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Southern Luzon State University

College of Engineering
ECE Department




Submitted by:
SEGUNDO, Wendell D.

Engr. Maurine C. Panergo

Background of the Study
Electrical energy is the cleanest and cheapest source of energy for the particular needs of

customers in the home, business and industrial sectors. The electrical distribution is a very wide

network of wires, incorporating various electrical elements to deliver the supply. Actually, the

accidental cases of linemen's death or injury are found when operating for repair or maintenance

on line row. The present research focuses on the standard procedure and line clearance (LC)

shortcomings for LC 's request for repair and closure after repair is completed.

The use of intelligent micro-controllers for various control mechanisms. Using

communication networks makes remote controlled objects or devices more efficient. The GSM

technology links the end user from a remote location and provides a control opportunity. The

proposed low-cost Arduino controlled GSM message-based secured password operated control

panel and circuit breaker ON / OFF is the best mechanism for preventing injuries or death of

working men on the line by any unknowingly accidental line charge the unauthorized access of

the secured systems is prevented for security purposes by authorizing password or logging in. This

program provides a solution for ensuring the health of the maintenance staff.

Scope and Limitation

This study aims to ensure the safety of the linemen in working in circuit breaker. The scope

in this study particularly has circuit breaker such as home, factories, commercial companies and

industrial sectors.

Significance of the study

Protection is the primary concern in our day-to-day lives when carrying out any activities.

Lineman 's accidental death is often read out and evidenced in the current scenario. In this regard,

it is very necessary to take a safety measure to guard the operator against the current working style.

Avoids electrical accidents to line man. The electric lineman protection device is programmed to

monitor the doors and circuit breaker of the control panel using a security password. Lineman 's

critical electrical incidents during electrical line repairs may be due to a lack of communication

and cooperation between the maintenance personnel and the electrical substation workers the

program proposed provides a solution that guarantees lineman protection.

List of Materials

S.No Components Features Specification

Opearting Voltage 5V
Input Voltage 7V TO 12V
Digital I/O Pin 14
1. Analog I/O Pin 6
DC Current/ Input 40 mA
Flash Memory 32 KB
Clock Speed 16 MHz

Operating Voltage 4.8V TO 6
Operating Speed 0.20 sec/60 for 4.8 V 0.16
sec/60 for 6 V
2. Stall Torque 5.3 Kg Cm (4.8)
7 Kg cm(6V)
Temperature Range 20𝑜 C TO 60𝑜 C
Dimension 41X20X38 mm
Weight 41 g
Servo Motor
Operating Current 5A
3. Operating Voltage 6 𝑉𝐷𝐶
Frequency 50 Hz

4. - 1 KΩ

5. - 4X4 Matrix

Design Overview

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