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Victorio C. Edades (December 23, 1895 – March 7, 1985) was a Filipino painter. He led the
revolutionary Thirteen Moderns, who engaged their classical compatriots in heated debate over
the nature and function of art. He was named a National Artist in 1976.

"The Builders" (1928) is one of Victorio Edades' major works that he exhibited in 1928 during his
one-man show. Edades executed this upon his return to the Philippines from studies in the United
States. In his campaign for modernism, this is one of his paintings that shows his enhanced
knowledge and skill in modern art. This artwork emphasized linear and structural composition above
other pictorial elements, conveying the essence of men engaged in labor through the contortion of
the bodies.
Mother and Dauther

This is a portrait of Jane Noble Garott, the house-mother of the Filipino Club House
in Seattle and her daughter, Jean.
The Sketch

It departs from the lyricism of the academic painters of the early American Period and
introduces distortion as an artistic virtue. 

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