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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

Gtools Garden Tools Store is a Prestashop theme with advanced admin module,
extremely customizable and fully responsive. It is suitable for every type of store. It is a
standalone design package so you can easily create your own sub-themes.

And here you can find out more about theme updates, new features and about our
upcoming themes:

Innovatory Themes,

Table of Contents

Install theme

Configure Module

General translation

IT Image slider

IT Megamenu

IT Custom html

IT Product Filter

IT Category Feature

IT Testimonials

IT Ajax Live Category Search

IT Manufacturer Logo Slider

IT Next Prev Product Page

IT Product Zoom Block

IT Parallax CMS Block

IT Left Special Products Module

IT Left New Products Module

IT Left Banner Block

IT Payment logos block

IT Blog

IT Popup Newsletter

IT Google Map

IT Under Construction Page

Product Comments

Social media follow links

About Page

Installa on prestashop version 1.7.x.x

Innovatory Themes Support

Before you get started, make sure you have all the requirements available: Server space at a Hos ng Provider, Domain Name, FTP
client, Text Editor.
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To install this theme you must have a working version
6/29/2019 Gtools of Prestashop
Garden already
Tools Store installed.
Responsive For informa
Prestashop Themeon in regard to installing the

Prestashop pla orm, please see the Prestashop Wiki : h p:// ng+Started
(h p:// ng+Started)

A er Prestashop is installed, you must delete “install” folder in your Prestashop.

Install Theme
Install Template : If you have available shop, you can install only template.

You must install default prestashop before. You can see instruc on install default prestashop on Prestashop Wiki:
h p:// (h p://

To install this theme automa cally do the following steps:

Login your admin prestashop

Please go to Preferences > themes Copyright Innovatory Themes 2019

(h ps://

At themes table: selected

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6/29/2019Con nue Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

a er the theme has been installed, you select Use this theme.

Configure Module
1. Login your Prestashop admin

2. Navigate to Modules > Modules

3. Choose “ All ” tab

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

4. On selected module, click "Configure" bu on.

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

You will get a form with parameters of the module. Let's change the specified parameter with one suitable for your template.

5. Click “Update” bu on to save config.

General transla on
1. Translate on LOCALIZATION

Login your prestashop admin

Navigate to LOCALIZATION > Transla ons

At :
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6/29/2019 Type of transla on : Choose “Installed modules transla
Gtools Garden Toolsons”
Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

Select your theme : Choose template you want to translate

Select your language> : Choose language you want to translate

Choose Modify

Then Search modules name or tles need translate

A er typing your language, click Save and stay or Save to finish.

2. Translate on IT MODULE

Note : Some module you must translate on IT MODULE. Please following the below guide.

Login your prestashop admin

Navigate to IT MODULE > Manage IT Custom html (or Manage Sta c Footer )

Click "Edit" bu on of your selected block or your slide

Click to choose language you want to translate

Choose Source Code to show code ITML of this block. Then translate

Click Save bu on when you finish

IT Image slider
Add item in banner

Login your prestashop admin

Navigate to IT Module > Banner slide

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

Click “Save” bu on when you finish.

Edit item in banner

Login your prestashop admin

Navigate to Modules > IT Image slider> config
Choose item you want to edit, click Edit

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

Then edit
Click “Save” bu on when you finish.

IT Megamenu
IT Megamenu custom And IT Ver cal menu Custom

At Module List column “Megamenu Customer” , choose “Configure”

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

add a menu, you can view our demo form added

create submenus in columns and rows

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

IT Custom html

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

1. How to add Sta c Block

Login your prestashop admin

Navigate to IT MODULE > Manage IT Custom html

Choose Add New bu on to add new sta c block

Enter the value of parameters and click "Save" bu on when you finish.

2. How to edit Sta c Block

Login your prestashop admin

Navigate to IT MODULE > Manage IT Custom html

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Choose Sta
6/29/2019 c Block you want to edit Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

Change the value of parameters

If you want to change content, please click Source Code bu on to show code ITML of this block. You can change the content by
edi ng ITML.

