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2020 ERIE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE FEASIBILITY STUDY UPDATE co Feasibility Study Overview and Goals: Ta January 2017, Parker Philips, Inc. was retained by Empower Erie to conduct a feasibility study to determine the need and viability of a community college in Erie County, Pennsylvania. The primary and secondaty data contained within the report seck to fulfill the requirements put forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The format and data reported in this document adhere to those guidelines, ‘The reseatch presented within this report was conducted from January 2017 to Ap#il 2017 and represented a current snapshot of primary and secondary data market profile. Parker Philips produced a Feasibility Report and Appendices detailing the findings.s As a significant time period has passed since the production of the report and the Pennsylvania State Board of Education’s consideration of the application, Empower Brie retained Parker Philips, Inc. to study market shifts in higher education, update certain demographics, and analyze the higher education landscape sections of the feasibility report. All opinions stated herein are made to a reasonable degree of certainty within out area of expertise Research Apptoach: Parker Philips, Inc. was retained with the understanding that the recommendation of a standalone ‘community college in Erie County, Pennsylvania, was not a foregone conclusion. Our approach to the feasibility and study design was to use trusted and conservative methodologies. Decisions were made during the conceptualization of the project to ensure repeatability and data veracity. All data points and opinions, both positive and negative, were considered and included in the research findings and recommendations. ‘The components of the feasibility study included: Secondary Data Research : ¥ US, Census for Population Demographics, Educational Attainment, Poverty Y Bureau of Labor and Statistics Y IPEDS Data for information on colleges and universities Y Internet Research Primary Research Y Consumer ‘Telephone Survey (a=503, statistically valid +/- 4.4% at the 95% confidence interval) with breakouts for educators, parents, adult leamets/displaced workers, and school students | Y High School Student Online Survey with the City of Erie School District, Corry Area School District, and Iroquois School District students to complete an online survey (a=601) Y Community Leaders, Business, and Industry Leader Interviews (43 interviews completed) 1 haps: sons empaereic.ay/eviestounty-communiy-colleesfeasbity sept SiN er Rls | Page 1 of 14 2020 ERIE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE FEASIBILITY STUDY UPDATE ©! Demographic and Market Changes Since 2017 Study ‘The higher education market — like the rest of the state and county — in Erie County, PA, continues to transform and shift. The closure of two for-profit institutions provides an even greater opening for the provision of two-year education in specific degrees and skills that are much needed in the area ‘The announcement of the imminent closure of Mercyhurst University Northeast campus, with the exception of the police academy, will potentially transform the two-year associate degree space in Erie County as well. At the time of writing this briefing, it is unclear how this campus transfer will impact overall affordability or entollment in these two-year degree programs. ‘The Nosthern Pennsylvania Regional College has begun operations outside of Gannon University within the nine-county region. Accotding to data available ftom secondary sources, 80 students are cusrently enrolled in programs and 40 are dual enrollment students, 2 Eric County has continued to lose population since the 2017 study and is now the 15ilargest County in Pennsylvania with 272,061 people in the County and 96,471 in the City of Bre. 2 Parker Philips, Inc. was unsuccessfil in its attempt co obtain this data directly from officials at the NPRC. ‘The NPRC, \which is in the process of obtaining independent accreditation, has « marketing campaign — including paid advertising. underway in the Erie County service ares, and has modified is enrollment projections. ‘The NPRC has endured significant criticism by local elected officals and the Hrie Times News for theie outreach process and perceived lack of ae WeMeN “Cather Rites Page 2 of 12 2020 ERIE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE FEASIBILITY STUDY UPDATE ‘© Toition and Fees ieee , Senet Paa Sane asad Pacman EEE a enren Putege Dy ae aa Ibacealauente nr shove, Paresco College $1074 Bainboro Tess than one year cerficate, Associate's | 4,834 stodears 12 Astodate’s Degrees Univetsity | degree, Bachelors degree, 0872 -Tultion at the 0 Certificates Poreeeo College | Postbaccalnireatecertifiste, Master's | undergraduate) | Porecco College is ‘Avarded aegres, redced. Post: master's certificate 4,291 total Private non-profit, Roman Catholic ie east 24 Associate's Degrees Geman Uniey | clefting ontomins | Yolo) | ase | Fit ee : Mecshurt | care ontedngundsipad mdgrinate | Q2381 vo BE programs : ‘undergraduate) peice ‘Nowe Campus const wl be abscted Moreyhurnt