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交 融 天 下
建 者 无 疆 1

一 Introduction (介绍)

汇报纲要 二 Excavation (开挖)

三 Explosives and Blasting (炸药和爆破)

四 Embankment

五 Compaction of Embankment (路堤压实)

六 Soil Surface Protection(土壤放牧和草皮)

七 Completion of Earthwork (土方工程的完成)


All the related works which involve as part of earthworks shall be carried out in engineered
manner and strictly as per the FINAL APPROVED technical specification, design criteria,
construction drawings and method of statement by MRL & ICE.

Before commencement of earthworks, detailed assessment on topography, ground

condition, geological condition, hydrology and hydraulic condition and other related
assessment shall be carried out with respect to code of practices as stated in Technical
Specification, Design Criteria and Drawings.

Relevant testing are carried out to assess the physical and chemical properties of the
material (e.g. soil, sand, and rock). The adopted test and procedures shall be carried out as
per the requirements as indicated in the Construction Drawings and Specification.



Hard material – The material such as laterite earth, gravel, disintegrated or decomposed
masses, geologically semi-formed or weathered ‘rock’ such as very
dense cemented sand and other hard composite soil material. These
presence can be verified by trial excavation by using suitable equipment.
The trial excavation shall be carried out on a flat platform in order to
develop the rated horsepower at maximum efficiency.

Rock material – Define as any material that can only be loosened or excavated by blasting,
wedging or drilling using pneumatics tools and cannot be removed by
the teeth of a mechanical excavator or cannot be broken with a pickaxe
is defined as rock. Trial excavation shall be carried out to determine the
presence of rock.



Suitable material – The material that meet the specific requirements, physically and
chemically for incorporation in the works as indicated in the contract
other than the unsuitable materials.

Unsuitable material – The materials such as peat, slurry or mud, or materials from swamp,
mashes, bogs, grass and other vegetable matter. The materials can be
characterized as susceptible to spontaneous combustion such as
organic clay and organic silt, clay of liquid limit > 80% and/or plasticity
index > 55% which has a loss of weight greater than 2.5% on irrigation
and has a volumetric change greater than 3% in soaked CBR test for
top 600mm of subgrade


Subgrade Materials

Before determining the compaction plant, layer thickness and number of passes, the
suitable materials based on the following layers are to be confirm:

a. Top layer of subgrade bed (sub-ballast) shall be graded crushed stone. The
conforming grading limits are as given in Table 1 according to TB10001-2016, Code
for Design of Railway Earth Structures.
b. The bottom-layer of subgrade bed on the first part shall be sand blanket consist of
hard and clean. The conforming to the grading limits are as given in Table 2.


Subgrade Materials

c. The bottom-layer of subgrade ben on the second part as bedding shall be a well
graded gravel, crushed rock or medium or coarse sand having uniformity coefficient of
Cu ≥ 5, and curvature coefficient 3 ≥ Cc ≥ 1 conforming to the grading limits given in
Table 3. The minimum size of coarse particles shall be d ≥ 0.25mm. The fine particles
(d < 0.075mm) in the filler shall be less than 10%, and the maximum particle size of
filler shall not exceed 100mm.
d. The embankment subgrade materials lies below the bottom layer of subgrade shall
consists of LL<80 and PI<35 with California Bearing Ratio (CBR) not less than 5%
under 4 days soaked. The maximum particle size shall not exceed 300mm.


Subgrade Materials

Table 1: Grading Limits for Top Table 2: Grading Limits for Sand
Layer of Subgrade Bed (Sub- Blanket / Filter Material


Subgrade Materials

Table 3: Grading Limits for Bottom

Layer of Subgrade


Figure 1: Standard Cross Section of Subgrade (Embankment) 10


Figure 2: Standard Cross Section of Subgrade (Cutting) 11


1) Setting Out

Before commence of works, an engaged competent surveyor shall be carried out a survey
of the existing ground level after site clearing and tripping of topsoil has completed.

The competent surveyor shall installed and established the chainage pegs at 20-meter
intervals, 2 meters outside the Limit of Earthworks. All reserves and boundary corners
shall be pegged out by the competent surveyor.

Additional reference points or benchmarks, which will not be affected shall installed and
established within the boundaries of the Site.