Click “Save” bu on to save changes

IT Product Filter
This module config two are exactly alike

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

IT Category Feature

IT Tes monials

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

IT Ajax Live Category Search

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

IT Manufacturer Logo Slider

Add logo in slider

Login your prestashop admin

Navigate to CATALOG > Manufacturers

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

Click “Save” when you finish

IT Next Prev Product Page

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

IT Product Zoom Block

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IT Parallax CMS Block
6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

IT Le Special Products Module

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

IT Le New Products Module

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

IT Le Banner Block

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

IT Payment logos block

IT Blog

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

IT Popup Newsle er

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

IT Google Map

IT Under Construc on Page

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

Product Comments

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

Social media follow links

About Page

Sta c Block
How to open about page design op on

How to edit about page

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

How to copy ITML Code about page (please check about code file uploaded in your documenta on folder)

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6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

<p class="sub-heading">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum egestas orci, vitae ullamcorper risus consectetur id.</p>

<div class="abt-top-row">

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<div class="cms-block">

<h3 class="page-subheading">Our company</h3>

<p><strong class="dark">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididun.</strong></p>

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam. Lorem ipsum dolor

<ul class="list-1">

<li><em class="icon-ok"></em>Top quality products</li>

<li><em class="icon-ok"></em>Best customer service</li>

<li><em class="icon-ok"></em>30-days money back guarantee</li>





<div class="row mission-row">

<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 mission-col text-center"><img src="#" alt="" />

<h3>OUR MISSION</h3>

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit., rutrum massa quis, porttitor lorem. Aliquam non est a ipsum facilisis scelerisque eu sed lectus.</p>


<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 vision-col text-center"><img src="#" alt="" />

<h3>OUR VISION</h3>

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit., rutrum massa quis, porttitor lorem. Aliquam non est a ipsum facilisis scelerisque eu sed lectus.</p>




<div class="sale-banner-bg">

<div class="sale-banner-bg-black">

<h2>New In !</h2>

<p>Our latest collection is a combination of our designer's vision and our technical expert's invention; take Dobrada for example, an eye-catching lightweight hybrid with

<br /><a href="#">Shop Now!</a></div>



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<div class="team-sec row"> Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme
<h2 class="sec-head text-center">OUR TEAM</h2>

<p class="sub-heading">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum egestas orci, vitae ullamcorper risus consectetur id.</p>

<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3">

<div class="team-memb">

<div class="team">

<div class="team-memb-img"><img src="#" alt="" class="img-responsive" /></div>


<div class="team-memb-body">

<h2>Johnsan D. Keyshop</h2>

<p class="story-p">Position</p>

<h4>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Vestibulum porttitor egestas orci, vitae ullamcorper risus rutrum massa quis.</h4>

<!--<a href="Johnsan-Keyshop-info.html" class="footer-about-a">Read More &nbsp; <i class="flaticon-arrow-pointing-to-right"></i></a>--></div>



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<div class="team-memb">

<div class="team">

<div class="team-memb-img"><img src="#" alt="" class="img-responsive" /></div>


<div class="team-memb-body">

<h2>Victoria P. Rayl</h2>

<p class="story-p">Position</p>

<h4>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Vestibulum porttitor egestas orci, vitae ullamcorper risus rutrum massa quis.</h4>

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<div class="team-memb">

<div class="team">

<div class="team-memb-img"><img src="#" alt="" class="img-responsive" /></div>


<div class="team-memb-body">

<h2>Paul L. Gooding</h2>

<p class="story-p">Position</p>

<h4>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Vestibulum porttitor egestas orci, vitae ullamcorper risus rutrum massa quis.</h4>

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<div class="team">

<div class="team-memb-img"><img src="#" alt="" class="img-responsive" /></div>


<div class="team-memb-body">

<h2>Gary D. Morgan</h2>

<p class="story-p">Position</p>

<h4>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Vestibulum porttitor egestas orci, vitae ullamcorper risus rutrum massa quis.</h4>

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Innovatory Themes Support

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Thank you for reading!
6/29/2019 Gtools Garden Tools Store Responsive Prestashop Theme

We hope you can create the best website with our themes.

Ge ng Support

We'd be glad to help you if you have any query regarding theme.

Our support scope

Our support covers configura on, building site as demo, trouble using any features, and bug fixes. We don't provide support for
customiza ons or 3rd party extension.

Our support me

We try our best to monitor the email around the clock, however, this is not always possible due to different me zones. We will try to reply
you as fast as we can.

Our working me is 9.30 AM - 6.00 PM (Indian Standard Time (IST)), Monday to Friday (UTC+5:30). So if ask for help in the weekend, you
may have to wait a li le bit for support and please be pa ent.

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