(Rapport Et Al, 1998) Evaluating Landscape Health Integrating Societal Goals and Biophysical Process

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Journal of Environmental Management (1998) 53, 1–15

Article No. ev980187

Evaluating landscape health:

integrating societal goals and
biophysical process
D.J. Rapport∗†, C. Gaudet‡, J.R. Karr§, J.S. Baron¶,
C. Bohlen∀ W. Jackson††, B. Jones‡‡, R.J. Naiman§§,
B. Norton¶¶ and M.M. Pollock∀∀

†Faculty of Environmental
Evaluating landscape change requires the integration of the social and natural sciences. The social sciences Sciences, University of
contribute to articulating societal values that govern landscape change, while the natural sciences contribute Guelph, Guelph, Ontario,
to understanding the biophysical processes that are influenced by human activity and result in ecological Canada N1H 2W5
change. Building upon Aldo Leopold’s criteria for landscape health, the roles of societal values and ‡Environment Canada,
biophysical processes in shaping the landscape are explored. A framework is developed for indicators of Place Vincent Massey, 351
St. Joseph BLVD, Hull,
landscape health and integrity. Indicators of integrity are useful in measuring biological condition relative to
Quebec, Canada J8Y 3Z4
the condition in landscapes largely unaffected by human activity, while indicators of health are useful in §University of
evaluating changes in highly modified landscapes. Washington, Box 357980,
Integrating societal goals and biophysical processes requires identification of ecological services to be Seattle, WA, 98195-7980,
sustained within a given landscape. It also requires the proper choice of temporal and spatial scales. Societal USA
values are based upon inter-generational concerns at regional scales (e.g. soil and ground water quality). ¶Natural Resource
Assessing the health and integrity of the environment at the landscape scale over a period of decades best Ecology Laboratory, US
integrates societal values with underlying biophysical processes. Geological Survey,
These principles are illustrated in two contrasting case studies: (1) the South Platte River study demonstrates Colorado State University,
Fort Collins, CO, 80523,
the role of complex biophysical processes acting at a distance; and (2) the Kissimmee River study illustrates
the critical importance of social, cultural and economic concerns in the design of remedial action plans. In ∀Environmental Studies,
both studies, however, interactions between the social and the biophysical governed the landscape Carnegie Science Hall,
outcomes. The legacy of evolution and the legacy of culture requires integration for the purpose of effectively Bates College, Lewiston,
coping with environmental change. ME, 04240, USA
 1998 Academic Press ††The Land Institute,
2440 East Waterwell
Road, Salina, Kansas,
Keywords: landscape health, biotic integrity, societal values, indicators, ecological services. 67401, USA
‡‡Office of Research and
Development, United
Introduction forces, although the effects of human actions States Environmental
were not always negligible. From the ex- Protection Agency,
National Exposure
tinction of many large mammals worldwide,
Research Laboratory, PO
Evaluating changing landscapes calls for an to the transformation of Cypress forests in Box 93478, Las Vegas,
integration of two very different approaches the Middle East, humans have had a major NV, 89193-3478 USA
to science—the social and the natural (Turner influence upon the biota where they live (Dia- §§School of Fisheries,
Box 357980, University of
and Gardner, 1991; Healey 1996). The two mond, 1997). The combined impact of popu- Washington, Seattle,
endeavours have traditionally been at odds lation, technological change and economic WA 98195, USA
with each other; one addressing the human development has greatly increased the mag- ¶¶Ivan Allen College,
Georgia Tech, Atlanta
condition apart from the state of the natural nitude of human impacts on the biosphere. Georgia, 30332-0345,
world; the other addressing the state of Nearly every accessible landscape has become USA
nature, apart from the human condition. The degraded to some degree (Tolba et al., 1992; ∀∀10,000 Years Institute,
P.O. Box 2205, Seattle,
position that humans are ‘part of’ and not Vitousek et al., 1997). Transformations range WA 98111-2205, USA
‘apart from’ nature, necessitates the in- from altering the physical and chemical en-
tegration of the human-centred and the nat- vironment of life (climate change, soil de- ∗Corresponding author
ural-centred perspectives (Bormann, 1996). pletion), to degradation of non-human living
Received 20 February
Historically, landscape transformations systems (over-harvesting of forest and fish 1997; accepted 17 March
appear to have been dominated by natural resources, habitat destruction, extinction 1998

0301–4797/98/010001+15 $30.00/0  1998 Academic Press

2 D. J. Rapport et al.

of species), to dysfunction in human systems Healthy landscapes (and ecosystems) may be

