Detailed Lesson Plan in Tle Grade 9 Cookery

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Content Standard:The learners demonstrate an understanding on how to prepare

Performance Standard:The learners independently prepare sandwiches.
Learning Competency:Identify the bread suited for sandwich making, acceptable fillings and
spreads, select and prepare glazes/sauces and prepare
sandwiches using sanitary practices.
CODE TLE ͟ HECK9-12-SW-IIIb-g-12


At the end of 60-minute period, the students are expected to:

a.identify the ingredients used and follow the steps in preparing clubhouse sandwich;
b.prepare a clubhouse sandwich; and
c.appreciate the importance of preparing clubhouse sandwich.


A. Topic: Preparing A Clubhouse Sandwich
B. Reference: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education
Learning Module pp.146-149,
sandwich,http://boston –is- a clubhouse-
C. Materials:Led screen projector,laptop,chalkboard,visual aids, sandwich spatula, serrated,
knife, chopping board, plastic gloves ,mixing bowl, mixing spoon, white bread
mayonnaise, lettuce leaves,tomatoes,cucumber ,ham and cheese
D. Skills: identifying, preparing, and appreciating
E. Subject Integrated: English, Health
F. Strategies: discussion, slide show and actual demonstration
G. Values Integration: cooperation and workmanship



A. Preparatory Activities

1. Prayer
Let’s start the day right as we meditate in
a prayer.

Please rise. (The students will lead the prayer)

2. Greetings
A pleasant morning to everyone! How
are you today? Fine, Teacher.

3. Checking of attendance
Monitor for the day, please report the
attendance. I’m pleased to tell you Ma’am that
everybody is present.
Very good, all are accounted for.
Let’s give a clap to everyone.
4.Checking of assignment
Get your assignment and exchange paper
with your seatmates. Checking of assignment

5. Review/ Recall

Do you like to play a game class? Yes Ma’am

Oh all love that idea!

This game is called “Guess A Picture”

You’re going to guess what type of

sandwich is being described.

You will witness a parade.

But the parade you shall see involves the
types of sandwiches.

Here they are…

I am a small fancy sandwich. You can cut

me into square, rectangular, oblong, and
other shape you want. My fillings and
spread are just the same like the can͂apes.

Who am I? Tea Sandwich.


I am the simplest sandwich among the cold

sandwiches. I am made up of two slices of
bread, preferably a day-old bread, or
toasted if you desire. You can spread me
with butter, mayonnaise, and other fillings.

What type of sandwich am I? Regular Cold Sandwich.

I’m one of the favorite hot sandwiches that

you love to taste when hunger strikes you.
My patties are usually meat but sometimes
fish, vegetables and other hot items are also

Do you know me? Regular Hot Sandwich

I am toasted and buttered on the outside

and browned on the griddle. How appealing
I look with those cheese spread on me!

Can you guess me? Grilled Sandwich.

My dear students, I appreciate your sharp


B. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation

Class, this morning we’re going to have

another activity.
This is named “Whole Me”.
I will group you into 4 (four) groups. You are
going to have a count off from 1-4 in order
to determine which group you were belong.
Okay, start.

I have here an envelopes and inside this

envelopes are pictures which are cut into
pieces. What are you going to do is to
arrange the pictures in order to get the
correct image.
After arranging the pictures paste it on the
board and give a short description about the
picture and write it on the board.

Are the instructions clear? Yes Ma’am

(Students will do the activity)

Class did you enjoy the activity? Yes, Ma’am.

Your reaction is so obvious. So what do you

think is our lesson for today? Our lesson this morning is all about
preparing clubhouse sandwiches.


This morning you are expected to:

a. identify the ingredients used in preparing

a clubhouse sandwich;
b. prepare a clubhouse sandwich; and
c. appreciate the importance of preparing a
clubhouse sandwich.


Before we formally start our lesson today.

Let’s watch a video clip presentation on
preparing a clubhouse sandwich. Video presentation.

What can you say about the video clip

presentation? The video shows the proper steps on how to
prepare a kind of sandwich. It’s also shows
the ingredients and tools used in preparing
Gina wanted to prepare a clubhouse
sandwich for her daughter, Gea. She
browsed on the internet about the needed
ingredients for this recipe.

But before she prepared the recipe she

followed the ‘mise en place’ standards.
When we say ‘mise en place’ what is it all
about? Mise en place is a French term which means
“set in place’’ that is all the ingredients have
been prepared and the tools and equipment
are ready before cooking is started.

Very Good!

What are some important reminders before

we start preparing a clubhouse sandwich?
You should observe cleanliness, remove all
your hand accessories and wash your hands
Definitely! properly before and after the preparation

What else?
Wear complete Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) and proper handling of
tools should be observed to avoid accidents.

Why is it important to maintain the sanitation

in preparing sandwiches?
It is important to maintain sanitation while
preparing sandwiches because good
hygiene practices are essential for food
preparation to avoid illness.
Very Good!

