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4, DECEMBER 2016 51

Modeling and Analysis for Practical CT Based on

Transient Test and Parameter Identification
Xianggen Yin, Senior Member CSEE, Member IEEE, Zhe Zhang, Xuanwei Qi, Gan Li,
Wenbin Cao, and Qian Guo

Abstract—In the transient process of power grid faults, the Digital simulation is an important tool for the study of
transferring distortion of current transformer (CT) can seriously transient saturation characteristics of a current transformer and
affect relay protection performance. Under these conditions, it its effect on differential protection. The change in electrical
is difficult to analyze the ferromagnetic characteristic of the
magnetizing branch in the transient equivalent circuit of CT. The quantities in accident scenes, reproduced via digital simula-
Jiles-Atherton hysteresis model (J-A model), which is widely used tion, provides important information for analysis. The premise
in digital simulations, can accurately describe the hysteresis and of digital simulation is to obtain CT equivalent circuit and
saturation process of the core characteristics; however, to acquire relevant circuit parameters. The CT equivalent circuit provides
the parameters of the J-A model of current transformers in most of the parameters, such as winding resistance, leakage
practical use is still a challenging problem. In this paper, physical
tests based on a practical CT and parameter identification are reactance, ratio, and second load, all of which impact the trans-
presented to solve the problem. The basic hysteresis loops of P, fer performance of the current transformer. However, because
PR, and TPY class of practical current transformers are obtained of complexities in the saturation and hysteresis characteristics
through physical tests. Thus, the J-A model parameters are in the core, the parameters of the magnetizing branch are not
identified using a hybrid genetic/simulated annealing algorithm, easily acquired through direct physical testing. Therefore, an
based on which transient simulation models of different class
CTs are constructed. The effectiveness of the proposed method is additional mathematical model is needed that can describe
verified via dynamic physical simulation tests. A typical accident the hysteresis loop. There are numerous models [12]–[17]
is analyzed based on these models. dealing with the hysteresis loop, amongst which the Jiles-
Atherton hysteresis model (J-A model) complies with the
Index Terms—Current transformer, dynamic physical simula- physical nature of hysteresis. Additionally, this model is easy
tion tests, J-A model, parameter identification, transient test. to implement with less parameters. The J-A theory is widely
used in the field of ferromagnetic material hysteresis modeling
and digital simulation.
Currently, PSCAD/EMTDC, EMTP and other simulation
software are embedded in the equivalent transformer model
based on the J-A theory. However, because of differences in

W ITH rapid power grid development, the transient pro-

cess of the power grid, in terms of short-circuit cur-
rents in substations [1], inrush currents [2]–[5], sympathetic
ferromagnetic material as well as class of current transformers,
the J-A model parameters, which are widely used in simulation
software, are not suitable for the practical current transformers.
inrush [6]–[8], and so on have put higher requirements on the These parameters cannot be directly acquired via physical
performance of the protective current transformer. In actual tests, and moreover, the complex nonlinear mathematical
accidents it has been shown that the saturation of the current equations of the J-A model makes it difficult to obtain the
transformer during the transient process is a primary cause for parameters.
differential protection mal-operations [9]–[11]. Therefore, to
To solve the above two problems, physical tests based on
analyze the influence of current transformer saturation during
practical current transformers are conducted, and basic hys-
the transient process to protection, we must construct simula-
teresis loops are obtained. Then the hybrid genetic/simulated
tion CT models that reflect the practical current transformers
annealing algorithm (HGSA) is presented. HGSA brings to-
core saturation and hysteresis characteristics.
gether the advantages of the genetic algorithm (GA) and the
Manuscript received September, 18, 2016; revised October 12, 2016; simulated annealing algorithm (SAA), and thus we are able
accepted October 24, 2016. Date of publication December 30, 2016; date to identify the parameters of the J-A model efficiently. The P,
of current version November 15, 2016. This work was supported by the Key PR, and TPY class of current transformer models are built
project of smart grid technology and equipment of national key research and
development plan of China under Grant 2016YFB0900600. using this method. These models are used to analyze the
X. Yin, Z. Zhang (corresponding author, e-mail: zz, current transformer transient characteristic and its impact on
X. Qi, G. Li, W. Cao, and Q. Guo are with State Key Laboratory of relay protection. Dynamic physical simulations and a typical
Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, Huazhong University
of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China. accident are used to prove the accuracy and the effectiveness
DOI: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2016.00049 of these models.
c 2016 CSEE

