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During the semester we have been learning about different ancient societies and how they

shaped our history. The societies with their rulers and individuals have shaped our history

through their technology, politics/bureaucracy, law/ethics, ats/sciences, economy/business,

education, military/police, and religion/morals and traditions. The societies with their high-

power individuals used multiply or single theme as I listed in my last sentence o shape how they

act responsibly and contribute towards society. Three individuals that used religion/morals and

traditions to act responsibly and contribute towards society are Emperor Ashoka, Constantine,

and Muhammad.

In module seven we learned about the Imperial India during the Mauryan Empire. One of

the individuals that made the biggest impact during this ancient society was Emperor Ashoka,

with him turning towards Buddhism during this time of rulering. After year of war and gaining

the largest land for his empire, it was said that he was sick of war and fighting. “This caused him

to take India nation and turn it into a prosperous and peaceful place with the help of Buddhism.

He made this possible by carving rock edicts, that talks about religious freedom and religious

tolerance, he instructs his officials to help the poor and the elderly, establishes medical facilities

for humans and animal, commands obedience to parents, respect for elders, generosity for all

priests and ascetic orders no matter their creed, orders fruit and shade trees to be planted and also

wells to be dug along the roads so travelers can benefit from them. (Violatti)” After all his work

and after his death, the Buddhist tradition still lives on today. This is how Emperor Ashoka used

religion/morals and traditions to act responsibly and contribute toward ancient India society.


In module nine we learned about the Imperial Rome and the events that led to the fall of

Rome. One of the individuals that made a huge impact during this ancient society with religion
was Constantine, with turning towards Christianity when he was emperor of Rome. “He not only

initiated the impulse for a distinctively Christian culture that prepared the way for the growth of

Byzantine and Western medieval culture.(Nicol)” After Constantine united Rome back into a

single empire when he gained all the power, he enforced Christianity onto his people and started

to build churches throughout Rome to practice the religion. He also used Christianity during the

Battle of Milvian Bridge, by having a dream before the battle then forcing Christianity onto his

soldiers and place the Christian symbol on their shields. This is how Constantine used

religion/morals and traditions to act responsibly and contribute toward ancient Imperial Rome.


In module eleven we learned about the rise of Islam and how tribes were turned into an

empire. One of the individuals that made the biggest and most important impact during this

ancient society was Muhammad, with a new religion called Islam. It was told that he served as

the last line of God’s messengers, he was a prophet who publicly preached through out the city

of Mecca with targeting the poor because the non-poor wouldn’t be able to be saved. He spoke

out against the Umayyad Clan’s leadership, who was the most powerful branch of Muhammad

tribe. He also spoked out against the tribe traditional pagan gods; this was part of the main

religion of his tribe. Muhammad advanced on the city of Mecca with an army of some 10,000

Muslims which led them to take control of the city. After this, most of Arabia converted to Islam

then after his death his successors spanned Islam even farer over other lands and empires.

Without him the religion of Islam would not have been preached or shaped Quraysh Tribe and

city of Mecca. This is how Muhammad used religion/morals and traditions to act responsibly and

contribute toward the rise of Islam.( Schoolcraft College, "Muhammad and Islam")
How these three people have impacted our history as a species is very important to our

future. We learn from the past, with all the good and bad events, this is one reason why we study

history. We as humans learn from our memory, it is also seen that most of our behavior is from

our past individually and from over the generations through time(McNeill). History also provides

a cultural literacy and give us humans meaning with life(Postma). History is still used today with

predicting event, we can even use history to predict the next pope(Perry). History also teaches us

the there is no either/or but be in more favor of both/and in situations(Perry). Buddhism,

Christianity, and Islam are some of the religions that have shaped our history and even today. So,

learning history is still very important to us. I have learned from Emperor Ashoka, Constantine,

and Muhammad that can help me act more responsibly today, is that one person can change the

course of the world, an ideal/belief can change the world, peace can work in a society, and the

people of society matters and have more control then the ruler.

McNeill, William H. “Why Study History? (1985): AHA.” Why Study History? (1985) | AHA,

Nicol, Donald MacGillivray, and J.F. Matthews. “Commitment to Christianity.” Encyclopædia

Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 18 May 2020,

Perry, David M. “How History Can Help Us Predict the Next Pope.” The Atlantic, Atlantic
Media Company, 12 Mar. 2013,

Postma, Michael. “What Can History Teach Us Today?” ASCD Express 6.22 - What Can
History Teach Us Today?, 2011,
Schoolcraft College. "13.2 Muhammad and Islam" n.d. HIST 134 E-Text. Web. 23 April 2020.

Violatti, Cristian. “Ashoka the Great.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient History
Encyclopedia, 7 June 2020,

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