es than one yen cine by Mate Campus by Univesity | Leas than royear confer and | 611 aadens si 2A, excep ste Northeast Campa associ degree elec ean. 204 Aesoces Degree 17s Cenfcstes Avan aoe Publi, ton-pron oes 4 Assoome | e 5 an photien | Degeeseworiorederdemmen | sderudens | gee cae [ oe ‘colleges : programs — (uokanwe) - = Penn Siate Ree | Mise four yw pubic cologs offing | ‘2etdeats ] 915,08 | 20Axsoctes Degess | nents ‘oth underpadat od grate (52 169 Cerise : Be programs. undergraduate) ‘Awarded | Enclose cl | Stal, orpom wmeyarpincctae | 12Alldine | giyyy | ue DEER ‘Technology offering underpradante programs students : ‘" © 204 Centficates | s oT : Avaric Ea oo Deer ten ore CLOSING js Instieate ae te acho Sees Ci Great Lakes. “Institute of ‘Technology | icc ers Siren ane Boel 15 Sialens Page 3 of 11 2020 ERIE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE FEASIBILITY STUDY UPDATE © Parker Philips Conclusions and Recommendations In 2017, based on extensive primaty and secondary data research, Parker Philips concluded that there was 2 demonstrable need and ability to support a free-standing community college in Erie County, PA. Issues of access and affordability to higher education for Erie County's residents continue to persist since out initial research. Frie’s continued renaissance demands a wholistic |! approach to delivering affordable education in 2 community college setting, Y The Erie County community strongly supports the establishment of a community college and highly values the introduction of a more affordable post-secondary option into the market. There is strong support from a broad base of constituencies. Since the last effort to establish a community college buckled under the pressure of divergent political priorities, Brie once again finds itself at the mercy of statewide politics. Business leaders, county government officials, church leaders, union leaders, and workforce development experts have been active in the process, They understand that many of their workforce needs could be filled through coursework and training at the community college. Y There is a strong demand for education and training that leads directly to employment. Y The need is too large for a patchwork approach, and the scale is growing. Y The community college model supports the needs of Erie County. The proposed curriculum is unique to Etie and meets the eucrent needs; the model is nimble and can pivot if those needs shift. The kinds of students that typically enroll in community colleges require a level of advising and guidance that is not possible via distance learning, Existing programs would be supported by and complimentary to a community college. ¥ Unprecedented corporate and philanthropic investments have been on the table since the last study. Eric’s public and private sectors are leading the charge to make sute that Exie’s best days ace ahead. The philanthropic community has committed $4 million to support the establishment of the community college, lessening the public contribution, Y Erie's shifting higher education market continues to support the introduction of a community college. Costly, for-profit institutions have received increasing scrutiny based on new data collected by the U.S. Department of Education’s College Scorecard, leading to closures across the country, Etie has expetienced the elimination of two for-profit entities. At the same ‘ime, local colleges and universities are working hard to help Erie by providing associate degrees and shorter-term certificates at reduced tuition rates. However, they are not designed to provide the kind of highly vocational training, developmental education support, and strong ties to the labor market that community colleges typically offer. * Parker Philips emailed and phoned NPRC for confirmation of encollment narmbers, but did not receive a response Ween “arbor Ri ‘ouiet charac leet Page 4 of 11 2020 ERIE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE FEASIBILITY STUDY UPDATE & Y Socio-economic and educational attainment data illustrate that the Erie County residents are lagging with respect to educational attainment and wealth creation. College is financially out of reach for a majority of Erie County residents. Even with significant financial aid, students are lacking the financial means to pursue higher education, Exie County has low educational attainment, a soft base of high-paying jobs, and significant poverty. A community college would be a Iynchpin in increasing the educational attainment of the region; a key factor to attracting business and industry with decent paying jobs, which could lead to a reduction in poverty. Y Affordable educational options and training are needed in the area. Poverty levels ate high and educational attainment needs to improve —a community college with a connected business community could benefit the residents of Erie County. People need an affordable option to pursue their post-secondary education, Analysis of student and community data show that college affordability is the number one driver of support for the initiative. The data also show that colleges and universities in the area ate generous with financial aid, grants, and scholarships, but