SCIENCE RESEARCH Fast Track - Cleverson Tabajara Vianna

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This is a brief explanation about Scientific Research. These initial pages contain some basic concepts.
Next pages you can find elements to classify a research concerning: (1) Nature, (2) Objectives, (3) Approach
and (4) Methods and Techniques.

I. First classification (nature) category is related with outcomes or main purpose. Refers to
basic features and characteristic: Basic (as a base for another research) or Applied
resulting in a product or solving a problem).
II. The second category refers to objectives and the way of outcomes are presented
(exploratory, descriptive, explanatory). It’s the specific result to achieve.
III. On third category you’ll find the “approach” that means how to get closer to objectives
and goals. It refers to use quantitative, qualitative or mixed attitude. In both cases
researcher must be rigorous and follow normative procedures and data. It’s usually to say
that quantitate results are observer’ independent (positivism) although qualitative has a
meaning due to observer interpretation (interpretivism). You can find more information
from Burrell and Morgan (1999, p.22) and Morgan (1980, p.14).
IV. Last category (methods and techniques) represents the systematic work and how to act
or conduct experiments to reach more effective and efficient results. Linked to techniques
you’ll find tools to be used.

All you’ll see here is a concise description of science methodology. Please use full references for deep
and further information if you want to achieve productivity improvement. After reading you’ll find there is
no consensus or “THERE'S NO ONE SIZE FITS ALL”; all the way, this is a first step and an interesting beginning
for science research, informing main concepts according several authors.
When defining a methodology section of your publication you should (a) classify the research using
these categories and (b) describe in detail the steps of the path to reach your results. This is the system to
tell other people how to (step by step) get same results (or not).


Cleverson Tabajara Vianna
55 (48) 999 636363 BRAZIL

Some Initial concepts & conventions

Methodology Techniques Tools & Instruments
The process used to collect, A technique is a process A research tool or a research
assemble and analyze the present or or procedure followed by instrument is virtually anything used
historical data / information in researchers. In Science research, in collecting data process. It could be
purpose to get evidence and making there are guidelines for how to an apparatus, a device, a mechanism
decisions. construct an effective scientific or implement used to carry out a
Methodology may include experiment such as you make sure function in researching.
publication research, interviews, the participants are unbiased. A tool is a device or computer
surveys and other research A technique is how you application that enables you do
techniques, and could include both carry your research and execute something. For example, a microscope
present and historical information. these processes. The technique or a modeling program.
In a wide concept a could be how you design your This way, tools are objects
collection of methods can be a questions, then how figure out used in a certain order (a protocol) to
Methodology. your topic, or a detailed achieve a purpose.
description of how use a tool or The ‘technique’, per se, may
doing a task. also be more fine-grained in
Research Method
Techniques are adopted to describing just how one handles that
The process used by the collect, assemble and evaluate tool to be successful.
researcher to collect the information data. Anything that becomes a
needed to answer the research A technique can also means of collecting information for
problem (or questions). describes an algorithm or how to your study can be seen as a research
There are qualitative, handle a tool successfully and tool or a research instrument. For
quantitative or mixed research allow another researcher to repeat example, observation forms, interview
methods. (and confirm) the research results. schedules, questionnaires, and
Methods are a collection of Tools are easy to describe, interview guides are all classified as
the techniques and tools used to while techniques are fine-grain research tools: observation forms,
categorize, investigate, interpret and descriptions and generally motor- interview schedules, questionnaires,
identify the limitations of physical skills dependent. and interview guides.
sources. An example is a kind of a Tools can be physical things
simulation like Monte Carlo or computer programs. e.g.: SPSS
technique. software can be considered a tool. A
Process statistical technique will be used and
Process is a series of probably “quantitative” is the
operations, actions or steps taken in approach.
order to achieve a specific goal. A variable is defined by a Example of Data mining tools
Protocol and procedures are quantity or quality. The dependent for research: Orange R-Soft WEKA,
processes with a clear and sequential variable is the variable affected by Data Dissipation, BI, etc.
order. an independent variable.
Determining this relation is the
object of the researcher (usually
Data Collection Protocols & procedures
Is the researcher information to Systematically applied protocols Some procedures
answer the research problem. and standardized procedural rules reduce offer practical advantages in
The famous 5w2h should be a Bias, avoiding distorted findings or specific areas (e.g. in
useful technique (why, what, who, unethical gains, distinguishing evidence internet data collection like
when, where, how and how much). from beliefs, ideology or feelings. literature reviews, scientific
Selecting data collection must This way a method with databases etc.).
consider: (a) identified hypothesis or appropriate procedures or protocols, Also refer to “protocols”
research problem; (b) The research reaches confidence in research findings. which are logical sequence
designs; (c) The information gathered Doing this, probably other researchers descriptions of how we
about the variables. will find same results. would use some particular
There are primary and tools.
secondary types of data as you can see

