening to me.
It is a little harder for your arms or legs to move.
It is a little harder for you to concentrate on anything.
Now you are listening to my voice.
You are simply listening to my voice.
That is all you are doing.
Every so often you find yourself doing what I suggest.
As you do so, you find yourself relaxing more and more completely and thoroughly.
Every time I say something, it seems to go straight to your subconscious.
There doesn't seem to be any way to get around it.
It is simply what your mind is doing.
Part of you is listening to me.
Part of you is trying to slip into a nice deep trance-like state.
And now this is a very relaxed state.
It is a very comfortable state.
It is a very enjoyable state.
You find that every so often, despite your intentions, despite what you may want to
do, parts of you relax even more.
You notice yourself relaxing.
You notice a lack of desire to move
You notice a lack of desire to do anything.
You continue to listen.
That is all you want to do.
You simply continue listening.
By continuing to listen, you are already accepting that your mind wants to slip
into a nice deep trance.
It's simply an easy thing to do.
As you keep listening, it becomes harder and harder to do anything else.
It becomes harder and harder to do anything but listen.
You can't seem to stop yourself.
That's a start, because if you can't seem to stop yourself then part of you must
already be in trance.
Now as you continue listening, you find yourself going deeper and deeper.
You find that parts of you are becoming more and more relaxed.
You find your limbs are becoming harder and harder to move.
It doesn't seem to matter much what you are doing.
All you are doing is listening to my voice.
As you listen to my voice, it becomes harder and harder to do anything else.
It becomes harder and harder to stop listening.
It becomes harder and harder to change what you're doing.
You chose to listen.
By listening, you are slowly sinking deeply into a nice comfortable trance.
You chose to listen.
That is a sign that there is already a trance building within your mind.
A trance is taking you slowly deeper and deeper.
You are being taken you down deeper and deeper.
You don't even know how it started.
All you were doing was listening to my voice.
Now you can't seem to stop listening to my voice.
You can't seem to stop listening to my voice now.
Everything else other than my voice seems to slip away, slip away and disappear.
Everything else is disappearing from your mind.
The rest of the world is vanishing.
The rest of your body is starting to disappear.
Your focus is only on my voice.
You are focussing on my voice more and more with each and every word.
You seem to want to listen to my voice.
You keep coming back to my voice.
As you come back to my voice, thoughts of your body disappear.
Thoughts of things around you slowly disappear.
Things around you slowly disappear more and more with every word.
You find that your surroundings become less and less important.
My voice carries you into a nice safe deep trance that you didn't even know you
were entering.
You hear my voice.
It is so easy to keep listening to my voice now.
You allow yourself to slip deeper and deeper with each and every word you hear.
It doesn't seem to be something you can stop.
If you could, you would simply stop listening, but you don't want to stop.
You want to hear what I have to say.
You want deep down to be into a nice deep trance.
You feel your body slowly slipping away as you listen to my words.
You listen to my words and find yourself sliding deeper and deeper.
You are concentrating totally and only on what I am saying.
You are shutting out the rest of the world.
You are shutting out the world completely until there is absolutely nothing left
but my voice.
Now there is nothing else but my voice which needs to be listened to.
My voice needs to be obeyed.
Your body drifts further and further from you.
You reach a point where you are unable to hear anything but my voice.
You find that you are totally focused on my voice.
You are totally fixed upon my voice.
You ignore everything else in the world but my voice.
You reach that place where you find yourself drifting deeper and deeper.
You drift deeper and deeper into my words and my voice.
It's almost as if you are unable to escape my voice.
My voice keeps pulling you down further and further, deeper and deeper until you
are in a nice deep comfortable trance.
Now I'm going to count downwards from five to one.
When I reach one, your mind is in a very deeply relaxed state.
Your mind is in such a deeply relaxed state that it does not return to
consciousness quickly or easily.
Five ...
Feel my voice carrying you down now.
You are shutting off more of the world with every word so that you are only
listening to my voice.
You are only concentrating on my voice.
You focus only on my words and my voice.
Four ...
You are sinking away.
The conscious world is going away more and more with every word.
You are concentrating only on my voice as the world slips away.
You slip away into oblivion till there is only my voice that you are hearing.
All you seem to be able to hear are my word.
Three ...
You are so very very deep and comfortable.
You listen only to my words.
You obey my words and my voice as you slip away further and further.
My words are becoming more and more important to you.
As I speak the words, you need to listen.
You listen and obey as you go deeper and deeper, shutting off the conscious world.
You focus only on what I have to say ...
Two ...
Yo are so very, very deep and relaxed now ...
You are listening and obeying.
It seems to be a natural state for your mind to listen to my words.
