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Description or role Role in the Creation Description or role Summary of the hero's Summary of the hero's

Timestamp Your Name Your topic is Role in the Underworld Name according to Hamilton Myth Name according to Hamilton Name of Hero story Name of Hero story Name of the Story Summary of the story
2/25/2020 10:22:22 emmie harville Gods of the Waters
2/25/2020 10:22:48 Aneshka Rowe Gods of the Waters
2/25/2020 10:25:28 Sean van Tol Gods of the Waters
2/25/2020 10:26:38 Savannah noble Gods of the Waters
2/25/2020 10:39:48 Joseph Martin Gods of the Waters
2/25/2020 10:41:07 Sarah Pastor Gods of the Waters
How the World and
2/24/2020 20:06:44 Ms Kapa Mankind Were Created God/Goddess Yaaas This too
How the World and How the World and
2/25/2020 10:19:37 Jessica King Mankind Were Created Mankind Were Created God/Goddess Prometheus he gave fire to mankind
The Titans were before
the Gods and the Gods
defeated their parents.
The gods learned how to
be in control and after
they defeated all the
monsters they decided
the world was ready for
mankind. Prometheus
fashioned mankind in a
nobler shape than
animals looking like the
Gods. Another story
How the World and says the Gods
2/25/2020 10:44:31 Maci McWhirter Mankind Were Created God/Goddess Maci McWhirter themselves made man.
Stories of Love and
2/24/2020 20:07:18 ms kapa Adventure
Jupiter and Mercury got bored and came down to Earth to find an adventure. They
decided to see who was the most hospitable. They disguised themselves as old
wanderers and went around a city. No one took them in until they walked up to this
very poor looking cottage. There lived a married old couple, they instantly took these
men into their homes even though they were the poorest. They fed them and
nourished them. After a bit the Gods revealed who they really were and rewarded
them by upgrading their home to a temple and destroying all of the people who
wouldn't take the men in. They asked the couple, "What is one wish you have" and
Stories of Love and the couple replied to become their priests of this new temple and to die together. Later
2/25/2020 10:31:38 Danyil Chuprynov Adventure Baucis and Philemon the couple started to pass, they become two trees that grew from one trunk.
Endymion was a young shepherd boy. One night, he was looking after his flock when
the moon goddess Selene saw him and instantly fell in love. She came down and put
Stories of Love and him into a deep sleep, where she kissed him and lied beside him every night. She did
2/25/2020 10:33:47 Faith Chaveriat Adventure Endymion this in order to caress him whenever she pleased, yet she was burdened with pain.
Psyche was a beautiful girl who was courted by many suitors. she did not love any of
them until one day she attempted suicide off of a high tower but was caught by
Zephyrus, the lord of the winds who took her to Cupid's mansion. she fell in love wit
him, but there was a catch, she could never look upon his face, or their love would
disappear. she could never know his name or go back to her family, but she would live
forever and have the most lavish lifestyle of all. one night though, she got curious and
lit a candle and looked at his face. he awoke, startling her and spilling hot wax on his
shoulder. the mansion crumbled to pieces and cupid was devastated that she broke
her promise. Cupid's mother, Aphrodite, was enraged that a girl had broke his heart
Stories of Love and and told her the only was to win him back was to complete four tasks. Because she
2/25/2020 10:33:52 jacob perales Adventure cupid and psyche was nice to people, the gods helped her secretly and she won Cupid back.
Pygmalion was a sculptor who didn’t like women and vowed to never marry. His
sculptures was a woman though. He fell in love with the statue and he was sad
because the statue could not love him back. Pygmalion met Venus and Venus made
Stories of Love and his statue come to life. Venus graced their marriage and they named their son after
2/25/2020 10:36:44 Maci McWhirter Adventure pygmalion and galatea Venus’ favorite city.