dMan Man − M

dM µ0 1−c
A. Hysteresis Characteristic Model = . (7)
dH dMan
The J-A model, proposed by academicians Jiles and Ather- 1 − αc
ton, is based on the theory of ferromagnetic material phe-
For the transformer core, according to Ampere’s rules, (8)
nomenology. The J-A model is considered a classical math-
can be obtained:
ematical model and is widely used to describe the excitation
characteristics of ferromagnetic materials. The core excitation Np Ns
∆H = ∆Ip − ∆Is (8)
characteristics of the J-A model in most cases are simulated l l
using nonlinear equations. As such, the model has a clear where, Np is the number of turns in the primary; Ns is the
physical meaning, and can accurately simulate the excitation number of turns in the secondary; l is the length of the flux
characteristics of a current transformer. This paper constructs path, ∆H is the change in magnetic field intensity, ∆Ip is the
an electromagnetic transient simulation model for a practical change in primary current, and ∆Is is the change in secondary
current transformer based on the J-A model. current. Equation (9) is obtained by equating the rate of change
The relationship between magnetic induction B, magnetic of flux linkage to the sum of voltage drops in the secondary
field intensity H, and magnetization intensity M is shown in circuit.
Ns · Area ∆Is Ls
B = µ0 (H + M ) . (1) · ∆B = Rs Isold + + ∆Is (9)
∆t 2 ∆t
To describe excitation characteristic curve of the core, the where Area is the cross section area of the core of the CT; ∆t
J-A model introduces the concept of effective magnetic field is the integration time step; ∆B is the change in flux density
strength He (no hysteresis): in the core; Rs is the sum of secondary winding and burden
He = H + αM. (2) resistances (including the lead resistance); Ls is the sum of
secondary winding leakage and burden inductance (including
In this equation, α is a parameter representing the inter- the lead inductance); and Isold is the secondary current during
domain coupling. the previous time step.
The relationship of He and the anhysteresis magnetization If the primary side current and the structure parameters of
Man can be expressed as: the current transformer are known, the transformer core flux
He a
 and the secondary current can be solved by uniting (1) and
Man = f (He ) = Ms coth − . (3) (9) with a numerical solution.
a He
Although the J-A model conforms to the physical nature of
In this equation, Ms is the saturation magnetization, f (He ) hysteresis characteristics, its mathematical form of expression
is a function named Langevin, and a is a parameter to adjust is too complex due to highly non-linear characteristics, which
the shape of the function. makes Ms , β, α, c, k, a1 , a2 , a3 , b and other parameters
Equation (3) is modified in [17] as: difficult to obtain. These parameters are determined by the
a1 He + Heb saturation characteristics of core.
Man = Ms . (4)
a3 + a2 He + Heb
B. Current Transformer Basic Parameter Tests
In this equation, a1 , a2 , a3 and b are parameters of the
Existing transformer testers used in actual projects cannot
support the measurement of the transformer core hysteresis
In the J-A model, magnetization intensity M is divided into
loops. This measurement is obtained by the voltage integration
reversible component Mrev and irreversible component Mirr .
method with the help of physical tests. As Fig. 1 shows, power
Their relationship is shown in (5):
( frequency voltage is applied to the current transformer core,
M = Mrev + Mirr and the excitation current and voltage is measured by the
(5) memory oscilloscope. Then the voltage is integrated offline to
Mrev = c (Man − M ) .
get the core characteristic curve (Φ − i), which is equivalent to
In this equation, c is the reversible susceptibility. the hysteresis loop. Since the supply voltage in the laboratory
Equation (6) shows the relationship between irreversible is limited, we need to apply AC voltage to the transformer
magnetization Mirr and the magnetic field intensity strength primary winding during the test, and then open the secondary
H. winding to ensure good insulation.
dMirr Man − Mirr
= (6) The test results of different classes of CT hysteresis loops
dH δk
− α (Man − Mirr ) are shown in Fig. 2. An analysis of the results shows that the
µ0 remanence coefficient of P-class transformers is higher, while
Here, k is the loss coefficient; δ is the direction function PR class and TPY class have a low remanence coefficient
of the change in magnetic field strength H. When dH/dt is because of its gap; we cannot measure the voltage inflection
larger than 0, it takes 1. Otherwise, it takes −1. point of TPY class current transformer due to its high satura-
By considering (5) and (6), we obtain (7): tion voltage.