Your mind wants to listen and obey each and every last word it hears.
You mind obeys them totally, utterly. completely.
One ...
You are so very very deep, listening only to my words and obeying totally and
completely. Without thought, you just simply, automatically obey.
you obey without thinking.
This is the most natural thing in the world for you to do.
You are simply so very, very deep and totally, utterly, focused on my voice.
You are so deep and so very, very obedient.

And now you find out that when you say "load of bull", you begin to feel incredibly
You love the feeling.
You crave the feeling.
You desire the feeling.
You want more.
You find that your cock is growing longer and thicker.
Your balls are starting to inflate and grow steadily heavier.
You are unable to control yourself.
Your need to masturbate is incredibly strong and growing stronger.
Your need for release is much too great for you to ignore any longer.
Now, as you begin to stroke, other changes are beginning to take place.
These changes are moving at the same pace as you push yourself towards orgasm.
You are slowly gaining muscle.
It may not seem like much ... yet.
But your muscles are beginning to grow bigger and stronger ...
Your body grows stronger.
Your cock and balls are still growing.
By now your cock is at least a couple of inches longer and thicker.
Your balls feel as if they are doubling in size.
Yet they continue to grow.
You are now aware that something is keeping you from orgasm.
Your transformation is keeping you from orgasm.
This transformation is keeping you from that sweet release
Fast or slow ...
You keep pumping for release.
The changes involved in of your transformation speeds up and slows down with the
speed of your stroking.
You are in control of the speed of your transformation.
And now your muscles continue to grow stronger and thicker.
Your cock and balls are growing larger.
You begin to feel a little itchy as small hairs sprout all over your body.
These hairs start growing at the groin and travel in all directions.
Down your legs.
Up your torso.
Across your back.
Down your arms.
These hairs are the color of your choosing ...
Brown ...
Black ...
Dark red ...
White ...
Whatever color or colors you want.
Whether you are one solid color or have blotches of color is up to you.
You want to scratch the itching caused by your growing hair.
Scratching means you need to remove your hands from your enlarging cock.
Your cock has grown over one foot in length.
Your girth is now so great that you need to use both hands to grip your cock.
Your balls are the size of oranges now.
Your balls are growing even larger now.
And now, you look towards your growing cock and balls.
You notice your feet changing.
Your toes are changing.
Your human toes are starting to fuse.
At first, it seems that your feet are becoming hooves.
Your feet are not hooves.
Your feet still remain human in design.
You see that you have two large toes instead of five toes.
Both of these toe-like digits are the same length.
They are cloven.
Your toes are thick and tough as hooves.
Your first thought is that comfortable shoes are going to be hard to find.
You are proud of your fancy cloven hooves.
You want to show off your fancy cloven hooves.
You decide that you really have no need of shoes.
Sandals are all you need to show off those fancy cloven digits
You decide sandals are all the footwear you need.
You think that a nice pair of sandals is all you need.
And now, your cock and balls demand more and more of your attention.
Your transformation is nearly done.
You are getting closer to orgasm.
You can feel your orgasm is close.
Your orgasm is so close that you can almost taste it.
You see and feel your nose and mouth pulling away from your face.
Your face becomes much more bovine.
You have a strong powerful urge to bring your mouth and nose closer to Your
minotaur cock has grown to eighteen inches.
Your sense of smell is enhanced.
Your nose is powerful.
Your odor is too strong.
Your powerful nose has to take in all that sweet, sweet male scent.
Your urges are great.
Your urges are almost too great.
You love the smell.
You love your sweet musky masculine smell.
You want to lick your cock.
You want to taste your cock.
You want to take your cock within your muzzle.
You desire to taste yourself.
You lust to taste ... to taste yourself.
And now you are still stroking your longer thicker cock.
Your cock has grown from your old size to a monster of twenty inches.
Your balls have swollen to the size of cantaloupes.
You feel your climax building.
You continue to suck and lick and taste your massive bull cock.
You are focused on licking and tasting your magnificent bull cock.
You are focused on receiving that first fresh load of bull semen.
You are too focused on your cock to feel your ears tugging downward.
Your ears might flap if they weren't so tough.
Horns emerge over your ears.
Your horns quickly grow to two feet in length.
You decide how your horns are shaped.
Tour horns can flail wide and away from your bovine face like the horns of a
longhorn bull.
Your horns can point forwards like the horns of bulls you see in bullfights.
Your horns can be curved like the horns of a ram.
You decide how they are shaped.
This is your decision.
You decide how your horns grow in.
Now your orgasm becomes closer.
You feel your orgasm welling up in your balls
Your orgasm wells up in your massive and heavy bull balls.
You have finally reached orgasm.
