TPD Use of Force Policy Summary - June 2020

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We are a transparent and responsive organization whose mission is to reduce harm and enhance trust. Below you
will find a list of responses to emerging questions. Where we have an applicable policy, we have included the
attribution as appropriate.
Tempe Police Department Orders can be found online at:

Our overriding culture influences how we engage in the service of policing and includes values of service, Fair and
Impartial policing, and the principles of procedural justice.

See: and

Please reference Chapter 2, Article X of the Tempe City Code for the ordinance governing the Tempe Citizens’
Panel for Review of Police Complaints and Use of Force. The link to the City Code is here:

• Tempe PD teaches curriculum on de-escalation developed with ASU professors for research in a
national study. (Department Order 12.101.C.2.c)
• Chokeholds and strangleholds are not authorized. The Carotid Control Technique is permitted in
situations involving aggravated aggressive resistance. Hobbles are permitted for combative prisoners.
Positional asphyxia and conditions such as “excited delirium” is a concern and we train to ensure the
person is rolled onto their side, to monitor breathing, and to constantly evaluate the need for
paramedics. Generally, we do not transport prisoners face down being cognizant of the previously
mentioned concerns. (Department Orders 12.101.D.1.e, 12.101.B, 19.105.c)
• Tempe Use of Force and Code of Conduct policies mandate officers to intervene. (Department Order
3.201.D.9, 3.201.D.12., 3.201.e.3)
• Tempe officers are prohibited from shooting at or from moving vehicles with a few exceptions.
(Department Orders 7.103.D.11.a-c, 12.101.2.c)
• There is a clear and enforced use of force policy supplemented with training that includes scenario-
based exercises. Refer to our online General Orders section 12 for specifics.
• Excessive force is not authorized or acceptable in our organizational culture or policy. Officers are to
only use that amount of force that is reasonable and necessary to accomplish a lawful purpose.
(Department Orders 12.101.A, 12.101.C.2.a-b)
• Some situations involve an imminent threat to officers, or the public and verbal warnings may not be
feasible. (Department Orders 12.101.C.c, 12.101.A.2)
• Tempe Police Policy states officers are required to report use of force in specified situations.
(Department Order 12.103).
• We have a multi-layered thorough hiring (vetting) process where we assess an array of characteristics
and competencies.
• Excessive force is not authorized or dismissed and by policy and extensive training, we ensure aide is
rendered when safe to do so. (Department Order 12.101.3.a-b)
• There are multiple layers of review and evaluation for uses of force and complaints. (Department
Order 3.203).
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Tempe (AZ) Police Department | June 2020

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