2 Objectives (cont.) 3 Approach
What is a Scientific Considering a straight
research? concept, it refers to a new Qualitative
Research represents a systematic progress of science, preceding The natural environment is a direct
evaluation and collection of data, the research that will still source for data collection,
using defined and documented come. interpretation of phenomena and
Notice that in general the attribution of Meanings.
methods. It is organized in
"exploratory phase" of any It is an approach for exploring and
purpose do clear question and get
research is confused with an understanding the meaning
answers. Research is conduct by individuals or groups ascribe to a
researchers to prove hypothesis, "exploratory research".
social or human problem.
solve a problem or a certainty Has an inductive style, a focus on
about a specific phenomenon.
individual meaning, and the
It registers and describes the
1 Nature of importance of rendering the
observed facts without complexity of a situation. (CRESWELL,
Investigation interfering on them. Describes 2015;2016; Mayer, 2015; Esterberg,
the characteristics of a given 2002)
Basic - It does not have population or phenomenon;
immediate purposes and usually Establishes relationships Quantitative
produces knowledge or data to be
between variables. It requires the use of statistical resources
used in another research. and techniques, seeking to translate into
It involves the use of standard
Applied - For immediate data collection techniques: numbers the knowledge Generated by
the researcher.
purposes, it generates products, Questionnaire and systematic is an approach for testing objective
processes or solutions. observation. theories by examining the relationship
A case can be the “Ex post among variables. These variables, in turn,
2 Objectives facto Research” for descriptive can be measured (CRESWELL, 1998).
In general, is about testing theories
research Studies.
Exploratory deductively, building in protections
against bias, controlling for alternative
Phase Preliminary Research, for Explanatory explanations, and being able to generalize
the purpose of obtaining more It explains the causes, based and replicate the findings.
information (delimitation of a on the record, analysis,
theme) on a subject (with little or classification and
Mixed Approach
no knowledge). It will guide the interpretation of the observed Researching with a Mixed methods
objectives, methods and the phenomena. It identifies approach involves collecting both
formulation of the research factors that contribute to the quantitative and qualitative data,
questions or even give a new integrating the two forms of data, and
occurrence of phenomena;
using distinct designs that may involve
focus. "Deepens the knowledge of
philosophical assumptions and
It generally uses bibliographic reality because it explains theoretical frameworks. The focus of
research and case studies and Reason, why things. (GIL, this form of inquiry is to reach a
involves usually: 2010, p. 28). combination of qualitative and
Bibliographical survey; Interviews Natural sciences use this quantitative approaches in purpose
and Analysis of examples. method, and, in the social to provides a full understanding of a
sciences, the observational research problem. Of course, it
method is manly applied. should be better than each one alone
(CRESWELL, 2015;2016)