the need is too great, and college for most residents is still out of reach. Nationally, community colleges educate students at a much lower cost than four- year institutions, attract a diverse set of students, and have a higher persistence rate for lower income students than for- profit institutions. Higher education via community college is a much less tisky endeavor, particularly for those with lower incomes. Y Replace a retiring workforce and quickly respond to economic shifts and training needs. "The greying demographics of Eric County will necessitate replacement of many highly trained employees in the manufacturing sector. More people need the necessary training and cextifications, Erie County would benefit if « coordinated workforce and economic development system that can nimbly assess and respond to education and business needs is established. A community college could be the centet of this integrated system, serving as a centralized resource where employees ate prepared for and connected with employment. A community college could also help foster the growth of existing companies and atcract new jobs to the area. Y Serve as a feeder to the already strong fout-year university system, Eric County has access to four high-quality universities, Each university has its own assets, unique course offerings, and strengths within the community. A community college should not be viewed as a competitor for these schools but a potential partner and pathway for students. Centralized collaboration and partnership through a community college could create 2 more cohesive and responsive system and free up resources for four-year universities responding to the local need for a community college. Y Establish parity between Erie County and the rest of the state, Erie County is the largest population center in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania without a community college. ‘Taxpayers in Erie County are cuttently paying to support community colleges in other arcas of the state but not receiving any of the benefits. In a county that is strugaling with poverty and Page 5 of 11 2020 ERIE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE FEASIBILITY STUDY UPDATE ~ population retention, 2 community college could help to stem the tide of beain drain and give students a chance to obtain training that matches locally available jobs. Y Serve as a convener in the market to avoid duplication and promote collaboration. As Pennsylvania’s 15" largest county, Erie must continue down a path of recovery in order to make a tuen toward growth and cevitalization. In the current climate, resources are limited, and a community college could serve to actively manage collaboration among workforce and economic development efforts, while at the same time partnering with existing educational organizations to connect the entite education ecosystem. Y Partner not competitor. College and university leaders throughout Erie County would benefit, bya community college as a vehicle to increase the market of college bound students Community colleges in other markets have established strong partnerships with existing post- secondary institutions, which have proven to effectively increase enrollment and diverse coursework offerings, while increasing post-secondary attainment levels. Local businesses also partner with the community college, in communities where one exists, to help carve out a niche in the market and as part of their economic development strategy. During the feasibility research in 2017, the most pressing and unanswerable questions about market feasibility largely revolved around the establishment of the Northern Pennsylvania Regional College and what impact would it have on the Brie County market. According to a published report updating the PA Legislature, NPRC is working with PASHHE to consider the possibility of it taking over some of the associate’s degrce offerings, as well as introducing new pattners for hands on workforce training. While available data on the performance metrics of NPRC are scatce, the following table below presented in “An Interim Report on the Establishment of the Northern Pennsylvania Regional College” published in May 2018 provides information on current and projected enrollment. Despite requests to NPRC administers, extensive reviews existing public information, and the IPEDS database, current NPRC enrollment is unclear at this time, The timeline for growth of NPRC has been extended with adjustments in enrollment projections. WsMEN" OWNED “Cather Pips Page 6 of 11 2020 ERIE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE FEASIBILITY STUDY UPDATE © lum, the NPRC anticipates a steady increase in the enrollment of Associate Degree and Dual-Enrollment students over the next five academic years, increasing from a total of 80 students in the 2018-2019 Academic Year to 500 stuclents by the 2022- 2023 Academic Year. See ‘Table 9. NPRC staff noted that most of their students are likely to be part-time, especially in the earlier years, | Table 9 Five-Year Projection For the Number of NPRC Students Enrolled™ [ “Academic Year | Associate Degree | DualEnroliment | Total Students Enrolled |___2018.2019 40 80 2019-2020 