Ceyx(son of lucifer) and Alcyone(daughter of the king of winds) loved each other very
devotedly. But, Ceyx decided he needed to leave her and make a long journey across
the sea. Alcyone begged him to stay, for she knew the power of the wind and storms
over the seas. Ceyx still went on his journey in which a major storm sunk the ship, but
when the ship was sinking he rejoiced that Alcyone was safe. Ceyx died in the storm,
but Alcyone was waiting for Ceyx to come back and prayed to the goddess Juno that
he would return. Juno was touched by the thoughtful prayers and sent her messenger
Iris to go to the house of summons (God of sleep) and give Alcyone a dream of what
happened to Ceyx. Alcyone then woke to the desperation of seeing Ceyx. She
declared that she will never leave him, so the next morning she went to the shore and
Stories of Love and Love story of Ceyx and saw him, dead, floating in the ocean towards her. The Gods transformed both her and
2/25/2020 10:42:20 Rylee Troop Adventure Alcyone Ceyx into birds and they flew off as in love as they were in the beginning.
Orpheus was the son of one of the Muses and a Thracian prince. When he played and
sang music no one could resist him. He used this to his advantage when sailing with
Jason on the Argo to save the heroes. He married Eurydice, but directly after their
wedding she was stung by a viper and died. He went to the underworld convinced he
can use his music to charm people and to get his wife back and he succeeded in
doing so in the condition that he doesn't look at her until they reached the upper world.
Stories of Love and Chapter 6 "Orpheus and He failed the condition and was seperated from Eurydice forever. He was later killed
2/25/2020 10:46:03 Sarah Qaddo Adventure Eurydice" by Maenads.
Daphne was a young huntress and daughter of the river-god Peneus. Her father
wanted her to settle down with a man, but Daphne hated the idea of love and
marriage and wanted to be independent forever like Diana. One day, she was hunting
in the forest when Apollo saw her. He thought she was beautiful, and he started to
pursue her, but Daphne ran. The chase went on for a long while, but eventually
Daphne saw her father's river and called out to him for help. Suddenly, her feet
Stories of Love and became rooted, and she was transformed into a laurel tree. Apollo was disappointed,
2/25/2020 10:51:32 Faith Chaveriat Adventure Daphne but he said this tree shall be joined with him forever. The tree seemed to nod.
Prometheus, who,
chained up in the
Caucasus, has occasion
to comfort a dazzling
white heifer. It turns out
to be no ordinary cow
but a woman named Io
who Zeus has seduced
and then transformed
into a cow to hide his
cheating from Hera. Not
so easily deceived, Hera
asks Zeus to give her
the cow and then
imprisons her. Hermes,
sent by Zeus, frees Io.
Hera retaliates by
sending a gadfly to
annoy Io endlessly,
forcing her to wander all
over the world. At last
Prometheus, weary Io
learns she will soon be
turned back into a
human, will bear Zeus a
son, through whom she
will be the ancestress of
Hercules—the hero who
eventually frees
2/25/2020 10:36:54 Jacob Podhajsky The Earliest Heroes Prometheus and Io Prometheus.
Description or role Role in the Creation Description or role Summary of the hero's Summary of the hero's
Timestamp Your Name Your topic is Role in the Underworld Name according to Hamilton Myth Name according to Hamilton Name of Hero story Name of Hero story Name of the Story Summary of the story
Odysseus was stranded
on an island with his
men from his ship. Him
and his men went into
this cave that was
obviously owned by one
with great power. Inside
this cave were many
lambs and kids.
Odysseus and his 12
men got stuck in the
cave with the large and
ugly cyclops. This
cyclops was eating the
children and crew
members. Everyday he
let out the lambs to the
pasture, and one day as
he let out the lambs
Odysseus and his men
sharpened a stick to
blind the cyclops with.
When the cyclops
returned Odysseus got
the cyclops drunk so he
and his men could stick
him in the eye. This
worked, and the men
held on the the
underneath of the lambs
so they could get past
the cyclops feeling the
top of the lambs to
ensure no one escaped
even though he was
blind. All of the men
The Cyclops were able to escape and
2/25/2020 10:39:59 Julia Warner The Earliest Heroes Polyphemus get onto Odysseus boat.
