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Read Me First

Now that you have downloaded and extracted the DOE eGuide Lite (eGuide Lite) this document
will help you get started. The files in this guide include MS Office Word files, MS Office Excel
files and Adobe Acrobat Reader pdf files. You will need MS Office or compatible software
installed on your computer. You will also need a software application that can view pdf format
This guide is comprised of three basic components; 1) Navigation Table, 2) Spreadsheet tool,
and 3) Supporting documentation. Important Note: There are links within all of these
documents which will help you navigate through the guide as you implement energy
management in your organization. These links require that you maintain document and folder
names, as well as their relative location in the main package folder. If you keep the names and
folders intact as they were extracted these links will help you on your path to successful energy
management. Additionally, if you are using Adobe as your PDF reader, it is suggested that you
hit “Ctrl K” to open the Preferences menu and make sure that the “Open cross-document links in
same window” box is not checked on the Documents tab.
You are encouraged to begin by opening the Navigation Table document. Think of this as a
basic table of contents for this guide.

Figure 1
The first section of the navigation table is titled Getting Started. The first column in this section
includes the highlights from the guidance document, Getting Started. The link to this guidance
document is located in the second column.

Getting Organized for Energy Management

The remaining sections of the navigation table align with the other steps for energy
management outlined in this guide; Getting Organized, Plan, Implement, Monitor, and
Review (see Figure 2). There is a blue row separating each of these sections. The left hand
column of the navigation table contains the key elements associated with each step. The
second column contains a link to the pdf guidance document for each step. It is recommended
that you read through all of the guidance documents prior to using the eGuide Lite for your
energy management program. These guidance documents will provide a descriptive road map
of the path that you will follow in implementing energy management through the eGuide Lite.

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Read Me First
The third column in the navigation table contains links to the appropriate section of the
spreadsheet tool, which is the centerpiece of this guide.

Figure 2
The spreadsheet will serve as your data repository as you collect and manage the information
associated with your energy consumption and use, as well as the opportunities you identify to
improve energy performance. There are tabs/worksheets in the spreadsheet tool that align with
each of the steps outlined in this guide. In addition there are some worksheets that will help to
organize and manage your energy information. For assistance with understanding the
spreadsheet data entry and organization read the eGuide Lite Spreadsheet User Guide located
in the main guide folder.
The last column in the navigation table lists the links to the resource documents related to that
step and element. The resource documents provided in this guide include templates and
checklists that can be used to document and manage the energy management program
implemented through this guide.
To start, click on the link in the navigation table to open the document Getting Started and read
this document. This document will provide you with a brief overview of energy management
and management systems. You will also find links to other resources at the end of this
document that you may find helpful in understanding how to start thinking about energy
management in your organization. After you have read the Getting Started guidance
document, please read the remaining guidance documents located in the second column of the
navigation table to move forward with the startup of this guide.
Once you are familiar with the contents of the guidance documents, open the eGuide Lite
Spreadsheet User Guide document and follow its direction to fill in the spreadsheet tool as you
initiate the activities identified with the steps in this guide.
It is recommended that you read through all of the guidance documents, as well as the eGuide
Lite Spreadsheet User Guide prior to initiating the activities required by this guide. The
resource documents will not fulfill their intended role if they are misapplied.
In the package zip folder is a sample spreadsheet tool with some sample data already
populating parts of the tool. This is provided to allow you to explore and better understand how
to use the spreadsheet tool portion of this this guide. eGuideLitev1.2_Example.xls

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Read Me First
How much time does it take to implement the eGuide Lite?
The size and complexity of the organization attempting to implement the eGuide Lite will have
the largest impact on the time it takes to implement. The table below provides some broad
estimates of the personnel time and timeline for implementing the eGuide Lite. These are given
as a guide and should not be used as a firm implementation plan. What is most important is to
keep your efforts with energy management moving forward. These are estimates for working
through these steps on start up. As you move forward you will develop an understanding of the
time commitment your organization will need to make to keep the process moving through the
steps. Obviously, Getting Started and some parts of Getting Organized would not need to be
revisited as your program matures.

Organization Size *

Step Small Medium Large

Personnel resources req’d 8 hrs 8 hrs 8 hrs

Getting Started
Time frame to complete 1 week 1 week 1 week

Personnel resources req’d 1 day 2 days 5 days

Getting Organized
Time frame to complete 2 weeks 1 month 2 months

Personnel resources req’d 3 days 5 days 8 days

Time frame to complete 2-2.5 months 2-3 months 2-3.5 months

Personnel resources req’d 3-5 days 1 week 1-2 weeks

Time frame to complete 1-3 months 3-5 months 3-6 months

Personnel resources req’d 2 days 3 days 4 days

Time frame to complete per quarter per quarter per quarter

Personnel resources req’d 2 days 3 days 4 days

Time frame to complete per year per year per year

Organization Size
Small < 100 employees, < $200,000 annual energy purchases
Medium 100-300 employees, $200,000 - $2,000,000 annual energy purchases
Large > 300 employees, > $2,000,000 annual energy purchases
Note: Organization size is location specific, ie per facility.

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