4 Methods, Procedures & Techniques

Case study (method) Action Research Participant Research
Case studies involve the detailed (method) (method)
study of a case (a person or small Conceived and carried out to Developed with the participation
groups). Various methods of data solve a collective problem. of groups Research and/or
collection and analysis are used butResearchers and participants Researchers Individual In similar
this typically includes observation who are representative of the situations and is characterized by
and interviews and may involve
situation or problem are the interaction among the
consulting other people and personal
involved in a cooperative or members.
or public records.
Case studies have a very narrow participative manner. In the specific case of the
focus which results in detailed It is understood as a kind of [...] participant research, [...] due to
descriptive data. Empirical-based social research the difficulties in hiring
Usually, case study is the that is conceived in close researchers and advisors, to
preferred method when (a) "how" association with an action or reproduce material for data
or "why" questions are being with the resolution of a collection and even to ensure the
posed, (b) the investigator has collective problem and in which collaboration of the groups
little control over events, and (c) researchers and participants presumably interested, Research
the focus is on a contemporary representing the situation or planning tends, in most cases, to
phenomenon within a real-life problem are Engaged in a be quite flexible. (GIL, 2010, p. 157).
context. cooperative or participative In participant observation
This situation distinguishes case manner. (Thiollent, 1998, p. 14). studies, the researcher becomes
study research from other (or is already) part of the group
types of social science research. Ex-Post-Facto to be observed
In non-participant observation
Nevertheless, the methods all Research (method from studies, the researcher is not part
overlap in many ways, not past facts)
marked by sharp boundaries. of the group being studied. The
The researcher seeks to
Yin (2009) researcher decides in advance
measure impacts, effects,
The case study consists of precisely what kind of behavior is
variables of a past fact.
collecting and analyzing relevant to the study and can be
We can define ex-post-facto
information about a particular realistically and ethically
research "as a systematic and
individual. A group or Community empirical investigation in which observed. The observation can be
in order to study various aspects carried out in a few different
the researcher has no direct
that are object of the research. It control over the independent ways. For example, it could be
is a type of qualitative and/or continuous over a set period (e.g.
variables, because it has already
quantitative research. They are one hour) or regularly for shorter
occurred” (GIL, 2008, p. 54).
requirements for your periods of time (for 60 seconds
In this research, we sought to
achievement: objectification, every so often) or on a random
know the possible relationships
originality and coherence. basis. Observation does not only
between the variables.
Yin (1991) identifies three types include noting what happened or
of case study: The “critical case” was said but also the fact that a
looking for evidence for a Field research specific behavior did not occur at
hypothesis or theory challenges. (method) the time of observation.
The “unique case” is focused on It is the observation of
an uncommon case with a special spontaneous facts and
interest. The “revelatory case” phenomena (usually on site).
looking for a new vision or idea.

Delphi (method) Experimental differs from

Developed in USA during 1950’s, Conceptual research which is Monographic (Method)
it has been considered related to some abstract idea(s) Also used in ethnography, in
particularly useful in helping or theory. philosophy, sociology and
researchers determine the range The study might include an economics sciences. Is written by
of opinions on a particular subject intervention such as training one author.
using successive refinements. programs, social activity, the A monographic research usually
It can be different groups are then introduction of controlled has a social object (e.g. a city, an
compared and compare results. changes in the person’s living enterprise, a community or a
Usually there are series of environment (e.g. different family).
“rounds” in which the participants lighting, background noise, Uses many indicators and
(“panelists”) generate ideas or different care routine) or categories in purpose to find and
identify salient issues, comment different forms of interaction. describes structural components
on a questionnaire (constructed of the object in study. Also
on the basis of the results from
Ethnography (method) explores intra‐ and inter‐
the first round) and re-evaluate Widely used by anthropology, disciplinary subjects.
their original responses. ethnography aims to describe
the meanings of a particular
Experimental (method) group or particular social
phenomenon; conducts in-
depth interviews; initiates
It establishes an object of study observation; Analyzes the
and observed the variables that informants ' discourse;
influence the phenomena. Investigates the details of a fact
Sometimes can restore the and ultimately interprets the
phenomena conditions to observe meaning and Social practices.
it in an environment under
Naturalistic or
control and can thus detect the Hot to cite in APA
cause-effect relationship between nonparticipant
Observation (method) style
variables and phenomena.
Experimental research has In this method there is no
typically a quantitative approach intervention of the researcher. VIANNA, Cleverson
and relies an experience or Only observing the Tabajara. 2020. A brief
spontaneous actions in the view of Methods and
observation. This method carries
natural behavior of the classifications of Science
out considering a hypothesis but
can be done without regarding for participants. Retrieved from <url >.
a previous theory. Like ethnographic method is an
observational method but
Experimental research is more referred as nonparticipant
frequent in the technological observation. The disadvantages
sciences and in biological of this method are the small
sciences. It seeks to demonstrate scale and sample size (not
how and why a certain fact is representative of population
produced. sometimes).
An example is “observing the
interactions of pre-school aged