2) General

All Excavation works shall be carried out in accordance with this specification and to
the prescribed lines, grades and levels as shown on the drawings. This include the
excavation of frontage roads, overpass foundations, bridges/viaducts and such features.

For excavation or removal of unsuitable material, there shall be as indicated in the drawing
and to be transported and disposed-off by Contractor in an approved manner. Voids that
was created shall be backfilled with suitable material compacted to a dry density not less
than the surrounding material or that specified for the respective part of the earthworks.


2) General

Any other kind of excavation include:

a) Stripping of topsoil including stockpiling for re-use in other works.
b) Removal of materials from landslides and other ground failures.
c) The extraction and removal of wooden, concrete and steel retaining structures
abutting or supporting the existing embankment and cut slopes.
d) The excavation of all materials associated with the installation and construction of
ground treatment and soil improvement works.


For borrow pits, proper source of all fill materials shall be provided and kept it free from
ponding materials, neat and tidy. Representative samples shall be obtained from borrow
pits and carry out physical and chemical tests to confirm the suitability of the materials.

For cut slopes, where rock and soft soil are present in alternate layers, the soft material
shall be excavated or removed to an agreed depth and make up the resulting void or space
with concrete or with masonry rip-rap.

The bottom level of the cutting shall be maintained at least 300 mm above formation level if
no immediate sub-ballast stone are laying on it. Any damage to the subgrade shall be made
good and replace with the same characteristic materials.


For the excavation below standing water, the contractor shall submit the method of
statement before the work commence. The work shall be supervised closely. Where such
backfill has to be deposited, the approved granular material shall be used with a max. size
not exceed 14mm as comply in Table 4.

If removal work is not required, approved rock fill material graded from 400 mm to 150 mm
and having 150 mm size particles <10% shall be placed directly on the naturally occurring
weak material. Alternatively, as recommended in TB 10001:2016 Clause 2.1.20, permeable
packing / permeable soil can be adopted.


Table 4: Grading Limits for Granular

Material below Standing Water


For the excavation of foundation, a caution manner shall be given by using the appropriate
tools and plant so as to avoid damage or collapse especially for excavation in rock and hard
materials. Pockets of soft soil oil loose rock at the bottom shall be removed.

If the water presence, all water shall be pumped out and the sides of the excavations shall
at all times be adequately supported to prevent collapse.

All over excavations on the sides or below the prescribed bottom of foundation or greater
than the net volume required for the works shall be made good with suitable material or
Grade 15 concrete.


Before the work commence, the contractor shall understand and comply with Explosive Act
1957 (Revised 1978) and the mandatory requirements of the police.

The contractor shall provided and maintained a suitable facilities for storage of all
explosives. These include the access to the storage area that shall be controlled and
guarded strictly. All record of purchase, detail of issue, use, location of every item can be
readily traced at all times. All the handling of explosives shall be entrusted to experience
and authorized personnel.

The contractor shall obtain the necessary licenses for the procurement, possession,
transport, storage and handling of explosives and for ensuring the validity of such licenses
at all times.


Before start of work, the contractor shall satisfy all the required permits are in order and that
this category of work is adequately covered in the policies of insurance.

Before the commencement of any regular blasting, a series of trial blast test shall be carried
out. The resultant trial faces shall be fully exposed, all loose rock scaled and the faces
evaluated by the engineer before controlled parameter blasting of the design slope

When blasting is to be carried out, the danger zone likely to be created shall be determined
and ensure that no damage or injury to persons or property occurs on or off site by using
heavy blasting nets.

For blasting that proposed adjacent to nearby structure or building, the contractor shall
submitted the detailed method statement on the vibration monitoring including instruments
proposed, the method of monitoring frequency of monitoring, etc.


Vibro-graph reading shall be recorded throughout the period of blasting. The following
values shall be ensured:
i) The vibration amplitude shall not exceed 0.1 mm
ii) The particle velocity at the site boundary or at an existing or ‘under construction’
structure or building shall not exceed
• 50 mm/sec. where blasting is confined to single event
• 25 mm/sec. where blasting is frequently repeated

All necessary precautions shall be ensured that the materials below and beyond the line of
excavation are not affected. If do so, guniting shall be carried out to repair the fractured
base rock. If the damaged material is present on the cut slopes, all materials shall be
excavated and replaced to a depth and extent approved.