Adonis was killed by a
boar and died in
Aphrodite's arms as she
wept. His blood became
the flower. His death
was mourned each year
by greek girls and they
2/25/2020 10:40:10 emmie harville The Earliest Heroes Adonis rejoiced his flower
arcissus was a hunter in
Greek mythology, son of
the river god Cephissus
and the nymph Liriope.
He was a very beautiful
young man, and many
fell in love with him.
However, he only
showed them disdain
and contempt. ... She
led him to a pool; there,
the man saw his
reflection in the water
2/25/2020 10:49:42 Savannah The Earliest Heroes Narcissus and fell in love with it.
Daedalus was imprisoned in the labyrinth with his son icarus. He hand crafted wings
for him and his son to escape and warned him about flying. Icarus flew to close to the
son and melted his wings and died. Daedalus escaped and king minos was enraged
The Four Great but daedalus helped another king get thread through a small hole and the king refused
2/25/2020 10:32:20 emmie harville Adventures Daedalus to give up daedalus
Bellerophon wanted Pegasus so he went to Athena’s temple because men were often
spoken to by gods in their sleep. A goddess gave him a charm and he was able to
master Pegasus. Later on Bellerophon rejected Anteia and so she told her husband to
kill him. He sent him on quests but he conquered each one so they became friends.
Bellerophon became to eager and thought he could ride Pegasus up to Olympus but
The Four Great Pegasus and Pegasus knew better and through him off his back. Bellerophon was left to die alone
2/25/2020 11:04:59 Rebecca Hall Adventures Bellerophon and Pegasus found a home with Zeus.
Phaethon was the son of Helios and Clymene. He climbed to the top of Mount
Olympus to prove to the people that his father was Helios. When he reached the top,
Helios said he was his father. Helios granted one wish to Phaethon in order to prove
to the people that he was his father. Phaethon wishes to take his fathers place for one
day as the rider in the sun chariot. Helios grants this wish of Phaethon's. However,
Phaethon is not strong enough to guide the horses pulling the chariot and the horses
The Four Great run rampant and set the world ablaze. Jove strikes the chariot and drives the horses
2/25/2020 11:06:23 Sam Moses Adventures Phaethon into the sea. Jove saves the world, but Phaethon falls from the sky and dies.
Atalanta was abandoned
on a mountain side
because her father did
not want to raise a
daughter. She was
found by a bear and
raised until she was
found by hunters. Later,
she went to participate in
the Caledonian boar
hunt which she was
successful in. She then
went on to conquer
Peleus and this caused
her parents to come
forward. She also had
many suitors, so she
said if anyone can beat
her in a foot race she
would marry them.
Melanion distracted her
with golden apples and
he won the race.
Atalanta then had a son,
The Great Heroes Thebes, and was turned
2/25/2020 10:43:45 Rebecca Hall Before the Trojan War Atalanta into a lioness.
Hyacinth was a very
pretty Spartan prince
who fell in love with
Apollo. Apollo also had
the affection of Zephyr,
the god of the west wind.
They agreed to a game
of discus and attempting
to impress Zephyr,
The Great Heroes Hyacinth ran into the
2/25/2020 10:48:08 Eric He Before the Trojan War Hyacinth discus and died.
Description or role Role in the Creation Description or role Summary of the hero's Summary of the hero's
Timestamp Your Name Your topic is Role in the Underworld Name according to Hamilton Myth Name according to Hamilton Name of Hero story Name of Hero story Name of the Story Summary of the story
Theseus is the son of
Athenian king Aegeus.
His father placed a
challenge to his son and
If his son was strong
enough he would go to
Athens and be claimed.
Theseus succeeded and
met his father who
announced him to the
people. Theseus
volunteered to be one of
the victims who goes in
the labyrinth with the
idea to kill the Minotaur.
