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Institute of Business Education

School Based Assessment

Name of Candidate: Ryan Persaud

School: Institute of Business Education
Teacher: Alicia Deane
Territory: Guyana
Topic: Office and Orientation
Centre Number: 090144
Candidate Number:
The researcher would like to thank everyone who assisted him throughout the School Based
Assessment (SBA). The researcher would also like to give all his thanks to the almighty god for
giving him the health and strength in completely finishing the School Based Assessment of
May/June 2020.

In this School Based Assessment (SBA) the researcher will do an investigation on
whether households prefer purchasing Electrical Appliances by hire purchase and
cash purchase. The researcher will do a questionnaire and share it out to the
organization to collect relevant information for completing the project.
Title Page
Project title: “To investigate the use of office equipment in the accounting department”
Name of Candidate: Ryan Persaud
Candidate Number:
School: Institute of Business Education
Territory: Guyana
Centre Number: 090144
Subject: Office Administration
Year of Examination: 2020
Table of Content
Acknowledgment i
Introduction ii
Criteria 1
Title 1
Aims of Project 2
Functions of Department 3
Letter of Correspondence 4
Criteria 2
Title 5
Methodology 6
Questionnaire 7
Five Questions Interview Use 8
Schedule of Activities 9
Rules and Regulations 10
Criteria 3
Title 11
Report 12
Office Equipment 13
Conclusion 14
Bibliography 15
Criteria 1
Title Page
Project title: “To investigate the use of office equipment in the accounting department”
Name of Candidate: Ryan Persaud
Candidate Number:
School: Institute of Business Education
Territory: Guyana
Centre Number: 090144
Subject: Office Administration
Year of Examination: 2020
Aims of Project

 To fulfill the requirements of the Caribbean examination council (CXC)

 To be aware of the use of office equipment in the accounting department
Functions of the Department
Some functions of the accounting department include:
 Billing and credit control
 Preparation of financial statements
 Payroll system
 Safeguarding assets through internal control
Letter of Correspondence
57 Peter Street,
Annandale, North,
East Coast Demerara.
Unique Innovations
Second entrance, Ground
floor, Giftland Mall.
Dear Travez Piaralall,
Re: Seeking permission to visit your organization
The researcher, Ryan Persaud a fifth form student of IBE will be writing the Caribbean
secondary examination in May/June 2020.
The researcher is tasked to conduct a research as required by CXC based on the use of office
equipment in the accounting department and seeks permission to visit your firm at a date and
time convenient to you to distribute questionnaires as a way of gathering information.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Your Sincerely,
Ryan Persaud

Criteria 2
Title Page

Project title: “To investigate the use of office equipment in the accounting department”
Name of Candidate: Ryan Persaud
Candidate Number:
School: Institute of Business Education
Territory: Guyana
Centre Number: 090144
Subject: Office Administration
Year of Examination: 2020
In order to obtain the required information for this research the questionnaire method was used.
In this research 16 questionnaire was shared out on 27th November, 2019 to the manager.
The questionnaire as a tool has a lot of advantages such as:
 Their fast and easy to collect results
 Affordable
 Questionnaire allows you to gather information from a large audience and allow
respondents to maintain their anonymity

1. Sex: Male
2. To what age range do you belong?
18-24 years old 31-39 years old
25-30 years old 40 years and over

3. What is the highest level of education you have completed?


4. How many years working experience do you have?



5. What are some functions of the accounting department?



6. List one legislation governing the work place?

7. What role do you play in the department?
8. State one health and safety practice governing the work place?
9. How do you handle an unmannerly visitor?
10. How efficient is record keeping in Unique Innovations?
11. What are some office equipment used in the accounting department?
12. What are some benefits of office equipment in your department?
13. How do you think the department will run without office equipment?
14. What are some of your duties in the accounting department?
15. How has technology contributed to the efficiency of the accounting?
16. Why is it important for the accounting department to communicate with other

Main Questions
1. What are some functions of the accounting Department?