Questionnaires can be
Data Collection fully structured (usually is a
Techniques choice among answers), semi
As we can observe, Research is a
or non-structured, depending
term used liberally for any kind of
on the liberty level of
Data-collection techniques means a responses. Interviews investigation that is intended to
systematic collection of uncover interesting or new facts.
information about the study object. Interviews are There are a large range of tools
Data are collected in purpose to usually carried out in face-to-
and techniques used for different
reach conclusive answer research face mode, but it can be done
enquiry that are applied in a
questions about phenomena, by using real-time
objects or people. technological resources.
Questionnaires are useful for Adequate and precise research
Data can be obtained by observing,
driving interviews. methods will give reliable
Interviewing, questionnaires, focus
Usually in interviews a
group discussions, etc. solutions. There are specific
questionnaire or a guide is used.
methods used for collecting and
As respondents has analyzing data in practical issues.
Survey, Interview &
different levels, types of There are also clear and
Questionnaire (method) qualifications, questions must attractive presentation data style
be easily understandable to all The nature of research problem,
A survey commonly has a respondents. There are ‘open- kind of data to be treated will
theoretical clarification, a ended’ and ‘closed’ questions advise appropriate type of
hypothesis to be tested or even an and answers. An open-ended research and collecting data. A
idea to be explored. Are the most question leaves the procedure is applied in collecting,
common technique of research respondent entirely free and processing and analysand data.
from academic, industry or should leave sufficient space By using processes and
government area. Is fully or time to answer. On the procedures is possible to define
associated to quantitative other side, close questions variable relationships
methods, implies in same show a scale or categories to
questions and order, contrasting be chosen (and even “none” There are four main types of
with Interviewing and other option). These are a large quantitative research designs:
unobtrusive options. variety of scales and can be descriptive, correlational, quasi-
The survey involves direct built from attitudes to a list of experimental and experimental.
interrogation (through a products or services. Likert The differences between the four
questionnaire) to a group of scale is a very useful option int types primarily relates to the
people whose behavior is being this case. degree the researcher designs for
researched. The interviews may be There are also control of the variables in the
unstructured or made through interdependent questions or experiment. Surveys and polls for
questionnaires and these are filtered questions, like: if “yes” example, are preferable data
classified as structured and semi- go to questions xx; ‘skip’ if collection tools used in
structured. condition. Be aware if you are quantitative research.
not conductions the interview
Questionnaires are a good or questionnaire, is up to the Technology is a great support
way to obtain information from respondents choose the order and a survey can be answered on
many people and/or people who they like, not in a logical order mobile phones, emails or an
may not have the time to attend you planned for. Internet accessing an internet address
an interview. Polling is also a practical (URL).
Questionnaires typically contain instrument.
multiple choice questions, attitude
scales, closed questions and open-
ended questions.


Primary sources: Secondary Sources
documents Secondary sources describe, summarize, or discuss information
or details originally presented in another source. The secondary
Document analysis is a form of
ones are the ones that have, in some way, been analyzed, such
qualitative research in which
as: Research reports, company reports, statistical tables, among
documents are interpreted by the
researcher to give voice and meaning
around an assessment topic (Bowen, Literature Review/ Annotated
2009) Bibliography
It is based on materials that have not Puts the researcher in touch with the existing publications
yet received an analytical treatment. (books, magazines, periodicals and scientific articles,
Common primary sources are: newspapers, newsletters, monographs, dissertations, theses,
original documents such as diaries, cartographic material, Internet).
speeches, manuscripts, letters, A literature review provides a comprehensive approach to
interviews, records, eyewitness evaluate a question. The main purpose of the bibliography
accounts, autobiographies. Empirical research is to provide a compilation of trust‐related articles.
scholarly works such as research Requirements: Review and synthesize previously published
articles, clinical reports, case studies, literature associated with the research problem, observing
dissertations. Creative works such as truthfulness of sources and possible inconsistencies.
poetry, music, video, photography. Ins spite of technology and Scientific data base, Bibliographical
Gil (2008) defines as primary data research is an arduous and time-consuming task (Magarey,
that did not receive any analytical 2001; Podsakoff, Mackenzie, Bachrach, & Podsakoff, 2008;
treatment, such as: official Gibbert, Ruigrok, & Wicki, 2008).
documents, reports, letters, It must be not only descriptive, but analytical and that means a
contracts, diaries, films, photographs, consistent systematic approach.
recordings, etc.
GROUNDED THEORY Reliability and validity of the findings
Grounded theory works within through of Triangulations of information
inductive and a deductive (Qualitative
Methods; Positivism and Realism). Reliability and Validity of findings are linked to triangulation.
The grounded theory develops Triangulation: The "Reliability of a case study can be ensured by
an inductive derived grounded theory the use of various sources of evidence, and the significance of
about a phenomenon (Strauss and the findings will have more quality still if the techniques are
Corbin, 1998). It is “conceptually different." (MARTINS, 2006, p. 80).
dense” and based on qualitative
research methods, with procedures, Main Triangulation types:
and simultaneous processes for data Data source – Triangulation of data – the alternative most used
collection and analysis. by researchers –,
Produce theories integrated Triangulation of researchers – distinct evaluators place their
into a theoretical framework, that positions on the findings of the study-,
consist of relationships among Triangulation of theories – reading the data by the lenses of
concepts representing “patterns of different theories –,
action and interaction (Strauss & Methodological triangulation – Different methodological
Corbin, 1998, p. 278). Of course, it approaches for conducting the same research. (MARTINS, 2006, p. 80).
must be “grounded” in a systematic
analysis and collection of data and it
is popular in the sociological area.