(environmental injustice, social dis- characterized in terms of general properties
integration) (Karr and Chu, 1995). such as resilience, diversity and productivity
This rapid and pervasive transformation of (e.g. Mageau et al., 1995; Rapport, 1995a).
the landscape, appears to conflict with so- In healthy landscapes, these properties are
cietal goals of ecologically sustainable de- retained, despite human-induced trans-
velopment (World Commission on formations which alter the historic biological
Environment and Development (WCED, and biophysical conditions. These fun-
1987). Introducing the concept of health in damental attributes, although they may be
the evaluation of landscapes brings into focus difficult to measure, govern the supply of
this conflict and provides a basis for in- nature’s services derived from the landscape
tegrating biophysical processes and societal (Cairns and Pratt, 1995; Daily, 1997). Karr
values for achieving long-term sustainability. (1996) emphasizes the importance of sus-
tainability: healthy landscapes should not be
degraded in a manner such that future use
is compromized (WCED, 1987). For example,
Health and integrity soils should be maintained for future use and
ground water should not be depleted. Land
It is proposed that the twin concepts of health use should not cause deleterious effects bey-
and integrity, as defined in this section, are ond the site through atmospheric con-
broadly applicable to evaluating landscapes tamination or downstream effects of soil
(Woodley et al., 1993; Ferguson, 1994; Rap- erosion or movements of industrial chemicals.
port, 1995a; Rapport and Regier, 1995; Shear, In essence, human-altered landscapes must
1996). However, while these concepts may be not compromise societal interests on time
compatible goals, e.g. Principle 7 from the scales of decades to centuries or more.
1992 United Nations conference on En- Ecosystem services, as distinct from the
vironment and Development (UNCED), re- notion of economic goods and services, refers
fers to the obligation of Nation States to to any attribute of natural systems that is
‘safeguard the health and integrity of the perceived as beneficial to human society
world’s ecosystems’ (UNCED), 1992, they are (Cairns and Pratt, 1995). The term is value-
not identical (Karr, 1996). Actions enhancing laden, for it refers only to those attributes
one, might depreciate the other. It is im- perceived to be of value to humans. Com-
portant to differentiate between these con- monly, at the local level this includes the
cepts and match specific applications to their capacity of ecosystems to cycle nutrients, to
use. sequester eroded sediments, to produce food,
Landscapes are healthy when the cycling fibre and fuel wood, etc. At the biospheric
of energy and nutrients is not impaired, when level, the combined functioning of ecosystems
the key ecological components are preserved helps maintain balance in atmospheric chem-
e.g. wildlife, soil and microfauna, when the istry. Which services are valued by society is,
system is resistant and resilient to long-term of course, largely dependent on the level of
effects of natural perturbations and when environmental literacy. In a highly en-
‘the system does not have to be constantly vironmentally literate society most, if not all,
doctored’, (Rolston, 1994). Leopold proposed ecosystem functions would likely be viewed
an overriding criterion for landscape health, as beneficial (Cairns and Pratt, 1995).
namely: ‘...the capacity of the land for self- Ecological integrity takes as its reference
renewal.’ (Leopold, 1968). Recently, op- point the condition of naturally evolved eco-
erational measures of health have been pro- systems and landscapes in the absence of
posed (Mageau et al., 1995; Soyza et al., 1997), significant human interventions (Karr, 1996).
that apply to both aquatic and terrestrial Integrity is characterized by reference levels
systems at watershed and landscape scales. in these pristine systems with respect to spe-
The concept of health as applied to eco- cies composition, biodiversity and functional
systems and landscapes implies ‘well-func- organization (Angermeier and Karr, 1994).
tioning’ and the health of the Earth’s While few pristine landscapes remain, the
ecosystems has become a major concern (UN- notion of ‘integrity’ provides a point of ref-
CED, 1992; Arrow et al., 1995; Belsky, 1995). erence, based on historical data, for judging
Evaluating landscape health 3

present conditions in comparison to land- basin in western Canada, stresses from

scapes that have been minimally impacted human activity, including over-harvesting of
by modern humans. fish and timber, waste discharge to water and
Both the concepts of ‘health’ and ‘integrity’ air and extensive physical restructuring with
serve useful roles in constructing a frame- inadequate protection of the riparian corridor
work for evaluating landscape condition. In have resulted in poor water quality, sub-
this paper, ‘health’ is emphasized, for it ap- stantial depletion of the salmon fishery and
pears more broadly applicable to highly modi- reduced biodiversity. Thus, permissive ac-
fied landscapes, and it resonates well with the tivities, driven largely by short-term eco-
general public and policy makers (Simpson, nomic goals, have resulted in environmental
1989). Further, it is somewhat more flexible consequences incompatible with achieving
in its potential applications, being descriptive long-term societal goals of sustainability.
of both pristine and human-modified land- When one refers to societal values, at least
scapes, for a healthy landscape need satisfy three different meanings may be implied:
only the requirement of providing an ac- (1) a set of philosophical, ethical, moral and
ceptable range of ecosystem services. In- emotional principles that order a society (e.g.
dicators of ecological integrity can provide ‘traditional values’, ‘family values’); (2) in-
a ‘yardstick’ for assessment purposes, while trinsic properties associated with particular
indicators of landscape health provide a basis environments (e.g. ‘wetland values’) and (3)
for assessing the suitability of the landscape economic significance (often measured in
with respect to specific societal goals. monetary terms) of a given landscape.
Leopold advanced the general criteria for Values, in the sense of (2) and (3) above,
landscape health more than half a century are most relevant for assessing landscape
ago by defining ‘land health’ as a condition health. One problem that arises when at-
under which ‘the land could be humanly oc- tempting to integrate human values into eco-
cupied without rendering it dysfunctional’, system management is that values arise from
(Leopold, 1941). For Leopold, the main con- within landscapes and are highly dependent
sideration was whether or not modifications upon landscape character (Norton, 1995).
of landscape brought about by humans com- Conservation programmes often ignore this
promized essential ecological functions neces- and begin from an altogether different per-
sary to sustain landscape components and spective; focusing on biophysical conditions
processes. As humans are ‘part of’, and not necessary for sustaining wildlife. Seldom is
‘apart from’ the landscape, Leopold argued the question raised explicitly; what ought to
that the degree to which the landscape sat- be sustained for what purpose? These are
isfies human needs and aspirations enters questions of societal values (Norton, 1995).
prominently into an assessment of landscape

