Government Family: I. Philippine Context

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Family Government

 Group consisting of parents and  A political system by which a

children living together in the country or community is
same household. administered and regulated.
 The basic unit of society.  Authority
 United by blood, or alliance of a o Power and responsibility
group. to govern
 Bound by the desire to care for  Assigns roles
one another. o Specified tasks
 Principal institution for the  Creates hierarchy
socialization of children, in which  Provides identity
children acquire similar behaviors o Represents the nation.
and morals.  Law abiding citizens
 Important role in development
I. Philippine Context and advancement in society.

 Filipino families are traditional I. Philippine Context

(comprises of a father, a mother
and their biological children, and A. The Philippine Government
extends to some paternal and  Republic of the Philippines
maternal relatives.)
 Presidential Form
 Filipinos highly value their familial
 Three Branches
ties which extends up to distant
1. Executive
2. Legislative
Ex. Celebrating Christmas, or
3. Judicial
other large special occasions
with distant relatives.
B. The Philippine Legal System
 Filipinos keep relationships intact
 Mixture of customary usage
despite distance.
 Roman (civil)
 Biological relationship, or
 Anglo-American (common)
relationship by blood is important
 Islamic Law
and relationships formed by
marriage is highly valued.
C. The Philippine Constitution
 Parents provide the basic needs
 Mandates local government units or
of the child and the child soon
takes care of his parents.
Children feels the need to take  LGUs have 4 levels
on the duty of taking care of their 1. Autonomous Region of Muslim
2. Provinces
 In cases of OFW parents,
3. Cities and Municipalities
material goods are often traded 4. Barangays
for love and care as

II. Issues

1. Due to financial circumstances, the

parents cannot send their child to school.
2. Problem Children (caused by drugs, peer
pressure and influence)
3. OFW parents; lack of parental guidance.
II. Issues 5. Federalism
 Form of government.
1. Corruption  Independent region states are under
 Act of deception and a federal government.
fraudulent conduct of the  Gives more autonomy and power to
people in authority. local governments.
 includes extortion,  Changing to Federalism from a
bribery, fraud, influence Democratic government requires a
peddling, nepotism, charter change.
embezzlement and

2. Red Tape Religion

 Unnecessary and  Belief in supernatural beings
excessive formalities or  "A unified System of beliefs and practices
rules. relative to sacred things.”
 Hinders or prevents  A fundamental set of beliefs and practices
action or decision generally agreed upon by a group of
making. people.
 Inefficiency in the  Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion.
delivery of government
I. Philippine Context
 One of the major causes
 The pre-Hispanic belief system of
of graft and corruption.
Filipinos consisted of a pantheon
of gods, spirits, creatures, and
3. Misacollation of Budget
men that guarded the streams,
 Different departments
fields, trees, mountains, forests,
are given budgets
and houses.
 Budget of the country
 Islam is said to be the oldest
could be misallocated
recorded religion in the
and unbalanced
throughout the different
 Christianity
 Islam
4. Political Dynasties  Aglipayan
 Also referred to as
political family II. Issues
 A family in which several  Duterte attacking the Church
members are involved in  Pacquiao with the bible
politics and businesses,  Laws vs. religious groups
particularly electoral  Muslim discrimination
 Members may be related
by blood or marriage
 Royal families and royal
dynasties are NOT
considered political
 Prevalent in most
Education Health

 “Education is for liberation”  A state of complete physical, mental and

 Education is the practice of teaching social well-being and not merely the
and/or learning. absence of disease or infirmity.
 It can also be defined as the ability to
III. Philippine Context adapt and manage physical, mental and
social challenges through life.
 Spanish era  Health is a dynamic condition of constant
o The country was influenced with adjusting and adaptation which is
deep, cultural, and religious maintained and improved not only
transformations that came from through the advancement and application
distinct places like other than of health science, but also through the
Spain. efforts and intelligent lifestyle choices of
o The Spaniard’s mark is evident the individual and society.
since the country’s first and
oldest universities, and colleges I. Philippine Context
were created during this period.
 American Colonization  Hospitals in the major cities are generally
o The Americans went to the of a high standard, while many in rural
Philippines to fend of the areas lack infrastructure and investment.
Spaniard’s rule over the  Healthcare is provided through both
Philippines. In 1898, the private and public hospitals in the
Americans occupied Manila and Philippines. Although healthcare is
reopened the schools where in generally expensive for the average
the American soldiers were the Filipino, expats may find it more
first teachers. affordable than in their home country.
 The Philippine education system is an  All citizens are entitled to free healthcare
organized bureaucracy which provides under PhilHealth. The scheme is
formal and non-formal education. The government-controlled and funded by
three academic levels of formal schooling local and national government subsidies,
are the elementary or primary, secondary, as well as by contributions from
and tertiary. employers and employees.
 Philippines is seen as a third-world
country where Filipinos get their II. Issues
undergraduate degrees and then flock to
other countries to pursue higher 1. Dengue
education or work. 2. Malnutrition
 K-12 3. Mental Health Awareness

IV. Issues

1. Fresh graduates work overseas.

2. Lacking support and funds.
3. Underpaid and overworked

 Exercise of power  Issues, concerns, etc. of other social

 Robert Dahl “A has power over B to the groups have enter the overt political
extent that he can get B to do something agenda.
that B wouldn’t otherwise do.” o Ex. Marginalized groups,
 What gets things done subaltern.
 Way by which some conflicts are resolved
 Ability of one to make someone do
something that someone wouldn’t  Though control- convincing subordinate
otherwise do. groups that this agenda is their real
o Ex. Bribery, threat, lobbying interests
protesting.  False consciousness
o Ex. War on drugs vs. all other
Two Faces
concerns in the Philippines
1. Coercive
- Laws
- Afraid of violence/physical force Therefore,
2. Consensual
- Consent Politics is power.
- Influenced/convinced Power is seen in almost all social
- Something you’re agreeing to relationships.


1. Human Relational- power only exists

between humans
2. Time Lag- when the person obeys you
instantaneously because of your power
over them.
3. Connection- you both understand each
other through the use of language.
4. Success- when he/she followed you.

Power Base- basis of power.


Dimensions of Power


 Capacity of one individual/group to

achieve desired ends
 Focus: overt decision-making procedures
 Actors have different preferences


 Assumes hierarchical relationship

between different social groups
 Those who have more power have the
more capacity to pursue interests and
have the capacity to pervert consideration
of other interests
 Controlling the content of the political

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