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My name is Molly. Do you like to make or bake things? If you don’t that’s fine, you might
still relate to this in different ways. I’m going to tell you a story about something that
happened to me just a few days ago. And hopefully, you will learn from my experience
and not make the same mistake.

- I bought a big block of clay online

- I didn’t know if it was air-dry or if I have to bake it
- So I bought a block to try it out
- It got here
- I was really excited
- I took a small piece off of it and baked it in the oven
- It melted
- So I figured if it is not for baking it must be air-dry
- I started making the sculpture with the clay
- I worked for two whole days trying to finish it
- I was almost done and only needed to finish last tiny bit
- I realize that the clay is still extremely soft after sitting for two days
- I searched online and found out that the clay is a non-hardening clay
- I had a mental break down because I worked so hard trying to finish it
- Now I have a piece of unfinished, soft sculpture on my desk
- I went online and bought some more clay
- But this time I made sure they are air-dry and for baking
- I learned a big lesson from this to always prepare and think about it before you
do something

I want everyone to learn from my experience, to always think about what you are
going to do before doing them. Don’t be lazy and just guess what’s going to
happen. If I actually took the time to search online about the clay, I could’ve
saved two whole days of hard work.

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