Economism and ecocentrism

The role of societal values Philosophies of environmental management
appear to cluster around two centres: econ-
Societal values thus play a central role in omism and ecocentrism (Norton, 1995). These
contributing to and evaluating landscape con- centres need not be regarded as polarized,
dition. Firstly, societal values contribute to but instead, complimentary. The first centre
landscape condition by encouraging or re- (economism) attracts positions that em-
straining human activity. For example, in phasize instrumental values to humans de-
communities where the value of forests as rived from natural objects and processes
lumber is far greater than the value of the (value, as mentioned in (3), above). Econ-
forests as habitat for wildlife, one might ex- omism is motivated by a focus on maximizing
pect increased deforestation. Secondly, values human welfare, largely through commodity
play a key role in judging the acceptability extraction. The second centre (ecocentrism)
of landscape conditions. Problems arise when attracts positions that emphasize that all
these two aspects of values conflict. For ex- living things and their interactions have in-
ample, in the lower Fraser River drainage trinsic value (value, as mentioned in (2),
4 D. J. Rapport et al.

above). This suggests that there are human- presence of humans and the need for specific
independent loci of value in nature and that services.
human interests are often overridden by Consider, for example, a wetland with the
moral obligations to other species and eco- capability to remove nitrogen from the sur-
logical systems. face waters by denitrification. If that wetland
In the first approach, economism, the ana- is far removed from human activity and as a
lytic task is to reduce all values, no matter result waters entering the wetland are nu-
how diverse, to a single measure of ag- trient-poor, denitrification potential is of min-
gregated human welfare (e.g. gross national imal value. The same wetland might be of
product (GNP)). In the second approach, eco- far greater value as a waterfowl habitat. But
centrism, the task is to recognize centres of place that same wetland in an agricultural
intrinsic value as well as the value of the region, upstream from an estuary or coastal
health and integrity of the system as a whole, embayment showing signs of stress from eu-
and to devise policies that protect the most trophication, and the particular values
compelling interests and claims of the com- ascribed for that same wetland may change
peting loci of human-independent value. Nei- dramatically. Now the capacity of this land-
ther of these concepts alone provides a scape element for nitrate removal is of far
comprehensive viewpoint from which to un- greater value and benefit to humans. In both
derstand the whole range of landscape values situations, the physical and ecological pro-
(Norton, 1995). cesses have not changed, but societal values
Another way of perceiving the role of values have. Thus, evaluation of landscape condition
is to contrast the views of a landscape as requires information on both ecosystem ser-
viewed by an ecologist and an economist. The vices derived from the landscape and human
ecologist may describe the landscape in terms geography.
of a complex interplay of nutrients, organisms
and energy—a purely biophysical description.
The economist may describe the same land- Establishing societal values
scape as a natural physical structure that
produces a stream of economic goods and Human values that are experienced in land-
services over time. These two visions of land- scapes determine the value system that
scape seem to lead to very different con- guides land use. The very definition of a
ceptions of value. However, they are landscape, whether referring to the pattern
complementary. Societal values reflect short- of local ecosystem or land use types (Forman,
term needs (i.e. economic benefits) as well 1995) or the expanse of natural scenery seen
as long-term needs (i.e. ecological benefits) by the eye in one view, is suffused with human
(Norton, 1995). perspective, human scale and human values.
Up to this point, some of the considerations
determining value attributed to landscapes
have been discussed. How these values might
Quirks of geography be identified in a practical way, in an effort
to maintain ecosystem health, has not yet
The pattern of landscape functions in relation been considered. For any specific landscape,
to the distribution of human populations and the identification of community values ne-
their need for ecosystem services is a critical cessarily entails a participatory process in
factor in determining value assigned to par- which all community interests are rep-
ticular landscape features or processes. resented, e.g. conservationists, developers,
Quirks of geography serve either to industry, urban, recreation and agriculture.
strengthen or weaken the linkages between These interest groups would collectively
human economic and social interests and nat- identify the ‘services’ that are essential for a
ural processes. From an economic per- healthy landscape. There are a variety of
spective, landscape values depend upon the mechanisms that might assist this process,
capacity of the system to ameliorate negative e.g. various gaming methods, surveys and
impacts of human activity or support pro- facilitated workshops. The critical point is
ductive aspects. Thus, the same landscape that the values are derived from the com-
would be valued differently, depending on the munity, and are not externally imposed by
Evaluating landscape health 5

scientists. This involvement by communities such as this and to relate these findings to
in environmental decision making, as a part achieving societal goals. Thus, while neither
of the ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal’ (PRA) biophysical processes nor societal values
methodology, integrates societal values with alone are sufficient to evaluate landscape
ecological processes to achieve sustainable health, these two components, in relation to
management of healthy landscapes. each other, provide the framework for health