If the contractor proposed to carry out Presplitting, they shall submit a method statement for
the approval which shall include all relevant information. The Contractor shall engage a
specialist to carrying out all presplitting works.

All the requirements for Presplitting shall be according to the contracts.

If any part of the rock slope is damaged or the design face is disturbed, the blasting shall be
discontinued immediately and proposals for the remedial measures shall be submitted
before proceeding with further blasting works.


Soil Embankment

Before commence embankment construction, the contractor shall carried out the ground
improvement treatment as specified in the drawing. If it has not been recommended, the
contractor shall carry out a series of Mackintosh Probes / Hand Auger / plate load tests / In-
situ CBR tests / trial pits or other relevant tests. The minimum test frequency shall be at 3
test locations for every 100m.

If founding materials are soft, loosed and unstable at certain magnitude due to embankment
loading, excavation with full or partially removal can take place as an option to the ground
improvement. The maximum excavation and replacement shall not be more than 3.0m
depth from existing ground level (EGL).


Soil Embankment

The deep soil foundation treatment should be adopted with DSM (deep soil mixing), PVD
(Prefabricated Vertical Drain), RCSP (Reinforced Concrete Square Pile) or PHC (Pre-
tensioned Spun Concrete pile) in transition section. The design requirements should be
according to the designers’.

All fill materials shall be deposited in layers of the specified thickness and compacted as
soon as practicable after placement using construction plant in Table 5. The embankment
shall be built up evenly over their full width with a sufficient gradient to enable the drainage
of surface water. Adequate temporary surface drainage shall be provided.


Soil Embankment

For compaction of embankment slope, the compacted layer may either extend beyond the
design slope surface by at least 600mm, then trim back to the required slope angle or
employ a tow type roller to compact it. All completed slope faces and verges shall be turfed
according to EMP.


Rockfill Embankment

For rock fill used to formation of embankment, the depth can be deposited in horizontal
layer not exceed 500mm and shall extend over the full width of the embankment. It shall be
spreaded and levelled by a crawler tractor weighing not less than 20 tonnes and compacted.

For top surface and side slopes, the material shall be blinded with approved fine-graded
material to seal the surface and the thickness shall be at least 500mm. The transition layer
of 300mm compacted shall be provided between the rock fill and fine-graded material.


Rockfill Embankment

Rock material properties shall to be fulfilled:

1) Sound, compact, durable rock, good quality
2) Free from seams, fissures, planes of weakness, blasting cracks
3) Rough and angular in shape
4) Min. specific gravity is 2.4 except quarry run rock (SG 2.4). Point load strength shall be
at least 3MPa
5) Rock to be tested shall apply to all selected materials for embankment. The
verification test such as specific gravity test and point load test shall be carried out at
one test for every 500m3 of rock and made by an approved laboratory.


For the construction in area where immediately adjacent to structures, a permission from S.
E must be obtained whether the construction of such structures is sufficiently and there is
no risk of interference and/or damage to such structures.

Before trimming to the desired formation level, a working surface at a level not less than
300mm above the formation level shall be provided. This is to be used for the movement of
construction plant. This method also applied for the area of shallow filling where the
excavated level is less than 300mm.


Embankment Over Culverts and Drains

The construction of embankment shall be carried out carefully to avoid drainage structure
damaged. The fill on both sides of the culvert or drain shall be raised up and compacted
equally and may proceed over widths less than the full width of the embankment.

Rock fill adjacent to a drainage structure shall be carefully packed so as to prevent damage
to such structure.

The stones used for rip rap construction shall be so arranged such that the largest stone
rest at the bottom of the slope where the current is swiftest. The stones shall be roughly
dressed on the bed and face and shall be roughly squared to the full depth of the joints.
Stones of size less than 250 mm in depth shall not be used for this purpose.


Subgrade Formation

Before commence the subgrade preparation, it shall be completed of all specified subsoil
drainage works immediately before laying the sub-ballast as shown in the drawing. It shall
generally comprise the finishing of formation in accordance with the designed lines, levels
and super-elevations. The subgrade shall be constructed over the full formation width in
one pass.

