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First House Analysis

Basic Chart Interpretation

You need to assess whether the First House and the First House Ruler are “Well-Placed”?


1. Are there any YOGAS formed in the 1st House itself? Are there any YOGAS formed with
the 1st Lord/1st House Ruler? Are those YOGAS weak or strong? (Note: You will learn
how to identify YOGAS in Part 3. You will learn how to assess strength and weakness in
Part 2).
2. Where does the 1st Lord go? Does it go to a Kendra, Kona, or the 2nd or 11th House (the
Positive Houses), or does it go to a Dussthana House? This will make a huge difference in
the experience of the individual. Reflect on what that could mean to the individual.
3. Is the 1st Lord weak or strong? (You will learn this in Part 2)
4. Are there any Natural Benefics (N.B.’s) or Natural Malefics (N.M.’s) in the same house
(associating) or aspecting the 1st Lord? A N.B. will “stabilize”, and the N.M.’s will
“destabilize” the individual.
5. Is there UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE for the 1st House? Universal Principle will apply to
any house (when the Lord/Ruler of that house is “looking/aspecting” back to its own
House). If this occurs, the Lord will ‘protect’ its own House.


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