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WHERE THE LAW DOES NOT DISTINGUISH retirement benefits of its enlisted personnel, and to

give the same directly to the latter’s lawful wife as

Republic vs Yahon spousal support in compliance with a protection order
issued by the RTC pursuant to R.A. No. 9262.
Respondent filed for a TPO against her husband Sgt.
Yahon, to w/c the court granted. A protection order is an order issued by the court to
prevent further acts of violence against women and
Sgt. Yahon appeared during the pre-trial but failed to their children, their family or household members, and
secure a counsel nor file an opposition/ answer to the to grant other necessary relief. Its purpose is to
petition. safeguard the offended parties from further harm,
minimize any disruption in their daily life and facilitate
Respondent manifested that yahon refused to give her the opportunity and ability to regain control of their
spousal support and continued making threats and life.  The protection orders issued by the court may be

physical abuse on her person. a Temporary Protection Order (TPO) or a Permanent

Protection Order (PPO), while a protection order that
- A permanent protection order was issued by may be issued by the barangay shall be known as a
the court against the husband. Barangay Protection Order (BPO). 14

- 4k a month spousal support and 50% of his

Petitioner argues that it cannot comply with the RTC’s
retirement benefits. directive for the automatic deduction of 50% from
 petitioner emphasized its position that the AFPFC S/Sgt. Yahon’s retirement benefits and pension to be
given directly to respondent, as it contravenes an
cannot be directed to comply with the TPO without
explicit mandate under the law governing the
violating its right to procedural due process. retirement and separation of military personnel.
Petitioner’s motion for reconsideration was denied.
The assailed provision is found in Presidential Decree
P appeals to CA (P.D.) No. 1638,  which states: Section 31. The

benefits authorized under this Decree, except as

petitioner filed a petition for certiorari before the CA provided herein, shall not be subject to attachment,
praying for the nullification of the aforesaid orders and garnishment, levy, execution or any tax whatsoever;
decision insofar as it directs the AFPFC to neither shall they be assigned, ceded, or conveyed to
automatically deduct from S/Sgt. Yahon’s retirement any third person: Provided, That if a retired or
and pension benefits and directly give the same to separated officer or enlisted man who is entitled to
respondent as spousal support, allegedly issued with any benefit under this Decree has unsettled money
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of and/or property accountabilities incurred while in the
jurisdiction. Respondent filed her Comment with active service, not more than fifty per centum of the
Prayer for Issuance of Preliminary Injunction, pension gratuity or other payment due such officer or
manifesting that there is no information as to whether enlisted man or his survivors under this Decree may
S/Sgt. Yahon already received his retirement benefit be withheld and be applied to settle such
and that the latter has repeatedly violated the TPO,
particularly on the provision of spousal support.
A rule, which has never been seriously questioned, is
Upon perusal of the respective pleadings filed by the that money in the hands of public officers, although it
parties, the Court finds meritorious private may be due government employees, is not liable to
respondent’s application for the issuance of an the creditors of these employees in the process of
injunctive relief. While the 36-month lump sum garnishment. One reason is, that the State, by virtue
of its sovereignty may not be sued in its own courts
retirement benefits of S/Sgt. Charles A. Yahon has
except by express authorization by the Legislature,
already been given to him, yet as admitted by
and to subject its officers to garnishment would be to
petitioner itself, the monthly pension after the permit indirectly what is prohibited directly. Another
mentioned retirement benefits has not yet been reason is that moneys sought to be garnished, as long
released to him. It appears that the release of such as they remain in the hands of the disbursing officer of
pension could render ineffectual the eventual ruling of the Government, belong to the latter, although the
the Court in this Petition. defendant in garnishment may be entitled to a specific
portion thereof. And still another reason which covers
In this petition, the question of law presented is both of the foregoing is that every consideration of
whether petitioner military institution may be ordered public policy forbids it.