The role of biophysical

processes Indicators of landscape
Biophysical processes are, of course, fun-
damental in shaping the landscape and in Any assessment of landscape condition must
determining its capabilities for providing eco- recognize the interaction of values and bio-
system services such as: regulation of runoff, physical conditions at local, regional and
sequestering of contaminants, supply of fresh global scales. The selection of indicators of
water, maintenance of biodiversity and pro- landscape health depends on these realities.
vision of food, fibre and wood. If ‘the earth is Throughout evolution, human societies have
running a fever and we are the flu’, (Rowe, adapted to the regional ecological context.
1996) then there is a need to understand the Technological advances by modern societies
connections between human activity and the appear to make humans less dependent on
changing character of the landscape, i.e. the their immediate natural environment, when
biophysical mechanisms by which human ac- in fact they make society more dependent on
tivity alters the landscape. remote environments. In addition, the land-
The interplay between underlying bio- scapes of local communities are larger and
physical processes and ecosystem services are increasingly influenced by remote events
may be illustrated by using ground-water and decisions.
recharge as a specific example. Ground-water In selecting indicators of landscape trans-
recharge, a critical ecological function, is formations, the capabilities of natural sys-
probably one of the least appreciated eco- tems to absorb human usage without serious
system services, owing to lack of societal degradation is an important factor. Indicators
awareness of this process. Within healthy thus should concentrate on the ‘response’
riparian ecosystems or in some aquatic-ter- (transformed state in response to stress) side
restrial interfaces (ecotones) the rate of water rather than the ‘stress’ (a pressure the system
movement can be slowed by vegetation, in- is not adapted to) side (Friend and Rapport,
creasing the likelihood of water percolating 1991). For example, suburban developments
into ground water. Well-vegetated alluvial on barrier islands are less likely to be com-
flood plains, for example, slow the movement patible with retaining a healthy landscape
of floodwaters and absorb and hold water than the same development in an upland
during storms which, in turn, recharges local wooded landscape. This is obvious, owing to
aquifers and reduces downstream flooding. the greater fragility of barrier islands com-
The direct benefits of this biophysical pro- pared to upland wooded areas. A well-de-
cess are obvious. Local ground-water supplies signed development, in a location that has
are a source for drinking and irrigation in inherently high resilience to a spectrum of
many parts of North America. Losses of ri- impacts from human activity, can be com-
parian vegetation and wetlands in the 48 patible with the goal of protecting ecological
contiguous states (Swift, 1974) have, by re- health, even though it would be unrealistic
ducing ground-water supplies, reduced flood to think that this development activity would
control and drinking water. This may be one have no negative impacts on the biotic in-
of the major reasons for the unusual severity tegrity of the area. For example, it is probable
of floods in recent years in the Pacific north- that species will be lost; soil generation pro-
west, the US mid-west and other regions of cesses would be altered and terrestrial at-
the USA. Part of the process of evaluating mospheric balances will be shifted away from
landscape health is to elucidate mechanisms reference conditions in a pristine system.
6 D. J. Rapport et al.

Transformations of the landscape resulting study (Wichert and Rapport, 1998), in which
in reduced biodiversity and altered species changes in fish community structure in ri-
composition may still be regarded as parian systems served as an indicator of the
‘healthy’, provided that ecosystem services health of the agricultural landscape.
remain sufficient to accommodate societal Establishing threshold values for land-
goals. scape indicators is usually an empirical
Landscape-level indicators depend upon rather than a theoretical task. Experience
whether ‘health’ or ‘integrity’ is employed as with landscapes that maintain ecosystem ser-
the integrating concept. Employing ‘integrity’ vices and provide an environment that fosters
focuses indicators on naturally evolved ele- economic well-being and human health as
ments and processes. Employing ‘health’ per- well as a degree of ecological integrity is the
mits substitutions for natural elements (i.e. most appropriate guide to threshold values.
non-native and domestic species for in-
digenous ones), provided that these sub-
stitutions have not significantly reduced the Maintaining management options
efficiency of the processes that sustain the
system over time nor diminished the flow of The primary objectives of landscape man-
ecosystem services satisfying societal values agement are to satisfy present societal goals
(Daily, 1997). and to ensure the flow of ecosystem goods
and services for future generations. For ex-
ample, if for a given region a current primary
Indicators of landscape health societal value is agricultural production, ad-
opting management practices only to the ex-
Indicators of ecosystem/landscape health re- tent required to sustain agricultural
late to three primary aspects: resilience, pro- production may prove short-sighted. Max-
ductivity and organization (Mageau et al., imizing production may compromise future
1995). Indicators may be drawn from bio- ecosystem services, such as a diversity of gene
logical measures (e.g. biodiversity, rep- pools and water quality.
resentation by native vs. exotic species, size Maintaining or enhancing future man-
distribution of dominant species), physical agement options requires that existing prac-
measures (hydrological flows, degree of con- tices allow for the possibility of change in
servation of soil organic matter, biospheric response to evolving needs and values. So-
control of water and energy fluxed to the cietal values fluctuate over time in response
atmosphere) and socio-economic measures to population patterns, economic op-
(profitability and investment in agriculture, portunities, ethics and environmental con-
forestry, fisheries). Landscape indicators re- ditions. Over the long term, the landscape
flect ‘cross-cutting’ interactions between eco- should be assessed in terms of its capacity
systems, either directly through measures of to respond to changing societal needs and
flows of energy, nutrients or hydrology values. The best strategy to meet unknown
or through the biological conditions of a requirements is to maintain a capacity to
subsystem that services as a sentinel for provide a wide range of ecosystem services
conditions of the larger landscape. Char- as defined by the Brundtland Commission:
acteristic of indicators of landscape are their nation states should ‘meet the needs of the
capacity to integrate over broad temporal present without compromising the ability of
and spatial scales. Energy and nutrient flows future generations to meet their own needs’
predominate in the South Platte River (see (WCED, 1987).
Case Studies section). Here water quality in However, as the late Kenneth Boulding
the mountain, plains and wetlands eco- once quipped, if one could know the future,
systems serves as a cross-cutting indicator of the future would already be present. Not
landscape health. Hydrology predominates in only is it impossible to anticipate all possible
the Kissimmee River ecosystem (see Case futures, but meeting current needs (e.g. for
Studies section), where the headwaters urbanization) undoubtedly constrains certain
through to the lowlands (Everglades) are af- futures (e.g. providing wilderness). Given
fected by water-level control measures. Bio- these considerations, management ought to
logical conditions predominate in a third case consider a broad range of potential societal
Evaluating landscape health 7