80, a a 120 2021-2022 180, 380 2022-2023 250 500, As a result of the improved marketing campaign and an expanded curricu- | + The numberof ladenisenvalied inches students ervoled fuse and parttime, | 2020-2024 | Source: Student enrolment projections were provided by NPRC stall In 2017, the biggest unknown factor was how the then Rural Regional College, now NPRC, would fill the educational gap for Erie County residents — would this new college take over the market entirely, thereby negating the need for additional, affordable post-secondary education options? ‘At the onset of the 2017 study, NPRC had just begun offering educational opportunities in partnership with Gannon University. A common refrain among opponents to the proposed community college was a concern for duplication of effort — Erie already had a community college in the NPRC. After three years of operations, NPRC is not fulfilling the need for a community college and has made a minimal impact on the market, Based on scarcely available data, NPRC has not yet scaled up to mect Erie County's education needs. Parker Philips? findings concluded that the existence of NPRC and an Erie County Community college was not an “cither/oe” proposition ~ it was an “and.” Those conclusions remain the same today. With respect to the proposed community college’s financial sustainability and lingering questions about Erie's ability /sufficient wealth to support this community college in the short- and long-term, itis clear that Erie's philanthropic and business community is prepared to support the establishment ofa community college. ‘The approach to the financials was far-reaching, and considered the necessaty operating budget, as well as projecting anticipated funding sources. What the budget cannot illustrate is the business, politieal, and civie drive to establish this community college — itis considered among the leaders of Erie County an urgent necessity that they are willing to invest their Wane “arher Blips Page 7 of 11 2020 ERIE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE FEASIBILITY STUDY UPDATE ie) political and financial capital into making it a realty. While questions have been raised about the stability of gaming revenue to fund the local share for the community college, just this week, Governor Wolf set precedent by proposing the Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Trust, the commonwealth’s longstanding, and long-debated, subsidy program for the horse-racing industry be redirected to provide $204 million annually for the new Nellie Bly Tuition Program. ‘The new. scholarship program could provide aid to thousands of students attending the 14 state-owned universities. Finally, notwithstanding the demographic changes described in this report since out original study ‘was performed, our opinions and conclusions regarding the feasibility of the proposed community college remain the same today. ‘There remains a demonstrable need and ability to support a free- standing community college in Eric County, PA, All of our conclusions and opinions contained in this Report are to a teasonably degtee of certainty, based upon out field of expertise, Dhia, Nichole Parker, President Parker Philips Qualifications to Complete the Study Parker Philips, Inc. is a women-owned boutique-consulting firm that puts our clients first. We pride ourselves on delivering high quality work that is not cookie-cutter and is unique to each client and their needs, We do not believe in the concept of “Save As” and provide out clients with the highest quality work, Because we only accept a certain number of projects at a time, we do not over commit our staff or ourselves, We keep client data confidential and secure. The Principals are the project contacts and will deliver the project. It is our promise as a firm to make out clients the priority. Since its founding in 2016, the firm has tripled its revenue and worked nationally. To complete this project, Parker Philips assembled a team of consultants with experience to get this scope of research and feasibility study completed on behalf of Empower Eric in Brie County, PA. ‘Nichole Parker has been completing research, feasibility, and economic impact studies since 1999, She was the lead analyst for the feasibility stady and provided day-to-day support to coordinate the findings and synthesize the report and recommendations. She has completed feasibility studies across the nation at the programmatic and institutional level for colleges and universities and filed applications on their behalf. She understands research, financial analysis, and economic impact. She excels at putting all the pieces together and helping her clients make decisions that work. Her experience in completing feasibility studies for new medical schools throughout the United States includes: the Commonwealth Medical College (Pennsylvania), the Medical College of Georgia ‘tups:/ /papostong/2020/02/04 woah-neli ‘ofchorse-racing-funds/ WisMEN Poge 8 of 11 2020 ERIE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE FEASIBILITY STUDY UPDATE © (Georgia), University of St. Thomas/Allina Hospitals & Clinics (Minnesota), University of Northwestern ~ St, Paul Osteopathic Medical School (Minnesota), Florida Intemational University Medical School (Florida), and UW Medicine Spokane Expansion, and Plorida Atlantic University Medical School (Flotida). She also directed the matket feasibility stady for Gannon University’s expansion into Ruskin, Florida, She has C-suite level experience working with leadership to get consensus and buy-in to move a project beyond a report into realty, She facilitated feasibility studies, completed financial Proformas, conducted market research studies, and synthesized secondary data into cohesive recommendations and strategies. Nichole is recognized as an expert in the field of economic impact having personally completed over 500 economic impact studies in the past 25 years, She is skilled in utilizing a multitude of methodologies including REMI, linear cash flow, RIMS TI, and IMPLAN. She is co-founder of Parker Philips and has over 25 years experience in the economic impact and consulting field. Some examples of economic impact studies completed for large academic health centers, health systems, or research collaboratives include: The Association of Independent Colleges and University of Pennsylvania (AICUP 90+ schools), The University of Washington/UW Medicine (Washington), Association of Faculties of Medicine — AFMC (all Canadian Provinces), University of Connecticut/john Dempsey Hospital, University of Minnesota and owned health clinies and facilities, Indiana University/Indiana Health, Lancaster General Health System (Pennsylvania), Pean Medicine, University of Kanses Medical Center, Norton Healthcare (Kentucky), UAB Birmingham, AL), University of Kentucky/Kentucky Cancer Consortium, University of Nebraska /University of Nebtaska Medical Center, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine ‘Texas ‘Tech University Health Sciences Center, University of Pittsburgh, and University of Arizona/University of Arizona Health Network/Banner Health. Prior to founding Parker Philips, Parker was a Principal Project Director at’Ttipp Umbach for 15 years and established them as a national leader in economic impact studies for academic health centers, colleges and universities, corporations, major tourist events, and non-profit entities. She worked as an independent consultant for many years and completed research and community benefits work for Joint Commission International (Trinidad &Tobago), MinSec (Pennsylvania), Heritage Health Foundation (Pittsburgh, PA), and the Knoxville Public Safety Collaborative (Knoxville, TIN), Ms, Parker holds a Master's in Economic and Social Development from the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public & Intemational Affaits. She also completed her undergraduate work at the University of Pittsburgh with a focus on Political Science, Anthropology and Latin American Studies, Kate Shaw, PhD served as an educational policy research advisor and community college expert on the project. Her experience and expertise was invaluable to the project. WKVEN “ehor Rh Page 9 of 11 2020 ERIE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE FEASIBILITY STUDY UPDATE © Kate Shaw became Executive Director of Research for Action in December 2009. Since then, she has overseen a four-fold growth in the size of the organization and has gtcatly increased the scope of its regional and national work while maintaining a commitment to Philadelphia. Under het leadership, RFA has developed robust quantitative and policy departments to compliment the strong, foundation of qualitative expertise for which RFA has been known and has established significant capacity in educational policy research, In July of 2014, she became the founding Directot of the Philadelphia Education Research Consortiuin (PERC), which is housed at RFA and dedicated to providing research to enable Philadelphia's public schools to make evidence-based decisions, She serves on multiple task forces in the city and region as well. Kate Shaw served for three years as Deputy Secretary of Postsecondary and Higher Education in the Pennsylvania Department of Education. As Deputy, Kate was primatily eesponsible for developing and implementing policy designed to increase the quality and accessibility of postsecondary education throughout the state. She has also overseen the creation and implementation of a statewide college transfer system; major reforms in teacher preparation and the preparation and professional development of educational leaders; the expansion of Pennsylvania’s longitudinal data system into the postsecondary arena; increasing the prominence and effectiveness of the state’s community colleges; and a major restructuring of the state’s college retention program to focus on concrete educational outcomes. Kate was also a faculty member at ‘Temple University for ten years in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, and also setved as Chair of that Department, Her scholarship has focused on issues of access and equity in higher education with a particular emphasis on policy issues and has been suppotted by a number of foundations including Russell Sage, Spencer, Annie E. Casey, Ford, Atlantic Philanthropies, and the Lumina Foundation, Her book "Puiting Poor People to Work: How the Work-First