A smooth-wheeled roller having a mass per meter width of roller greater than 4tons shall
carry out of the subgrade for embankment and cuttings.


Subgrade Formation

For embankment subgrade material, the top 600mm of layer shall be compacted.

For cutting subgrade, the top 600mm directly below the subgrade shall be compacted. But if
the CBR criterion is not satisfied, the top 600mm material shall be removed and replaced by
imported material.

For rock cutting subgrade, all loose materials shall be removed. The surface level shall be
such so as to permit the free storm water and ground water flow. All depressions in surface
shall be filled with lean concrete or sub-ballast materials.


Subgrade Formation

The compaction criterion to be achieved for both embankment subgrade and cutting
subgrade are as follows:

1) Dry density not less than 95% of the max. dry density of the material determined as
per BS 1377: Part 4: 1990 clause 3.5 (4.5kg rammer method)
2) Soaked CBR of not less than 5% determined as per BS 1377: Part 4: 1990 clause 7


Before commence work, the contractor shall submit for the approval the proposals for the
compaction of each type of material to be used in the embankment. Such proposals shall
include the types of construction plant to be used, the number of passes compaction (Trial
run of 6, 8 & 10 passes), and the maximum loose depth of each material layer.

Compaction trials shall carried to the satisfy and support trial compaction proposals. These
trials shall be supplemented by all appropriate laboratory test results as required. Approval
trial compaction proposals shall be obtained from engineer before the commencement of
embankment construction.


Comparative field density tests shall be carried out in accordance with B.S. l377: Part
9:1990 clause 2.1 to enable to evaluate the degree of compaction achieved. The number
of tests for each layer shall be a minimum of 1 numbers for every 500m2 area. If the
test results is inadequate, the contractor shall carry out rectification works so that such fill
complies with the requirements of the Contract.

Before commence the final formation, the contractor shall complete of all subgrade
drainage works, prior to laying of sub-ballast or sub-base.


Method of compaction

After conforming by site trials, suitable fill shall be laid in layers of loose thickness not
exceeding 300 mm and compacted with suitable compaction equipment. The thickness of
compacted layer is to be confirmed after conducting site trials.

The number of passes is the number of times that each point on the surface of the layer
being compacted has been traversed by the item of compaction plant.

The compactive effort of each compactor is a function of the mass of the machine and the
compaction plant in Table 5. The mass per metre width of roll is the total mass on the roll
divided by the total roll width.


Method of compaction

Table 5: Type of Compaction Plants

* Unsuitable for self-propelled rollers
D =Maximum depth of compacted layer (mm)
N =Minimum number of passes

Method of compaction

* Unsuitable for self-propelled rollers Table 5: Type of Compaction Plants (cont’d)

D =Maximum depth of compacted layer (mm)
N =Minimum number of passes

Method of compaction

* Unsuitable for self-propelled rollers Table 5: Type of Compaction Plants (cont’d)

D =Maximum depth of compacted layer (mm)
N =Minimum number of passes

Method of compaction

For Smooth-Wheeled Roller, if has more than one axle the machine shall be assessed on
the basis of the axle giving the highest value of mass per metre width.

For Tamping Roller, the requirements to machines that have 2 rolls in tandem. If only one
tamping roll traverses each point on the surface of the layer on any one pass of the
machine, the minimum number of passes shall be twice the number given in Table 5.


Method of compaction

For Pneumatic-Tyre Roller, the mass per wheel is the total mass of the roller divided by the
number of wheels. In assessing the number of passes, the width shall be the sum of the
widths of the individual wheel tracks together with the sum of the spacing between the
wheel tracks provided that each spacing does not exceed 230 mm. if exceed, effective
width shall be the sum of the widths of the individual wheel tracks only.

For Vibrating Rollers, the requirements are based on the use of the lowest gear on a self
propelled machine and a speed of 1.5 - 2.5 km/h for a towed machine. If higher gears or
speeds are used an increased number of passes shall be provided in proportion to
the increase in speed of travel. Where the mechanical vibration is applied to two rolls in
tandem, the minimum number of passes shall be half the number given in table 5.


Method of compaction

For Vibrating-Plate Compactor, they shall normally be operated at travelling speeds of

less than 1 km/h but if higher speeds are necessary the number of passes shall be
increased in proportion to the increase in speed of travel.