2. What are some office equipment used in the accounting department?


3. What are some benefits of office equipment used in your department?


4. How has technology contributed to the efficiency of the accounting department?


5. Why is it important for the accounting department to communicate with other

Schedule of Activities
Date Activities Comments
6 November, 2019 School Based Assessment The SBA was explained an
was introduced by subject was understandable.
7th November, 2019 Topic was Selected The Topic was submitted for
approval by the teacher.
13th November, 2019 Letter of correspondence was The letter was checked and
drafted. corrected and properly
Criteria 1 was checked.
14th November, 2019 Correction was made and
letter of correspondence was _
typed and printed for
19th November, 2019 Delivered letter to the Letter was received by the
business and appointment director and was
was made. understanding and helpful.
20th November, 2019 After distributing the letter to The researcher had a
the manager the researcher difficult time when doing a
starts to write the Report. report.

27th November, 2019 Questionnaire were printed Employees received the

an issued to the employees questionnaires and
with permission from the completed them.
manager to be completed
and returned.
2nd December, 2019 Collected all the Collected questionnaires
questionnaires that were which were completed and
issued to complete. had the relevant
4th December, 2019 The researcher prints the _
School Based Assessment.

15th December, 2020 The School Based Great relief

Assessment was ready to

Rules and Regulations
Legislation governing the workplace are:
 National insurance and social security and tax

Some health and safety practices are:

 The workplace must be cleaned on a daily basis.

The staff rules in the department are:

 Employees must be fully uniformed in the company’s outfit

Criteria 3
This school based assessment (SBA) was kind of difficult for the researcher. The major findings
in this project was to investigate the use of office equipment in the accounting department.
Some of the problems were:
 The organization took a while to respond to the letter
 Some of the employees were fearful to answer the question
 Most of the employees were busy with their duties
The researcher solves these problems by contacting the organization and communicating with
them about the hold up and met the employees with regards at a good time. A business letter was
typed and carried to the organization to stamp and couple days later the researcher distributed the
questionnaires to be answered.
The organization had very kind and friendly employees, they are very fun and helpful. They also
had good personalities which the researcher appreciates very much.
Some of the health and safety practices are making “improving health and safety a key to
business.” Some responsibilities of the department are Billings, payroll and financial statements.
The challenges that was faced to complete this school based assessment was that the organization
was very busy around the time.

The researcher recommendation is by meeting with the director

The limitation in this school-based assessment was writing the report, the researcher had a
difficult time writing the report and getting questions for the questionnaire

Impact of Office Equipment

Dates Equipment used Purpose of the Suitability of the task

29th November, 2019 Computer Used for keeping It allows for
records for electronic stock
operational business taking and reduces
activities time spent to apply it

29th November, 2019 Printer (All in One) A single machine It is a wise economic
used to copy scan decision since the
and print documents. equipment saves
office space, time
and money.
29th November, 2019 Shredder A very useful piece of It reduces storage
equipment that is space and protect
used to shred papers from identity theft
into narrow strips

29th November,2019 Facsimile (Fax) Used to facilitate the It reduces problems

Machine transmission of of postal services
copying documents
It can be concluded that office equipment plays a major role in the accounting department
within the organization. The office equipments are important for the organization and helps
with paper work a lot.

Reid J Finister S Payne 1 Long Man Office Administration for CSEC _ 2 nd Edition Pearson 2012

Presentation of Data
(Pie Chart)


Male Female

Analysis of Data
The pie chart above shows the gender of the employees at Unique Innovation. There were ten
(10) females and thirteen (13) males working in the organization.
Presentation of Data


Age Range



18 - 24 year old 25 - 30 year old 31 - 39 year old 40 year and older

Age Range

Analysis of data

The graph above shows the age range of the employees working at Unique Innovations. There
were 6 employees between age 18–24 years old, 11 between 25-30 years old, 4 between 31-39
years old and 2 of the employees were 40 years old and older.
Presentation of Data

(Bar Graph)

Working Experience

10 years and over

3 - 10 year

1 - 3 year

Under 1 year

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Series 1

Analysis of Data

The bar graph above shows the amount of working experience the employees at Unique
Innovations have. Three (3) employees had under one (1) year, eight (8) had 1-3 years, ten (10)
had 3-10 years and two (2) employees had 10 years and over experience at the organization.
Office Equipment


Fax Machine

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