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Argumentative Essay Exercise

a. Connectors to Show Addition and Contrast

Combine the two sentences with a connector to show additional information or contrast.
Gabungkan kedua kalimat di setiap nomor menggunakan connector/kata penghubung yang sesuai.

1 Once an invention is patented, only the owner can make, sell, or distribute the product.
Nevertheless, anyone else who wants to profit from this item must get permission from
the owner.
2 Many college students know that plagiarism is illegal. Moreover, Websites that sell essays
continue to grow.
3 Writing a research takes time and patience. In addition, It takes determination.
4 Many consumers try to keep up with modern technologi. However, This is almost
impossible because what is popular today becomes obsolete tomorrow.
5 A lot of companies copy the ingredients found in famous perfumes. Furthermore, Other
companies steal patterns for dishware, sheets, and towels.

b. Argumentative Essay Outline

Par 1. Introduction Most of people in this era they are very dependent on the
(mulai dengan hook untuk masuk ke internet. Moreover, every single day they really need the
topik, diikuti satu kalimat pendukung, internet in their daily lives. The internet was created to
akhiri dengan thesis statement) simplify human work in everything. However, the
internet also has positive and negative impacts.
Par 2. The first argument Internet has positive impacts on daily life, The internet
(sebutkan argumen pertama dan beri make all the things easier for people to look for some
satu atau dua kalimat penjelas) information they needs and cover all fields in their lifes.
The internet can increase the insight and knowledge
Par 3. The second argument Internet has negative impacts too for some people who
(sebutkan argumen kedua dan beri satu use it for bad things. Like hacking, shipping, pornografi,
HOAX, and cyber crime taking place just because of the
atau dua kalimat penjelas)
Par 4. Opposing View I understand why many people assume the internet has
(sebutkan argumen pihak yang negative impacts. Because so many cyber crime has
happened and so many people has been a victim.
berlawanan, tunjukkan Anda paham
However, we need think twice about the positive impact
kenapa mereka berpikir seperti itu that can help many people in this world and make all of
(misalnya: I understand they …. because the things easier than before. If there is no internet we
…. / Saya mengerti mereka ingin can not do more like long distance communication.
hukuman mati dilakukan karena mereka Because with internet we can communication with our
family who live in other place or other country. So to
merasa kekejaman pembunuh hanya bisa
solve the proplem is keep control our self and do positive
dibalas dengan kematian, lalu bantah things with the internet.
argumen mereka)

Par 5. Conclusion
(awali dengan paraphrase thesis In , the internet has positive and
statement, diikuti rangkuman par2&3, negative impacts for people lives. The internet make all
diakhir dengan the things easier for people to look for some information
they needs and cover all fields in their lifes. But the
saran/larangan/peringatan/dll yang internet has cyber crime place to do some criminal acts.
sesuai) So to solve the proplem is keep control our self and do
positive things with the internet.

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