to automatically deduct a percentage from the

We disagree. allegations that she was raped by the accused-
appellant on the average of three (3) times a week
Section 8(g) of R.A. No. 9262 used the general term from February 1999 to 15 October 2002. AAA’s bare
"employer," which includes in its coverage the military statement is evidently inadequate and insufficient to
institution, S/Sgt. Yahon’s employer. Where the law prove the other charges of rape as each and every
does not distinguish, courts should not distinguish. charge of rape is a separate and distinct crime and
Thus, Section 8(g) applies to all employers, whether that each of them must be proven beyond reasonable
private or government. doubt. On that score alone, the indefinite testimonial
evidence that the victim was raped three times a week
It bears stressing that Section 8(g) providing for is decidedly inadequate and grossly insufficient to
spousal and child support, is a support enforcement establish the guilt of accused-appellant therefore with
the required quantum of evidence.

In both rape incidents, the trial court applied Article

266-B of the Revised Penal Code in imposing the
penalty of death, which was later modified by the
Court of Appeals to reclusion perpetua pursuant to
Republic Act No. 9346. Article 266-B provides:

Appellant also questions the appreciation of the The death penalty shall also be imposed if the crime
circumstances of minority and relationship as basis for of rape is committed with any of the following
the imposition of the death penalty. He contends that aggravating/qualifying circumstances:
an adopting parent is not included within the purview
of qualifying relationships under Article 266-B of the "l) When the victim is under eighteen (18) years of
Revised Penal Code. Assuming arguendo that an age and the offender is a parent, ascendant, step-
adopting parent may be construed as similar to a parent, guardian, relative by consanguinity or affinity
parent, appellant argues that the term "adopting within the third civil degree, or the common-law
parent" must be given a definite and technical spouse of the parent of the victim;
meaning in that the process of adoption must first be
undertaken and a judicial decree to that matter must xxxx
have been issued.
The Court of Appeals appreciated the qualifying
the Court of Appeals correctly declared, thus: circumstances of minority and relationship in imposing
the penalty of reclusion perpetua. It relied on the
established fact that AAA was still a minor when she
As to the other counts of rape (Criminal Cases Nos.
was raped and on the stipulated fact that appellant is
03-082 to 03-260) imputed against accused-appellant,
her guardian. One of the instances wherein the crime
We find him not guilty beyond reasonable doubt as
of rape may be qualified is when the victim is a minor
the testimony of AAA was merely based on general
AND the accused is her guardian. At this point, we
allegations that she was raped by the accused-
cannot subscribe to this interpretation and hence, we
appellant on the average of three (3) times a week
hold that the Court of Appeals erred in considering the
from February 1999 to 15 October 2002. AAA’s bare
qualifying circumstance of relationship.
statement is evidently inadequate and insufficient to
prove the other charges of rape as each and every
charge of rape is a separate and distinct crime and Further, according to the maxim noscitur a sociis, the
that each of them must be proven beyond reasonable correct construction of a word or phrase susceptible of
doubt. On that score alone, the indefinite testimonial various meanings may be made clear and specific by
evidence that the victim was raped three times a week considering the company of words in which it is found
is decidedly inadequate and grossly insufficient to or with which it is associated.87 Section 31(c) of R.A.
establish the guilt of accused-appellant therefore with No. 7610 contains a listing of the circumstances of
the required quantum of evidence. relationship between the perpetrator and the victim
which will justify the imposition of the maximum
the Court of Appeals correctly declared, thus: penalty, namely when the perpetrator is an
"ascendant, parent, guardian, stepparent or collateral
As to the other counts of rape (Criminal Cases Nos. relative within the second degree of consanguinity or
03-082 to 03-260) imputed against accused-appellant, affinity." It should be noted that the words with which
We find him not guilty beyond reasonable doubt as "guardian" is associated in the provision all denote a
the testimony of AAA was merely based on general legal relationship. From this description we may safely
deduce that the guardian envisioned by law is a
person who has a legal relationship with a ward. This
relationship may be established either by being the
ward’s biological parent (natural guardian) or by
adoption (legal guardian). Appellant is neither AAA’s
biological parent nor is he AAA’s adoptive father.
Clearly, appellant is not the "guardian" contemplated
by law.

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