The primary winding The secondary winding 2 0.4

Current Current
1 transformer 0.2 transformer
220 V

Flux (Wb)
Flux (Wb)
tester tester
0 0

R 1 Voltage 0.2 Voltage

integration integration
2 0.4
CH 1 CH 2 20 10 0 10 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15
Excitation Current (A) Excitation Current (A)
The memory oscilloscope
(a) (b)
Computer 0.3 Current
0.2 tester

Flux (Wb)
Fig. 1. The circuit for measuring the hysteresis loop of CTs. 0.1 Voltage
0 integration
1.5 0.4 0.1
1 0.2
Flux (Wb)

Flux (Wb)

0.5 0.3
0 0 0.4
3 2 1 0 1 2 3
0.5 Excitation Current (A)
1 (c)
1.5 0.4
15 10 5 0 5 10 15 15 10 5 0 5 10 15
Excitation Current (A) Excitation Current (A) Fig. 3. The test results for the hysteresis loop of CTs from dynamic tests.
(a) (b) (a) Class TPY. (b) Class PR. (c) Class P.
0.3 capacity, is used to eliminate local convergence problems and
improve the search span and accuracy. HGSA brings together
Flux (Wb)

0 the advantages of GA and SAA. The combination of the two
0.1 algorithms overcomes their own deficiencies while providing
0.3 good performance.
0.4 Due to the excellent performance of HGSA, in this paper,
3 2 1 0 1 2 3
Excitation Current (A) according to the physical test results, HGSA is used to identify
(c) the parameters of the J-A model.

Fig. 2. The test results for the hysteresis loop of CTs from dynamic tests. B. Methods of Parameter Identification
(a) Class TPY. (b) Class PR. (c) Class P.
The basic operation steps of parameter identification by
To further validate the accuracy of the hysteresis loop mea- HGSA are as below:
surement, we use the above-mentioned method to measure the Step 1: Import original system data acquired by physical
hysteresis loop based on an existing current transformer tester test results and control parameters including initial
platform. Measurement results using the dynamic simulation temperature T0 , final temperature Te , coefficient
method are compared in Fig. 3. A comparison shows that the of temperature drop r, and the largest number of
saturation regions of the hysteresis loops obtained by different cooling Lmax .
measurements are in accordance. However, the hysteresis Step 2: Produce initial population S1 (the nine J-A param-
loops area varies widely. The hysteresis loop area obtained eters to be identified) satisfying constraints using
by the current transformer tester is smaller. This is because initial parameters and let the number of cooling ac-
the current transformer tester measures the transformer core cumulated L = 0, algebraic operation accumulated
saturation characteristic using low frequency, which means that n = 0.
reducing the frequency of the excitation voltage generates a Step 3: Set initial value of control temperature T = T0 .
larger core flux. In this case, the core loss is small, so the Step 4: Based on steps 1 to 3, a new scheme S2 is pro-
corresponding hysteresis loop is also narrow. duced by gene manipulation. B-H curve is obtained
by simulation. Calculate evaluation function value
f (S), and then make choices using the Metropolis
criterion. New solutions S2 are accepted to replace
A. Hybrid Genetic/Simulated Annealing Algorithm (HGSA) S1 with probability P (S2 ).
By combining traditional genetic algorithm (GA) and the Step 5: Let n = n + 1, and decrease control temperature
simulated annealing algorithm (SAA), hybrid genetic/sim- T = T · r.
ulated annealing algorithm (HGSA) is presented to identify Step 6: Determine whether to reach the termination temper-
the J-A model parameter. GA, which has fast convergence, ature Te . If so, then follow step 7; otherwise follow
is used to control the optimization direction and to speed up step 4.
the search process; SAA, which has good global searching Step 7: Amend the number of cooling, L = L + 1.