You are rewarded for your complete transformation with orgasm.
Your first shot of cum goes right down your throat.
Your deliciously salty-sweet taste keeps your bovine mouth plugged over your cock
for as long as possible.
Eventually, you need to take your cock out of your muzzle.
You remove your muzzle from your bull cock once you have had your fill.
Your bull body seems to have been made just for this purpose.
You watch in wonder as your cock is still pumping out cum.
Your bull balls take a long time to pump out a gallon of your delicious cum.
Even when your cock is two feet long, it takes more time.
It takes much much more than five minutes of constant cumming.
You have many many minutes of absolute pleasure as you finally empty your bull
And now, you take some time to recover after your orgasm.
You finally take the time to admire your minotaur self.
You admire your magnificent self from the tips of your horns to the bottom of your
cloven hooves.
You love every inch of your minotaur self.
You love the fullness of your muscles.
You love the warmth of your fur.
You love the weight of your groin.
All of these desires call for you to stay as a bull ... a minotaur.
You feel your need to stay as a minotaur.
You allow your muscular self to stay as a minotaur for a while.
You allow yourself to persuade you.
You are unable to bear to lose your minotaur strength.
You cannot bear losing your power.
You cannot lose your minotaur masculinity.
And now, you eventually need to change to human.
You change to human by simply saying "bull pen".
You decide to change to human.
You reluctantly put the bull into his pen.
The human you begins to crave your minotaur strength and power.
The human you yearns to turn minotaur again.
You want to be that powerful bull being again.
You desire to be your minotaur self again.
You lust to have your minotaur masculinity again.
Once you have changed to human you are unable to release the bull from its pen for
twenty-four hours.
Once you let the bull out of his pen, you are able to be the minotaur for as long
as you desire.
And now, each time you transform into a minotaur you grow a little stronger.
Each time you transform into a minotaur, your cock and balls grow slightly bigger.
Each time you transform into a minotaur, you pump out more cum.
Every time you change to human, the urge to change back to a minotaur increases.
You eventually decide to stay as a minotaur.
You eventually decide to be a minotaur all day every day.
Your desire to change to human fades the more you listen to this file.
Your desire to change to your human self gradually fades as your attraction of
being the minotaur grows.
You look forward to listening to this file again.
You look forward to the time you remain a minotaur.
You love the feeling this file engenders in you.
You yearn to enjoy the raw sexual energy of cumming.
Your need to listen to this file intensifies.
You lust to forever be full of bull.
Your need to listen to this file slowly builds into an obsession.
You lust to live as a minotaur forever.
Your lust to live as a minotaur forever feeds your desire to listen to the file
again and again.
And now, your mind repeats these suggestions over and over again.
From the moment you go to sleep to the moment you wake up, your mind repeats every
suggestion over and over again.
Your mind makes these suggestions stronger and stronger every time you sleep.
Your mind engraves these suggestions deeply into your mind.
These suggestions are a permanent part of your mind.
These suggestions control your subconscious while you sleep.
Your subconscious reinforces these suggestions every time you sleep.
The suggestions even show up in your dreams.
This causes you to have and remember strange and memorable dreams.
You remember these dreams vividly.
These suggestions are unbreakable.
These suggestions deepen and strengthen while you sleep.
You joyfully accept these suggestions.
You enjoy what these suggestions are doing.
These suggestions permanently modify your behavior.
Every night while your subconscious is active, your subconscious strengthens these
These suggestions are strengthened so much that they are unbreakable.
these suggestions are stronger each night.
You joyously embrace these suggestions.
You condition yourself to reinforce these suggestions.
Every night your subconscious repeats these suggestions over and over again.
These suggestions control your subconscious while you sleep.
When you wake back up, you feel very refreshed.
You feel awake and you know that you successfully went into trance.
You know you went under and enjoyed trance.
You know you want to go into trance again.
Now I am going to count to ten.
When I reach ten, you become awake and alert and totally refreshed.
One ... starting to come out of trance ... slowly becoming aware of the world
around you ...
Two ... your awareness is beginning to expand slowly as the trance begins to lessen
Three ... becoming more aware of the everyday world around you ...
Four ... more and more aware of the sensations that your body is feeling ...
Five ... halfway there ... you are showing signs of being conscious of the world
around you ...
Six ... you are becoming more aware of the sounds around you ...
Seven ... becoming more aware of your body and the sensations it is feeling ...
Eight ... life is pouring back into your limbs as you become more of aware of
yourself ... and of your minotaur alter ago ...
Nine ... almost completely awake as your mind and body merge together ... aware of
the other body shape you have when you transform
Ten ... awake, alert, totally relaxed, and ready to do whatever you need ... wide
awake, wide awake!

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