Ariadne, the Minos'
daughter agreed to help
him in exchange he
marries her and takes
her back to Athens.
Theseus agrees and
with her help he
succeeds in killing the
The Great Heroes Minotaur and escaping
2/25/2020 11:03:43 Sarah Qaddo Before the Trojan War Theseus the labyrinth.
Perseus and his mother
are cast away from there
home. They landed on
an island and when
Perseus grew up a king
wanted to marry his
mother. Everyone was
required to bring a gift to
the wedding but Perseus
had nothing. He then
said he would bring the
head of medusa, a
gorgon. Mortified he
goes to the Gray sisters,
three woman who share
one eye and they tell
him where he can find
Medusa. Hermes and
Athena give him a shield
and a bag for her head.
He uses the shield to
see medusa in the
reflection and cuts her
head off. Pegasus flies
out of her head and flies
Perseus back home
where upon showing the
The Great Heroes king the head he is
2/25/2020 11:14:50 Landon Russell Before the Trojan War Perseus turned to stone.
Son of Zeus and
Alkemene, he killed two
serpents that were sent
by Hera to kill him
because she hated him
for being Zeus´ son. He
had killed his wife
Megara and his 3 sons
due to the madness
given to him by Hera. He
did the 12 labors, which
were the following:
1. Kills the nemain lion
2.Kills the hydra
3.Captures the Arcadian
4.Captures the
erymanthean Boar
5. Cleans the Augean
stables (diverges a river)
6. Drives away the
stymphalian birds
7. Defeats Minos' bull
8. Brings back the girdle
of Queen Hippolytha
9. Obtained the cattle of
10. Obtains the man-
eating horses of king
11. Brings Cerebus up
from Hades
12. Bring back the
golden apple of the
He also spent time with
Thesus but didn´t stay
long. He was foolish and
he wanted to die due to
the stupid things he did.
He waited for death to
come to him but
eventually he died due
The Great Heroes to Hera. Then he was
2/25/2020 11:17:15 Ria Anand Before the Trojan War Hercules welcomed to Olympus.
The Lesser Gods of
2/25/2020 10:26:59 Ria Anand Olympus
The Lesser Gods of
2/25/2020 10:34:48 Sean van Tol Olympus
The Lesser Gods of
2/25/2020 10:43:20 Avery Strickland Olympus
The Lesser Gods of
2/25/2020 10:46:26 Eli Freeman Olympus
The Lesser Gods of
2/25/2020 11:01:09 Ria Anand Olympus
The Lesser Gods of the
2/25/2020 10:44:08 Elizabeth Waide Earth
The Lesser Gods of the
2/25/2020 10:44:47 Joseph Martin Earth
The Lesser Gods of the
2/25/2020 10:49:22 Makenna Earth
The Lesser Gods of the
2/25/2020 10:53:21 Makenna Earth
2/25/2020 10:20:13 David Alsobrooks The Olympians
2/25/2020 10:23:18 Jade The Olympians
Description or role Role in the Creation Description or role Summary of the hero's Summary of the hero's
Timestamp Your Name Your topic is Role in the Underworld Name according to Hamilton Myth Name according to Hamilton Name of Hero story Name of Hero story Name of the Story Summary of the story
2/25/2020 10:23:30 David Alsobrooks The Olympians
2/25/2020 10:28:39 David Alsobrooks The Olympians
2/25/2020 10:28:41 Josiah Bradley The Olympians
2/25/2020 10:33:49 Sarah Pastor The Olympians
2/25/2020 10:36:58 Eli Freeman The Olympians
2/25/2020 10:37:56 jamie duenckel The Olympians
2/25/2020 10:39:26 Jessica King The Olympians
2/25/2020 10:45:28 Eric He The Olympians
A King named Athamas is married to Nephale but he gets tired of her and marries
another women named Princess Ino. His first wife had a son named Phirixus and Ino
wanted him out of the way so Ino´s son can inherit the throne first. Hermes sends a
flying ram to save Phirixus and he sacrifices the ram to Zeus and gives the ¨golden
fleece¨ to Aetes. A man named Jason claims the thrown of an old Greek king. On the
way to the kingdom, Pelias sends him on a quest to return the Golden Fleece to the
Kingdom first, but Pelias made that up. King Pelias knows that whoever goes on that
quest will never come back. Jason goes on the quest with a group called the
Argonauts and on a ship called the Argo. The group faces many challenges before
they get to Colchis. At Colchis they meet Medea, and she tells Jason that he can only
steal the fleece by putting the guardian serpent to sleep. He gets the fleece and
Medea goes back with the Argonauts and falls in love with Jason. When they get
back, Jason finds out that Kind Pelias has killed Jason´s father and mother. Jason and
Medea plot together to get revenge, Medea and Jason end up having two sons
The Quest for the The Quest of the Golden together but Jason leaves her for another women. Medea is so angry that she kills
2/25/2020 10:55:30 sarah carter Golden Fleece Fleece Jason´s new wife and the 2 sons they had together.
