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Keyword Research Cheat Sheet

SEO begins with proper market research and keyword selection.

The key to success in Internet Marketing is to SELL what's ALREADY selling. People
are typically looking for a solution to a problem and you're job is to provide them with
that solution.

The very best way to make money online is to sell what's ALREADY selling.

We're looking for starving crowds - people that are desperate to solve a particular
problem or searching for specific product names.

By going after a starving crowd and using your blog to target specific buyer keyword
phrases, it's much easier on your part because now you only need a small handful of
visitors in order to start generating sales. You're targeting people who are further along in
the buying process.

1. Market Research:

How to find a hungry market of buyers:

Discovery Keywords - You'll find a complete list of discovery keywords at

You'll use these discovery keywords in conjunction with the Google Keyword Tool to
uncover hundreds of different hungry markets. For further information on exactly how to
do this, be sure to watch the webinar recording.

Clickbank Marketplace - The Clickbank Marketplace is one of the best places online to
find good markets. The main thing I look for in Clickbank are markets that have a gravity
of 20 or above.

Yahoo Shopping - The Yahoo Shopping site is a great place to look for physical products
to sell. Now, physical products are going to give you a lower commission rate, so I
recommend that you target higher priced items if you're going to go this route. So things
like cameras, strollers, camcorders, handbags, etc...

With physical products, you're generally going to get 10-20% commissions. Where
digital products generally pay out anywhere from 50%-75% commissions. That's why it's
so important to select higher-priced products if you're going to promote physical
Once you've found a potential market, you'll then want to check it's commercial viability.

There are 2 really easy ways to do this. The first is to go to Google and type in the main
keyword for your market. Then, look to the right hand site to make sure that there are at
least 4-6 paid ads in Google. This shows that people are advertising within that market.
Which is a VERY good sign of profitability and commercial viability.

If you're wanting to promote a digital product, I'll usually just check the Clickbank
Marketplace to make sure that there are products within that category that have a gravity
of 20 or highter.

These 2 strategies will show you quickly and easily whether or not a market is worth
going after.

2. Keyword Tools:

- Google Keyword Tool

- Clickbank Affiliates Page
- Yahoo Long Tail Keywords
- EzineArticles Trick

Using the EzineArticles Trick, you can find the most viewed articles based around your
particular market.

To do this simply go to and paste in the following code:

your-keywords "This article has been viewed 2000..199999"

"Article Submitted On: * *, 2009"

(*** Be sure to replace "your-keywords" with your own keyword phrase.)

I learned this from a really smart guy in the Warrior Forum named Jack Duncan.

You can find out more about this strategy at:

Loophole...Hot Niches In Under 3 Seconds + EZA Success Spying

3. General guideline for which keywords to go after.

exact match (parenthesis) - 50k or less

intitle: 10,000 or less

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