My Interpersonal Communication Plan

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Effective Communication for Today’s Leader

Pamela M. Diaz Garcia


My interpersonal communication plan

Objective: ​To classify how I communicate through a self-diagnosis, with the objective of designing an
action plan to improve some of the areas that could be improved.

Behavior Yes No

1.​ ​I seek adequate blocks of time to engage in peaceful dialogue to X

solve conflicts in a productive way.

2.​ ​I usually communicate clearly, directly, and respectfully with my X

bosses and/or directors.

3.​ ​I usually communicate clearly, directly, and respectfully with my X


4.​ ​I usually listen carefully and respectfully to understand my X

managers and/or directors.

5.​ ​I usually listen carefully and respectfully so I can understand my X


6.​ ​At work meetings, I try to listen carefully, with understanding and X
respect for all involved.

7.​ ​I set aside periods of time to establish my goals and evaluate my X


8.​ ​I dedicate sufficient time to establish goals and evaluate my X

collaborators’ performance.

9.​ ​If I need to bring a matter to a colleague’s attention, I do so in a X

clear, direct, respectful way.

10.​ ​I give positive recognition to my colleagues well done activities to X

motivate them to keep improving.

After a self-diagnose I could identify 7 answers checked “yes” in the previous indicators, this indicates
that even though I have good communication in the work environment it could improve by developing
an improvement plan. Is important to take into account that the work environment is characterized by
peace and the assurance of achieving results therefore is essential to improve my skills.
As a reflection I can identify that my listening skills are a positive behavior since I usually try to have
respectful communication and I actively listen to other’s needs. My communication is often direct and
clear to avoid misunderstandings and when in doubt I seek for answers.

In my opportunity areas I can identify that my time management and setting goals is a key point that
needs improving. Improving these areas can help me to develop a better performance and have well
done activities.

Is important to identify these communication skills and improve them since it is the most used tool by
peers to share information, establish goals, set tasks and even transfer information correctly between
a work team. If any communication skill is missing it might affect the performance of a group or can
lead to misunderstanding that can cause disrespectful actions or ulcer transfer of information. Having
the ability to communicate effectively is strongly related to performance indicators.

Communication can be affected by personal values, education, everyday situations and even personal
emotions. Specially emotions can be the ones that can affect the most when emotional intelligence is
not applied in the work environment. These two factors are very important to achieve effective

In order to improve my communication skills personally and as a leader I would need to first work on
my opportunity areas which are time management and setting goals, then I would have to practice
those skills that are positive on my behavior by practicing and ask for feedback with my peers, friends
and family and try to put practice to them on everyday situations. Finally i would take an online course
or watch videos that can give me extra information or tips and ask my closest friends for specific
feedback that could help me improve and become better at expressing and communicating my ideas
and opinions and my listening skills to support others.

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