needs and goals and then strive to achieve significantly impaired natural processes and
maximum flexibility for future options. elements such as reduced biodiversity, dis-
ruptions to nutrient cycling from pesticide
loading and severely disrupted sediment dy-
namics. On a small scale, these ecosystems
Spatial and temporal scales of
cannot be judged as ‘healthy’ since they are
valuation neither self-sustaining, nor do they safeguard
the health of adjacent ecosystems. On a large
Evaluative decisions about environmental is-
scale, the landscape may, however, support
sues are scale dependent. At the landscape
both disturbed and healthy ecosystems as
scale, values tend to be focused on processes well as undisturbed areas maintained to pro-
that contribute to the resilience of regional tect their biological integrity.
environments. These processes include the
sequestering, dispersion and inactivation of
toxic substances, conservation and recycling
of water, maintenance of soil quality and Case studies: The South
prevention of erosion and maintenance of Platte River and the
regional biodiversity. These concerns reflect
intergenerational community interests
Kissimmee River
rather than short-term individual, or very
broad-scale global interests. Landscape man- To illustrate the roles of biophysical processes
agement decisions ought to be based on long- and values in evaluating landscape health
term (intergenerational) sustainability which two case studies are briefly examined: the
employ mechanisms for sustaining major eco- South Platte River, Colorado, USA (Klein,
logical processes within a regional mosaic 1993; Litke, 1996) and the Kissimmee River,
which run the gamut from heavily managed Florida, USA (Karr, 1990; Loftin et al., 1990;
systems to nearly pristine systems. and Toth, 1993). In both, human activities
have transformed regional landscapes. The
South Platte River study illustrates the com-
Human values are scale dependent plex biophysical interactions that, even act-
ing at a distance, can substantially change
Environmental values may be viewed in a the character of the landscape. In the Kis-
nested context: individuals focusing on local, simmee River study, the focus shifts to the
short-term interests (e.g. economic returns social science side. Effective rehabilitation of
from ecosystem services); communities fo- this system was blocked until a landscape
cusing on longer-term intergenerational in- perspective was adopted that emphasized the
terests (e.g. biophysical processes that importance of societal values, ecosystem ser-
sustain regional (landscape) health); and na- vices and ecological integrity.
tions focusing on global issues, which involve
climate change, the ozone layer, atmospheric
circulation of contaminants and other prop- South Platte River basin
erties that act as boundary conditions for
regional systems. Norton (1995) suggests that In the South Platte River basin, irrigated
the temporal, spatial and dominant values agriculture, urbanization and industrial-
shift as one moves from human concerns at ization have altered the land surface of the
the individual, to community to global levels. High Plains east of the Rocky Mountains.
The two case studies (see Case Studies sec- This, in turn, altered local and regional at-
tion), both illustrate human concerns op- mospheric circulation patterns (Pielke and
erating at the individual horizon (farms and Avissar, 1990; Stohlgren et al., (unpubl.);
recreational activities) and the community Baron et al., (unpubl.). Regional circulation
horizon (greenways along river banks and fosters transport of moisture, and industrial
restoration of original river hydrology). and agricultural pollutants from the High
The landscape mosaic presents a further Plains up into the Rocky Mountains where
complexity. Within largely urban, suburban they impose stress (excessive nitrogen de-
and agricultural landscapes, one often finds position, climate change) on delicate alpine
8 D. J. Rapport et al.

and subalpine ecosystems (Baron et al., 1994). fluxes of water and energy (Avissar and Piel-
Exploitation of land and water resources ke, 1989; Pielke and Zeng, 1989; Pielke and
in the South Platte River basin of Colorado Avissar, 1990; Pielke et al., 1991). Land sur-
benefits thriving urban and agricultural en- face heterogeneity strongly affects energy and
terprises, but they also impose costs to the mass exchange between land and at-
health and integrity of the landscape. The mosphere, and land and hydrosphere through
South Platte River begins high in the Rocky variability of the radiation environment, pre-
Mountains, where logging and mining ac- cipitation and temperature conditions, and
tivities prevalent at the turn of the century soil water drainage (Band et al., 1991).
have since been replaced by recreational use There is increasing evidence suggesting
and suburban development (Veblen and Lo- transport of air pollutants and moisture from
renz, 1991). Current threats to ecological in- the lower part of the basin to the mountains
tegrity in the upper reaches of the South has been aided by increased transpiration
Platte River basin are by-products of human from crops and lawns. Simply put, irrigation
habitation: fire suppression, weedy species adds more moisture and energy to the at-
invasions and displacement of native species mosphere. This increases humidity, dampens
ranges by recreational and suburban de- temperature ranges and increases the po-
velopment. tential for convective storm activity (Pielke
The Great Plains, home to two-thirds of and Zheng, 1989; Pielke and Avissar, 1990;
Colorado’s human population, are heavily Chase et al., (unpubl.); Baron et al. (unpubl.);
used but with little management to protect Stohlgren et al. (unpubl.). Land-use change
either integrity or health. Much of the plains alone, then, has the potential to affect the
in South Platte are now eroded short-grass regional climate of the South Platte basin.
steppe owing to poor farming practices be- Since climate is a major determinant of eco-
tween 1870 and 1930. Approximately 40% of system structure, there are strong im-
the lower basin is cropland and intensive plications for maintenance of ecosystem
livestock-feeding operations that contribute health and integrity.
salinity, dissolved solids, nutrients and or- While gravity moves most materials down
ganic chemicals to rivers, streams and from the mountains to the plains, heat flux
groundwater. Municipal and industrial dis- and turbulent transfer moves air masses up
charge and urban runoff further degrade from the plains into mountain valleys. This
water quality for miles downstream of their daily summer phenomenon, perhaps ex-
inputs. The furthest downstream reaches acerbated by irrigated cropland tran-
support wetlands and marshes that are crit- spiration, fosters transport of industrial and
ical habitat for migrating waterfowl such as agricultural pollutants from the plains into
cranes, geese and ducks, but these areas are the mountain highlands, where these pol-
severely threatened by competing human lutants are a source of stress to the fragile
water use, including municipal water supply alpine and subalpine ecosystems by excessive
and irrigated agriculture (Deneby et al., 1993; nitrogen deposition (Baron et al., 1994; Wil-
Litke, 1996). liams et al., 1996).
Inhabitants are beginning to address in- This example illustrates the complexities
tegrated management of the South Platte involved in landscape health assessment.
River basin (Klein, 1993). An example of this Coloradans value their natural environment
is the development of greenways and re- and both surveys and legislation suggest that
creation corridors along the river banks to they are willing to pay for a high quality
reduce nutrient and soil loss and to provide environment. It appears feasible to in-
aesthetic and recreational opportunities corporate intergenerational and landscape
(Smith and Hellmund, 1993). A less obvious considerations into management plans, pro-
example of failure of the partition approach vided results are fairly clear and immediate.
in the South Platte region is regional climate When both the geographical distance and the
change caused by irrigated agriculture. Re- intellectual effort required to understand the
cent work suggests that atmospheric dy- consequences of certain societal actions in-
namics show a strong degree of sensitivity creases, the maintenance of ecological health
to land surface conditions, in particular to and integrity becomes much more difficult to
terrain variability and biosphere controls on achieve.
Evaluating landscape health 9