2/25/2020 10:16:31 Savannah noble The Roman Gods
2/25/2020 10:37:28 Eric He The Roman Gods
2/25/2020 10:17:05 jacob perales The Titans
2/25/2020 10:18:25 Jade The Titans
2/25/2020 10:29:54 Eli Freeman The Titans
2/25/2020 10:34:28 Joseph Martin The Titans
2/25/2020 10:37:25 Eric He The Titans
2/25/2020 10:38:57 Josiah Bradley The Titans
The Two Great Gods of
2/25/2020 10:34:20 jamie Duenckel the Earth
The Two Great Gods of
2/25/2020 10:39:42 Aneshka Rowe the Earth
The Two Great Gods of
2/25/2020 10:45:40 Sam Moses the Earth
The Two Great Gods of
2/25/2020 10:50:16 Gabrielle Starling the Earth
the river of woe where
Charon (a boatman)
carries the souls of the
2/25/2020 10:20:12 Lauren Scanlon The Underworld River Acheron dead
the river of lamentation
which the river Acheron
2/25/2020 10:23:30 Lauren Scanlon The Underworld River Cocytus pours into
Rhadamanthus dwells in
the underworld. He rules
a part of the underworld
where there is pain and
punishment. He is a
stern ruler and a son of
Europa. He punishes the
wicked for their
2/25/2020 10:25:01 Gabby Maine The Underworld Magical Creature Rhadamanthus misdeeds.
the river of the
unbreakable oath by
2/25/2020 10:26:56 Lauren Scanlon The Underworld River Styx which the gods swear
2/25/2020 10:27:33 Lauren Scanlon The Underworld River Phlegethon the river of fire
kingdom of the dead
2/25/2020 10:27:35 Sean van Tol The Underworld God/Goddess Hades was once ruled by him
Minos is a son of
Europa. He judges the
dead. He passes the
final sentences to the
2/25/2020 10:28:16 Gabby Maine The Underworld God/Goddess Minos souls of the underworld.
2/25/2020 10:28:18 Lauren Scanlon The Underworld River Lethe the river of forgetfulness
An aged boatman who
ferries the souls of the
dead across the water to
2/25/2020 10:30:33 Elizabeth Waide The Underworld God/Goddess Charon the gate of Tartarus
Aeacus is a judge in the
underworld. He, along
with Rhadamanthus and
Minos, pass sentence
and send the wicked to
everlasting torment and
the good to the Elysian
2/25/2020 10:36:05 Gabby Maine The Underworld God/Goddess Aeacus Fields.
They carried out Hades'
order and made sure
everyone was getting
2/25/2020 10:37:47 Avery Strickland The Underworld God/Goddess The Furies punished.
Cerberus was the guard
dog of the gates of
Hades. he allowed the
dead to enter, bu nopt
2/25/2020 10:40:39 jacob perales The Underworld Magical Creature cerberus leave.

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