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TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the questions carefully.

Choose the letter of the correct answer

and write it on the space provided for.

______1. As the little prince met the pilot, what was the first thing he ask to the pilot?
a. To draw him a sheep.
b. To help him find the snake.
c. To listen to the story of the fox.
d. To draw the picture of the baobabs.
______2. Where did the narrator’s plane crashed?
a. Amazon Desert
b. Gobi Desert
c. Sahara Desert
d. In an unnamed island
______3. What Is the pilot’s first drawing supposed to depict?
a. a hat
b. a fox
c. the baobabs
d. an elephant inside a boa constrictor
______4. To whom did the little prince fell in love with?
a. To a rose
b. To a snake
c. To the pilot
d. To the sheep
______5. What is the theme of the story?
a. Friendship
b. Inquisitiveness
c. Adventure
d. All of the above
______6. It is an orderly list of resources on a particular subject.
a. references
b. bibliography
c. appendices
d. reference materials
______7. This citation style is commonly used in the Philippines.
a. Council of Biology Editors
b. American Psychological Association
c. American Physiological Association
d. Modern Language Association of America
______8. The following are the distinguishing traits of bibliography EXCEPT _____________.
a. The author’s name is listed in reverse order surname first for the purpose of
b. The entry is generally presented in hanging-indention form.
c. The entry gives the inclusive pages of the articles, but not for books, and does not
refer to any one page or passage.
d. The entry should not be sorted according to the reference materials used as long
as it is in alphabetical order, it is acceptable.
______9. In APA style of bibliography, how should the author’s name be written?
a. Full author’s last name, followed by the full author’s first name.
b. Full author’s last name, followed by the author’s first name initial.
c. Only the initials of the author’s last and first name are needed.
d. Proper format for the author’s name is not needed at all.
______10. What is the standard size needed to be used in note cards?
a. 3 x 5
b. 3 x 6
c. 3 x 7
d. 3 x 8
______11. It contains the information you intend to include in your research paper.
a. note card
b. card catalogue
c. report card
d. index card
______12. It contains the reference and the reference materials used in research.
a. note card
b. work cited card
c. card catalogue
d. report card
______13. It is the process of restating of a text, passage, or work, giving the meaning in
another form.
a. Direct Quotation
b. Indirect Quotation
c. Paraphrasing
d. Summarizing
______14. It is process of showing what exactly the author is saying.
a. Direct Quotation
b. Indirect Quotation
c. Paraphrasing
d. Summarizing
______15. It is also known as quoted speech.
a. Direct Speech
b. Indirect Speech
c. Paraphrasing
d. Summarizing
______16. It is also known as reported speech.
a. Direct Speech
b. Indirect Speech
c. Paraphrasing
d. Summarizing
______17. The following statements about direct speech are true EXCEPT ___________.
a. It uses quotation marks.
b. The quoted speech is verbatim.
c. The verb tenses change.
d. Quotation marks are necessary in this type of speech.
______18. This type of statement can be verified.
a. Facts
b. Beliefs
c. Gossips
d. Rumors
______19. This statement can be based from facts but it can never be true.
a. Facts
b. Beliefs
c. Gossips
d. Rumors
______20. The following can be used to verify facts EXCEPT __________.
a. History
b. Research
c. Rumors
d. Both a and b.

TEST II. TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the statement is false/
________1. A reference is an orderly list of resources on a particular subject.
________2. The APA style of bibliography is commonly used in the Philippines.
________3. Direct speech uses commas to emphasize what exactly a person said.
________4. The author’s name is listed in reverse order surname first for the purpose of
________5. A reference is generally presented in a hanging indention form.

TEST III. ENUMERATION: Enumerate the following.

1 – 3. Give 3 examples of reference materials used in writing bibliography.
4 – 5. Give 2 note taking strategies.
6 – 8. Standard Citation Styles in Bibliography (write in full)
9 – 10. Give 2 distinguishing traits of bibliography.


Explain the lines “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible
to the eye.” Write in at least 5 sentences. You will be graded according to the given criteria:

Content – 3 points
Organization – 2 points

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