Step 8: Judge whether to attain cooling time limits. If so, I DENTIFICATION R ESULTS OF THE PARAMETERS OF THE C LASS P, PR,
then proceed to step 9; otherwise follow step 3. AND TPY C URRENT T RANSFORMER BASED ON THE J-A M ODEL
Step 9: Derive optimal J-A model parameters.
Parameters Class P Class PR Class TPY
The evaluation function f (S) characterizes the degree of c 0.1 0.1 0
the merits of the identified parameters, i.e., the fit degree of k 10×10−5 20×10−5 0
simulation resulting in B-H curves to the original B-H curve; β 0.96 0.96 1
α 1.325×10−5 5×10−5 1.15×10−5
its analytical expression is given by (10). The smaller f (S) Ms 1.70×106 1.575×106 1.62×106
is, the higher the degree of fit it is. a1 1.63×104 1.03×107 6.88×1014
s a2 1.87×104 9.84×107 6.88×1014
1X 2 a3 2.60×105 4.66×109 1.73×1018
f (S) = (Hmeasured − Hsimulated ) (10) b 1.8557 3.7719 5.61
n n

The Metropolis criterion describes the probability of accept- 3

Simulation result 2 Simulation
ing the new solution S2 generated using GA, which is given Test result
1 Test
by Equation (11).

B (T)

B (T)
0 0 result
1 f (S2 ) < f (S1 ) 1
P (S2 ) = f (S2 )−f (S1 ) (11) 2
e − T f (S2 ) ≥ f (S1 ) 3 2
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 5000 0 5000
If the new solution S2 is better than S1 , S2 is certainly H (A/m) ×104 H (A/m)
accepted. Otherwise, there is only a certain probability to (a) (b)
accept S2 . The guidelines not only retain the excellent parent 2
gene, but also accept the “deterioration” solution on a certain result
probability, so that the algorithm has the ability to jump out Test

B (T)
of local minima area, thereby obtaining the global optimal result
solution or progressive global optimal solution.
The entire process of HGSA is based on SAA, with the
idea of GA only reflected in the process wherein the parent 2
800 400 0 400 800
solutions S1 generate new offspring solutions S2 , which is key H (A/m)
to speed up the search speed of SAA. (c)
In GA, the parent chromosomes pair off, and each generates
two random numbers r1 and r2 , which fulfill 1 ≤ r1 ≤ 9, 1 ≤ Fig. 4. Comparison of the hysteresis loop obtained from simulation and
dynamic test. (a) Class TPY. (b) Class PR. (c) Class P.
r2 ≤ 9, r1 6= r2 . Then exchange genes in each group at the
position (r1 , r2 ) corresponding to the two parent chromosomes
obtain new individuals. Finally, we need to determine whether saturation in order to simulate short circuit faults in primary
to accept the new individuals as new solution according systems, inrush currents and other occurrences. The primary
to Metropolis criterion, by which to ensure the solution is current of practical CT is tested via high-precision optical CT
optimum. and the test results are taken as the primary input current of CT
In SAA, the temperature is decreased from the initial value simulation models. The accuracy of the CT simulation models
to the final value to look for a better solution. By repeating is verified by comparing the secondary current tests of CT with
this process for Lmax times, the solution tends to be a constant the secondary output current of CT simulation models.
value, which is the global optimal solution. Tests results of the steady-state and the transient saturation
of the P-class CT are shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. This analysis
shows that the secondary current waveform obtained through
C. Parameter Identification Results
the dynamic simulation test is very consistent.
Based on the measured hysteresis loop of P, PR, and TPY
class practical CTs, which is introduced in Section II-B, 20
The Primary
Current (A)

the corresponding J-A model parameters are identified using 0

HGSA. Parameter identification results are shown in Table I.
A comparative hysteresis loop is shown in Fig. 4. Analysis
shows that the hysteresis loop of the current transformer 40
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
simulation model based on the J-A model and the practical
The Secondary

current transformers are very consistent.

Current (A)

Test result
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
In the dynamic simulation laboratories of Huazhong Uni- Time (s)
versity of Science and Technology (HUST), we are able
to conduct dynamic simulation tests of current transformer Fig. 5. Test results of the steady-state saturation of the current transformer.

The above tests show that the CT simulation model can
The Primary
Current (A)
10 simulate the saturation characteristic of CT accurately during
0 the transient process of power grid faults.
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
The Secondary
Current (A)