The tools and ingredients needed by Gea’s

Mother in preparing a Clubhouse Sandwich

Sandwich spatula
Serrated knife
Chopping board
Plastic Gloves
Mixing bowl
Mixing spoon

3 slices White bread
2 leaves Lettuce
2 slices Tomatoes
2 slices Cucumber
1 slice Ham
1 slice cheese

1. Place the 3 slices of bread on a clean
work surface. Spread the tops with
2. On the first slice, place 1 lettuce leaf, then
2 slices of tomatoes and cucumber.
3. Place the second slice of toast on top,
spread side down.
4. Spread the top with mayonnaise.
5. On top of this, place the ham then the
other lettuce leaf.
6. Add scrambled egg.
7. Top with the third slice of toast, spread
side down.
8. Placed frill picks on two sides of the
9. Cut the sandwich from corner to corner
onto triangles. Each triangle will have a pick
through the center to hold together.
10. Place on a plate with the points up.

How can you describe a clubhouse

It looks so delicious and yummy.
Very Good!

What else?
A clubhouse sandwich is nutritious.

Class, why is it important that the sliced

items of clubhouse sandwich must be
proportioned by count and weight?
It is important that the sliced items are
proportioned by count and weight to avoid
the customer’s comparison on the
Very well said! sandwiches.

What is the purpose of putting toothpicks or

cocktail sticks on clubhouse sandwich?
The purpose of toothpicks or cocktail sticks
on a clubhouse sandwich is to maintain the
shape for serving, but it should be removed
before it is eaten.

When can we serve clubhouse sandwich?

We can serve clubhouse sandwich in
Very Good! different occasions.

It can be a perfect snack on special

occasions. What are those celebrations?
Guests would appreciate them during
birthdays, meetings/conferences and in
Nice idea! restaurants if you have your own business.

What are the nutritive values that we can

get from the clubhouse sandwich?
The nutritive values we can get from a
clubhouse sandwich are proteins, less fat,
burn calories


What are the tools needed to make a

clubhouse sandwich?
The tools needed for a clubhouse sandwich
are sandwich spatula, serrated knife,
chopping board, gloves, and mixing bowl.

What are the ingredients to make a

clubhouse sandwich?
The ingredients needed on clubhouse
sandwich are white bread, mayonnaise,
lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, ham and
How can you relate our topic into real life
We can apply the knowledge we learned in
preparing sandwiches if and when we would
be lucky enough to own an eatery in the
Another idea?
We can earn a living by selling sandwiches
to friends and neighbors and thus add
income to the family.

Group yourselves into four (4). Prepare a
clubhouse sandwich using the appropriate
ingredients and service wares.


Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs No Points

(4 pts.) Satisfactory (2 pts.) Improvement Attempt Earned
(3 pts.) (1 pt.) (0 pt.)
1. Use of tools Uses tools and Uses tools and Uses tools Uses tools No
and equipment equipment correctly and equipment and and attempt
confidently at all times correctly and equipment equipment
confidently most correctly but incorrectly and
of the times less less
confidently confidently
sometimes most of the

2. Application Manifests very clear Manifests clear Manifests Manifests less No

of procedures understanding of the understanding of understanding understanding attempt
step- by-step procedure the step- by-step of of the step-
procedure the step-by- by-step
step procedure
procedure seeking
but sometimes clarification
seeks most of the
clarification time

Works independently Works Works Works No

with ease and independently independently independently attempt
confidence at all times with ease and with ease and but with
confidence most confidence assistance
of the time sometimes from others
most of the

3. Safety work Observes safety Observes safety Observes Most of the No

habits precautions at all times precautions most safety time not attempt
of the time precautions observing
sometimes safety

4.Taste Full of flavor, Good flavor Flavor is mild Little or no No

ingredients well flavor attempt
blended, good texture
5.Appearance Food items are Food items are Food items Little or no No
arranged neatly and arranged neatly are placed planning for attempt
with flair Imagination Little creativity on plate plating food
and creativity were used

6. Valuing

As a young chef, is it important to know the

knowledge in preparing sandwiches? Why? Possible answers:
Definitely, if you have the proper
knowledge in preparing sandwiches,
work will be easier, accidents will be
minimized if not prevented and the
best results of sandwiches of your

The outputs of the activity will serve as the evaluation and is rated using rubrics.


1. Make an album of at least 5 different menus of a Clubhouse Sandwich with pictures.

Excellent (4pts.) Good (3pts.) Fair (2pts) Poor (1pts.)
Layout of Menu Excellent Good Fair Poor
The shape of the The shape of the The shape of the The shape of the
front cover of the front cover of the front cover of the front cover of the
menu is reflective of menu is generally menu is somewhat menu is not
what a menu in reflective of what a reflective of what a reflective of what a
space would look menu in space menu in space menu in space
like. It is legible and would look like. It is would look like. It is would look like. It is
easy to follow  legible and easy to somewhat legible not very legible or
follow  and easy to follow  easy to follow 

Creativity  Excellent Good Fair Poor

The menu is The menu is The menu is
interesting and interseting to look somewhat The menu lacks
captivating to look at. interesting to look creativity.
at. The student drew at.  The pictures are
The student drew some interesting The student drew irrelevant to the
many interesting and creative some pictures.  menu and minimal
and creative pictures.  in their amount.
Neatness and Excellent Good Fair Poor
Effort  The student colored The student colored The student colored The student did not
his/her drawing his/her drawing his/her drawing color his/her
precisely using using some bright using very little drawing using
bright vibrant and vibrant and eye- bright vibrant and bright vibrant and
eye-catching colors. catching colors.  eye-catching eye-catching colors


Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher Applicant Principal II
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
School Division of Romblon
Alcantara, Romblon

Demonstration Lesson Plan

Technology and Livelihood Education
(Cookery 9)



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