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1st Quarter – Week 1

Music of Southeast Asia

 Gamelan is the traditional ensemble music of the Javanese, Sundanese, and Balinese peoples of Indonesia, made
up predominantly of percussive instruments. The most common instruments used are metallophones played by
mallets and a set of hand-played drums called kendhang which register the beat.
 A piphat is a kind of ensemble in the classical music of Thailand, which features wind and percussion
 The Pinpeat is the largest Khmer traditional musical ensemble. It has performed the ceremonial music of the
royal courts and temples of Cambodia since ancient times.
 The saung (byat saung and saung gauk) is an arched harp used in traditional Burmese music. The saung is
regarded as a national musical instrument of Burma.

Activity 1

Listen and watch the video of each music. Write in your notebook your observation.

ARTS Arts of Southeast Asia

 Wayang, also known as wajang, is a traditional form of puppet theatre play originally found in the cultures of
Java, Indonesia.
 Batik is an Indonesian technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to whole cloth. This technique originated from
Java, Indonesia.
 Wau bulan is an intricately designed Malaysian moon-kite (normally with floral motifs).
 Pewter  is a malleable metal alloy composed of 85–99% tin, mixed with approximately 5–10% antimony,
2% copper, bismuth, and sometimes silver.
 The finest silk fabric in the world is handwoven in rural Thailand.
 Loi Kratong Lantern – Siamese festival in Thailand.The name could be translated as "to float a basket," and
comes from the tradition of making krathong or buoyant, decorated baskets, which are then floated on a river.
 Angkor Wat in Cambodia is said to be the largest religious monument in the world.
 The Merlion is the official mascot of Singapore, depicted as a mythical creature with a lion's head and the body
of a fish.

 Components of Health related fitness

Fitness is defined as a condition in which an individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life. Health-
related components focus on factors that promote optimum health and prevent the onset of disease and problems
associated with an activity.

 Cardiovascular Fitness - The ability of the heart, lungs and vascular system to efficiently pump oxygenated
blood to the working muscles during an exercise for a long period of time.
 Muscular endurance - The ability to contract the muscles many times without fatigue or to be able to hold one
muscle contraction for a long period of time.
1st Quarter – Week 1

 Muscular strength - The ability to exert a certain amount of force against a given resistance in one maximal
 Flexibility - The ability to move the joints through a wide range a motion. Requires elastic muscle.
 Body composition - The make-up of the body including fat, muscle, tissue and water and the ratio between them.
 Agility - Change position of your body quickly.
 Balance - The ability to keep an upright posture while standing still or moving
 Coordination - to be able to use two or more body parts together
 Power - The ability to use strength quickly.
 Reaction time - The amount of time it takes to move once you realize the need to act.
 Speed - The ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a short period of time.

Activity 2

Assess yourself and do some Physical Activity. Don’t forget to warm-up

 Shoulder and Chest - Clasp your hands behind your back and straighten your arms. Raise your hands as high as
possible and bend your body or trunk forward from the waist and hold the position for ten seconds.
 Arm Across Chest - Place one of your arms straight across your chest. Place your other hand on your elbow and
pull your arm towards chest and hold. Repeat with your other arm.
 Triceps Stretch - Place one hand behind your back with elbow in up. Place your hand on the elbow and gently
pull towards your head. Hold and repeat with your other arm.
 Gluteus Stretch – Sit in the floor with your right leg bent, place your right foot over your left leg. Place your left
arm over your right leg so your elbow can be used to push your right knee. Hold and repeat in the other side.
 Adductor Stretch - Stand your feet as wide apart as is comfortable. Shift weight to one side as your knee bends.
Reach towards your extended foot and hold. Repeat for the other side.
 Single leg Hamstring - Place your leg out straight and behind the other so your foot is flat into your thigh. Bend
forward from your waist keeping your back flat. Do the same with the other leg.
 Standing quadriceps - Standing on one leg grab the bottom of your other leg (just above ankle). Pull your heel
into your buttocks and push your hips out. Your thigh should be perpendicular to the ground. Hold and repeat
with other leg.
 Standing Calf - Place your feet in front of each other about 18 inches apart. Keep your back leg straight and your
heel in the floor. Push against a wall to increase the stretch. Hold and repeat with your leg.


Sexuality as an Important Component

 Sexuality involves the name given at birth, the toys played with, the clothes worn, the friends played with, the
roles and responsibilities at home, and it provides a sense of self – worth.
 It is closely related to emotional and social development and can be best understood by connecting it to the total
adjustment of the individual in the family and society.
 The process of sexual development begins from birth to adulthood thus it is a continuous developmental
process throughout life.
 The purpose of gender and human sexuality education is to promote wholesome family and interpersonal

1st Quarter – Week 1

 Sexuality means you have to be aware of yourself better. As you grow older, you will experience a range of
social, emotional, and physical changes. As these occur, you need an intensive knowledge on how to deal with
your attitudes and behaviour.
 Sexuality refers to your attitudes and behavior toward yourself how you see yourself how you feel about
yourself sexuality toward yourself how you think of yourself how you love yourself.
 Healthy sexuality means taking high sense of responsibility for all your actions since this can affect self-esteem,
decision-making, and behavior.
 Sexuality can be best understood through the help of the people around you. Sexuality refers to your
perceptions, feelings, and behaviors towards others how you see others how you think of others. Sexuality
towards others how you feel about others how you love others. The way you see yourself is influenced by many
people. It is important to maintain good relationships with others. They will support you and give you
confidence, provide companionship and will keep you from being lonely.

Activity 3

A. Here is someone who wrote about herself in a poem. Read and analyze how the author wanted to express herself.

The Wonder of Me

by: Bernadette Borja Rosaroso

Look at me in the eyes, Tell me who am I. Think of me just like you are, As I take you as mine. Gaze into my innermost
world, You’ll learn who I am. Interact with me, And acquire a little of myself. Feel my soul And together we’ll discover
each other’s world.

Answer the following questions: Write your answer in your notebook

1. How do you express yourself?

2. How do you see yourself?
3. How much do you know yourself?
4. How much do others know you?

B. Write quotations, sayings, slogans, and so on that will describe and reveal your likes, passions, and aspects of
your personality. You can post it on your bedroom walls and be inspired! A sample has been done below.

I am beautiful! DANCING! If others can, why can’t I? NEVER GIVE UP! GO FOR IT!!! I can make it!

Activity 4
Identify the following. What can you say about the characteristics of the Arts of Southeast Asia?
Batik Wau Bulan

1st Quarter – Week 1

Pewter Loi Kratong

Merlion Angkor Wat

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