Simulation result CT S IMULATION M ODEL

10 Test result
The field wiring of a typical power grid is shown in Fig. 9.
After the test of main transformer #1 has been accomplished,
10 the high voltage side switch is closed to send power. Then,
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Time (s) the zero-sequence differential protection of the 220 kV line
operates and the switch trips. The following analysis is the
Fig. 6. Test results of the transient saturation of the current transformer.
action of zero-sequence differential protection based on the
CT simulation model presented in this paper.
When P class current transformers are installed on both
sides of the line, as shown in Fig. 7, the CT load on the 220 kV 220 kV
53QF side is 20 Ω and CT load on the 54QF side is 0 Ω. bus I bus II
#1 main transform
(53QF and 67XL are the mean equipment numbers.) When
the transformer on one side of the line is energized, the
inrush current flows through this line. A comparison of the
results of the dynamic simulation experiment and simulation 220 kV line
are shown in Fig. 8. An analysis of these results yields the #2 main transform
waveform of the transformer’s secondary current, obtained
by dynamic simulation experiment and simulation are also
consistent. When the inrush current is about to appear, the
differential current is small as the transformer on both sides
of the line are unsaturated. About 0.15 s after the inrush Fig. 9. Diagram of the actual site.
current appears, because of the effect of the DC component
of the inrush current, the current transformer on the 53QF According to the parameters of the primary system shown
side is transient saturated and the differential current starts to in Fig. 9, a consistent primary system model is constructed to
increase. reproduce the accident by the CT simulation model.
The output current of bus I and bus II, the simulation wave-
53QF 54QF
form, and the protection recording data of differential/restraint
70XL 75XL 67XL current are shown in Fig. 10, Fig. 11, and Fig. 12. In spite of
22 W
ΔY the limited capacity of the protective device, the recording
#6 transformer data in 0.1–0.2 s is missing. But the missing data can be
reproduced by digital simulation accurately, which provides
Fig. 7. Diagram of primary system in the dynamic test. favorable conditions for the analysis of the cause of the mal-
operation. In this case, the results of the simulation are in good
The Primary Current
of CT at 54QF (A)

agreement with the actual recording data, which can reproduce

Simulation result the missing data.
5 Test result
Phase A (kA)

Current of

Recorded data Simulation result

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0

The Differential The Primary Current
of CT at 53QF (A)

0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

Phase B (kA)

Simulation result 5
Current of

Test result
0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 5
0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Phase C (kA)

0.5 5
Current of
Current (A)

Simulation result
Test result 0
The transient saturation
0.5 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 Time (s)
Time (s)
Fig. 10. Comparison of the current on the bus I of the transmission line
Fig. 8. Test results of the current transformer saturation during inrush current. from the simulation and the field recorded data.

Phase A (kA)
model. The improved model based on the proposed method
Current of
Recorded data Simulation result
0 can be directly used for engineering design and accident
2 analysis. P, PR, and TPY class current transformers in practical
0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
use are chosen as objects in physical tests, from which basic
Phase B (kA)

5 hysteresis loops are obtained. A new method, termed HGSA,

Current of

0 is put forward to identify the parameters of the J-A model

combined with the physical test results. The method solves the
0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 parameter identifying problem of the complicated nonlinear J-
A model. Thus, different transient simulation models of P, PR,
Phase C (kA)

Current of

and TPY class CTs are constructed.

A physical simulation test for a typical power grid and
5 a no-distortion measurement system is constructed at State
0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Time (s) Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering
and Technology, HUST, which has the capability to simulate
Fig. 11. Comparison of the current on the bus II of the transmission line different short circuit faults. The excellent performance of the
from the simulation and the field recorded data.
CT models in this paper is verified by comparing physical
Recorded data Simulation result simulation test result and measurement system result. A typical
Zero Differential

2 accidental mal-operation of a transmission line zero-sequence

Current (kA)

differential protection, caused by neighboring transformer en-
ergization, is analyzed using these models.

0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
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Wenbin Cao received his B.S. degree in electrical

Xianggen Yin (M’06) received his B.S. degree, M.S. engineering from North China Electric Power Uni-
degree and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering versity, Baoding, China, in 2015. Currently, he is a
from Huazhong University of Science and Tech- M.S. student at Huazhong University of Science and
nology (HUST), Wuhan, China, in 1982, 1985 and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China. His research
1989. Currently, he is a Professor in the School of interest is protective relaying of power system.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HUST. His
major areas include protective relaying and power
system stability control.

Qian Guo received the B.S. degree in electrical

Zhe Zhang received his B.S. degree, M.S. degree engineering from Huazhong University of Science
and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from and Technology, in 2015. Currently, he is a M.S.
Huazhong University of Science and Technology student at Huazhong University of Science and Tech-
(HUST), Wuhan, China, in 1982, 1985 and 1992. nology (HUST), Wuhan, China. His research interest
Now, he is a Professor in the School of Electrical and is protective relaying of power system.
Electronic Engineering, HUST. His research interest
is protective relaying of power system.

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