In the case of power rammers and dropping-weight compactors one pass will be considered
as made when the compacting shoe has made one strike on the area in question.

However, where the Contractor uses a lighter type of plant to provide some
preliminary compaction only to assist the use of heavier plant, this shall be disregarded
in assessing the above requirements.


Degree of Compaction

1) Top-layer of Subgrade bed shall be compacted not less than 95% of the maximum dry
density (MDD) determined from B.S. 1377 Compaction Test (4.5 Kg rammer method)
and 4 days soaked California Bearing Ratio (CBR) ≥ 25%.
2) The bottom-layer of subgrade bed on the second part as bedding shall be compacted
not less than 93% of the maximum dry density (MDD) determined from B.S. 1377
Compaction Test (4.5 Kg rammer method) and 4 days soaked California Bearing Ratio
(CBR) ≥ 10.
3) Embankment subgrade material below the subgrade bed shall be compacted to not
less than 90% of the optimum dry density when tested in accordance with BS1377
Part 4 (4.5 kg Rammer). Soaked CBR under 4 days soaked for the material shall not
be less than 5% determined in accordance with BS 1377: Part 4:1990 clause 7.


Earthwork To Be Kept Free of Water

The contractor shall provide the temporary watercourses, ditches, drains, pumping or other
means necessary for maintaining the earthworks free from water. This include while carry
out the work of forming the cuttings and embankments that their surfaces.

Where practicable, a sufficient longitudinal gradient shall provided to enable them to shed
water and prevent ponding.


Before the commencement of work, it is supposed to check the method and materials used
as specified in the drawing. Unless where specified otherwise in the Drawings the areas to
be grassed shall be soiled using topsoil not less than 50mm thick.

Prior to seeding or turfing, approved fertilizers shall be evenly distributed on the topsoil at a
rate not less than 75 g/m2. Details of the type and composition of the fertilizers shall
depend on the type of soil.

Sowing of grass seed shall be carried out by an even distribution, using a proper blend of
seed. The rate of application of the seed shall not be less than 6 g per m2 for verges and
central reserves and 9 g per m2 for slopes. The seed shall be covered by lightly raking into
the surface of the topsoil.


Suitable turf available on the site before stripping shall be used wherever possible. Turfing
shall be undertaken with clean strong turfs that are well bonded and lightly beaten and
which shall be laid diagonally across side slopes. All turf shall be used within one week of

For Close Turfing, the 230 x 230 mm grass cells shall be laid on a layer of allowed top soil
obtained either from the stockpile collected at the commencement of the earthworks or from
imported material. On slopes and other locations where it is difficult to bedded they shall be
secured in place by driving small wooden stakes that are 20-25 mm diameter and 200 - 250
mm long through the cells and topsoil into the ground material.

For Grid Turfing, it shall be carried out exactly as close turfing except that the 230mm x
230mm turf cells shall be arranged in criss-crossing parallel single cell strips intersecting
each other at 60°/120.


For hydrophonic seeding, before commence the work the contractor shall submit the
proposed work for approval. Only skilled and experienced operators, who are approved,
shall undertake seed casting.


At the completion work, the contractor must ensure that:

1) The formation surface is at the required level and in accordance with the requirements
of the specification.
2) All widths, profiles, finished levels and super-elevations of cuttings and embankments
shall be as shown on the Drawings.
3) Final roiling of all cut or fill surfaces after trimming to the finished formation level shall
be completed at a low uniform speed and shall commence from the low side of the
camber towards its top.
4) All surplus and unsuitable materials shall be removed from site and disposed of the
site. This include all the debris from landslide, slip and slope failure.


At the completion work, the contractor must ensure that:

5) For rock cutting, must be ensure that the finished line and level according to the
Drawings. In the event of surface irreqularities that remain in the base of cuts, it shall
be back-filled to the specified formation level with grout or material similar to that
specified for the sub-ballast as shown in the drawings.
6) All necessary temporary works shall be provided to protected the embankment slopes
from erosion due to rainfall run-off or other water discharge. Also, all prepared
formation surfaces shall be kept well drained by provide open trenches and properly
maintained at all times.


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