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Rainbow Ladder to Success

Rainbow signifies happiness, freedom, and pride. It is a symbol of promise by God saying the
worse is over. By this, people hiding for too long in their closet can come out, accept and love
who they really are. Their secret can be shouted and rejoiced now. It will take a lot of courage
and guts but finally they can say I'm part of LGBT and embrace their new, true self with their
head held high.

Being an LGBT or lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender member, success might be a bit difficult
to achieve, not because they lack talent but because of judgmental people full of discrimination
and negative comments about who they are. Yet, their talent undeniable shine through carrying
them to their rightful and successful careers. They've been criticized, belittled, and disgusted
but their burning passion, brave, and courageous souls made its way to prove to the world, that
despite all those devastating statements, nothing is impossible. They've proved that nothing is
bigger than your fears. They may have been misinterpreted, misunderstood, and often bullied
and ridiculed, they still chose to prove to the world that rainbow will always shine though. Like
Giorgio Armani, a successful bisexual Italian fashion designer. He is the owner of Armani
Company, and other establishments. He has a net worth of $8.1 billion as of 2017. It took him a
while to confess being a bisexual as he is a very private man. He is also the world's richest
person who is openly part of the LGBT community. Also, a transgender namely Jennifer Pritzker,
is the world’s first openly transgender billionaire.

Their rainbow ladder led them to their success, with determination and passion. They have
served as an inspiration to all those LGBT members that believe their dreams are too big.
Because of their success, others can believe they can be like them as well. They can gain
confidence to reach their dreams and goals. They can have a bigger chance to be loved and
accepted by the society. With the rainbow ladder they can make their way to the pot of gold of
success like those who have inspired them to be better everyday.

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