In this example, human activities in one agriculture (largely grazing and dairy op-
sector of a landscape have clearly influenced erations). The project created a series of stag-
the integrity of another sector, even if that nant reservoirs with a central drainage canal
sector is far removed from the actual source (Toth, 1990).
of impact. Landscape management thus be- The first indication that something was
comes more complex, requiring not only man- wrong was when nutrient delivery to down-
agers, but also the regional society to weigh stream Lake Okeechobee increased. Soon,
the costs of their activities and act ac- however, focus was on the loss of numerous
cordingly. Further, the value accorded to other natural resource values. At least
maintaining the health and integrity of the 12 000 ha of floodplain wetlands were lost;
Rocky Mountain ecosystems must somehow waterfowl use declined by more than 90%,
be factored into decisions regarding regional the largemouth bass fishery was reduced, and
planning of agriculture, transportation, urb- at least six species of fish were extirpated
anization and industrialization. Addressing (Toth, 1993). By 1976 the Florida State
questions of remote area health and integrity Legislature formed a co-ordinating council of
from this perspective appears essential to state agencies: (1) to use the natural and free
achieving long-term landscape health. energies of the river system; (2) to restore
natural seasonal water-level fluctuations;
and (3) to restore conditions favourable to
The Kissimmee River basin increases in abundance of the native biota.
That legislation created a clear and explicit
The Kissimmee River restoration project is mandate and subsequent legislation (e.g.
an excellent illustration of the use of a bio- 1981 Save Our Rivers Act; 1987 Surface
logically-based landscape perspective for en- Water Improvement and Management Act)
vironmental management. For most of the strengthened the mandate. A clear shift in
twentieth century, humans sought to control,
perception is obvious; rather than seeing the
and thus alter, the natural events that shaped
Kissimmee as a river prone to flooding, Flo-
and maintained the landscapes of South Flor-
ridians began to see the Kissimmee as a
ida. Conversion of lands to agriculture and
landscape that provided multiple values to
urban areas was tied to the control and man-
local, regional and national society.
agement of water. During the past two dec-
The restoration discussions were tense
ades the aesthetic and economic effects of
as participants debated specific resource
these activities have sparked public outcry.
management goals, for example, whether to
The evolution of societal values and their
integration with biophysical, political, in- maximize fish vs. waterfowl populations. By
stitutional and socio-economic realities is 1988, a special symposium (Loftin et al.,
stimulating citizens and Government agen- 1990) helped to focus restoration efforts
cies to re-evaluate a century of activities in towards an integrative goal—to restore the
the South Florida landscape. From the Kis- integrity of the combined river and flood-
simmee River and its headwater lakes plain ecosystems (Karr, 1990). The shift
through Lake Okeechobee to the Everglades to a health/integrity goal—restoring the
ecosystem, including Everglades National capability to support and maintain the bio-
Park and the important fisheries and re- logical systems associated with natural hab-
creational areas of Florida Bay, change is in itat in the region (Karr and Dudley,
the wind. 1981)—defused tension as it placed em-
Flooding early in the century generated phasis on restoring the landscape dynamics
pressure to control the Kissimmee River by that sustained fish, birds and other natural
channelization, an activity that was au- resource values. By defining the integrity
thorized in the 1940s, initiated in the 1960s goal and emphasizing the biological context
and completed in 1971. Channelization con- of resource loss, the focus shifted from
verted 180 km of natural meandering channel restoration of specific taxa or functions to
into a 90 km canal with a project designed to identification of the causal mechanisms that
lower and regulate water levels in the river’s led to the losses. Altered hydrology was the
headwater lakes, modify discharge char- ultimate factor responsible for the loss and
acteristics of the river and open land for the restoration of five critical hydrological
10 D. J. Rapport et al.

