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VUCA- Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous.

In Business World, it reflects a fast-paced,

increasingly unstable and rapidly changing world.But now the world needs a Digital VUCA
with Diversity.Everything is Volatile. We know that what’s true today isn’t true tomorrow.
He said VUCA which abbreviates as- Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous, reflects a fast
paced, increasingly unstable and rapidly changing world. He suggested D-VUCA-D is the new
normal. Also, brought forward, an interesting hypothesis of ‘Black Swan Event’ which relates to
any unprecedented situation. And to deal with ‘Black Swan’ situations, we should emphasize on
building robust systems.

Cracking VUCA Code – Traits

Vision, optimum understanding, clarity, adaptability, emotional thermostat, future

immersion, intuitive, manage Bio-Empathy, incremental milestones, lifelong learner, time
and place agnostic learner, generosity, inclusivity, decision making, driver of change

Crisis period should not be wasted –

· We should stay ahead of the curve

· We should discover our blind spots

· We should build self-esteem to fuel motivation to take on challenges

· We should do things we have never done before

· We should form industrial associations, which is vital for our growth

His insightful vision of cracking the VUCA code is mention worthy. He coined new terms for each- V,
U, C and A.
 V: Vision
 A: Adaptability
 oU: Optimum Understanding
 C: Clarity

Also, he mentioned some of the traits which will always help us in any VUCA situation throughout
our life. Those are Emotional Thermostat, Future Immersion, Intuitive, manage Bio-empathy,
Incremental Milestones, Life Long Learner, Time & Place agnostic learner, Generous, Inclusive,
Decision Making and Driver of Change.

At last he said quoted the famous lines- Crisis yields Opportunities. He motivated us by saying that
we should be above the curve, unleash an entrepreneurial spirit that had been dormant, discover
our blind spots as per Jo-Hari window, build self-esteem to fuel motivation to take the more
ambitious life altering challenges, do things which we couldn’t think before and industry
associations which are vital for our growth.

Roll No. - 190301011

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