Oral Presentation Rubric

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Oral Presentation Rubric

Criteria Highly Proficient Proficient Limited Proficiency Needs work

4.6 – 5.0 4.0 – 4.5 3.0 - 4.0 Less than 2.9
Content and Understanding is shown, Understanding is fairly Content and ideas are Content unclear; lapses in
development of the content is accurate, relevant shown, content is somewhat vague, still coherence or no relation
topic. and consistent and well, somewhat accurate, ideas are somehow among ideas; simplistic
a. Coherence links and connections relevant and clear, some connected but at times undeveloped support for
b. Clarity between ideas made clear; ideas are clear, but may be off topic or too ideas.
c. Evidence supported by detailed connections between ideas broad with limited
d. Elaboration information. are not fairly clear and are support and minimum
not well supported by detail.
detailed information, less
Organization and Clear and inviting Main topic is introduced Main topic is introduced, There is no clear
Structure introduction, outline of and states an overview, some signs of logical introduction and outline of
a. Introduction points was given, information is relevant, organization but may points (sequence) and
b. Arguments information is relevant and sequence of ideas could be have abrupt or some conclusion. Poorly organized
c. Transitions well organized in a logical improved, a conclusion is ilogical shifts and and references are not
d. Conclusion order and given with included. bibliography and inflective flow of ideas, a included.
e. Sources effective transitions, strong references are incomplete. conclusion is included,
and clear conclusion, most of citations and
bibliography and references references are not
are included. included.

Speech Appropriate vocabulary for A somewhat appropriate Several errors in Lack of vocabulary,
a. Vocabulary the topic; well constructed, vocabulary for the topic, grammar and sentences sound akward and
b. Sentece varied sentences and most of sentences and pronunciation may are difficult to understand.
structure phrases; no errors in phrases are well interfere with Numeours errors in grammar
c. Grammar grammar and constructed and varied, understanding, some and pronunciation.
d. Pronunciation pronunciation. few errors in grammar and inaccurate vocabulary,
pronunciation, but they do same use of structures
not interfere with and length of most
understanding. sentences.
Management Presentation at a good pace A general management of Minimal tecniques to Absence of to engage
a. Audience and voice tone; fluent and the topic, use of body engage audience, audience, gestures and
b. Resources confident in the language, use of gestures and visual aids visual aids. No good voice
c. Expression management of the topic, techniques to engage were used. Sometimes tone and pace.
d. Body use of body language, audience, use of visual spoke clearly and at a
language audience angagement and aids. Flow of presentation. good pace.
interaction, use and
preparation of visual aids to
support the presentation
Critical Thinking Skillfully evaluates Adequately demonstrates Simplistic analysis of Insuficient reasoning and
a. Precision infromationgathered from reasonable relationships complex issue; limited lacks complexity of thougt.
b. Depth observation, experience, among ideas. clarity and complexion of
c. Accuracy reflexion, or reasoning. thought.

Adapted from Cristina Peñafort 2019, Essay Writing Rubrics

Oral Presentation

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