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How do you feel today?

Today’s Lac is a nose bleed, but rewarding and interacting session. All you have to do Is to sit back and
relax. Snacks will be given after this..pero Joke lang. You can get gifts if can you answer the question
correctly,you may use any of these languages, filipino or english.

I’ll be discussing to you about the ____________________

These are the objectives

Let may start my talk with this very intriguing question “ Are you a 21 st century teacher?Who says Yes,
who says NO..What about the others, maybe or maybe no.

Take a look of this slide

What comes into your mind when we talk about the k to 12 basic education curriculum?

That made them transform as strong individuals applying the whole brain learning

Here the teacher must make sure that the learning occurs not for students to pass the examinations
but for students to apply,what they learn in the four walls of the classroom and apply in the real life

For us ,what skills do we need to be called as the 21 st century teachers?

This question is associated with the first C which is commitment.

That you for that wonderful,amazing,awesome,check, perfect, excellent

The teacher touches the lives of his or her students, nurturing students with love care understanding
a nd patience is not easy but extremely rewarding.

Knowing that you have diverse learners in your classroom, knowing that your classroom has some
inadequacies,do you still maintain that nurturing spirit? so that your student comes to class everyday.
So we teachers, we must see to it that, each day is very enriching and rewarding.

Who can summarize the 5Cs of the k to 12 teacher?

I have a video showing the vision of k to 12 students of today.Pls watch…and be ready to answer the
questions that follows.

Before I will end my discussion let quote the words of Karl Jung..

I’ll give the floor to our next discussant:

Who is a transgender? Verbally awarded by me as Ms. Headturner in the year 19 o ten. And the only
linguist in the world, kay way kontra. She is a sweet person beacuse she carries a lot of sugarcane
inside her green backpack.Help me welcome Ms Analou T. Bax. Taga asa ka mam bax.
Slide 14: We can’t create a 21st century learners if we teachers do not possess the 5Cs. Namely,
Commitment,Competence,Creativity,Compassion and of course Character.

Slide 15: So we teachers we should not avoid students to ask question ,indeed, entertain their
questions,Why because it is one way of learning and discovering new things. And later, they might be
able to apply their acquired skills.

Slide17: Teachers in the 21st Century Classroom,should only facilitate and give instruction which are
very specific.

Slide20: Rule II, Section 10.2,letter E states that the curriculum shall use pedagogical approaches that
are contructivist, inquiry-based,reflective, collaborative and integrative which is mandatory.

The last activity will be facilitated by:

A man with the beauteous babe, A man with a kind-heart individual, a gentleman, A man with hidden
talent but not showy.I am referring to: Mr. Allan P. Lazarte. Taga asa ka DJ Albabes?

Our first discussant is affable, young at heart , siksik in jokes especially green like my backpack, an
extraordinary creature with extreme talent, and she is very happy, I dont know why? And fond of
saying: Mag-diet nako ugma. She’s none other than. Mrs. Lilibeth A. Lapatha. Taga asa ka mam
Lapatha?taga kalubihan…

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