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Assignment 1.

2 – Conflicting Viewpoints Essay 1

Conflicting Viewpoints Essay

Jessica Anderson

PHI 210 – Critical Thinking

Dr. Erin DiCesare

July 31, 2016

Assignment 1.2 – Conflicting Viewpoints Essay 2


Abortion has been a controversial issue within the United States since 1973. The abortion

conflict has caused many Pro-Life and Pro-Choice supporters to stand on opposite sides of the

fence with no resolution in sight. The largest complaint the Pro-Life supports have argued is that

unborn babies have the right to live just as we all do. Whereas Pro-Choice supporters feel that

every woman should be allowed the choice to choose whether giving birth is what’s best for her.

I am a Pro-Choice advocate. I firmly believe that women everywhere have the right to choose

what’s best for her. It is a responsible choice if made properly and support must be given to those

women who feel that abortion is the best choice for their lives.

Supporting Premises

After carefully reviewing the information on the website, three supporting

premises that I have identified with are (1) The US Supreme Court had declared abortion to be a

“fundamental right” guaranteed by the US Constitution, (2) Access to legal, professionally-

performed abortions reduces maternal injury and death caused by unsafe, illegal abortions, and

(3) Women who are denied abortions are more likely to become unemployed, to be on public

welfare, to be below the poverty line, and to become victims of domestic violence[Pro16].

Should abortions be legally available in the United States? On January 22, 1973, the Roe

v. Wade abortion case stated that the Constitution gives a certain level of privacy that encompass

a woman’s right to decide whether or not to terminate her pregnancy[Pro16]. The Supreme

Court’s decision in the case was the landmark that contributed to this legendary debate today.

Before the Roe v. Wade abortion case, in 1972, 39 maternal deaths occurred from illegal

abortions in the US[Pro16]. It was common for women who were seeking to terminate their
Assignment 1.2 – Conflicting Viewpoints Essay 3

pregnancies to try and induce abortions by using unsafe “back-alley” abortionists, or use radiator

flush, coat hangers or knitting needles[Pro16]. Recently The World Health Organization

estimated that 68,000 maternal deaths happen each year worldwide due to unsafe abortion


Deciding to become a parent is the most difficult decision that anyone will ever have to

make. Choosing to terminate a pregnancy, though never easy, may prove to be the best choice for

expecting women. According to the University of California at San Francisco study, 76% of

women who were turned away from abortion clinics ended up on welfare and found that more

women likely to stay in abusive relationships[Pro16].

Opposing Premises

I found it interesting that 38 US states have fetal homicide laws. According to these US

states, fetuses are considered as human beings under the US Constitution and are protected from

assault and murder[Pro16]. If I believed this view, I would notice that unborn fetus are also

innocent human beings that deserve the right to be protected from harm. This idea might be true

if it is nationally recognized that life starts at conception and that a fetus is an actual human

being that deserves to live.

I found it interesting that the number of babies that were given up for adoption decreased

from 9% in 1973 to 1% between 1996 and 2002 in the United States[Pro16]. If I believed this

view, I would notice that abortion creates an unnecessary shortage of infants that can be adopted

by individuals that want to start families. I would also notice that many unborn babies weren’t

being given the opportunity to experience life because it was terminated. This idea might be true
Assignment 1.2 – Conflicting Viewpoints Essay 4

if the number of pregnant women who were considering having an abortion accounted for the

shortage of infants being given up for adoption.

I found it interesting that the risk of pregnancy is high even when contraceptive methods

have been used. Women should put babies up for adoption if they are not financially able to be

responsible for the child. If I believed this view, I would notice that women who were more

mindful of the consequences that came along with having sex were more acceptable to having

children. This idea might be true if the sexual encounter was consensual and not of force such as


Biases Experienced

The first bias that I experienced was a personal one. I have decided to have two abortions

during my young adult years. Choosing to terminate my pregnancies was the most difficult

decision that I have ever made. However, it was the best decision for me at the time. As I

reviewed each opposing premise, it was hard to understand the argument put before me because

of my personal experience. I also experienced social bias as I attempted to answer each of the

questions for the opposing views. Every day women are fighting for equal rights in the US, and

many lawmakers are showing support for women choosing to terminate their pregnancy.

The African American community has always been divided when identifying as Pro-Life

or Pro-Choice when it comes to abortion. As a child, I lived in a community that fought hard to

have equal rights for women. And as a young African American woman, I was taught to take

pride in who you were and always to stand up for what you believed. When I was ten years old,

maternal aunt decided to have an abortion. She never spoke of her reasons for doing so; I just

remember her telling me, “Baby, this is the hardest choice you or any other woman will ever
Assignment 1.2 – Conflicting Viewpoints Essay 5

make! But always remember it is your RIGHT to make!” These experiences played a significant

part in influencing the bias I experienced when completing the questions.


I am a Pro-Choice supporter that believes that any childbearing woman has the right to

decide if giving birth to a child is the right choice for her life. There are many reasons as to why

a woman may choose to have an abortion. However, after trying to “believe” the opposing

premises, I can see the concerns from both sides.

Assignment 1.2 – Conflicting Viewpoints Essay 6

References (2016, July 31). Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues. Retrieved from


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