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Outline and Thesis Statement Assignment

I. Thesis statement (1-2 sentences ONLY):

The discovery of the New World not only led to many advancements and economic
opportunities, but it also contributed to Atlantic Slave trade that seemed inhuman to Africans as
they were subjected to cruel conditions in foreign countries.
II. Three (3) major aspects that demonstrate Old and New World exchanges.
A. Columbian Exchange lead to introduction of Old World animals such as cattle,
horses, goats, sheep, donkeys, and pigs to the New World.
B. New crops were introduced all over the world such as maize, tomatoes, sweet and
English potatoes, which helped to combat various nutritional diseases.
C. Slavery – Transatlantic Slave Trade, which was later abolished by different Christian
III. Five (5) specific groups that were affected by the “discovery” of the New World
A. Native Americans
1. Disease infection
2. Cultural shock due to infections
B. Africans
1. Compelled into slavery
2. Harsh treatment
C. Europeans
1. lack of employment due to free labor from slaves
2. Expansion of botany
D. Women
1. Confined to household duties
2. Looking after the family
E. Spaniards
1. Shortage of labor from native Americans
2. Increased production through slavery
III. Five (5) ways that the creation of new global trade routes affected the occupations and
lifestyles of the average working American in the colonies.
A. Reduced job opportunities due to free labor
B. New eating habits emerged
C. Free labor in the colonies from Africans
D. Change in social status
E. Increased demand for New World goods
VI. Conclusion
The discovery of America might have contributed to tragic events like slave trade but brought
other advantages such as increased food leading to population increase.  

Source 1: Butler, S. (2018). Ahoy, Pass the Cabbage: Preserved Foods in the Age of Exploration.
Retrieved 25 April 2020, from
Source 2: Crosby, A. The Columbian Exchange. Retrieved 25 April 2020, from
Source 3: South African History Online. (2019). The Atlantic slave trade. Retrieved 25 April
2020, from

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