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Circuit Training

Sally Oscar Tawan

Step 1 - Push up (Sally)
Push-up is the most common
circuit training exercise. First you
put your body down. After that,
make your arm straight and bend it
again. Keep continuing. The push up
will help you to improve the
strength of deltoid, pecs, abs,
triceps, serratus anterior, and
Step 2 - Wall-sit (Sally)
Wall-sit is the one of exercise in
circuit training. We have to handle
our whole body’s weight with our
legs. It helps to make stronger you
muscle without putting too much
pressure on your back. Your hips and
knees have to be 90 degree when you
do wall-sit. You will use your
hamstrings, glutes, and abs when you
do Wall-sit.
Step 3 - Planks(Tawan)
Planks is an exercise that works with
our abdominals very hard. We have
to keep our body straight while
having our forearms to the ground
and our shoulders pointing up. Our
feet needs to point up like when doing
push ups. To keep the body straight,
we need to contract the abdominals
the most but the quadriceps are also
involved in this contraction. This is
one way to gain six packs.
Step 4 - Sit Ups(Tawan)
Sit up is an exercise that works with
our abdominals the most. The
workout is to lay down with the knees
bend in the right angle and get up to a
sit position without moving the legs
forward. This exercise makes us
contract our abdominals to get our
whole top half body up to a sitting
position. This is one of the most
common exercises to gain six packs.
Step 5 - Squats (Oscar)
Squats help to build your leg muscles
including your quadriceps, hamstrings,
and calves. It also creates an anabolic
environment, which promotes
body-wide muscle building. When you
do squats, head have to faced
forward and chest held up and out.
Place your feet shoulder-width apart
or slightly wider. Sit back and down
like you're sitting into an imaginary
Step 6 - Side Plank
The Side Plank mostly practices your
obliques, which are located next to
your abs on both sides of your body.
This is also a full-body exercise that
also trains the muscles in your hips,
chest, and shoulders. When you do the
side planks, start on your side with
your feet together and one forearm
directly below your shoulder. Contract
your core and raise your hips until
your body is in a straight line from
head to feet.
Mayers, H. (2018, August 5). Best exercises to relieve lower back pain. Retrieved from

atthacorn. (2016, January 15). http://www.md-health.com/What-Muscles-Do-Push-Ups-Work.html. Retrieved from


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