criteria were defined by reference to pre- nothing, to the insertion of sheet-metal weirs
channelization hydrology of the Kissimmee in the canal to divert water to remnant river
River (Toth, 1993): channels to complete backfilling of the canal.
Only the complete backfill met all established
• continuous flow with duration and vari-
hydrological criteria and maintained flood
ability characteristics comparable to the
protection to private property as provided by
pre-channelization system;
the existing flood control project. A committee
• average velocities between 0·3 and
to evaluate restoration alternatives sug-
0·6 m3 s−1 when flows are contained in
gested that a systematic effort to evaluate the
the channel banks;
success of the restoration effort was essential.
• a stage-discharge relationship that
The general design of a ‘restoration evalu-
results in overbank flow when discharges
ation programme’ was outlined by an inter-
exceed 40–57 m3 s−1;
disciplinary team of scientists (Karr et al.,
• stage recession rates that typically do
1991) to integrate taxonomic, habitat, func-
not exceed 0·3 m per month;
tional, structural and conceptual approaches.
• stage hydrographs that yield floodplain
Since the advance of the Kissimmee River
inundation frequencies comparable to
restoration, similar initiatives were under-
pre-channelization hydroperiods, in-
taken in the Everglades to the south
cluding seasonal and long-term vari-
(Harwell, 1997). The overall effort is clearly
ability patterns.
the largest restoration programme ever con-
These hydrologic criteria were coupled with ceived and the early definition of an integrity
physical guidelines to re-establish the lateral goal was instrumental in moving the effort
and longitudinal connectivity between the forward after nearly 2 decades of unfocused
river and its floodplain and the mosaic of conversation.
pre-channelization habitats that occupied the The Kissimmee restoration effort was suc-
Kissimmee landscape (Toth and Aumen, cessful because of the leadership of several
1994). By restoring control of the system to scientists involved with the project, the board
natural hydrological processes a scientifically and managers of the South Florida Water
sound method avoided controversy associated Management District, and the concerned cit-
with selection of ‘discrete taxonomic com- izens and political leaders of the region. Toth
ponents or ecological functions’ (Toth and Au- and Aumen (1994), in making re-
men, 1994). The Kissimmee case study commendations for success in implementing
illustrates the important role of integration integrated environmental restoration and re-
of management across complex landscapes, source enhancement programmes, outlined
including the transitional ecotones between the need for a thorough evaluation of the
major landscape components (Naiman et al., social, cultural and economic issues and con-
1988; Naiman and Décamps, 1990) that buf- cerns in the planning process; the importance
fer the effects of each landscape component of establishing continuous lines of com-
on surrounding areas. These transitional en- munication for educating the public, en-
vironments provide refugia for terrestrial or- vironmental organizations and support
ganisms in times of drought; habitat for groups; the need for a well-designed ecological
threatened, rare and endangered species; evaluation programme; and the im-
nesting and breeding areas for both ter- plementation of integrated environmental
restrial and aquatic species; and filtering cap- management and restoration according to
acity to remove pollutants from surface runoff natural boundaries instead of political or jur-
before it is delivered to water bodies (Naiman isdictional boundaries.
and Décamps, 1990; 1997). Due to the com- The Kissimmee restoration project il-
plexity and integrative nature of the integrity lustrates the role that a landscape per-
goal, the physical criteria, including hydro- spective can play in advancing efforts to
logical elements, which are defined to ac- protect and restore the integrity and health
complish biological goals, must be of natural resources. But projects on this
interdependent and mutually reinforcing. All scale require a shift in societal attitude.
criteria must be met simultaneously. The Rather than emphasize instant gratification
next step in the process was to evaluate a with complex engineering design, the slower
range of restoration alternatives, from doing but more effective progress must be accepted
Evaluating landscape health 11

that is derived from allowing natural pro- supplies of good quality drinking water, main-
cesses to resume and provide the basis for tenance of wildlife and biodiversity is de-
landscape restoration. pendent on societal values. Achieving these
services is dependent on the well-functioning
of underlying biophysical processes, such as
hydrology, nutrient cycling and energy trans-
Conclusions and synthesis fers. The landscape health framework used
here focuses on this duality; it integrates
Landscape health as a societal both the biophysical processes molding the
goal landscape and the societal values reflecting
what people care about.
The conceptual framework used here for eval-
uating the condition and sustainability of
landscapes is based on the requirements for
Compatibility of process and value
landscape health and integrity. It is sug- scales
gested that although these concepts are dif-
ferent, there is broad overlap in applications Frequent reference has been made to the fact
to evaluation of modified landscapes. The goal that both values and biophysical processes
of landscape health is more appropriate for are scale dependent. The landscape scale cap-
the human modified landscape, while the goal tures many values that are critical to the
of landscape integrity applies more to the community, i.e. are intergenerational in
undisturbed landscape. All regional land- nature, and places a high priority on sus-
scapes should sustain areas that protect both taining these. This is also the appropriate
health and integrity. scale for identifying key processes for main-
The framework identifies indicators of both taining ecosystem services. The merger of
landscape pattern and process and relates biophysical systems and community values,
these to questions of scale. The nature of the at appropriate spatial and temporal scales,
dual role of societal values and biophysical serves as the underlying basis for landscape
process in determining the character of the health assessments.
landscape is emphasized. Assessments of
landscape health are critically dependent
Criteria for landscape health
upon identification of societal values and
upon the nature of biophysical processes.
As moves are made to assess landscape
Both aspects provide criteria for management
health, what are the key features of eco-
of human activity in specific regions. Health
logically sustainable environments? These
at the landscape scale is dependent on sim-
features derive from, and must be consistent
ultaneously meeting two primary goals: (1)
with, the landscape assessment framework
providing ecosystem services undiminished
developed above. Landscape health is char-
in quantity and quality by human activity;
acterized by:
and (2) maintaining future management op-
tions so as to accommodate changes in so- • the provision of a suite of ecosystem
cietal values. Both are constrained to a goods and services that satisfy the pres-
significant degree by biophysical limitations. ent (and anticipated future) needs of so-
• the capability for sustaining the flow of
ecosystem services without subsidy—or
Reconciling societal values and in the case of agriculture and other in-
biophysical process tensively managed ecosystems, with
minimal and non-increasing subsidy,
How might societal values be reconciled with particularly with respect to fossil fuel
biophysical processes? The case studies il- use;
lustrate that the reconciliation is through • the achievement of economic viability
sustaining ecosystem services in a landscape and social welfare without negatively im-
mosaic. The identification of services such as pacting the health of neighbouring land-
sustaining crop yields, provision of adequate scapes and ecosystems. In terms of
12 D. J. Rapport et al.

