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Involucre – collection of bracts

Hypanthium – floral cap, fused of floral parts at the basal portion of the flower close to the ovary

Unisexual –

Kalabasa, papaya – separate male and female

Internal structure

Locules – cavity, hollow space

Placenta – collection of locules

1) Pistil

Position of the Ovary

Hypogynous – “gynous” – female part, “hypo” – below the ovary, superior ovary – no hypanthium

Perigynous – not entirely hypogynous, superior ovary, thickened layer of tissue (fleshy) forming

Adnate – attached to diff plants

Epigynous – above the ovary, inferior ovary, hypanthium attached to ovary (ex. Flower of apple) … flesh
part – hypanthium

Epigynous with conspicuous hypanthium –

2) Stamen

Cross-section of anther – four parts

Pollen sacs – pollen grains inside

Outer covering of pollen sacs – tapetum (protective, nourishing)

Forms of the fixation of anthers

- Basifixed . filament at base

- Adnate . extended filament
- Dorsifixed. filament in middle
- Versatile . filament middle, anther is separated
Floral Evolution of Angiosperms

Amorphic – paleomorphic, elaborated perianth

Actinomorphic (regular) - more than one dividing plane,

Zygomorphic (irregular) – one bilateral dividing plane , orchids

Asteraceae –

Ligules (united petals) ,

Inflorescence – fused petals, extended

Ligulate flowers:

Ray florets (ligule) , and disk florets

Pouch - orchids

Corolla spur – impatiens

Carina (keel) – carinate, keel (sumasalo sa stamen, catches), lateral petals

Tepal – fused sepals and petals, indistinguishable, (e.g. magnolia flower)

Orchid – parts

Catkins – small pedicel attached to the axis

Spike/ spadix – bract (spathe)

Racene – extended pedicel, visible axis, carries single flower,

Scape – very extended (longer than the stem), carries solitary flower

Capitulum (head) – composite, with ray and disk flowers

*centri – indeterminate, more mature flowers in the center

*centripetal – det, more mature flowers sa gilid

Corymb –

Umbel – (lantana)

Cyme – cymose
Panicle – (palay), all grasses have paniculate flower

Thyrse –

Ex. Dicorisandra thyrsiflora – determinate for the entire, mas unang nagbbloom yung gitna, for one
pedicel – it is indeterminate

Compound Umbel – (santan)

Corymb – eupatorium glaucescens

One ovule per locule, infinite ovule per locule

Floral Diagram

1) Out is out

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