Further comments in Research Techniques

• In the Historical method, the focus is on • While bibliographic research is used fundamentally
investigating events or institutions of the from the contributions of several authors on a
past, to verify their influence on the given subject. Documentary research is based on
current society. (PRODANOV, 2013). materials not analyzed and classified in depth.
• The Method It deals with the explanation • Other types of research: market research;
of the phenomena and allows analyzing Behavioral research; Causal research; Diagnostic
the concrete data, deducing from this "the research; Statistical research; Typological research;
constant, abstract and general elements." Prospective research.
(LAKATOS MARCONI, 2003, p. 107). • The Observational method is one of the most used
• For GIL (2008) The comparative method in the social sciences and presents some interesting
Time-If Research of individuals, classes, aspects. "On the one hand, it can be regarded as
phenomena or facts, with a view to the most primitive and, consequently, the most
highlighting the differences and the inaccurate. But, on the other hand, it can be one of
similarities between them. the most modern, since it is what enables the
• The Monographic method It has as a highest degree of accuracy in the social sciences. "
principle that the study of a case in depth (GIL, 2008, p. 16).
can be considered representative of many • The role of the Statistical method is essentially to
others or even of all similar cases (GIL, enable a quantitative description of society,
2008). These cases may be individuals, regarded as an organized whole. According to Gil
institutions, groups, community, etc. In this (2008, p. 17), "This method is based on the
situation, the research process aims to application of the statistical theory of probability
examine the selected theme in order to and constitutes an important aid for research in
observe all the factors that influence it, social sciences."
analyzing it in all its aspects. • It is clear then that the Statistical method
• The Experimental method: It consists, establishes probabilities and not absolute truths.
especially, in submitting the objects of • The Clinical method is based on a profound
study to the influence of certain variables, relationship between researcher and research. "It is
under controlled conditions and known by mainly used in psychological research, whose
the researcher. The purpose is to observe researchers are individuals who seek the
the results that the variable produces in psychologist or the psychiatrist to get help." (GIL,
the object (GIL, 2008). 2008, p. 17). The clinical method has become one
• The descriptive researches and exploratory of the most important in psychological research,
researches are those that usually perform especially after Freud's work (GIL, 2008).
social researchers due to the concern with • The observational method differs from the
the performance of groups of individuals. experimental in few aspects in the relationship
• Descriptive research approaches can between them: "In the experiments, the scientist
provide a new view of the problem. When makes arrangements for something to happen, in
they seek to establish the nature of order to observe what follows, whereas, in the
relationships between variables of study by observation, only observes something that
influence, they approach the explanatory happens or already happened. " (GIL, 2008, p. 16).
• Practically all research involves the
bibliographical (research) study
(theoretical Reference).

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1 Nature of Investigation, 3 Likert scale, 6

2 Objectives, 3 Literature Review/ Annotated Bibliography, 7
Action Research (method), 4 Mixed Approach, 3
Applied, 3 Monographic (Method), 5
Basic, 3 Monographic method, 8
Case study (method), 4 Naturalistic or nonparticipant Observation
Clinical method, 8 (method), 5
comparative method, 8 observational method, 8
Delphi (method), 5 Other types of research, 8
Descriptive, 3 Participant Research (method), 4
Descriptive research, 8 Primary sources: documents, 7
descriptive researches, 8 Qualitative, 3
Ethnography (method), 5 Quantitative, 3
experimental, 8 Questionnaires, 6
Experimental (method), 5 Secondary Sources, 7
Experimental method, 8 Some Initial concepts conventions, 2
Explanatory, 3 Statistical method, 8
Exploratory, 3 Survey, Interview & Questionnaire, 6
exploratory researches, 8 Triangulations, 7
Further comments in Research Techniques, 8 Usually in interviews a questionnaire or a guide is
Historical method, 8

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