societal value, the landscape as a pro- whether in the form of fertilizer applications,
vider of goods and services suggests that hatchery operations, capital investment in
the extent of reduction in the provision larger vessels, wood-duck boxes or water
of these goods and services, might itself treatment plants. This is an unsustainable
be used as one indicator of landscape practice. The Kissimmee River restoration
health (Regier and Baskerville, 1986); project highlights the importance of under-
and standing and restoring biophysical process in
• the maintenance of management options order to restore and sustain valued system
(Rapport, 1995b). This provision allows elements.
a built-in consideration for future gen- Assuming that the economic process is
erations to chose their own destiny and largely independent of natural capital may
have the flexibility for managing land- have been valid historically, when resources
scapes for a wide variety of future needs were more plentiful and the stresses on nat-
that may not be foreseen today. ural systems had not yet reached a level
where these systems were significantly dam-
aged. Today, the situation is very different
(Brown et al., 1989; Tolba et al., 1992). The
Challenges in applying landscape ‘side-effects’ of the economic process have de-
health principles graded many essential services from eco-
systems and landscapes. The evolution of
Past mismanagement was driven by a frame- frameworks for environmental indicators, de-
work for analysis that failed to reveal the true veloped over the past 2 decades, dem-
social costs of achieving narrowly specified onstrates widespread recognition of the side
goals. Recent experience suggests that cor- effects (Rapport, 1992).
rections to economically and politically mo- Such developments provide a sharp con-
tivated actions in favour of environmental trast to the classical economic model in which
stewardship are by-and-large reactive rather human activity is divorced from en-
than proactive (Hartig and Zarull, 1992). vironmental effects. The conceptual frame-
While a number of ecological–economic mod- work proposed here for evaluating landscape
els and approaches redress conventional lim- health provides a structure whereby in-
itations of market mechanisms (Gore, 1992; dicators of landscape and ecosystem condition
Rose, 1992; Janssen and Rotmans, 1995; are related to both biophysical processes and
Prugh et al., 1995), few have been im- societal values. Assessments of landscape
plemented and even fewer have succeeded in health will be far more meaningful if in-
modifying the widespread belief that damage dicators are shown to be applicable to both
to landscapes can always be effectively dealt processes and values. It is the intersection of
with ‘after the fact’. Society is not immune to societal values and ecological processes that
ecological risk; natural systems under stress is the key to motivating positive change for
cannot always be repaired or replaced (Karr, the common good. It is also contended that
1995). the greatest impediment to improvement in
The prevailing attitudes, treating eco- the environment is not the lack of scientific
system services as ‘free’ and largely in- understanding, but the lack of knowledge and
dependent of natural capital, has enhanced wisdom to move from reactive to proactive
material well-being in the present to the cost interventions (Naiman, 1996).
of the depletion of natural capital and im- One of the perplexing challenges in land-
pairment of underlying biophysical and eco- scape ecology is how to integrate across the
logical processes (Arrow et al., 1995; Prugh mosaic of ecosystems that comprise the land-
et al., 1995). Maddox and others have argued scape and to what end. Those are the ques-
that this is a rational and not unreasonable tions that are being addressed currently. The
approach, given the marvels of new tech- notion of landscape health helps to define
nology (Maddox, 1995). Declining output in purpose. Healthy landscapes are those that
extractive resource sectors (e.g. forestry, provide an abundance of ecological services,
fisheries, agriculture) has historically been including biodiversity, which relates both to
partially offset over the short term through human well-being and the well-being of other
the additional input of energy (subsidy) species. They are also characterized by
Evaluating landscape health 13

healthy human populations, healthy social than knowledgeable and always will be. The
structures and where economic activity is an founders of modern science also validated the
important element, a viable economic base. placement of part over whole. We are now at
Landscape ecology has yet to address ad- an historical juncture in which we realize that
equately one of its major conundrums: what both the evolutionary and cultural legacy are
are the cross-cutting indicators by which one environmentally ruinous, largely because they
can evaluate conditions of the entire mosaic narrow both time and space boundaries of
of ecosystems comprising a given landscape? consideration. By expanding these bound-
This is far more than a question of proper aries, we can greatly minimize our errors. The
scale. It is a question of integration, bringing merger of ecological and social science is an
together all of the elements of a landscape, effective means for providing antidotes to the
from the natural areas (both terrestrial and environmental problems that beset us.’
aquatic) to the managed and highly settled
areas. The health metaphor might suggest a
focus on the critical ‘organs’ of the system.
These might be the interfaces between eco-
system components or other critical nodes
within the landscape. Indicators of function This paper developed from a United States
derived from the interfaces of ecosystem com- Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
ponents (i.e. ecotones) are highly relevant, if sponsored workshop on Evaluating Land-
for no other reason than they, by their very scape Health: Identifying Landscape Values
nature, reflect interactions among the com- and Approaches to Assessment (The Amer-
ponent ecosystems. Some interfaces, e.g. wet- ican Museum of Natural History, South-
lands, do much more than that. They can western Research Station, Portal, Arizona.
serve as repositories for the effects of physical March 28–30, 1994). The authors thank Dr
restructuring throughout the landscape, and Aviva Patel and reviewers for Environmental
they serve as breeding grounds for a diverse Management for constructive comments.
fauna that may play key roles in many of This work was supported by the United
the components of the landscape. Monitoring States Environmental Protection Agency,
health of the large landscape should, in time, The Tri-council Eco-Research Chair Program
become a question of monitoring critical func- in Ecosystem Health at the University of
tions at critical places within the landscape. Guelph (D.J. Rapport, Chair-holder), the Pa-
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Its solution will rest on empirical studies Forest Service, the Weyerhauser Foundation
which identify and validate sensitive nodes and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
and indicators (Wichert and Rapport, 1998).
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