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1. The demands of a brave a new worlds, a revolution in linguistic and the focus on the learner.

2. The fifth stages of ESP development

A. The concept of special language : register analysis, This stage took place in the sixties. The
aim of the analysis was to distinguish between specialized languages and common
languages, creating an interest to identifying the grammatical and lexical features of these
registers and to design the teaching materials
B. Beyond the sentence : Rhetorical or discourse analysis: It appeared in the seventies. The
basic hypothesis of this stage expressed by Allen and Widdowson (1974), spoke about the
unfamiliarity of the students with the English use
C. Target situation analysis, This approach appears in the eighties and its aim was to relate
language analysis more closely to learner’s reasons for learning; therefore, the course of ESP
was designed through identifying the motivations of the students to learn the language and
the situations in which they would use it.
D. Skills and strategies ,This approach also appears in the eighties and concentrates its efforts
on reading and listening strategies, which permit the students to acquire the necessary tools
that will allow them to deduce the sense of a spoken or written text.
E. A learning centred approach Represented by the proposed approach of Hutchinson and
Waters (1987), for whom the questions of how to teach and how to learn acquire more
relevance than the language, its uses and the contents.

3. I think there are some differences between ESP and general English teaching. ESP must be seen
as an approach not as a product. ESP is not a particular kind of language or methodology nor
does it consist of a particular type of teaching materials it is an approach to language learning,
which is based on learner needs. The foundation of all ESP is the simple question “why does this
learner need to learn foreign language?” from this question will flow a whole host of further
question, some of which will relate to the learner themselves, some to the nature of the
language the learner will need tooperate, spme to given learning context. But, this whole
analysis drives from an intial identified need on the part of the learner to learn language.

4. ESP must be seen as an approach not as a product. ESP is not a particular kind of language or
methodology not does it consist of a particular type of teaching materials. ESP then is an
approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the
learner’s reason for learning.

5. Six stages of the development

A. Classical or traditional grammar
B. Structural lingyistic, transformational generative grammar
C. Language variation and register analysis
D. Functional/national grammar
E. Discourse/ rhetorical analysis

6. ESP learner is not only able to achompolish a good schore in classroom but they are also
competenct in real life after completingthe course.

7. Sponsors and teacher know why the learners need english, that awareness will have an
influence on what will an influence on what will be acceptable as a reasonable content in the

8. Systematic is related to the vocabulary, grammar, and ect. Whereas, schematic is related to

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