Idea Eroded College Access for the Poot" was published in 2006 by the Russell Sage Foundation Press and was selected as a finalist for the C. Wright Mills Award of the American Sociological Association. Het co-edited voluie (with Donald Heller) entitled "State Postsecondary Education Research: New Methods to Inform Policy and Practice" was published in 2007. Kate has also held positions at the Harvard Family Research Project and the Pew Charitable Trusts and has served as a Senior Research Associate for the Community College Research Center at Columbia University, She has her Ph.D, from the University of Michigan, ‘Vanessa Lund is a trusted research advisor and communications strategist to municipalities, public agencies, nonprofits and private businesses. She has more than 20 years” experience and uses het expertise in research, public policy, and communications to deliver insights that inform, inspire, and lead to action. She has successfully managed communications campaigns focused on regional workforce and economic development. She has also worked for several national research firms and taught research methods at the undergraduate and graduate levels. As adjunct faculty, Vanessa designed curriculum and taught Research Methods and Economics for Social Work at Point Pals University and the University of Pittsburgh. Vanessa's role on this project was as a subject matter WSMEN" OWNED “Hor Pils Page 10 of 11 2020 ERIE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE FEASIBILITY STUDY UPDATE © expertise on workforce development, community college development and survey research. She bas the knowledge base, connections in Pennsylvania and experience to deliver the highest quality work in the industry. ‘As a Senior Associate and Research Director at Cocker Fennessy, Lund helps craft and implement strategic communications plans for public and private sector clients. Her work has included project management; directing qualitative and quantitative research; facilitating decision-making, boards/groups; monitoring, analyzing, and engaging social media; managing community outreach; analyzing public policies; and overseeing materials/ website development. Recent clients include the ‘ty of Seattle, Puget Sound Energy, the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, University of Washington, Vulean, the Washingzon Indian Gaming Association and Washington State University, In her role at the Human Capital Policy Initiative, University of Pittsburgh Institute of Politics, Land directed a regional communications initiative that educated elected officials, policy makers, community groups, and other targeted audiences about regional workforce and economic development issues. Her responsibilities included presentation and publication creation, production, and distribution; speakers’ bureau management; website and blog development; regional outreach; and fundraising, Asa Senior Policy Analyst for the Allegheny Conference on Community Development/ Pennsylvania Economy League, Lund analyzed public policy, conducted research and organized activities aimed at improving the regional workforce development system. She monitored, evaluated, and advised grantees; analyzed labor market information; and developed communications tools to educate policymakers and community groups. Lund also helped create the “People Do Matter” initiative — winner of the SHRM Pinnacle Award. ‘Vanessa also held senior level research and management positions at Berrier Associates in Media, Pennsylvania, and at Tripp Umbach in Pittsburgh, PA. : ‘She holds 2 Master’s of Urban and Regional Planning from the Us of Pittsburgh Graduate ‘School of Public and International Affairs and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Pittsburgh College of Axts and Sciences. WSMEN™ Page 11 of 1 Nichole arker INFO § EXPERIENCE Office: (888) 340-8432 Mobil: (763) 656-8356 ‘wwve SKILLS Project Management Callaborations/Partnrshipe Strategic Marketing Economie impact Studlos Evaluation Feesebilty Studios Market Research Fellowship and Student Acadomie Recognition by the Graduate Schoel of Publle ‘nd itemational Af University of Pittsburg Griduated Cum Laude EDUCATION University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School ‘of Public and International Affales [MPIA: Master of Public and International [Aifaiea/ Economic and Social Development ‘Concentration: Economic and Social Development ‘Specialty Arees Project Program Design and {plementation end Plieal Economy ‘of evelopment University of Pittsburgh, BA: College of Arts and Sciences Dual Major: Political Science and Anthropology ‘Minors: Latin American Sti end Spanish CONSULTANT: Intar-Amor 1998 Pittsburgh, PA PRINCIPAL PARTNER - Parker Philips 2016-Present Minneapolis MN / Philadelphia, PA/ Erie, PA + Cofounded and oun 8 women-owned boutique consulting fem dedicated to partnering with top consultants to serve each llonts needs We specialize in strategie marketing, economic impact studies evaluation, feasibility studies, and market researe, We are Pennsylvania and US. carted WBE/WOSB, Current clients include: Port ofPhilsdelphis, University ef Washington, Assocation of Independent Colleges 8 Unterstis of Pensyvana, PA