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The Head Anatomy Tutorial Score  


The head is cover from the outer to the inner by 5 layers that has abbreviation of scalp. Write
the full name of s.c.a.l.p?

2. Which landmark on the head refer to the "acanthion"?

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4

E 5
3. Which landmark line on the head refer to the
"orbitomeatal line OML "?
A 1

B 2

C 3

4. Superficial landmark of the head label by X is

A glabella

B nasion

C vertex

D mental point

5. The diagram shows 14 _____________ bones.

A facial

B cranial

6. The diagram shows 8 _____________ bones.

A facial

B cranial
7. Name the bone highlighted?

8. Name the bone highlighted?

9. Name the bone highlighted?

10. Name the bone highlighted?

11. Name the bone showed by red arrow?


Name the bone highlighted?

13. The bone highlighted is called occipital viewing from the

inferior. Name the big hole located at this bone that function
as a passage for the spinal cord.
14. The bone highlighted is ______________
A parietal

B temporal

C sphenoid

D ethmoid

15. The bone highlighted is ______________

A parietal

B temporal

C sphenoid

D ethmoid

16. Name the bone highlighted?

17. X joint is connected between the condyle of
mandible bone and the glenoid fossa of temporal
bone. The functions of this joint are to control the
mastication, control the opening of mouth and
control during the speech. name the joint label by

18. A type of fibrous joint that connect between cranial bones is _________
A paranasal sinus

B sutures

C fissure

D gyrus

19. Name the immovable joint line highlighted?

20. Name the immovable joint line highlighted?

21. The immovable joint line highlighted is known as sagittal

suture that separate between right and left _________

22. Normal baby skull have some unique features such as

additional metopic suture and X & Y. Both X and Y is the
soft membranous gaps that only become hard and
starting to close after 6 - 18 month after birth. Name the
structure X and Y?
A Pre and post central gyrus

B Anterior and posterior fontanelle

C Right and left mastoid air cells

D Right anf left styloid process

23. The paranasal sinuses PNS are the air
structure located inside the skull. Some function
of PNS are regulate intranasal pressure,
absorbing shock and lightening the skull. Name
the PNS 1 to 4?

24. Name the paranasal sinus label by Y?

25. Name four 4 muscles that involved in the process of mastication?

26. State the main function of the lacrimal system

showed in the diagram?
27. This is an axial MRI image of brain crossing the orbits.
name the nerve shows by yellow arrow?

28. name this salivary gland?

A parotid gland

B sublingual gland

C submandibular

29. Sublingual gland located under the _______________ (lingual)

A teeth

B mandible

C tongue

D ear
30. Name two 2 cranial nerves that innervate inner
ear? Cranial nerve VII = Cranial nerve VIII =

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