Schools Werk, PCCY, and ‘lveprintCommunitos® (Fl. Bank Ptsburgh) PRINCIPAL PROJECT DIRECTOR Tripp Umbach, Inc. 1998-2016 Pittsburgh, PA/ Minneapolis, MN ‘Managed and complated more than 400 customized research, analysis, and consulting projects. Managed project sssetant and directors, consultants, vendors timelines and budgetsto ensure thet assignments were comy and on budget Wrote effective reports end presentations that exceeded clent expectations Made strategie racommendstions to asset inthe development of communication steate Frequently delvarad presentations to CSuite leadership and community groups + Completed strategic plans, busines expansion, and feasibility studies for hospitals, ‘new or expanding medical schools, and allied health programs, and research ted on point, ont and collateral materials, partnershipeto improve operations and to datermine program viability. Selected client include: Morchouse Schoo! of Medizin (Atlanta, GA, The Commonwealth Medical College (Scranton, PA), Gennon Unversity - Rustin, (Erie, PA), University of Connecticut School of Medicine/John Dempsey Hospital Farmington, CT), University Physicans Hospltal/Univerety of Arizona (Tucton, AZ nd Phoenik, AZ), and University of St Thomas/Alina Hospital & Clinics (Twin Citas, MN CO-FOUNDER/CONSULTANT : Arrow Consultants 2003-2008 Minneapolis, MN Provided evaluation, research and grantwrting services fr the WorkLInk Community Von Trensportation program managed by Heritage Community Inkatves in Pittsburgh, PA. Annually secured Federal JARC grant funding ($1.0- $15 milion) Addlsonal research and aconamic impact ellonts included: Carnegla Mellon Univers Pteburgh PA), East Hampton Healthcare Foundation (East Hampton, {NY} Human Capital Polley laittive(Pitshurgh, PA) Misac Philadalphia, PA, and Knowle Public Solty Collaboration (Knowl, TNL CONSULTANT: Joint Commission International 2001 Trinidad and Tobago, West indies + Provided canautation, rogram design and training forthe implementation of ‘countrywide community health assessment for the Ministry of Health n Tiida & Tobago. an Development Bank/University of Pittsburgh Designed customized casestudies, benchmark indiestor end logical ramewor fer a seminar on monitoring nd evaluation fo Inter-American Development Bank (D8) employees Co-acitated a fourday sominer fr ID8 fil and office emaloyses. Parker Philips’ Higher Education Experience Current Higher Education Clients: Select Previous Higher Education Econo a Do a a a oO c a q 0 1 o a 0 0 0 a Oo a a C u Oo University of Washington Impact Clients: Association of Independent Colleges & Universities (90+ individual colleges and universities) Florida International University Florida International University Football Gannon University Minnesota State (systemwide study of 33/34 state colleges and universities) Indiana University (all campuses) Penn State University (all campuses) Penn State University Football Rochester Institute of Technology University of Alabama Birmingham University of Alabama System University of Arizona (all eampuses) University of Connecticnt (all campuses) University of Idaho University of Iowa University of Minnesota (all campuses) University of Nebraska (all campuses) University of Pittsburgh (all eampuses) University of St. Thomas University of Tennessee Athletics University of Washington (all campuses) University of Washington Football Wisconsin Lutheran College Nichole Parker was a reviewer of: ECONOMIC ENGAGEMENT FRAMEWORK by the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities. http:/ / development-and-community-engagement / cconomic-engagement-framework/ related-resoutces /cicep- impact-guidelines-201412.pdf “Cerker Ri ‘ast Shayae lseeril Parker Philips’ Higher Education Experience Selected Academic Medicine/Research Economic Impact Studies: 1 Country-level/Province-level Stady: The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada and teaching hospitals (Canada) ceport in English and in French 0) Country-level/State-levelSmndy. Association of Ametican Medical Colleges members and teaching hospitals (U.S. Based) FIU Herbert Wertheim School of Medicine and Neighborhood Impact Study Florida Atlantic University Charles E, Schmidt College of Medicine Gannon University Allied Health Program Expansion into Florida TU Health (system) LECOM (Lake Brie College of Osteopathic Medicine) Mayo Clinic and University of Minnesota Biotechnology Partnership ‘Neuroscience Centers of Florida Foundation ‘Medical College of Georgia Penn Medicine ‘The ‘Translational Genomics Research Center (IGEN) University of Alabama at Birmingham Medical School University of Alberta Schoolof Dentistry University of AlbertaSchoolofMedicine University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix Expansion University of Arizona/Banner Health University of Connecticut John Dempsey Hospital University of Kentucky Lung Cancer Reseatch Project University of Nebraska Medical Center IEXCBL Center University of Nebraska Medical Center/Nebraska Medicine ‘UW Medicine (system) WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho) Medical School Consortium eooe0nugc00500 sooo pooa “Carhor lips ‘oueis anae

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